Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Augmentation; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2Item; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Stats; import; import; /** * This class manages the augmentation data and can also create new augmentations. * * @author durgus * edited by Gigiikun */ public class AugmentationData { private final static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(AugmentationData.class); public static final AugmentationData getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } // ========================================================= // Data Field // stats private static final int STAT_START = 1; private static final int STAT_END = 14560; private static final int STAT_BLOCKSIZE = 3640; //private static final int STAT_NUMBEROF_BLOCKS = 4; private static final int STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE = 91; //private static final int STAT_NUMBEROF_SUBBLOCKS = 40; private static final int STAT_NUM = 13; private static final byte[] STATS1_MAP = new byte[STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE]; private static final byte[] STATS2_MAP = new byte[STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE]; // skills private static final int BLUE_START = 14561; // private static final int PURPLE_START = 14578; // private static final int RED_START = 14685; private static final int SKILLS_BLOCKSIZE = 178; // basestats private static final int BASESTAT_STR = 16341; private static final int BASESTAT_CON = 16342; private static final int BASESTAT_INT = 16343; private static final int BASESTAT_MEN = 16344; // accessory private static final int ACC_START = 16669; private static final int ACC_BLOCKS_NUM = 10; private static final int ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE = 21; private static final int ACC_STAT_NUM = 6; private static final int ACC_RING_START = ACC_START; private static final int ACC_RING_SKILLS = 18; private static final int ACC_RING_BLOCKSIZE = ACC_RING_SKILLS + 4 * ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; private static final int ACC_RING_END = ACC_RING_START + ACC_BLOCKS_NUM * ACC_RING_BLOCKSIZE - 1; private static final int ACC_EAR_START = ACC_RING_END + 1; private static final int ACC_EAR_SKILLS = 18; private static final int ACC_EAR_BLOCKSIZE = ACC_EAR_SKILLS + 4 * ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; private static final int ACC_EAR_END = ACC_EAR_START + ACC_BLOCKS_NUM * ACC_EAR_BLOCKSIZE - 1; private static final int ACC_NECK_START = ACC_EAR_END + 1; private static final int ACC_NECK_SKILLS = 24; private static final int ACC_NECK_BLOCKSIZE = ACC_NECK_SKILLS + 4 * ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; private static final int ACC_END = ACC_NECK_START + ACC_BLOCKS_NUM * ACC_NECK_BLOCKSIZE; private static final byte[] ACC_STATS1_MAP = new byte[ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE]; private static final byte[] ACC_STATS2_MAP = new byte[ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _augStats = new ArrayList[4]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _augAccStats = new ArrayList[4]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _blueSkills = new ArrayList[10]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _purpleSkills = new ArrayList[10]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _redSkills = new ArrayList[10]; private final ArrayList<?>[] _yellowSkills = new ArrayList[10]; private final FastMap<Integer, augmentationSkill> _allSkills = new FastMap<Integer, augmentationSkill>() .setShared(true); // ========================================================= // Constructor private AugmentationData() {"Initializing AugmentationData."); _augStats[0] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augStats[1] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augStats[2] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augStats[3] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augAccStats[0] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augAccStats[1] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augAccStats[2] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); _augAccStats[3] = new ArrayList<augmentationStat>(); // Lookup tables structure: STAT1 represent first stat, STAT2 - second. // If both values are the same - use solo stat, if different - combined. byte idx; // weapon augmentation block: solo values first // 00-00, 01-01 ... 11-11,12-12 for (idx = 0; idx < STAT_NUM; idx++) { // solo stats STATS1_MAP[idx] = idx; STATS2_MAP[idx] = idx; } // combined values next. // 00-01,00-02,00-03 ... 00-11,00-12; // 01-02,01-03 ... 01-11,01-12; // ... // 09-10,09-11,09-12; // 10-11,10-12; // 11-12 for (int i = 0; i < STAT_NUM; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < STAT_NUM; idx++, j++) { // combined stats STATS1_MAP[idx] = (byte) i; STATS2_MAP[idx] = (byte) j; } } idx = 0; // accessory augmentation block, structure is different: // 00-00,00-01,00-02,00-03,00-04,00-05 // 01-01,01-02,01-03,01-04,01-05 // 02-02,02-03,02-04,02-05 // 03-03,03-04,03-05 // 04-04 \ // 05-05 - order is changed here // 04-05 / // First values always solo, next are combined, except last 3 values for (int i = 0; i < ACC_STAT_NUM - 2; i++) { for (int j = i; j < ACC_STAT_NUM; idx++, j++) { ACC_STATS1_MAP[idx] = (byte) i; ACC_STATS2_MAP[idx] = (byte) j; } } ACC_STATS1_MAP[idx] = 4; ACC_STATS2_MAP[idx++] = 4; ACC_STATS1_MAP[idx] = 5; ACC_STATS2_MAP[idx++] = 5; ACC_STATS1_MAP[idx] = 4; ACC_STATS2_MAP[idx] = 5; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _blueSkills[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); _purpleSkills[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); _redSkills[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); _yellowSkills[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } load(); // Use size*4: since theres 4 blocks of stat-data with equivalent size"AugmentationData: Loaded: " + (_augStats[0].size() * 4) + " augmentation stats.");"AugmentationData: Loaded: " + (_augAccStats[0].size() * 4) + " accessory augmentation stats."); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"AugmentationData: Loaded: " + _blueSkills[i].size() + " blue, " + _purpleSkills[i].size() + " purple and " + _redSkills[i].size() + " red skills for lifeStoneLevel " + i); } } // ========================================================= // Nested Class public class augmentationSkill { private final int _skillId; private final int _skillLevel; public augmentationSkill(int skillId, int skillLevel) { _skillId = skillId; _skillLevel = skillLevel; } public L2Skill getSkill() { return SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(_skillId, _skillLevel); } } public class augmentationStat { private final Stats _stat; private final int _singleSize; private final int _combinedSize; private final float _singleValues[]; private final float _combinedValues[]; public augmentationStat(Stats stat, float sValues[], float cValues[]) { _stat = stat; _singleSize = sValues.length; _singleValues = sValues; _combinedSize = cValues.length; _combinedValues = cValues; } public int getSingleStatSize() { return _singleSize; } public int getCombinedStatSize() { return _combinedSize; } public float getSingleStatValue(int i) { if (i >= _singleSize || i < 0) return _singleValues[_singleSize - 1]; return _singleValues[i]; } public float getCombinedStatValue(int i) { if (i >= _combinedSize || i < 0) return _combinedValues[_combinedSize - 1]; return _combinedValues[i]; } public Stats getStat() { return _stat; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final void load() { // Load the skillmap // Note: the skillmap data is only used when generating new augmentations // the client expects a different id in order to display the skill in the // items description... try { int badAugmantData = 0; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(true); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); File file = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/stats/augmentation/augmentation_skillmap.xml"); if (!file.exists()) { _log.warn("The augmentation skillmap file is missing."); return; } Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file); for (Node n = doc.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) { for (Node d = n.getFirstChild(); d != null; d = d.getNextSibling()) { if ("augmentation".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs = d.getAttributes(); int skillId = 0, augmentationId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); int skillLvL = 0; String type = "blue"; for (Node cd = d.getFirstChild(); cd != null; cd = cd.getNextSibling()) { if ("skillId".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); skillId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue()); } else if ("skillLevel".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); skillLvL = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue()); } else if ("type".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); type = attrs.getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue(); } } if (skillId == 0) { _log.warn("Bad skillId in augmentation_skillmap.xml in the augmentationId:" + augmentationId); badAugmantData++; continue; } else if (skillLvL == 0) { _log.warn("Bad skillLevel in augmentation_skillmap.xml in the augmentationId:" + augmentationId); badAugmantData++; continue; } int k = (augmentationId - BLUE_START) / SKILLS_BLOCKSIZE; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) ((ArrayList<Integer>) _blueSkills[k]).add(augmentationId); else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("purple")) ((ArrayList<Integer>) _purpleSkills[k]).add(augmentationId); else ((ArrayList<Integer>) _redSkills[k]).add(augmentationId); _allSkills.put(augmentationId, new augmentationSkill(skillId, skillLvL)); } } } } if (badAugmantData != 0)"AugmentationData: " + badAugmantData + " bad skill(s) were skipped."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error parsing augmentation_skillmap.xml.", e); return; } // Load the stats from xml for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); File file = new File( Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/stats/augmentation/augmentation_stats" + i + ".xml"); if (!file.exists()) { _log.warn("The augmentation stat data file " + i + " is missing."); return; } Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file); for (Node n = doc.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) { for (Node d = n.getFirstChild(); d != null; d = d.getNextSibling()) { if ("stat".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs = d.getAttributes(); String statName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); float soloValues[] = null, combinedValues[] = null; for (Node cd = d.getFirstChild(); cd != null; cd = cd.getNextSibling()) { if ("table".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); String tableName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer( cd.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); FastList<Float> array = new FastList<Float>(); while (data.hasMoreTokens()) array.add(Float.parseFloat(data.nextToken())); if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("#soloValues")) { soloValues = new float[array.size()]; int x = 0; for (float value : array) soloValues[x++] = value; } else { combinedValues = new float[array.size()]; int x = 0; for (float value : array) combinedValues[x++] = value; } } } // store this stat ((ArrayList<augmentationStat>) _augStats[(i - 1)]).add(new augmentationStat( Stats.valueOfXml(statName), soloValues, combinedValues)); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error parsing augmentation_stats" + i + ".xml.", e); return; } try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); File file = new File( Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/stats/augmentation/augmentation_jewel_stats" + i + ".xml"); if (!file.exists()) { _log.warn("The jewel augmentation stat data file " + i + " is missing."); return; } Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file); for (Node n = doc.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) { for (Node d = n.getFirstChild(); d != null; d = d.getNextSibling()) { if ("stat".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs = d.getAttributes(); String statName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); float soloValues[] = null, combinedValues[] = null; for (Node cd = d.getFirstChild(); cd != null; cd = cd.getNextSibling()) { if ("table".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); String tableName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer( cd.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); FastList<Float> array = new FastList<Float>(); while (data.hasMoreTokens()) array.add(Float.parseFloat(data.nextToken())); if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("#soloValues")) { soloValues = new float[array.size()]; int x = 0; for (float value : array) soloValues[x++] = value; } else { combinedValues = new float[array.size()]; int x = 0; for (float value : array) combinedValues[x++] = value; } } } // store this stat ((ArrayList<augmentationStat>) _augAccStats[(i - 1)]).add(new augmentationStat( Stats.valueOfXml(statName), soloValues, combinedValues)); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error parsing jewel augmentation_stats" + i + ".xml.", e); return; } } } /** * Generate a new random augmentation * @param item * @param lifeStoneLevel * @param lifeSoneGrade * @param bodyPart * @return L2Augmentation */ public L2Augmentation generateRandomAugmentation(int lifeStoneLevel, int lifeStoneGrade, int bodyPart) { switch (bodyPart) { case L2Item.SLOT_LR_FINGER: case L2Item.SLOT_LR_EAR: case L2Item.SLOT_NECK: return generateRandomAccessoryAugmentation(lifeStoneLevel, bodyPart); default: return generateRandomWeaponAugmentation(lifeStoneLevel, lifeStoneGrade); } } private L2Augmentation generateRandomWeaponAugmentation(int lifeStoneLevel, int lifeStoneGrade) { // Note that stat12 stands for stat 1 AND 2 (same for stat34 ;p ) // this is because a value can contain up to 2 stat modifications // (there are two short values packed in one integer value, meaning 4 stat modifications at max) // for more info take a look at getAugStatsById(...) // Note: lifeStoneGrade: (0 means low grade, 3 top grade) // First: determine whether we will add a skill/baseStatModifier or not // because this determine which color could be the result int stat12 = 0; int stat34 = 0; boolean generateSkill = false; boolean generateGlow = false; //lifestonelevel is used for stat Id and skill level, but here the max level is 9 lifeStoneLevel = Math.min(lifeStoneLevel, 9); switch (lifeStoneGrade) { case AbstractRefinePacket.GRADE_NONE: if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_NG_SKILL_CHANCE) generateSkill = true; if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_NG_GLOW_CHANCE) generateGlow = true; break; case AbstractRefinePacket.GRADE_MID: if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_MID_SKILL_CHANCE) generateSkill = true; if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_MID_GLOW_CHANCE) generateGlow = true; break; case AbstractRefinePacket.GRADE_HIGH: if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_HIGH_SKILL_CHANCE) generateSkill = true; if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_HIGH_GLOW_CHANCE) generateGlow = true; break; case AbstractRefinePacket.GRADE_TOP: if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_TOP_SKILL_CHANCE) generateSkill = true; if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_TOP_GLOW_CHANCE) generateGlow = true; break; case AbstractRefinePacket.GRADE_ACC: if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_ACC_SKILL_CHANCE) generateSkill = true; } if (!generateSkill && Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_BASESTAT_CHANCE) stat34 = Rnd.get(BASESTAT_STR, BASESTAT_MEN); // Second: decide which grade the augmentation result is going to have: // 0:yellow, 1:blue, 2:purple, 3:red // The chances used here are most likely custom, // whats known is: you cant have yellow with skill(or baseStatModifier) // noGrade stone can not have glow, mid only with skill, high has a chance(custom), top allways glow int resultColor = Rnd.get(0, 100); if (stat34 == 0 && !generateSkill) { if (resultColor <= (15 * lifeStoneGrade) + 40) resultColor = 1; else resultColor = 0; } else { if (resultColor <= (10 * lifeStoneGrade) + 5 || stat34 != 0) resultColor = 3; else if (resultColor <= (10 * lifeStoneGrade) + 10) resultColor = 1; else resultColor = 2; } // generate a skill if neccessary L2Skill skill = null; if (generateSkill) { switch (resultColor) { case 1: // blue skill stat34 = ((Integer) _blueSkills[lifeStoneLevel] .get(Rnd.get(0, _blueSkills[lifeStoneLevel].size() - 1))); break; case 2: // purple skill stat34 = ((Integer) _purpleSkills[lifeStoneLevel] .get(Rnd.get(0, _purpleSkills[lifeStoneLevel].size() - 1))); break; case 3: // red skill stat34 = ((Integer) _redSkills[lifeStoneLevel] .get(Rnd.get(0, _redSkills[lifeStoneLevel].size() - 1))); break; } skill = _allSkills.get(stat34).getSkill(); } // Third: Calculate the subblock offset for the choosen color, // and the level of the lifeStone // from large number of retail augmentations: // no skill part // Id for stat12: // A:1-910 B:911-1820 C:1821-2730 D:2731-3640 E:3641-4550 F:4551-5460 G:5461-6370 H:6371-7280 // Id for stat34(this defines the color): // I:7281-8190(yellow) K:8191-9100(blue) L:10921-11830(yellow) M:11831-12740(blue) // you can combine I-K with A-D and L-M with E-H // using C-D or G-H Id you will get a glow effect // there seems no correlation in which grade use which Id except for the glowing restriction // skill part // Id for stat12: // same for no skill part // A same as E, B same as F, C same as G, D same as H // A - no glow, no grade LS // B - weak glow, mid grade LS? // C - glow, high grade LS? // D - strong glow, top grade LS? // is neither a skill nor basestat used for stat34? then generate a normal stat int offset; if (stat34 == 0) { int temp = Rnd.get(2, 3); int colorOffset = resultColor * (10 * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + temp * STAT_BLOCKSIZE + 1; offset = (lifeStoneLevel * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + colorOffset; stat34 = Rnd.get(offset, offset + STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE - 1); if (generateGlow && lifeStoneGrade >= 2) offset = (lifeStoneLevel * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + (temp - 2) * STAT_BLOCKSIZE + lifeStoneGrade * (10 * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + 1; else offset = (lifeStoneLevel * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + (temp - 2) * STAT_BLOCKSIZE + Rnd.get(0, 1) * (10 * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + 1; } else { if (!generateGlow) offset = (lifeStoneLevel * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + Rnd.get(0, 1) * STAT_BLOCKSIZE + 1; else offset = (lifeStoneLevel * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + Rnd.get(0, 1) * STAT_BLOCKSIZE + (lifeStoneGrade + resultColor) / 2 * (10 * STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE) + 1; } stat12 = Rnd.get(offset, offset + STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE - 1); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("Augmentation success: stat12=" + stat12 + "; stat34=" + stat34 + "; resultColor=" + resultColor + "; level=" + lifeStoneLevel + "; grade=" + lifeStoneGrade); return new L2Augmentation(((stat34 << 16) + stat12), skill); } private L2Augmentation generateRandomAccessoryAugmentation(int lifeStoneLevel, int bodyPart) { int stat12 = 0; int stat34 = 0; int base = 0; int skillsLength = 0; lifeStoneLevel = Math.min(lifeStoneLevel, 9); switch (bodyPart) { case L2Item.SLOT_LR_FINGER: base = ACC_RING_START + ACC_RING_BLOCKSIZE * lifeStoneLevel; skillsLength = ACC_RING_SKILLS; break; case L2Item.SLOT_LR_EAR: base = ACC_EAR_START + ACC_EAR_BLOCKSIZE * lifeStoneLevel; skillsLength = ACC_EAR_SKILLS; break; case L2Item.SLOT_NECK: base = ACC_NECK_START + ACC_NECK_BLOCKSIZE * lifeStoneLevel; skillsLength = ACC_NECK_SKILLS; break; default: return null; } int resultColor = Rnd.get(0, 3); L2Skill skill = null; // first augmentation (stats only) stat12 = Rnd.get(ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE); if (Rnd.get(1, 100) <= Config.AUGMENTATION_ACC_SKILL_CHANCE) { // second augmentation (skill) stat34 = base + Rnd.get(skillsLength); if (_allSkills.containsKey(stat34)) skill = _allSkills.get(stat34).getSkill(); } if (skill == null) { // second augmentation (stats) // calculating any different from stat12 value inside sub-block // starting from next and wrapping over using remainder stat34 = (stat12 + 1 + Rnd.get(ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE - 1)) % ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; // this is a stats - skipping skills stat34 = base + skillsLength + ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE * resultColor + stat34; } // stat12 has stats only stat12 = base + skillsLength + ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE * resultColor + stat12; if (_log.isDebugEnabled())"Accessory augmentation success: stat12=" + stat12 + "; stat34=" + stat34 + "; level=" + lifeStoneLevel); return new L2Augmentation(((stat34 << 16) + stat12), skill); } public class AugStat { private final Stats _stat; private final float _value; public AugStat(Stats stat, float value) { _stat = stat; _value = value; } public Stats getStat() { return _stat; } public float getValue() { return _value; } } /** * Returns the stat and basestat boni for a given augmentation id * @param augmentationId * @return */ public FastList<AugStat> getAugStatsById(int augmentationId) { FastList<AugStat> temp = new FastList<AugStat>(); // An augmentation id contains 2 short vaues so we gotta seperate them here // both values contain a number from 1-16380, the first 14560 values are stats // the 14560 stats are divided into 4 blocks each holding 3640 values // each block contains 40 subblocks holding 91 stat values // the first 13 values are so called Solo-stats and they have the highest stat increase possible // after the 13 Solo-stats come 78 combined stats (thats every possible combination of the 13 solo stats) // the first 12 combined stats (14-26) is the stat 1 combined with stat 2-13 // the next 11 combined stats then are stat 2 combined with stat 3-13 and so on... // to get the idea have a look @ optiondata_client-e.dat - thats where the data came from :) int stats[] = new int[2]; stats[0] = 0x0000FFFF & augmentationId; stats[1] = (augmentationId >> 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // weapon augmentation - stats if (stats[i] >= STAT_START && stats[i] <= STAT_END) { int base = stats[i] - STAT_START; int color = base / STAT_BLOCKSIZE; // 4 color blocks int subblock = base % STAT_BLOCKSIZE; // offset in color block int level = subblock / STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; // stat level (sub-block number) int stat = subblock % STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; // offset in sub-block - stat byte stat1 = STATS1_MAP[stat]; byte stat2 = STATS2_MAP[stat]; if (stat1 == stat2) // solo stat { augmentationStat as = ((augmentationStat) _augStats[color].get(stat1)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getSingleStatValue(level))); } else // combined stat { augmentationStat as = ((augmentationStat) _augStats[color].get(stat1)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getCombinedStatValue(level))); as = ((augmentationStat) _augStats[color].get(stat2)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getCombinedStatValue(level))); } } // its a base stat else if (stats[i] >= BASESTAT_STR && stats[i] <= BASESTAT_MEN) { switch (stats[i]) { case BASESTAT_STR: temp.add(new AugStat(Stats.STAT_STR, 1.0f)); break; case BASESTAT_CON: temp.add(new AugStat(Stats.STAT_CON, 1.0f)); break; case BASESTAT_INT: temp.add(new AugStat(Stats.STAT_INT, 1.0f)); break; case BASESTAT_MEN: temp.add(new AugStat(Stats.STAT_MEN, 1.0f)); break; } } // accessory augmentation // 3 areas for rings, earrings and necklaces // each area consist of 10 blocks (level) // each block has skills first (18 or 24 for necklaces) // and sub-block for stats next else if (stats[i] >= ACC_START && stats[i] <= ACC_END) { int base, level, subblock; if (stats[i] <= ACC_RING_END) // rings area { base = stats[i] - ACC_RING_START; // calculate base offset level = base / ACC_RING_BLOCKSIZE; // stat level (block number) subblock = (base % ACC_RING_BLOCKSIZE) - ACC_RING_SKILLS; // skills first } else if (stats[i] <= ACC_EAR_END) //earrings area { base = stats[i] - ACC_EAR_START; level = base / ACC_EAR_BLOCKSIZE; subblock = (base % ACC_EAR_BLOCKSIZE) - ACC_EAR_SKILLS; } else // necklaces { base = stats[i] - ACC_NECK_START; level = base / ACC_NECK_BLOCKSIZE; subblock = (base % ACC_NECK_BLOCKSIZE) - ACC_NECK_SKILLS; } if (subblock >= 0) // stat, not skill { int color = subblock / ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; int stat = subblock % ACC_STAT_SUBBLOCKSIZE; byte stat1 = ACC_STATS1_MAP[stat]; byte stat2 = ACC_STATS2_MAP[stat]; if (stat1 == stat2) // solo { augmentationStat as = ((augmentationStat) _augAccStats[color].get(stat1)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getSingleStatValue(level))); } else // combined { augmentationStat as = ((augmentationStat) _augAccStats[color].get(stat1)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getCombinedStatValue(level))); as = ((augmentationStat) _augAccStats[color].get(stat2)); temp.add(new AugStat(as.getStat(), as.getCombinedStatValue(level))); } } } } return temp; } /** * Returns skill by augmentation Id or null if not valid or not found */ public L2Skill getAugSkillById(int augmentationId) { final augmentationSkill temp = _allSkills.get(augmentationId); if (temp == null) return null; return temp.getSkill(); } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final AugmentationData _instance = new AugmentationData(); } }