Java tutorial
// // (c) 2006 DS Data Systems UK Ltd, All rights reserved. // // DS Data Systems and KonaKart and their respective logos, are // trademarks of DS Data Systems UK Ltd. All rights reserved. // // The information in this document is free software; you can redistribute // it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // package com.konakart.actions.gateways; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import; import; import; import; import com.konakart.appif.IpnHistoryIf; import com.konakart.appif.OrderIf; import com.konakart.appif.OrderUpdateIf; import; import; /** * This class is an Action class for receiving the result from WorldPay. The customer is redirected * back to this action class from WorldPay. The parameters are used to determine whether the * transaction was successful or not. */ public class WorldPayXMLRedirectResponseAction extends BaseGatewayAction { /** * The <code>Log</code> instance for this application. */ protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WorldPayXMLRedirectResponseAction.class); // Return codes and descriptions private static final int RET0 = 0; private static final String RET0_DESC = "Transaction OK"; private static final int RET4 = -4; private static final String RET4_DESC = "There was an unexpected exception. Exception message = "; // Order history comments. These comments are associated with the order. private static final String ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_OK = "WorldPay payment successful. WorldPay Order Key = "; // private static final String ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_PENDING = // "WorldPay payment is pending. WorldPay Order Key = "; private static final String ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_KO = "WorldPay payment not successful. WorldPay Reply = "; private static final String ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_KO_1 = " for Order Key = "; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String execute() { HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); // Create these outside of try / catch since they are needed in the case of a general // exception IpnHistoryIf ipnHistory = new IpnHistory(); ipnHistory.setModuleCode(WorldPayXMLRedirect.WP_XML_REDIRECT_GATEWAY_CODE); KKAppEng kkAppEng = null; try { int custId; kkAppEng = this.getKKAppEng(request, response); custId = this.loggedIn(request, response, kkAppEng, "Checkout"); // Check to see whether the user is logged in if (custId < 0) { return KKLOGIN; } // Set the customer id for the IPN history object ipnHistory.setCustomerId(custId); // Ensure we are using the correct protocol. Redirect if not. String redirForward = checkSSL(kkAppEng, request, custId, /* forceSSL */false); if (redirForward != null) { setupResponseForSSLRedirect(response, redirForward); return null; } // Get the order OrderIf order = kkAppEng.getOrderMgr().getCheckoutOrder(); validateOrder(order, WorldPayXMLRedirect.WP_XML_REDIRECT_GATEWAY_CODE); // Set the order id for the ipnHistory object ipnHistory.setOrderId(order.getId()); String orderKey = null; String paymentAmount = null; String paymentCurrency = null; String paymentStatus = null; String mac = null; String retCode = null; StringBuffer fullResponse = new StringBuffer(); Enumeration<String> en = request.getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName = en.nextElement(); String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName); fullResponse.append(pad(paramName, 20) + " = ").append(paramValue).append("\n"); if (paramName.equals("paymentStatus")) { paymentStatus = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals("paymentAmount")) { paymentAmount = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals("paymentCurrency")) { paymentCurrency = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals("orderKey")) { orderKey = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals("mac")) { mac = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals("retCode")) { retCode = paramValue; } } // Set IPN History data ipnHistory.setGatewayFullResponse(fullResponse.toString()); ipnHistory.setGatewayResult(paymentStatus); ipnHistory.setGatewayTransactionId(orderKey); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("WorldPay response =\n" + fullResponse.toString()); } // If mac isn't null then we check it if (mac != null) { String sharedSecret = ""; if (order.getPaymentDetails() != null) { sharedSecret = order.getPaymentDetails().getCustom1(); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(orderKey); sb.append(paymentAmount); sb.append(paymentCurrency); sb.append(paymentStatus); sb.append(sharedSecret); String hashedValue = md5(sb.toString()); if (!hashedValue.equals(mac)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("String before hashing = " + sb.toString()); log.debug("String after hashing = " + hashedValue); } if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("WorldPay Response does not pass security test: "); log.warn("mac from WorldPay : " + mac); log.warn("Hashed String : " + hashedValue); } // Save the ipnHistory ipnHistory.setKonakartResultDescription( getResultDescription("WorldPay Response does not pass security test:" + "\nmac from WorldPay : " + mac + "\nHashed String : " + hashedValue)); ipnHistory.setKonakartResultId(RET4); kkAppEng.getEng().saveIpnHistory(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), ipnHistory); // Redirect the user to an error screen return "CheckoutError"; } } // See if we need to send an email, by looking at the configuration String sendEmailsConfig = kkAppEng.getConfig(ConfigConstants.SEND_EMAILS); boolean sendEmail = false; if (sendEmailsConfig != null && sendEmailsConfig.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { sendEmail = true; } OrderUpdateIf updateOrder = new OrderUpdate(); updateOrder.setUpdatedById(kkAppEng.getActiveCustId()); if (paymentStatus != null && paymentStatus.equals("AUTHORISED")) { String comment = ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_OK + orderKey; kkAppEng.getEng().updateOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(),, /* customerNotified */ sendEmail, comment, updateOrder); // Update the inventory kkAppEng.getOrderMgr().updateInventory(order.getId()); // Save the ipnHistory ipnHistory.setKonakartResultDescription(RET0_DESC); ipnHistory.setKonakartResultId(RET0); kkAppEng.getEng().saveIpnHistory(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), ipnHistory); // If we received no exceptions, delete the basket kkAppEng.getBasketMgr().emptyBasket(); if (sendEmail) { sendOrderConfirmationMail(kkAppEng, order.getId(), /* success */true); } return "Approved"; } else if (retCode != null && retCode.equals("pending")) { /* * Reach here if paying by bank transfer so we leave the order in a waiting for * payment state although we could create a new "pending" state that differentiates * between orders that haven't been paid for and orders that have been paid but just * waiting for outcome. */ // String comment = ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_PENDING + orderKey; // kkAppEng.getEng().updateOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(), //, /* customerNotified */ // sendEmail, comment, updateOrder); // Update the inventory // kkAppEng.getOrderMgr().updateInventory(order.getId()); // Save the ipnHistory ipnHistory.setKonakartResultDescription(RET0_DESC); ipnHistory.setKonakartResultId(RET0); kkAppEng.getEng().saveIpnHistory(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), ipnHistory); // If we received no exceptions, delete the basket kkAppEng.getBasketMgr().emptyBasket(); if (sendEmail) { sendOrderConfirmationMail(kkAppEng, order.getId(), /* success */true); } return "Approved"; } else { String comment = ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_KO + paymentStatus + ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_KO_1 + orderKey; kkAppEng.getEng().updateOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(),, /* customerNotified */ sendEmail, comment, updateOrder); // Save the ipnHistory ipnHistory.setKonakartResultDescription(RET0_DESC); ipnHistory.setKonakartResultId(RET0); ipnHistory.setCustomerId(kkAppEng.getCustomerMgr().getCurrentCustomer().getId()); kkAppEng.getEng().saveIpnHistory(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), ipnHistory); if (sendEmail) { sendOrderConfirmationMail(kkAppEng, order.getId(), /* success */false); } return "CheckoutError"; } } catch (Exception e) { try { ipnHistory.setKonakartResultDescription(RET4_DESC + e.getMessage()); ipnHistory.setKonakartResultId(RET4); if (kkAppEng != null) { kkAppEng.getEng().saveIpnHistory(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), ipnHistory); } } catch (KKException e1) { return super.handleException(request, e1); } return super.handleException(request, e); } } /** * Use this to truncate the result description so that it fits in the database column OK * * @param desc * the result description (which may be too long) * @return a truncated result description */ private String getResultDescription(String desc) { if (desc == null) { return null; } else if (desc.length() <= 255) { return desc; } return desc.substring(0, 255); } /** * Calculates a hex MD5 based on input. * * @param message * String to calculate MD5 of. * */ private String md5(String message) throws { MessageDigest md5 = null; try { md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch ( ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(ex); } throw ex; } byte[] dig = md5.digest(message.getBytes()); StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < dig.length; ++i) { code.append(Integer.toHexString(0x0100 + (dig[i] & 0x00FF)).substring(1)); } return code.toString(); } /** * Used for reporting purposes * * @param str * @param chars * @return */ private String pad(String str, int chars) { if (str == null) { return str; } int charsToAdd = chars - str.length(); String tempStr = str; for (int i = 0; i < charsToAdd; i++) { tempStr += " "; } return tempStr; } }