Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.templates; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.ClassId; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2MinionData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.drop.L2DropCategory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.drop.L2DropData; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Stats; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; /** * This cl contains all generic data of a L2Spawn object.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Data</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>npcId, type, name, sex</li> * <li>rewardExp, rewardSp</li> * <li>aggroRange, factionId, factionRange</li> * <li>rhand, lhand, armor</li> * <li>isUndead</li> * <li>_drops</li> * <li>_minions</li> * <li>_teachInfo</li> * <li>_skills</li> * <li>_questsStart</li><BR><BR> * * this template has property that will be set by setters. * <br/> * <br/> * <font color="red"> * <b>Property don't change in the time, this is just a template, not the currents status * of characters !</b> * </font> * * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/02 15:57:51 $ */ public final class L2NpcTemplate extends L2CreatureTemplate { /** * Logger */ private final static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(L2NpcTemplate.class); private int _npcId; private int _idTemplate; private final String _type; private final Class<?> _clazz; private String _name; private boolean _serverSideName; private String _title; private boolean _serverSideTitle; private String _sex; private byte _level; private int _rewardExp; private int _rewardSp; private int _aggroRange; private int _rhand; private int _lhand; private int _armor; private String _factionId; private int _factionRange; private int _absorbLevel; private AbsorbCrystalType _absorbType; private short _ss; private short _bss; private short _ssRate; private int _npcFaction; private String _npcFactionName; private String _jClass; private AIType _ai; private final boolean _isQuestMonster; private final boolean _dropHerbs; private final float _baseVitalityDivider; private Race _race; /** The table containing all Item that can be dropped by L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate*/ private L2DropCategory[] _categories; /** The table containing all Minions that must be spawn with the L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate*/ private L2MinionData[] _minions; /** The list of class that this NpcTemplate can Teach */ private EnumSet<ClassId> _teachInfo; /** List of skills of this npc */ private FastMap<Integer, L2Skill> _skills; /** List of resist stats for this npc*/ private Map<Stats, Double> _vulnerabilities; /** contains a list of quests for each event type (questStart, questAttack, questKill, etc)*/ private Quest[][] _questEvents; public static enum AbsorbCrystalType { LAST_HIT, FULL_PARTY, PARTY_ONE_RANDOM } public static enum AIType { FIGHTER, ARCHER, BALANCED, MAGE, HEALER, CORPSE } public static enum Race { UNDEAD, MAGICCREATURE, BEAST, ANIMAL, PLANT, HUMANOID, SPIRIT, ANGEL, DEMON, DRAGON, GIANT, BUG, FAIRIE, HUMAN, ELVE, DARKELVE, ORC, DWARVE, OTHER, NONLIVING, SIEGEWEAPON, DEFENDINGARMY, MERCENARIE, UNKNOWN, KAMAEL, NONE; public Stats getOffensiveStat() { switch (this) { case BEAST: return Stats.PATK_MONSTERS; case ANIMAL: return Stats.PATK_ANIMALS; case PLANT: return Stats.PATK_PLANTS; case DRAGON: return Stats.PATK_DRAGONS; case BUG: return Stats.PATK_INSECTS; case GIANT: return Stats.PATK_GIANTS; case MAGICCREATURE: return Stats.PATK_MAGIC; default: return null; } } public Stats getDefensiveStat() { switch (this) { case BEAST: return Stats.PDEF_MONSTERS; case ANIMAL: return Stats.PDEF_ANIMALS; case PLANT: return Stats.PDEF_PLANTS; case DRAGON: return Stats.PDEF_DRAGONS; case BUG: return Stats.PDEF_INSECTS; case GIANT: return Stats.PDEF_GIANTS; case MAGICCREATURE: return Stats.PDEF_MAGIC; default: return null; } } } /** * Constructor of L2Creature.<BR> * * @param set The StatsSet object to transfer data to the method * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public L2NpcTemplate(StatsSet set) throws ClassNotFoundException { super(set); _npcId = set.getInteger("npcId"); _idTemplate = set.getInteger("idTemplate"); if (getNpcId() == 30995) _type = "L2RaceManager"; else if (31046 <= getNpcId() && getNpcId() <= 31053) _type = "L2SymbolMaker"; else _type = set.getString("type").intern(); // implementing class name _clazz = Class.forName("com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance." + _type + "Instance"); _name = set.getString("name").intern(); _serverSideName = set.getBool("serverSideName"); _title = set.getString("title").intern(); _isQuestMonster = _title.equalsIgnoreCase("Quest Monster"); _serverSideTitle = set.getBool("serverSideTitle"); _sex = set.getString("sex").intern(); _level = set.getByte("level"); _rewardExp = set.getInteger("rewardExp"); _rewardSp = set.getInteger("rewardSp"); _aggroRange = set.getInteger("aggroRange"); _rhand = set.getInteger("rhand"); _lhand = set.getInteger("lhand"); _armor = set.getInteger("armor"); setFactionId(set.getString("factionId", null)); _factionRange = set.getInteger("factionRange"); _absorbLevel = set.getInteger("absorb_level"); _absorbType = AbsorbCrystalType.valueOf(set.getString("absorb_type")); _ss = set.getShort("ss"); _bss = set.getShort("bss"); _ssRate = set.getShort("ssRate"); _npcFaction = set.getInteger("NPCFaction", 0); _npcFactionName = set.getString("NPCFactionName", "Devine Clan").intern(); _jClass = set.getString("jClass").intern(); _dropHerbs = set.getBool("drop_herbs"); String ai = set.getString("AI"); if (ai.equalsIgnoreCase("archer")) _ai = AIType.ARCHER; else if (ai.equalsIgnoreCase("balanced")) _ai = AIType.BALANCED; else if (ai.equalsIgnoreCase("mage")) _ai = AIType.MAGE; else if (ai.equalsIgnoreCase("healer")) _ai = AIType.HEALER; else if (ai.equalsIgnoreCase("corpse")) _ai = AIType.CORPSE; else _ai = AIType.FIGHTER; _race = null; _teachInfo = null; // all NPCs has 20 resistance to all attributes setBaseFireRes(getBaseFireRes() + 20); setBaseWindRes(getBaseWindRes() + 20); setBaseWaterRes(getBaseWaterRes() + 20); setBaseEarthRes(getBaseEarthRes() + 20); setBaseHolyRes(getBaseHolyRes() + 20); setBaseDarkRes(getBaseDarkRes() + 20); // can be loaded from db _baseVitalityDivider = getLevel() > 0 && getRewardExp() > 0 ? getBaseHpMax() * 9 * getLevel() * getLevel() / (100 * getRewardExp()) : 0; } /** * Add the class id this npc can teach * @param classId */ public void addTeachInfo(ClassId classId) { if (_teachInfo == null) _teachInfo = EnumSet.noneOf(ClassId.class); _teachInfo.add(classId); } /** * @return the teach infos */ public Set<ClassId> getTeachInfo() { return _teachInfo; } /** * Check if this npc can teach to this class * @param classId * @return true if this npc can teach to this class */ public boolean canTeach(ClassId classId) { if (_teachInfo == null) return false; // If the player is on a third class, fetch the class teacher // information for its parent class. if (classId.level() == 3) return _teachInfo.contains(classId.getParent()); return _teachInfo.contains(classId); } /** * add a drop to a given category. If the category does not exist, create it. * @param drop * @param categoryType */ public synchronized void addDropData(L2DropData drop, int categoryType) { if (drop.isQuestDrop()) { // if (_questDrops == null) // _questDrops = new FastList<L2DropData>(0); // _questDrops.add(drop); } else { // if the category doesn't already exist, create it first if (_categories == null) _categories = new L2DropCategory[0]; synchronized (_categories) { boolean catExists = false; for (L2DropCategory cat : _categories) // if the category exists, add the drop to this category. if (cat.getCategoryType() == categoryType) { cat.addDropData(drop); catExists = true; break; } // if the category doesn't exit, create it and add the drop if (!catExists) { L2DropCategory cat = new L2DropCategory(categoryType); cat.addDropData(drop); _categories = ArrayUtils.add(_categories, cat); } } } } public void addRaidData(L2MinionData minion) { if (_minions == null) _minions = new L2MinionData[] { minion }; else _minions = ArrayUtils.add(_minions, minion); } public void addSkill(L2Skill skill) { if (_skills == null) _skills = new FastMap<Integer, L2Skill>().setShared(true); _skills.put(skill.getId(), skill); } public void clearSkills() { if (_skills != null) _skills.clear(); } public void addVulnerability(Stats id, double vuln) { if (vuln == 1) { if (_vulnerabilities != null) _vulnerabilities.remove(id); return; } if (_vulnerabilities == null) _vulnerabilities = new FastMap<Stats, Double>(); _vulnerabilities.put(id, vuln); } public double getVulnerability(Stats id) { if (_vulnerabilities == null) return 1; Double vuln = _vulnerabilities.get(id); return vuln == null ? 1 : vuln.doubleValue(); } public double removeVulnerability(Stats id) { return _vulnerabilities.remove(id); } /** * Return the list of all possible UNCATEGORIZED drops of this L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR> * @return the drop categories */ public L2DropCategory[] getDropData() { return _categories; } /** * Return the list of all possible item drops of this L2NpcTemplate.<BR> * (ie full drops and part drops, mats, miscellaneous & UNCATEGORIZED)<BR><BR> */ public List<L2DropData> getAllDropData() { if (_categories == null) return null; FastList<L2DropData> lst = new FastList<L2DropData>(); for (L2DropCategory tmp : _categories) { lst.addAll(tmp.getAllDrops()); } return lst; } /** * Empty all possible drops of this L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR> */ public synchronized void clearAllDropData() { if (_categories == null) return; for (L2DropCategory category : _categories) category.clearAllDrops(); _categories = null; } /** * Return the list of all Minions that must be spawn with the L2NpcInstance using this L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR> */ public L2MinionData[] getMinionData() { return _minions; } public Map<Integer, L2Skill> getSkills() { return _skills == null ? null : _skills.unmodifiable(); } public void addQuestEvent(Quest.QuestEventType EventType, Quest q) { if (_questEvents == null) _questEvents = new Quest[Quest.QuestEventType.values().length][]; if (_questEvents[EventType.ordinal()] == null) { _questEvents[EventType.ordinal()] = new Quest[] { q }; } else { Quest[] _quests = _questEvents[EventType.ordinal()]; int len = _quests.length; // if only one registration per npc is allowed for this event type // then only register this NPC if not already registered for the specified event. // if a quest allows multiple registrations, then register regardless of count // In all cases, check if this new registration is replacing an older copy of the SAME quest if (!EventType.isMultipleRegistrationAllowed()) { if (_quests[0].getName().equals(q.getName())) _quests[0] = q; else _log.warn("Quest event not allowed in multiple quests. Skipped addition of Event Type \"" + EventType + "\" for NPC \"" + _name + "\" and quest \"" + q.getName() + "\"."); } else { // be ready to add a new quest to a new copy of the list, with larger size than previously. Quest[] tmp = new Quest[len + 1]; // loop through the existing quests and copy them to the new list. While doing so, also // check if this new quest happens to be just a replacement for a previously loaded quest. // If so, just save the updated reference and do NOT use the new list. Else, add the new // quest to the end of the new list for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (_quests[i].getName().equals(q.getName())) { _quests[i] = q; return; } tmp[i] = _quests[i]; } tmp[len] = q; _questEvents[EventType.ordinal()] = tmp; } } } public Quest[] getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType EventType) { if (_questEvents == null) return null; return _questEvents[EventType.ordinal()]; } public void setRace(int raceId) { switch (raceId) { case 1: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.UNDEAD; break; case 2: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.MAGICCREATURE; break; case 3: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.BEAST; break; case 4: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.ANIMAL; break; case 5: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.PLANT; break; case 6: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.HUMANOID; break; case 7: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.SPIRIT; break; case 8: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.ANGEL; break; case 9: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.DEMON; break; case 10: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.DRAGON; break; case 11: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.GIANT; break; case 12: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.BUG; break; case 13: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.FAIRIE; break; case 14: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.HUMAN; break; case 15: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.ELVE; break; case 16: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.DARKELVE; break; case 17: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.ORC; break; case 18: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.DWARVE; break; case 19: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.OTHER; break; case 20: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.NONLIVING; break; case 21: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.SIEGEWEAPON; break; case 22: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.DEFENDINGARMY; break; case 23: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.MERCENARIE; break; case 24: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.UNKNOWN; break; case 25: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.KAMAEL; break; default: _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.NONE; break; } } public L2NpcTemplate.Race getRace() { if (_race == null) _race = L2NpcTemplate.Race.NONE; return _race; } public int getNpcFaction() { return _npcFaction; } public void setNpcFaction(int npcFaction) { _npcFaction = npcFaction; } public String getNpcFactionName() { return _npcFactionName; } /** * @return the absorb_level */ public int getAbsorbLevel() { return _absorbLevel; } /** * @param absorb_level the absorb_level to set */ public void setAbsorbLevel(int absorb_level) { _absorbLevel = absorb_level; } /** * @return the absorb_type */ public AbsorbCrystalType getAbsorbType() { return _absorbType; } /** * @param absorb_type the absorb type to set */ public void setAbsorbType(AbsorbCrystalType absorb_type) { _absorbType = absorb_type; } /** * @return the aggroRange */ public int getAggroRange() { return _aggroRange; } /** * @param aggroRange the aggroRange to set */ public void setAggroRange(int aggroRange) { _aggroRange = aggroRange; } /** * @return the armor */ public int getArmor() { return _armor; } /** * @param armor the armor to set */ public void setArmor(int armor) { _armor = armor; } /** * @return the factionId */ public String getFactionId() { return _factionId; } /** * @param factionId the factionId to set */ public void setFactionId(String factionId) { if (factionId == null) { _factionId = null; return; } _factionId = factionId.intern(); } /** * @return the factionRange */ public int getFactionRange() { return _factionRange; } /** * @param factionRange the factionRange to set */ public void setFactionRange(int factionRange) { _factionRange = factionRange; } /** * @return the idTemplate */ public int getIdTemplate() { return _idTemplate; } /** * @param idTemplate the idTemplate to set */ public void setIdTemplate(int idTemplate) { _idTemplate = idTemplate; } /** * @return the level */ public byte getLevel() { return _level; } /** * @param level the level to set */ public void setLevel(byte level) { _level = level; } /** * @return the lhand */ public int getLhand() { return _lhand; } /** * @param lhand the lhand to set */ public void setLhand(int lhand) { _lhand = lhand; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { _name = name; } /** * @return the npcId */ public int getNpcId() { return _npcId; } /** * @param npcId the npcId to set */ public void setNpcId(int npcId) { _npcId = npcId; } /** * @return the rewardExp */ public int getRewardExp() { return _rewardExp; } /** * @param rewardExp the rewardExp to set */ public void setRewardExp(int rewardExp) { _rewardExp = rewardExp; } /** * @return the rewardSp */ public int getRewardSp() { return _rewardSp; } /** * @param rewardSp the rewardSp to set */ public void setRewardSp(int rewardSp) { _rewardSp = rewardSp; } /** * @return the rhand */ public int getRhand() { return _rhand; } /** * @param rhand the rhand to set */ public void setRhand(int rhand) { _rhand = rhand; } /** * @return the serverSideName */ public boolean isServerSideName() { return _serverSideName; } /** * @param serverSideName the serverSideName to set */ public void setServerSideName(boolean serverSideName) { _serverSideName = serverSideName; } /** * @return the serverSideTitle */ public boolean isServerSideTitle() { return _serverSideTitle; } /** * @param serverSideTitle the serverSideTitle to set */ public void setServerSideTitle(boolean serverSideTitle) { _serverSideTitle = serverSideTitle; } /** * @return the sex */ public String getSex() { return _sex; } /** * @param sex the sex to set */ public void setSex(String sex) { _sex = sex; } /** * @return the title */ public String getTitle() { return _title; } /** * @param title the title to set */ public void setTitle(String title) { _title = title; } /** * @return the type */ public String getType() { return _type; } public boolean isAssignableTo(Class<?> clazz) { return clazz.isAssignableFrom(_clazz); } public Constructor<?> getDefaultConstructor() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { return _clazz.getConstructor(Integer.TYPE, L2NpcTemplate.class); } /** * @param factionName the nPCFactionName to set */ public void setNPCFactionName(String factionName) { _npcFactionName = (factionName == null ? "Devine Clan" : factionName); } /** * @return the jClass */ public String getJClass() { return _jClass; } /** * @param class1 the jClass to set */ public void setJClass(String class1) { _jClass = class1; } public short getSS() { return _ss; } public short getBSS() { return _bss; } public short getSSRate() { return _ssRate; } public AIType getAI() { return _ai; } public void setSS(short ss) { _ss = ss; } public void setBSS(short bss) { _bss = bss; } public void setSSRate(short ssrate) { _ssRate = ssrate; } public void setAI(AIType type) { _ai = type; } public boolean isQuestMonster() { return _isQuestMonster; } public boolean dropHerbs() { return _dropHerbs; } public boolean isCustom() { return _npcId != _idTemplate; } public float getBaseVitalityDivider() { return _baseVitalityDivider; } }