Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Npc; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.ClassId; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2MonsterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.templates.L2NpcTemplate; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.FactionManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2MinionData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.drop.L2DropCategory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.drop.L2DropData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.faction.Faction; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Formulas; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Stats; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; import com.l2jfree.util.LookupTable; public final class NpcTable { private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(NpcTable.class); public static NpcTable getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } private final LookupTable<L2NpcTemplate> _npcs = new LookupTable<L2NpcTemplate>(); private NpcTable() { restoreNpcData(); } private void restoreNpcData() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npc"); ResultSet npcdata = statement.executeQuery(); fillNpcTable(npcdata); npcdata.close(); statement.close();"NpcTable: Loaded " + _npcs.size() + " Npc Templates."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error creating NPC table: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM custom_npc"); ResultSet npcdata = statement.executeQuery(); int npc_count = _npcs.size(); fillNpcTable(npcdata); npcdata.close(); statement.close(); if (_npcs.size() > npc_count)"NpcTable: Loaded " + (_npcs.size() - npc_count) + " Custom Npc Templates."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error creating custom NPC table: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT npcid, skillid, level FROM npcskills"); ResultSet npcskills = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int mobId = npcskills.getInt("npcid"); L2NpcTemplate npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); if (npcDat == null) { if (Config.ALT_DEV_VERIFY_NPC_SKILLS) _log.warn("NpcTable: Missing template for npcskills for npc id: " + mobId); continue; } int skillId = npcskills.getInt("skillid"); int level = npcskills.getInt("level"); if (skillId == 4416) { npcDat.setRace(level); continue; } L2Skill npcSkill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, level); if (npcSkill == null) { if (Config.ALT_DEV_VERIFY_NPC_SKILLS) _log.warn("NpcTable: Missing skill for npcskills for skill id-lvl: " + skillId + " " + level); continue; } npcDat.addSkill(npcSkill); } npcskills.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error reading NPC skills table: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement = con .prepareStatement("SELECT npcid, skillid, level FROM custom_npcskills"); ResultSet npcskills = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int mobId = npcskills.getInt("npcid"); L2NpcTemplate npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); if (npcDat == null) { _log.warn("NpcTable: Missing template for custom_npcskills for npc id: " + mobId); continue; } int skillId = npcskills.getInt("skillid"); int level = npcskills.getInt("level"); if (skillId == 4416) { npcDat.setRace(level); continue; } L2Skill npcSkill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, level); if (npcSkill == null) { _log.warn("NpcTable: Missing skill for custom_npcskills for skill id-lvl: " + skillId + " " + level); continue; } npcDat.addSkill(npcSkill); } npcskills.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error reading custom NPC skills table: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement2 = con .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM droplist ORDER BY mobId, chance DESC"); ResultSet dropData = statement2.executeQuery(); while ( { int mobId = dropData.getInt("mobId"); L2NpcTemplate npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); if (npcDat == null) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Drop data for undefined NPC. npcId: " + mobId); continue; } L2DropData dropDat = new L2DropData(); dropDat.setItemId(dropData.getInt("itemId")); dropDat.setMinDrop(dropData.getInt("min")); dropDat.setMaxDrop(dropData.getInt("max")); dropDat.setChance(dropData.getInt("chance")); int category = dropData.getInt("category"); npcDat.addDropData(dropDat, category); } dropData.close(); statement2.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error reading NPC drop data: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement2 = con .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM custom_droplist ORDER BY mobId, chance DESC"); ResultSet dropData = statement2.executeQuery(); while ( { int mobId = dropData.getInt("mobId"); L2NpcTemplate npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); if (npcDat == null) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Custom drop data for undefined NPC. npcId: " + mobId); continue; } L2DropData dropDat = new L2DropData(); dropDat.setItemId(dropData.getInt("itemId")); dropDat.setMinDrop(dropData.getInt("min")); dropDat.setMaxDrop(dropData.getInt("max")); dropDat.setChance(dropData.getInt("chance")); int category = dropData.getInt("category"); npcDat.addDropData(dropDat, category); } dropData.close(); statement2.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error reading custom NPC drop data: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement3 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM skill_learn"); ResultSet learndata = statement3.executeQuery(); while ( { int npcId = learndata.getInt("npc_id"); int classId = learndata.getInt("class_id"); L2NpcTemplate npc = getTemplate(npcId); if (npc == null) { _log.warn("NPCTable: Error getting NPC template ID " + npcId + " while trying to load skill trainer data."); continue; } npc.addTeachInfo(ClassId.values()[classId]); } learndata.close(); statement3.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("NPCTable: Error reading NPC trainer data: ", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement4 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM minions"); ResultSet minionData = statement4.executeQuery(); int cnt = 0; while ( { int raidId = minionData.getInt("boss_id"); L2NpcTemplate npcDat = _npcs.get(raidId); if (npcDat == null) { _log.warn("Minion references undefined boss NPC. Boss NpcId: " + raidId); continue; } L2MinionData minionDat = new L2MinionData(); minionDat.setMinionId(minionData.getInt("minion_id")); minionDat.setAmountMin(minionData.getInt("amount_min")); minionDat.setAmountMax(minionData.getInt("amount_max")); npcDat.addRaidData(minionDat); cnt++; } minionData.close(); statement4.close();"NpcTable: Loaded " + cnt + " Minions."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Error loading minion data: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private boolean fillNpcTable(ResultSet NpcData) throws Exception { boolean loaded = false; while ( { StatsSet npcDat = new StatsSet(); int id = NpcData.getInt("id"); if (Config.ASSERT) assert id < 1000000; npcDat.set("npcId", id); npcDat.set("idTemplate", NpcData.getInt("idTemplate")); int level = NpcData.getInt("level"); npcDat.set("level", level); npcDat.set("jClass", NpcData.getString("class")); npcDat.set("baseShldDef", 0); npcDat.set("baseShldRate", 0); npcDat.set("baseCritRate", 38); npcDat.set("name", NpcData.getString("name")); npcDat.set("serverSideName", NpcData.getBoolean("serverSideName")); npcDat.set("title", NpcData.getString("title")); npcDat.set("serverSideTitle", NpcData.getBoolean("serverSideTitle")); npcDat.set("collision_radius", NpcData.getDouble("collision_radius")); npcDat.set("collision_height", NpcData.getDouble("collision_height")); npcDat.set("fcollision_radius", NpcData.getDouble("collision_radius")); npcDat.set("fcollision_height", NpcData.getDouble("collision_height")); npcDat.set("sex", NpcData.getString("sex")); if (!Config.ALLOW_NPC_WALKERS && NpcData.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("L2NpcWalker")) npcDat.set("type", "L2Npc"); else npcDat.set("type", NpcData.getString("type")); npcDat.set("baseAtkRange", NpcData.getInt("attackrange")); npcDat.set("rewardExp", NpcData.getInt("exp")); npcDat.set("rewardSp", NpcData.getInt("sp")); npcDat.set("basePAtkSpd", NpcData.getInt("atkspd")); npcDat.set("baseMAtkSpd", NpcData.getInt("matkspd")); npcDat.set("aggroRange", NpcData.getInt("aggro")); npcDat.set("rhand", NpcData.getInt("rhand")); npcDat.set("lhand", NpcData.getInt("lhand")); npcDat.set("armor", NpcData.getInt("armor")); npcDat.set("baseWalkSpd", NpcData.getInt("walkspd")); npcDat.set("baseRunSpd", NpcData.getInt("runspd")); npcDat.safeSet("baseSTR", NpcData.getInt("str"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.safeSet("baseCON", NpcData.getInt("con"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.safeSet("baseDEX", NpcData.getInt("dex"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.safeSet("baseINT", NpcData.getInt("int"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.safeSet("baseWIT", NpcData.getInt("wit"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.safeSet("baseMEN", NpcData.getInt("men"), 0, Formulas.MAX_STAT_VALUE, "Loading NPC template; ID: " + npcDat.getString("idTemplate")); npcDat.set("baseHpMax", NpcData.getInt("hp")); npcDat.set("baseCpMax", 0); npcDat.set("baseMpMax", NpcData.getInt("mp")); npcDat.set("baseHpReg", NpcData.getFloat("hpreg") > 0 ? NpcData.getFloat("hpreg") : 1.5 + ((level - 1) / 10.0)); npcDat.set("baseMpReg", NpcData.getFloat("mpreg") > 0 ? NpcData.getFloat("mpreg") : 0.9 + 0.3 * ((level - 1) / 10.0)); npcDat.set("basePAtk", NpcData.getInt("patk")); npcDat.set("basePDef", NpcData.getInt("pdef")); npcDat.set("baseMAtk", NpcData.getInt("matk")); npcDat.set("baseMDef", NpcData.getInt("mdef")); npcDat.set("factionId", NpcData.getString("faction_id")); npcDat.set("factionRange", NpcData.getInt("faction_range")); npcDat.set("isUndead", NpcData.getString("isUndead")); npcDat.set("absorb_level", NpcData.getString("absorb_level")); npcDat.set("absorb_type", NpcData.getString("absorb_type")); npcDat.set("ss", NpcData.getInt("ss")); npcDat.set("bss", NpcData.getInt("bss")); npcDat.set("ssRate", NpcData.getInt("ss_rate")); npcDat.set("AI", NpcData.getString("AI")); npcDat.set("drop_herbs", Boolean.valueOf(NpcData.getString("drop_herbs"))); if (Config.FACTION_ENABLED) { Faction faction; for (int i = 0; i < FactionManager.getInstance().getFactions().size(); i++) { faction = FactionManager.getInstance().getFactions().get(i); if (faction.getNpcList().contains(id)) { npcDat.set("NPCFaction", faction.getId()); npcDat.set("NPCFactionName", faction.getName()); } } } L2NpcTemplate template = new L2NpcTemplate(npcDat); template.addVulnerability(Stats.BOW_WPN_VULN, 1); template.addVulnerability(Stats.CROSSBOW_WPN_VULN, 1); template.addVulnerability(Stats.BLUNT_WPN_VULN, 1); template.addVulnerability(Stats.DAGGER_WPN_VULN, 1); _npcs.set(id, template); loaded = true; } return loaded; } public boolean reloadNpc(int id) { Connection con = null; boolean loaded = false; try { // save a copy of the old data L2NpcTemplate old = getTemplate(id); FastMap<Integer, L2Skill> skills = null; // L2NpcTemplate.getSkillS() is unmodifiable, so the entrySet() of it can't be used if (old != null && old.getSkills() != null) { skills = new FastMap<Integer, L2Skill>(old.getSkills().size()); for (Integer key : old.getSkills().keySet()) skills.put(key, old.getSkills().get(key)); } L2DropCategory[] categories = new L2DropCategory[0]; if (old != null && old.getDropData() != null) categories = ArrayUtils.addAll(categories, old.getDropData()); FastList<ClassId> classIds = new FastList<ClassId>(); if (old != null && old.getTeachInfo() != null) classIds.addAll(old.getTeachInfo()); L2MinionData[] minions = new L2MinionData[0]; if (old != null && old.getMinionData() != null) minions = ArrayUtils.addAll(minions, old.getMinionData()); // reload the NPC base data con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npc WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); loaded = fillNpcTable(rs); rs.close(); st.close(); if (!loaded) { st = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM custom_npc WHERE id=?"); st.setInt(1, id); rs = st.executeQuery(); loaded = fillNpcTable(rs); rs.close(); st.close(); } // restore additional data from saved copy L2NpcTemplate created = getTemplate(id); if (skills != null) for (L2Skill skill : skills.values()) created.addSkill(skill); for (ClassId classId : classIds) created.addTeachInfo(classId); for (L2MinionData minion : minions) created.addRaidData(minion); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("NPCTable: Could not reload data for NPC " + id + ": " + e, e); loaded = false; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return loaded; } // just wrapper public void reloadAll() { reloadAll(true); } public void reloadAll(boolean reloadQuests) { restoreNpcData(); if (reloadQuests) QuestManager.getInstance().reloadAllQuests(); } public void cleanUp() { _npcs.clear(false); } public void saveNpc(StatsSet npc) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); Map<String, Object> set = npc.getSet(); String name = ""; String values = ""; for (Object obj : set.keySet()) { name = (String) obj; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("npcId")) continue; if (values != "") values += ", "; values += name + " = '" + set.get(name) + "'"; } String query = "UPDATE npc SET " + values + " WHERE id = ?"; String query_custom = "UPDATE custom_npc SET " + values + " WHERE id = ?"; try { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query); statement.setInt(1, npc.getInteger("npcId")); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("", e); } try { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query_custom); statement.setInt(1, npc.getInteger("npcId")); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("", e); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("NPCTable: Could not store new NPC data in database: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public L2NpcTemplate getTemplate(int id) { return _npcs.get(id); } public Iterable<L2NpcTemplate> getAllTemplates() { return _npcs; } public L2NpcTemplate getTemplateByName(String name) { for (L2NpcTemplate npcTemplate : _npcs) if (npcTemplate.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return npcTemplate; return null; } public L2NpcTemplate[] getAllOfLevel(int lvl) { FastList<L2NpcTemplate> list = new FastList<L2NpcTemplate>(); for (L2NpcTemplate t : _npcs) if (t.getLevel() == lvl) list.add(t); return list.toArray(new L2NpcTemplate[list.size()]); } public L2NpcTemplate[] getAllMonstersOfLevel(int lvl) { FastList<L2NpcTemplate> list = new FastList<L2NpcTemplate>(); for (L2NpcTemplate t : _npcs) if (t.getLevel() == lvl && t.isAssignableTo(L2MonsterInstance.class)) list.add(t); return list.toArray(new L2NpcTemplate[list.size()]); } public L2NpcTemplate[] getAllNpcStartingWith(String letter) { FastList<L2NpcTemplate> list = new FastList<L2NpcTemplate>(); for (L2NpcTemplate t : _npcs) if (t.getName().startsWith(letter) && t.isAssignableTo(L2Npc.class)) list.add(t); return list.toArray(new L2NpcTemplate[list.size()]); } /** * @param classType * @return */ public Set<Integer> getAllNpcOfClassType(String classType) { return null; } /** * @param clazz * @return */ public Set<Integer> getAllNpcOfL2jClass(Class<?> clazz) { return null; } /** * @param aiType * @return */ public Set<Integer> getAllNpcOfAiType(String aiType) { return null; } public List<L2NpcTemplate> getMobsByDrop(int itemid) { List<L2NpcTemplate> returnVal = new FastList<L2NpcTemplate>(); for (L2NpcTemplate tempNpc : _npcs) { List<L2DropData> dropdata = tempNpc.getAllDropData(); if (dropdata != null) { for (L2DropData tempDrop : dropdata) { if (tempDrop.getItemId() == itemid) { returnVal.add(tempNpc); break; } } } } return returnVal; } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final NpcTable _instance = new NpcTable(); } }