Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2PetInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2PetData; public class PetDataTable { private final static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(L2PetInstance.class); public final static int PET_WOLF_ID = 12077; public final static int HATCHLING_WIND_ID = 12311; public final static int HATCHLING_STAR_ID = 12312; public final static int HATCHLING_TWILIGHT_ID = 12313; public final static int STRIDER_WIND_ID = 12526; public final static int STRIDER_STAR_ID = 12527; public final static int STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID = 12528; public final static int RED_STRIDER_WIND_ID = 16038; public final static int RED_STRIDER_STAR_ID = 16039; public final static int RED_STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID = 16040; public final static int WYVERN_ID = 12621; public final static int BABY_BUFFALO_ID = 12780; public final static int BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID = 12781; public final static int BABY_COUGAR_ID = 12782; public final static int IMPROVED_BABY_BUFFALO_ID = 16034; public final static int IMPROVED_BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID = 16035; public final static int IMPROVED_BABY_COUGAR_ID = 16036; public final static int SIN_EATER_ID = 12564; public final static int BLACK_WOLF_ID = 16030; public final static int WGREAT_WOLF_ID = 16037; public final static int GREAT_WOLF_ID = 16025; public final static int FENRIR_WOLF_ID = 16041; public final static int WFENRIR_WOLF_ID = 16042; public final static int PURPLE_HORSE_ID = 13130; public final static int TAWNY_MANED_LION_ID = 13146; public final static int STEAM_SLEDGE = 13147; private static FastMap<Integer, FastMap<Integer, L2PetData>> petTable; public final static int[] EMPTY_INT = { 0 }; public static PetDataTable getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } private PetDataTable() { petTable = new FastMap<Integer, FastMap<Integer, L2PetData>>(); } public void loadPetsData() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT typeID, level, expMax, hpMax, mpMax, patk, pdef, matk, mdef, acc, evasion, crit, speed, atk_speed, cast_speed, feedMax, feedbattle, feednormal, loadMax, hpregen, mpregen, owner_exp_taken FROM pets_stats"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); int petId, petLevel; while ( { petId = rset.getInt("typeID"); petLevel = rset.getInt("level"); //build the petdata for this level L2PetData petData = new L2PetData(); petData.setPetID(petId); petData.setPetLevel(petLevel); petData.setPetMaxExp(rset.getLong("expMax")); petData.setPetMaxHP(rset.getInt("hpMax")); petData.setPetMaxMP(rset.getInt("mpMax")); petData.setPetPAtk(rset.getInt("patk")); petData.setPetPDef(rset.getInt("pdef")); petData.setPetMAtk(rset.getInt("matk")); petData.setPetMDef(rset.getInt("mdef")); petData.setPetAccuracy(rset.getInt("acc")); petData.setPetEvasion(rset.getInt("evasion")); petData.setPetCritical(rset.getInt("crit")); petData.setPetSpeed(rset.getInt("speed")); petData.setPetAtkSpeed(rset.getInt("atk_speed")); petData.setPetCastSpeed(rset.getInt("cast_speed")); petData.setPetMaxFeed(rset.getInt("feedMax")); petData.setPetFeedNormal(rset.getInt("feednormal")); petData.setPetFeedBattle(rset.getInt("feedbattle")); petData.setPetMaxLoad(rset.getInt("loadMax")); petData.setPetRegenHP(rset.getInt("hpregen")); petData.setPetRegenMP(rset.getInt("mpregen")); petData.setOwnerExpTaken(rset.getFloat("owner_exp_taken")); // if its the first data for this petid, we initialize its level FastMap if (!petTable.containsKey(petId)) petTable.put(petId, new FastMap<Integer, L2PetData>()); petTable.get(petId).put(petLevel, petData); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not load pets stats: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); }"PetDataTable: loaded " + petTable.size() + " pets."); } public void addPetData(L2PetData petData) { FastMap<Integer, L2PetData> h = petTable.get(petData.getPetID()); if (h == null) { FastMap<Integer, L2PetData> statTable = new FastMap<Integer, L2PetData>(); statTable.put(petData.getPetLevel(), petData); petTable.put(petData.getPetID(), statTable); return; } h.put(petData.getPetLevel(), petData); } public void addPetData(L2PetData[] petLevelsList) { for (L2PetData finalElement : petLevelsList) addPetData(finalElement); } public L2PetData getPetData(int petID, int petLevel) { try { return petTable.get(petID).get(petLevel); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return null; } } public static int getPetIdByItemId(int itemId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getControlItemId() == itemId) return pet.getNpcId(); return 0; } public static int getItemIdByPetId(int npcId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getNpcId() == npcId) return pet.getControlItemId(); return 0; } public static int[] getFoodItemId(int npcId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getNpcId() == npcId) return pet.getFoodIds(); return EMPTY_INT; } public static boolean isPet(int npcId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getNpcId() == npcId) return true; return false; } public static boolean isPetFood(int npcId, int itemId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getNpcId() == npcId) for (int id : pet.getFoodIds()) if (id == itemId) return true; return false; } public static boolean isPetFood(int itemId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) for (int id : pet.getFoodIds()) if (id == itemId) return true; return false; } public static boolean isPetItem(int itemId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getControlItemId() == itemId) return true; return false; } public static boolean isMountable(int npcId) { for (L2Pet pet : L2Pet.values()) if (pet.getNpcId() == npcId) return pet.isMountable(); return false; } public static boolean isWolf(int npcId) { return (PET_WOLF_ID == npcId); } public static boolean isHatchling(int npcId) { return (HATCHLING_WIND_ID == npcId || HATCHLING_STAR_ID == npcId || HATCHLING_TWILIGHT_ID == npcId); } public static boolean isStrider(int npcId) { switch (npcId) { case STRIDER_WIND_ID: case STRIDER_STAR_ID: case STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID: case RED_STRIDER_WIND_ID: case RED_STRIDER_STAR_ID: case RED_STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID: return true; } return false; } public static boolean isWyvern(int npcId) { return (WYVERN_ID == npcId); } public static boolean isEvolvedWolf(int npcId) { switch (npcId) { case GREAT_WOLF_ID: case WGREAT_WOLF_ID: case BLACK_WOLF_ID: case FENRIR_WOLF_ID: case WFENRIR_WOLF_ID: return true; } return false; } public static boolean isBaby(int npcId) { return (BABY_BUFFALO_ID == npcId || BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID == npcId || BABY_COUGAR_ID == npcId); } public static boolean isImprovedBaby(int npcId) { return (IMPROVED_BABY_BUFFALO_ID == npcId || IMPROVED_BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID == npcId || IMPROVED_BABY_COUGAR_ID == npcId); } public static boolean isSinEater(int npcId) { return npcId == SIN_EATER_ID; } public static boolean isTransformationPet(int npcId) { return (npcId == PURPLE_HORSE_ID || npcId == TAWNY_MANED_LION_ID || npcId == STEAM_SLEDGE); } /** * This class describes basic pet info * NPC template id, control item id, food item id and can be pet mounted */ private static enum L2Pet { WOLF(PET_WOLF_ID, 2375, new int[] { 2515 }, false), HATCHLING_WIND(HATCHLING_WIND_ID, 3500, new int[] { 4038 }, false), HATCHLING_STAR(HATCHLING_STAR_ID, 3501, new int[] { 4038 }, false), HATCHLING_TWILIGHT(HATCHLING_TWILIGHT_ID, 3502, new int[] { 4038 }, false), STRIDER_WIND(STRIDER_WIND_ID, 4422, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), STRIDER_STAR(STRIDER_STAR_ID, 4423, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), STRIDER_TWILIGHT(STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID, 4424, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), RED_STRIDER_WIND(RED_STRIDER_WIND_ID, 10308, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), RED_STRIDER_STAR( RED_STRIDER_STAR_ID, 10309, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), RED_STRIDER_TWILIGHT(RED_STRIDER_TWILIGHT_ID, 10310, new int[] { 5168, 5169 }, true), WYVERN(WYVERN_ID, 5249, new int[] { 6316 }, true), GREAT_WOLF(GREAT_WOLF_ID, 9882, new int[] { 9668 }, false), WGREAT_WOLF(WGREAT_WOLF_ID, 10307, new int[] { 9668 }, true), BLACK_WOLF(BLACK_WOLF_ID, 10163, new int[] { 9668 }, false), FENRIR_WOLF( FENRIR_WOLF_ID, 10426, new int[] { 9668 }, true), WFENRIR_WOLF(WFENRIR_WOLF_ID, 10611, new int[] { 9668 }, true), BABY_BUFFALO(BABY_BUFFALO_ID, 6648, new int[] { 7582 }, false), BABY_KOOKABURRA(BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID, 6649, new int[] { 7582 }, false), BABY_COUGAR(BABY_COUGAR_ID, 6650, new int[] { 7582 }, false), IMPROVED_BABY_BUFFALO(IMPROVED_BABY_BUFFALO_ID, 10311, new int[] { 10425 }, false), IMPROVED_BABY_KOOKABURRA(IMPROVED_BABY_KOOKABURRA_ID, 10312, new int[] { 10425 }, false), IMPROVED_BABY_COUGAR(IMPROVED_BABY_COUGAR_ID, 10313, new int[] { 10425 }, false), SIN_EATER(SIN_EATER_ID, 4425, new int[] { 2515 }, false); private final int _npcId; private final int _controlItemId; private final int[] _foodIds; private final boolean _isMountabe; private L2Pet(int npcId, int controlItemId, int[] foodIds, boolean isMountabe) { _npcId = npcId; _controlItemId = controlItemId; _foodIds = foodIds; _isMountabe = isMountabe; } public int getNpcId() { return _npcId; } public int getControlItemId() { return _controlItemId; } public int[] getFoodIds() { return _foodIds; } public boolean isMountable() { return _isMountabe; } } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final PetDataTable _instance = new PetDataTable(); } }