Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Krawler Information Systems Pvt Ltd * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.krawler.esp.servlets; import com.krawler.common.locale.MessageSourceProxy; import com.krawler.common.service.ServiceException; import com.krawler.common.session.SessionExpiredException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import com.krawler.common.util.KrawlerLog; import com.krawler.common.util.StringUtil; import com.krawler.svnwebclient.configuration.ConfigurationException; import com.krawler.utils.json.JSONException; import com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import*; import; import com.krawler.common.util.CsvReader; import com.krawler.common.util.KWLErrorMsgs; import com.krawler.common.util.SchedulingUtilities; import com.krawler.database.DbPool; import com.krawler.database.DbPool.Connection; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.AuthHandler; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.projdb; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONArray; import com.krawler.database.DbResults; import com.krawler.database.DbUtil; import; import; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.AuditTrail; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.ImportLogHandler; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.StorageHandler; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.dateFormatHandlers; import com.krawler.esp.project.task.DurationType; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; /** * * @author krawler */ public class importProjectPlanCSV extends HttpServlet { private Set<String> resNames; // String[] datePatterns = {"yyyy-MM-d", "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd/MM/yy", "MM/dd/yy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", // "M/d/yy", "E M/d/yy", "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy", "dd-MM-yy", "MM-dd-yy", "d-MM-yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy", // "E d-MM-yy", "MMMM dd, yyyy"}; private String dateFormat = ""; private Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH; protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); String doAction = request.getParameter("action"); Connection conn = null; String result = KWLErrorMsgs.rsSuccessFalse; JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); JSONObject temp = new JSONObject(); try { conn = DbPool.getConnection(); String companyID = AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request); CompanyDAO cd = new CompanyDAOImpl(); locale = cd.getCompanyLocale(conn, companyID); int errorCount = 0; // This action will import and store the original file on the svn. Also initializes importLog and returns the header JSON if (doAction.equals("1")) { clearTempData(conn); result = doImport(request, conn); // This action will insert tasks in proj_task and temp table, try to populate skipped records and respective error msgs. // will also collect resources and update counts in importLog. } else if (doAction.equals("2")) { result = UpdateTaskList(request, conn); JSONObject resJSON = new JSONObject(result); if (StringUtil.equal(resJSON.getString("importResult"), "success")) { Object[] resArr = resNames.toArray(); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (int c = 0; c < resArr.length; c++) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); String str = (String) resArr[c]; jo.put("name", str); ja.put(jo); } resJSON.put("resources", new JSONObject().put("data", ja.toString()).toString()); insertAuditLog(conn, request); // Audit Log is inserted here as it successfully inserted tasks in DB } result = resJSON.toString(); } else if (doAction.equals("3") || doAction.equals("4")) { // for action 3, there is resource mapping involved. Not for 4 if (doAction.equals("3")) { String val = request.getParameter("val"); errorCount = saveResources(conn, val, errorCount); } errorCount = savePredecessors(conn, errorCount); errorCount = saveParent(conn, request.getParameter("projectid"), errorCount); result = KWLErrorMsgs.rsValidTrueSuccessTrue; } conn.commit(); // connection committed before post processing to atleast show user imported data. if (doAction.equals("3") || doAction.equals("4")) { String filename = request.getParameter("filename"); filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")); Object[] data = ImportLogHandler.getRecordCount(conn, filename); if (errorCount > 0) { createPostProcessErrorFile(conn, request, errorCount); } clearTempData(conn); projdb.chkProjDateOnImport(conn, request.getParameter("projectid")); // changing project start date if needed saveBaseline(conn, request); conn.commit(); temp.put("success", true); temp.put("msg", MessageSourceProxy.getMessage(data[2].toString(), null, request)); temp.put("total", data[0]); temp.put("rejected", data[1]); temp.put("error", errorCount); temp.put("importResult", "success"); } } catch (IOException ex) { DbPool.quietRollback(conn); temp.put("success", false); temp.put("msg", ex.getMessage()); temp.put("importResult", "failure"); Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ServiceException ex) { DbPool.quietRollback(conn); temp.put("success", false); temp.put("msg", ex.getMessage()); temp.put("importResult", "failure"); Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SessionExpiredException ex) { DbPool.quietRollback(conn); temp.put("success", false); temp.put("msg", ex.getMessage()); temp.put("importResult", "failure"); Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { DbPool.quietRollback(conn); temp.put("success", false); temp.put("msg", ex.getMessage()); temp.put("importResult", "failure"); Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { j.put("valid", true); j.put("data", temp.toString()); DbPool.quietClose(conn); if (doAction.equals("3") || doAction.equals("4")) response.getWriter().write(j.toString()); else response.getWriter().write(result); response.getWriter().close(); } } /** * Prepare task for inserting in Db by reading it from CSV. Looks for exceptions while storing and skips such tasks, * which are then inserted into the failure file */ public String UpdateTaskList(HttpServletRequest request, Connection conn) throws ServiceException { String result = " "; CsvReader csvReader = null; FileInputStream fstream = null; String failedRecords = "", csvFile = ""; try { String mappedHeaders = request.getParameter("mappedheader"); csvFile = request.getParameter("filename"); String appendchoice = request.getParameter("append"); String includeheader = request.getParameter("includeheader"); String projectid = request.getParameter("projectid"); int dfid = 2; if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("dfid"))) dfid = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("dfid")); dateFormat = dateFormatHandlers.getDateFormat(conn, dfid); com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject headers = new com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject( mappedHeaders); com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject jtemp; String userid = AuthHandler.getUserid(request); String destinationDirectory = StorageHandler.GetDocStorePath() + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "importplans"; File csv = new File(destinationDirectory + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + csvFile); fstream = new FileInputStream(csv); csvReader = new CsvReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream)); int totalrecords = 0; String s = ""; if (includeheader.equals("0")) { if (csvReader.readHeaders()) { String[] heads = csvReader.getHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) { s += "\"" + heads[i] + "\","; } s = s.concat("\"log\""); } } failedRecords += s; int totalOldTasks = 0; if (appendchoice.equals("0")) { totalOldTasks = projdb.getLastTaskIndex(conn, projectid); } else { projdb.deleteAllRecords(conn, projectid); } resNames = new HashSet<String>(); int skipped = 0; while (csvReader.readRecord()) { totalrecords++; HashMap<Integer, String> skip = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jtemp = new com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject(); jtemp.put("taskname", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Task Name")); jtemp.put("startdate", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Start Date")); jtemp.put("enddate", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "End Date")); String pc = getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Percent Completed"); if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(pc)) pc = "0"; else if (pc.contains("%")) { pc = pc.substring(0, pc.indexOf("%")); } jtemp.put("percentcomplete", pc); String priority = getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Priority"); String prt = "1"; if (priority != null) { if (priority.equalsIgnoreCase("Low")) { prt = "2"; } else if (priority.equalsIgnoreCase("High")) { prt = "0"; } } jtemp.put("priority", prt); jtemp.put("notes", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Notes")); jtemp.put("duration", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Duration")); jtemp.put("resourcename", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Resource Name")); jtemp.put("predecessor", getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Predecessor")); String parent = getFieldFromCSV(csvReader, headers, "Parent"); String p = ""; if (!StringUtil.equal(parent, "") && !parent.equalsIgnoreCase("Parent")) p = parent; jtemp.put("parent", p); skip = storeInDB(conn, jtemp, projectid, appendchoice, userid, totalOldTasks, totalrecords); if (!skip.isEmpty()) { if (includeheader.equals("0")) failedRecords += "\n" + csvReader.getRawRecord() + ",\"" + skip.get(1) + "\""; else failedRecords += "\n" + csvReader.getRawRecord() + "\n\"Header row was included while importing. Cannot create task for it.\""; skipped++; } else { totalOldTasks++; } } String msg_client = "", msg = "", logkey = ""; if (skipped == totalrecords) { if (appendchoice.equals("1")) { DbPool.quietRollback(conn); // Restore deleted records in case of overwrite & when nothing added from CSV } msg = "CSV discarded due to incorrect data/mapping."; msg_client = MessageSourceProxy.getMessage("pm.importlog.csvdiscarded", null, locale); logkey = "pm.importlog.csvdiscarded"; result = "{\"success\":true,\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\", \"importResult\":\"failure\"}"; } else if (skipped == 0) { msg = "Project plan imported successfully."; msg_client = MessageSourceProxy.getMessage("pm.importlog.succPlan", null, locale); logkey = "pm.importlog.succPlan"; result = "{\"success\":true,\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\", \"importResult\":\"success\"}"; } else { msg = "Some rows have been discarded due to incorrect data."; msg_client = MessageSourceProxy.getMessage("pm.importlog.discardrow", null, locale); logkey = "pm.importlog.discardrow"; result = "{\"success\":true,\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\", \"importResult\":\"success\"}"; } String fid = csvFile.substring(0, csvFile.lastIndexOf(".")); ImportLogHandler.updateRecordCount(conn, fid, msg, logkey, totalrecords, skipped, -1); fstream.close(); csvReader.close(); } catch (SessionExpiredException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { createFailureFile(conn, failedRecords, csvFile); } return result; } /** * Adds the task into proj_task and temp table. any exception will return a HashMap contining error description */ protected HashMap<Integer, String> storeInDB(Connection conn, JSONObject temp, String projectid, String appendchoice, String userid, int totalOldTasks, int recordIndex) throws ServiceException { int skipped = 0; HashMap<Integer, String> skip = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); try { int nonworkweekArr[] = projdb.getNonWorkWeekDays(conn, projectid); String holidayArr[] = projdb.getCompHolidays(conn, projectid, ""); try { String tid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String startdate = StringUtil.serverHTMLStripper(temp.getString("startdate")); java.util.Date SDateVal = sdf.parse(startdate); startdate = sdf.format(SDateVal); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(SDateVal); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); boolean flag = true; while (flag) { if ((Arrays.binarySearch(nonworkweekArr, SDateVal.getDay()) >= 0 || Arrays.binarySearch(holidayArr, sdf1.format(SDateVal)) >= 0)) { cal.setTime(SDateVal); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); SDateVal = cal.getTime(); flag = true; } else { flag = false; } } temp.remove("startdate"); temp.put("startdate", sdf1.format(SDateVal)); java.util.Date EDateVal = new Date(); String acduration = ""; String enddate = ""; String dura = temp.getString("duration"); if (!temp.getString("enddate").equals("")) { enddate = StringUtil.serverHTMLStripper(temp.getString("enddate")); EDateVal = sdf.parse(enddate); acduration = getActualDuration_importCSV(SDateVal, EDateVal, nonworkweekArr, holidayArr, dura); } else { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dura)) { EDateVal = projdb.calculateEndDate(conn, SDateVal, dura, nonworkweekArr, holidayArr, ""); enddate = sdf.format(EDateVal); acduration = dura; } else { throw new ParseException("Insufficient Data", 0); } } temp.put("duration", acduration); temp.put("actstartdate", startdate); temp.put("enddate", enddate); temp.put("level", "0"); temp.put("isparent", "false"); temp.put("loginid", userid); temp.put("links", ""); projdb.InsertTask(conn, temp, tid, projectid, Integer.toString(totalOldTasks)); totalOldTasks++; DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "INSERT INTO tempImportData VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", new Object[] { recordIndex, tid, temp.getString("taskname"), temp.getString("duration"), temp.getString("startdate"), temp.getString("enddate"), temp.getInt("percentcomplete"), temp.getString("priority"), temp.getString("notes"), temp.getString("resourcename"), temp.getString("predecessor"), temp.getString("parent"), "" }); String resnames = temp.getString("resourcename"); String[] res = resnames.split(","); for (int c = 0; c < res.length; c++) { if (!StringUtil.equal(res[c], "")) resNames.add(res[c]); } } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { // skip.put(++skipped, MessageSourceProxy.getMessage(KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVInvFormat, null, locale)); skip.put(++skipped, KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVInvFormat); } catch (ParseException ex) { // skip.put(++skipped, MessageSourceProxy.getMessage(KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVInvDateFormat, null, locale)); skip.put(++skipped, KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVInvDateFormat); } catch (ServiceException ex) { // skip.put(++skipped, MessageSourceProxy.getMessage(KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVTaskFailure, null, locale)); skip.put(++skipped, KWLErrorMsgs.importCSVTaskFailure); } } catch (ServiceException ex) { KrawlerLog.op.warn("Problem Storing Data In DB [importProjectPlanCSV.storeInDB()]:" + ex.toString()); throw ServiceException.FAILURE("importProjectPlanCSV.storeInDB error", ex); } return skip; } public String getActualDuration(Date stdate, Date enddate, int[] NonWorkDays, String[] holidays) { int noofdays = 0; java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); while (stdate.compareTo(enddate) < 0) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(NonWorkDays, stdate.getDay()) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(holidays, sdf1.format(stdate)) < 0) { noofdays++; } c1.set(stdate.getYear() + 1900, stdate.getMonth(), stdate.getDate()); c1.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); stdate = sdf1.parse(sdf1.format(c1.getTime())); } if (stdate.compareTo(enddate) == 0) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(NonWorkDays, stdate.getDay()) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(holidays, sdf1.format(stdate)) < 0) { noofdays++; } } } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return noofdays + "d"; } public static String getActualDuration_importCSV(Date stdate, Date enddate, int[] NonWorkDays, String[] holidays, String duration) { Double noofdays = 0.0; java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); while (stdate.compareTo(enddate) < 0) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(NonWorkDays, stdate.getDay()) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(holidays, sdf1.format(stdate)) < 0) { noofdays++; } c1.setTime(stdate); c1.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); stdate = sdf1.parse(sdf1.format(c1.getTime())); } if (stdate.compareTo(enddate) == 0) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(NonWorkDays, stdate.getDay()) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(holidays, sdf1.format(stdate)) < 0) { if (duration.equals("")) { noofdays++; } else { int dur1 = Integer.parseInt(duration.substring(0, 1)); if (dur1 == 0) { noofdays = 0.0; } else { noofdays++; } } } } } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return String.valueOf(noofdays); } private String doImport(HttpServletRequest request, Connection conn) throws SessionExpiredException, ServiceException, IOException, JSONException { String contentType = request.getContentType(); CsvReader csvReader = null; String header = ""; FileInputStream fstream = null; try { if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) { String fileid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String f1 = uploadDocument(request, fileid); if (f1.length() != 0) { String destinationDirectory = StorageHandler.GetDocStorePath() + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "importplans"; File csv = new File(destinationDirectory + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + f1); fstream = new FileInputStream(csv); csvReader = new CsvReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream)); csvReader.readRecord(); int i = 0; while (!(StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(csvReader.get(i)))) { header += "{\"header\":\"" + csvReader.get(i) + "\",\"index\":" + i + "},"; i++; } header = header.substring(0, header.length() - 1); header = "{\"success\": true,\"FileName\":\"" + f1 + "\",\"Headers\":[" + header + "]}"; String fileName = request.getParameter("realfilename"); String userid = AuthHandler.getUserid(request); String companyid = AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request); String projectid = request.getParameter("projectid"); int c = ImportLogHandler.insertImportLog(conn, fileid, fileName, f1, "CSV", "", "Project plan", userid, companyid, projectid, "", "pm.common.projectplan"); if (c != 1) throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Failed to insert log", new Throwable()); // e.g. Header= "{'Task Name':0,'Start Date':1,'End Date':2,'Proirity':3,'Percent Completed':4,'Notes':5}"; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { KrawlerLog.op.warn("Problem Storing Data In DB [importProjectPlanCSV.storeInDB()]:" + ex); throw ServiceException.FAILURE("importProjectPlanCSV.getfile", ex); } finally { if (csvReader != null) csvReader.close(); if (fstream != null) fstream.close(); } return header; } public static String uploadDocument(HttpServletRequest request, String fileid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; try { String destinationDirectory = StorageHandler.GetDocStorePath() + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "importplans"; org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload fu = new org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload(); org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem fi = null; org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem docTmpFI = null; List fileItems = null; try { fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request); } catch (FileUploadException e) { KrawlerLog.op.warn("Problem While Uploading file :" + e.toString()); } long size = 0; String Ext = ""; String fileName = null; boolean fileupload = false; destDir = new; fu.setSizeMax(-1); fu.setSizeThreshold(4096); fu.setRepositoryPath(destinationDirectory); java.util.HashMap arrParam = new java.util.HashMap(); for (java.util.Iterator k = fileItems.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { fi = (org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem); arrParam.put(fi.getFieldName(), fi.getString()); if (!fi.isFormField()) { size = fi.getSize(); fileName = new String(fi.getName().getBytes(), "UTF8"); docTmpFI = fi; fileupload = true; } } if (fileupload) { if (!destDir.exists()) { destDir.mkdirs(); } if (fileName.contains(".")) { Ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (size != 0) { File uploadFile = new File(destinationDirectory + "/" + fileid + Ext); docTmpFI.write(uploadFile); // fildoc(fileid, fileName, fileid + Ext, AuthHandler.getUserid(request), size); result = fileid + Ext; } } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw ServiceException.FAILURE("importProjectPlanCSV.uploadDocument", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw ServiceException.FAILURE("importProjectPlanCSV.uploadDocument", ex); } return result; } private String getFieldFromCSV(CsvReader csvrdr, JSONObject header, String FieldName) throws IOException { String result = ""; try { int index = Integer.parseInt(header.get(FieldName).toString()); if (!(StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(cleanHTML(csvrdr.get(index))))) { result = cleanHTML(csvrdr.get(index)); if (FieldName.compareTo("Start Date") == 0 || FieldName.compareTo("End Date") == 0) { // Checking date string by parsing with standard date format result = cleanHTML(csvrdr.get(index)); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat); try { Date checkDate = sdf.parse(result); result = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(checkDate); } catch (ParseException ex) { result = "ex"; } } } else { result = ""; } } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { result = ""; } finally { return result; } } /** * Adding resources on the respective task. Checks for * 1. mapping of the resource */ private int saveResources(Connection conn, String val, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { String taskid = ""; try { JSONArray resData = new JSONArray(val); DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT taskid, resourcename FROM tempImportData"); while ( { String resOnTask = rs.getString("resourcename"); taskid = rs.getString("taskid"); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(resOnTask)) { String[] ress = resOnTask.split(","); for (int r = 0; r < ress.length; r++) { String res = ress[r]; for (int i = 0; i < resData.length(); i++) { JSONObject jtemp = resData.getJSONObject(i); String resname = jtemp.getString("tempid"); if (resname.equalsIgnoreCase(res)) { String resourceid = jtemp.getString("resourceid"); if (!StringUtil.equal(resourceid, "")) DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "INSERT INTO proj_taskresourcemapping (taskid,resourceid,resduration) values(?,?,?)", new Object[] { taskid, resourceid, 0 }); } } } } } } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExRes); errorCount++; } catch (ServiceException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExRes); errorCount++; } finally { return errorCount; } } /** * Establish predecessor and successors. checks for * 1. inconsistent start and finish dates for pred-succ * 2. finding the specified task in imported data */ private int savePredecessors(Connection conn, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { String fromtaskid = "", totaskid = ""; java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d"); DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT taskid, predecessor FROM tempImportData"); while ( { try { totaskid = rs.getString("taskid"); String pred = rs.getString("predecessor"); if (!StringUtil.equal(pred, "")) { String predsearr[] = pred.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < predsearr.length; i++) { DbResults rs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT taskid, duration FROM tempImportData WHERE taskindex = ?", new Object[] { predsearr[i] }); if ( { fromtaskid = rs1.getString("taskid"); double duration = projdb.getDuration(rs1.getString("duration")); Date sd = null, ed = null; DbResults to = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT startdate FROM proj_task WHERE taskid = ?", totaskid); if ( sd = sdf.parse(to.getObject("startdate").toString()); DbResults from = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT enddate FROM proj_task WHERE taskid = ?", fromtaskid); if ( ed = sdf.parse(from.getObject("enddate").toString()); if (sd != null && ed != null) { if ((sd.after(ed) && duration != 0) || ((sd.after(ed) || sd.equals(ed)) && duration == 0)) { projdb.addLink(conn, fromtaskid, totaskid); } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, totaskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLPredInvalidDate); errorCount++; } } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, totaskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLPredInvalidDate); errorCount++; } } else { // taskindex doesnt exist in tempImportData ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, totaskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLPredNotFound); errorCount++; } } } } catch (ParseException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, totaskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExPred); errorCount++; } catch (ServiceException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, totaskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExPred); errorCount++; } } return errorCount; } /** * Establish parent-child relationship in imported tasks. checks for * 1. immediate above parent task * 2. finding the specified task in imported data * 3. WBS or Outline type of task heirarchy (for Non-Deskera CSVs) */ private int saveParent(Connection conn, String projectid, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { String taskid = ""; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData"); String parentid = ""; boolean flag = false, nonDeskeraTypeParentField = false; while ( { try { flag = false; String parentString = rs.getString("parent"); int parent = 0; int index = rs.getInt("taskindex"); taskid = rs.getString("taskid"); if (parentString.contains(".")) { String par = parentString.substring(0, parentString.lastIndexOf(".")); DbResults rsTemp = null; if (par.contains(".")) { rsTemp = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE parent = ? ", new Object[] { par }); } else { parent = Integer.parseInt(par); rsTemp = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE parent = ? ", new Object[] { parent }); } if ( { parent = rsTemp.getInt("taskindex"); } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLParentNotFound); errorCount++; } nonDeskeraTypeParentField = true; } else { if (!nonDeskeraTypeParentField) { // deskera CSV having direct parent index if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(parentString)) parent = Integer.parseInt(parentString); else parent = 0; } } if (parent == 0) { parentid = "0"; flag = false; } else { Object[] temp = validateParentTask(conn, taskid, index, parent, errorCount); flag = (Boolean) temp[0]; parentid = (String) temp[1]; } if (flag) { projdb.updateParentFieldOfRecord(conn, taskid, parentid); DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE proj_task SET isparent = true WHERE taskid = ?", parentid); DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE proj_task SET level=level+1 WHERE taskid = ?", taskid); } else { projdb.updateParentFieldOfRecord(conn, taskid, parentid); } } catch (ServiceException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExParent); errorCount++; } } errorCount = updateAllParents(conn, projectid, errorCount); return errorCount; } private Object[] validateParentTask(Connection conn, String taskid, int index, int parent, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { String parentid = "0"; Object[] o = new Object[2]; boolean flag = false; if (parent < index) { if (parent != index - 1) { DbResults rsTemp = getTempTask(conn, index - 1, taskid, errorCount); if ( { String parentString = rsTemp.getString("parent"); int tempParent = -1; DbResults rs2 = null; if (parentString.contains(".")) { String par = parentString.substring(0, parentString.lastIndexOf(".")); if (par.contains(".")) { rs2 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE parent = ? ", new Object[] { par }); } else { tempParent = Integer.parseInt(par); rs2 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE parent = ? ", new Object[] { tempParent }); } } else { tempParent = Integer.parseInt(parentString); rs2 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE taskindex = ? ", new Object[] { tempParent }); } if ( { tempParent = rs2.getInt("taskindex"); if ((parentString.contains(".") && tempParent <= parent) || (!parentString.contains(".") && tempParent >= parent)) { DbResults rs1 = getTempTask(conn, parent, taskid, errorCount); if ( { parentid = rs1.getString("taskid"); flag = true; } } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLParentInvalidIndex); errorCount++; } } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLParentNotFound); errorCount++; } } } else { DbResults rs1 = getTempTask(conn, parent, taskid, errorCount); if ( { parentid = rs1.getString("taskid"); flag = true; } } } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLParentInvalidIndex); errorCount++; } o[0] = flag; o[1] = parentid; return o; } private DbResults getTempTask(Connection conn, int taskindex, String taskid, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData WHERE taskindex = ? ", new Object[] { taskindex }); if (rs1.size() != 0) { return rs1; } else { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLParentNotFound); errorCount++; } return rs1; } /** * Update dates, percent complete of newly imported parent tasks */ private int updateAllParents(Connection conn, String projectid, int errorCount) throws ServiceException { String sdt = ""; String edt = ""; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); double percentcomplete = 0, totaldur = 0, duration = 0; String taskid = ""; DbResults rsAll = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData"); while ( { try { percentcomplete = 0; duration = 0; totaldur = 0; taskid = rsAll.getString("taskid"); DbResults dirChilds = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT taskid, duration, percentcomplete " + "FROM proj_task WHERE parent = ? AND projectid = ?", new Object[] { taskid, projectid }); while ( { String strdur = dirChilds.getString("duration"); duration = projdb.getDuration(strdur); percentcomplete += (int) (duration * ((double) dirChilds.getInt("percentcomplete") / 100)); totaldur += duration; } DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT projectid, MIN(startdate) AS stdate, " + "MAX(enddate) AS edate FROM proj_task WHERE parent=? AND projectid = ? GROUP BY projectid", new Object[] { taskid, projectid }); if ( { double percent = 0; if (totaldur != 0) { percent = ((percentcomplete / totaldur) * 100); } if (!rs.isNull("stdate")) { sdt = rs.getObject("stdate").toString(); edt = rs.getObject("edate").toString(); Date stdate = sdf.parse(sdt); Date endate = sdf.parse(edt); int[] nonworkweekArr = projdb.getNonWorkWeekDays(conn, projectid); String holidayArr[] = projdb.getCompHolidays(conn, projectid, ""); String dur1 = getActualDuration_importCSV(stdate, endate, nonworkweekArr, holidayArr, ""); duration = SchedulingUtilities.parseDuration(dur1); percentcomplete = (int) percent; DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE proj_task SET startdate=?, enddate=?, duration =?,percentcomplete=? WHERE taskid=?", new Object[] { stdate, endate, duration, percentcomplete, taskid }); } } } catch (ParseException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExParent); errorCount++; } catch (ServiceException ex) { ImportLogHandler.updateTaskLog(conn, taskid, KWLErrorMsgs.iLExParent); errorCount++; } } return errorCount; } /** * Deleting data in the temp table after all processing is complete irrespective of operation being success or failure */ private void clearTempData(Connection conn) throws ServiceException { DbUtil.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM tempImportData"); } /** * save baseline if user has asked for it */ private void saveBaseline(Connection conn, HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException { try { String projectid = request.getParameter("projectid"); String userid = AuthHandler.getUserid(request); String projName = projdb.getProjectName(conn, projectid); int bsln = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("isbaseline")); boolean isBaseline = (bsln == 1) ? true : false; if (isBaseline) { boolean isUnderLimit = projdb.checkBaseline(conn, projectid); if (isUnderLimit) { projdb.saveBaseline(conn, projectid, userid, projName.concat(" Baseline - ") .concat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date())), "Baseline created on importing CSV file."); } } } catch (SessionExpiredException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("importProjectPlanCSV.saveBaseline", ex); } } /** * Creating CSV having skipped records for which tasks were not created */ private void createFailureFile(Connection conn, String failedRecords, String filename) { FileOutputStream fo = null; try { if (failedRecords.split("\n").length >= 2) { String destinationDirectory = StorageHandler.GetDocStorePath() + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "importplans"; fo = new FileOutputStream( destinationDirectory + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "reject_" + filename); fo.write(failedRecords.getBytes()); fo.flush(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (fo != null) fo.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * Creating CSV having errors found during post processing */ private void createPostProcessErrorFile(Connection conn, HttpServletRequest request, int errorCount) { FileOutputStream fo = null; try { String destinationDirectory = StorageHandler.GetDocStorePath() + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "importplans"; String filename = request.getParameter("filename"); fo = new FileOutputStream( destinationDirectory + StorageHandler.GetFileSeparator() + "error_" + filename); DbResults dr = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM tempImportData"); String recs = ""; int cnt = 0; while ( { cnt++; try { JSONObject temp = dr.toJSONObject(cnt); if (cnt == 1) { Iterator i = temp.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String entry = (String); if (!StringUtil.equal("taskid", entry)) recs += "\"" + entry + "\","; } recs = recs.substring(0, recs.length() - 1); } else { if (dr.getString("log").compareTo("") != 0) { recs += "\n"; Iterator i = temp.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String entry = (String); if (!StringUtil.equal("taskid", entry) && !entry.contains("date")) recs += "\"" + temp.getString(entry) + "\","; if (entry.contains("date")) recs += "\"" + temp.getString(entry).split(" ")[0] + "\","; } recs = recs.substring(0, recs.length() - 1); } } } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } fo.write(recs.getBytes()); fo.flush(); ImportLogHandler.updateErrorsCount(conn, filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")), errorCount); } catch (ServiceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (fo != null) fo.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * Make an audit log entry of Project plan being imported in CSV format. * This is done before the post-processing of the data. */ private void insertAuditLog(Connection conn, HttpServletRequest request) { try { int auditMode = 1; String loginid = AuthHandler.getUserid(request); String userFullName = AuthHandler.getAuthor(conn, loginid); String userName = AuthHandler.getUserName(request); String projId = request.getParameter("projectid"); String projName = projdb.getProjectName(conn, projId); String companyid = AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request); String ipAddress = AuthHandler.getIPAddress(request); String params = userFullName + " (" + userName + "), " + "[ CSV ]" + ", " + projName; AuditTrail.insertLog(conn, "118", loginid, projId, projId, companyid, params, ipAddress, auditMode); } catch (SessionExpiredException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ServiceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private String cleanHTML(String strText) throws IOException { return StringUtil.serverHTMLStripper(strText); } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { processRequest(request, response); } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { processRequest(request, response); } catch (com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(importProjectPlanCSV.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override public String getServletInfo() { return "Imports project plan from csv document"; }// </editor-fold> }