Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Object; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.clan.L2Clan; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.clan.L2ClanMember; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Castle; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; public class CastleManager implements InstanceListManager { protected static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(CastleManager.class); private FastMap<Integer, Castle> _castles; public static final CastleManager getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } private static final int _castleCirclets[] = { 0, 6838, 6835, 6839, 6837, 6840, 6834, 6836, 8182, 8183 }; private CastleManager() { } public final Castle getClosestCastle(L2Object activeObject) { Castle castle = getCastle(activeObject); if (castle == null) { double closestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; double distance; for (Castle castleToCheck : getCastles().values()) { if (castleToCheck == null) continue; distance = castleToCheck.getDistanceToZone(activeObject.getX(), activeObject.getY()); if (closestDistance > distance) { closestDistance = distance; castle = castleToCheck; } } } return castle; } public void reload() { getCastles().clear(); loadInstances(); } @Override public void loadInstances() { Connection con = null; try { PreparedStatement statement; ResultSet rs; con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM castle ORDER BY id"); rs = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt("id"); getCastles().put(id, new Castle(id)); } statement.close();"Loaded: " + getCastles().size() + " castles"); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("Exception: loadCastleData(): " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public final Castle getCastleById(int castleId) { return getCastles().get(castleId); } public final Castle getCastle(L2Object activeObject) { return getCastle(activeObject.getX(), activeObject.getY(), activeObject.getZ()); } public final Castle getCastle(int x, int y, int z) { Castle castle; for (int i = 1; i <= getCastles().size(); i++) { castle = getCastles().get(i); if (castle != null && castle.checkIfInZone(x, y, z)) return castle; } return null; } public final Castle getCastleByName(String name) { Castle castle; for (int i = 1; i <= getCastles().size(); i++) { castle = getCastles().get(i); if (castle != null && castle.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name.trim())) return castle; } return null; } public final Castle getCastleByOwner(L2Clan clan) { if (clan == null) return null; Castle castle; for (int i = 1; i <= getCastles().size(); i++) { castle = getCastles().get(i); if (castle != null && castle.getOwnerId() == clan.getClanId()) return castle; } return null; } public final FastMap<Integer, Castle> getCastles() { if (_castles == null) _castles = new FastMap<Integer, Castle>(); return _castles; } public final void validateTaxes(int sealStrifeOwner) { for (Castle castle : _castles.values()) castle.revalidateTax(); } int _castleId = 1; // from this castle public int getCirclet() { return getCircletByCastleId(_castleId); } public int getCircletByCastleId(int castleId) { if (castleId > 0 && castleId < 10) return _castleCirclets[castleId]; return 0; } // Remove this castle's circlets from the clan public void removeCirclet(L2Clan clan, int castleId) { for (L2ClanMember member : clan.getMembers()) removeCirclet(member, castleId); } public void removeCirclet(L2ClanMember member, int castleId) { if (member == null) return; L2Player player = member.getPlayerInstance(); int circletId = getCircletByCastleId(castleId); if (circletId != 0) { // Online Player circlet removal if (player != null && player.getInventory() != null) { L2ItemInstance circlet = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(circletId); if (circlet != null) { if (circlet.isEquipped()) player.getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(circlet.getLocationSlot()); player.destroyItemByItemId("CastleCircletRemoval", circletId, 1, player, true); } return; } // Else Offline Player circlet removal Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM items WHERE owner_id = ? and item_id = ?"); statement.setInt(1, member.getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, circletId); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Failed to remove castle circlets offline for player " + member.getName(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } } @Override public void updateReferences() { } @Override public void activateInstances() { for (final Castle castle : _castles.values()) { castle.activateInstance(); } } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final CastleManager _instance = new CastleManager(); } }