Java tutorial
// // (c) 2014 DS Data Systems UK Ltd, All rights reserved. // // DS Data Systems and KonaKart and their respective logos, are // trademarks of DS Data Systems UK Ltd. All rights reserved. // // The information in this document is free software; you can redistribute // it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import com.konakart.appif.KKEngIf; import com.konakart.appif.OrderIf; import com.konakart.appif.OrderProductIf; import com.konakart.appif.ShippingQuoteIf; import; import com.konakart.util.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Thomson Custom Utilities - Customers can provide custom classes that extend this interface to * provide custom functionality for the module for the interfaces that they wish to specialise. */ public class ThomsonCustomBase implements ThomsonCustomIf { /** * The <code>Log</code> instance for this application. */ protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ThomsonCustomBase.class); /** * An engine that can be used by the custom methods */ private KKEngIf eng; /** * The module */ private module; /** * Constructor * * @param _eng * a KKENgIf engine * @param _module * the instance of the module */ public ThomsonCustomBase(KKEngIf _eng, _module) { this.eng = _eng; this.module = _module; } public ZoneAddressType getShipToAddress(StaticData sd, OrderIf order, Country deliveryCountry, Zone deliveryZone) { String deliveryZoneType = null; if (deliveryZone != null) { // We assume that the custom1 field of Zone contains "S" (State) or "P" (Province) deliveryZoneType = deliveryZone.getCustom1(); } ZoneAddressType shipToAddr = new ZoneAddressType(); shipToAddr.setADDRESS1(order.getDeliveryStreetAddress()); if (!Utils.isBlank(order.getDeliveryCity())) { shipToAddr.setCITY(order.getDeliveryCity()); } shipToAddr.setCOUNTRY(getModule().getCountryISO2(sd, order.getDeliveryCountry())); if (!Utils.isBlank(order.getDeliveryPostcode())) { shipToAddr.setPOSTCODE(order.getDeliveryPostcode()); } setStateAndProvince(shipToAddr, deliveryZone, deliveryZoneType, order.getDeliveryState()); return shipToAddr; } public ZoneAddressType getBillToAddress(StaticData sd, OrderIf order, Country billingCountry, Zone billingZone) { String billingZoneType = null; if (billingZone != null) { // We assume that the custom1 field of Zone contains "S" (State) or "P" (Province) billingZoneType = billingZone.getCustom1(); } ZoneAddressType billToAddr = new ZoneAddressType(); billToAddr.setADDRESS1(order.getBillingStreetAddress()); if (!Utils.isBlank(order.getBillingCity())) { billToAddr.setCITY(order.getBillingCity()); } billToAddr.setCOUNTRY(getModule().getCountryISO2(sd, order.getBillingCountry())); if (!Utils.isBlank(order.getBillingPostcode())) { billToAddr.setPOSTCODE(order.getBillingPostcode()); } setStateAndProvince(billToAddr, billingZone, billingZoneType, order.getBillingState()); return billToAddr; } /** * Custom method for retrieving values from complicated places... expected to be specialised to * suit local requirements. In the default case we expect that the 6 tax code fields are * '|'-separated and set on a single custom field that is identified by the * MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_CUSTON_CODE_FIELD configuration setting. * * @param fieldName * Name of the field we are retrieving * @param customCodeFieldValue * the value of the custom field (could be in any String format) * @param sd * the StaticData which caches configuration data for the store * @param orderProduct * the order product. An order will have one or more orderProducts * @return the value for the fieldName specified */ public String getCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, String customCodeFieldValue, StaticData sd, OrderProductIf orderProduct) { if (customCodeFieldValue == null) { return null; } String[] sextuplet = customCodeFieldValue.split("\\|"); if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_USCOMMODITY_CODE_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 0) { return sextuplet[0]; } else { return ""; } } else if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_COMMODITY_CODE_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 1) { return sextuplet[1]; } else { return ""; } } else if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_MOSS_CODE_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 2) { return sextuplet[2]; } else { return ""; } } else if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_TRANS_TYPE_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 3) { return sextuplet[3]; } else { return ""; } } else if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_VAT_INCLUDED_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 4) { return sextuplet[4]; } else { return ""; } } else if (fieldName == Thomson.MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_THOMSON_EXEMPTIONS_FIELD) { if (sextuplet.length > 5) { return sextuplet[5]; } else { return ""; } } else { log.warn("Unknown field : " + fieldName); } return null; } /** * Add zero or more User Elements to the line object * * @param sd * the StaticData which caches configuration data for the store * @param orderProduct * the order product. An order will have one or more orderProducts * @param line * the IndataLineType line */ public void addUserElements(StaticData sd, OrderProductIf orderProduct, IndataLineType line) { String mossIndicator = getModule().getMossIndicator(sd, orderProduct); if (!Utils.isBlank(mossIndicator)) { UserElementType ue = new UserElementType(); ue.setNAME("ATTRIBUTE1"); ue.setVALUE(mossIndicator); line.getUSERELEMENT().add(ue); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added User Element : " + ue.getNAME() + " = " + ue.getVALUE()); } } String vatIndicator = getModule().getVatIncludedIndicator(sd, orderProduct); if (!Utils.isBlank(vatIndicator)) { UserElementType ue = new UserElementType(); ue.setNAME("ATTRIBUTE4"); ue.setVALUE(vatIndicator); line.getUSERELEMENT().add(ue); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added User Element : " + ue.getNAME() + " = " + ue.getVALUE()); } } String exemptionIndicator = getModule().getExemptionsIndicator(sd, orderProduct); if (!Utils.isBlank(exemptionIndicator)) { UserElementType ue = new UserElementType(); ue.setNAME("ATTRIBUTE5"); ue.setVALUE(exemptionIndicator); line.getUSERELEMENT().add(ue); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added User Element : " + ue.getNAME() + " = " + ue.getVALUE()); } } } /** * Add zero or more User Elements to the line object for the shipping line * * @param sd * the StaticData which caches configuration data for the store * @param order * the order. * @param line * the IndataLineType line */ public void addUserElementsShipping(StaticData sd, OrderIf order, IndataLineType line) { String vatIndicator = getModule().getShippingVatIndicator(sd, order); if (!Utils.isBlank(vatIndicator)) { UserElementType ue = new UserElementType(); ue.setNAME("ATTRIBUTE4"); ue.setVALUE(vatIndicator); line.getUSERELEMENT().add(ue); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added User Element : " + ue.getNAME() + " = " + ue.getVALUE()); } } } public String getGROSS_AMOUNTForProduct(StaticData sd, OrderProductIf orderProduct, OrderIf order) { return orderProduct.getFinalPriceExTax().toString(); } public String getGROSS_AMOUNTForShipping(StaticData sd, ShippingQuoteIf shipping, OrderIf order) { return shipping.getTotalIncTax().toString(); } /* * public BigDecimal adjustmentForInclusiveShipping(StaticData sd, TaxCalculationResponse * response, OrderIf order) { if (response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE() != null && * response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0) != null && * response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0).getLINE() != null) { * * for (OutdataLineType line : response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0).getLINE()) { if * (line.getCOMMODITYCODE() != null && line.getCOMMODITYCODE().equals("FREIGHT INCLUSIVE")) { if * (!Utils.isBlank(line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { * log.debug("Thomson Tax reduced by " + line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT() + * " for VAT-inclusive Shipping"); } return new BigDecimal(line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT()); } } } } * * return new BigDecimal("0.00"); } */ public void adjustOrderAfterTaxCalculation(StaticData sd, TaxCalculationResponse response, OrderIf order) { if (response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE() != null && response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0) != null && response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0).getLINE() != null) { /* * for (OutdataLineType line : response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0).getLINE()) { if * (line.getCOMMODITYCODE() != null && * line.getCOMMODITYCODE().equals("FREIGHT INCLUSIVE")) { if * (!Utils.isBlank(line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { * log.debug("Thomson Tax reduced by " + line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT() + * " for VAT-inclusive Shipping"); } adjustedTaxAmountBD = * adjustedTaxAmountBD.subtract(new BigDecimal(line .getTOTALTAXAMOUNT())); } } } */ // For each line reset the tax and priceIncTax on the OrderProducts & ShippingQuote int lineNum = 0; for (OutdataLineType line : response.getOUTDATA().getINVOICE().get(0).getLINE()) { lineNum++; if (line.getDESCRIPTION() != null) { BigDecimal taxBD = new BigDecimal(line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT()); if (line.getDESCRIPTION().equals("Shipping Charge")) { if (!Utils.isBlank(line.getTOTALTAXAMOUNT())) { order.getShippingQuote().setTax(taxBD); order.getShippingQuote() .setTotalExTax(order.getShippingQuote().getTotalIncTax().subtract(taxBD)); } } else { order.getOrderProducts()[lineNum - 1].setTax(taxBD); order.getOrderProducts()[lineNum - 1].setFinalPriceIncTax( order.getOrderProducts()[lineNum - 1].getFinalPriceExTax().add(taxBD)); if (line.getTAXSUMMARY() != null && line.getTAXSUMMARY().getTAXRATE() != null) { BigDecimal taxRateBD = new BigDecimal(line.getTAXSUMMARY().getTAXRATE()); order.getOrderProducts()[lineNum - 1] .setTaxRate(taxRateBD.multiply(new BigDecimal("100"))); } } } } } } public void calculateTotals(StaticData sd, OrderIf order) { order.setTotalExTax(new BigDecimal(0)); order.setTotalIncTax(new BigDecimal(0)); order.setTax(new BigDecimal(0)); if (order.getOrderProducts() == null || order.getOrderProducts().length == 0) { return; } // Calculate totals for the products for (int i = 0; i < order.getOrderProducts().length; i++) { OrderProduct op = (OrderProduct) order.getOrderProducts()[i]; if (op.getFinalPriceExTax() != null) { order.setTotalExTax(order.getTotalExTax().add(op.getFinalPriceExTax())); } if (op.getTax() != null) { order.setTax(order.getTax().add(op.getTax())); } } order.setSubTotalExTax(new BigDecimal(0).add(order.getTotalExTax())); order.setSubTotalIncTax(order.getSubTotalExTax().add(order.getTax())); // Add the shipping quote ShippingQuoteIf quote = order.getShippingQuote(); if (quote != null) { order.setTotalExTax(order.getTotalExTax().add(quote.getTotalExTax())); order.setTax(order.getTax().add(quote.getTax())); } order.setTotalIncTax(order.getTotalExTax().add(order.getTax())); } /** * Logic to decide which tags to set based on the address information we have available. * * @param addr * the ZoneAddressType object to populate * @param zone * the Zone (could be null) * @param zoneType * the zoneType (could be null - this is the Custom1 attribute of the Zone) * @param rawState * the state/province name we started with */ protected void setStateAndProvince(ZoneAddressType addr, Zone zone, String zoneType, String rawState) { if (zone != null && zoneType != null && zoneType.equals("S")) { addr.setSTATE(getModule().getZoneCode(zone)); } else if (zone != null && zoneType != null && zoneType.equals("P")) { addr.setPROVINCE(getModule().getZoneCode(zone)); } else if (zone != null) { addr.setSTATE(getModule().getZoneCode(zone)); addr.setPROVINCE(getModule().getZoneCode(zone)); } else if (zone == null) { if (!Utils.isBlank(rawState)) { addr.setSTATE(rawState); addr.setPROVINCE(rawState); } } } /** * @return the module */ public getModule() { return module; } /** * @return the engine */ public KKEngIf getEng() { return eng; } }