Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Mark S. Kolich * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.kolich.havalo.client.service; import; import; import com.kolich.common.functional.either.Either; import com.kolich.havalo.client.entities.FileObject; import com.kolich.havalo.client.entities.KeyPair; import com.kolich.havalo.client.entities.ObjectList; import com.kolich.havalo.client.signing.HavaloAbstractSigner; import com.kolich.http.HttpClient4Closure; import com.kolich.http.helpers.EntityConverterClosures.CustomEntityConverterClosure; import com.kolich.http.helpers.GsonClosures.GsonOrHttpFailureClosure; import com.kolich.http.helpers.StatusCodeAndHeaderClosures.StatusCodeOrHttpFailureClosure; import com.kolich.http.helpers.definitions.CustomEntityConverter; import com.kolich.http.helpers.definitions.CustomFailureEntityConverter; import com.kolich.http.helpers.definitions.CustomSuccessEntityConverter; import com.kolich.http.common.response.HttpFailure; import com.kolich.http.common.response.HttpSuccess; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static com.kolich.common.entities.KolichCommonEntity.getDefaultGsonBuilder; import static com.kolich.common.util.URLEncodingUtils.urlEncode; import static com.kolich.http.KolichDefaultHttpClient.KolichHttpClientFactory.getNewInstanceWithProxySelector; import static; import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT; import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK; public final class HavaloClient extends HavaloAbstractService { private static final String API_ACTION_AUTHENTICATE = "authenticate"; private static final String API_ACTION_REPOSITORY = "repository"; private static final String API_ACTION_OBJECT = "object"; private static final String API_PARAM_STARTSWITH = "startsWith"; private final HttpClient client_; private final GsonBuilder gson_; public HavaloClient(final HttpClient client, final HavaloAbstractSigner signer, final GsonBuilder gson, final String apiEndpoint) { super(signer, apiEndpoint); client_ = client; gson_ = gson; } public HavaloClient(final HttpClient client, final HavaloAbstractSigner signer, final String apiEndpoint) { this(client, signer, getDefaultGsonBuilder(), apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final HavaloAbstractSigner signer, final String apiEndpoint) { this(getNewInstanceWithProxySelector(), signer, apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final HttpClient client, final HavaloClientCredentials credentials, final String apiEndpoint) { this(client, new HavaloClientSigner(credentials), apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final HavaloClientCredentials credentials, final String apiEndpoint) { this(new HavaloClientSigner(credentials), apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final HttpClient client, final UUID key, final String secret, final String apiEndpoint) { this(client, new HavaloClientCredentials(key, secret), apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final UUID key, final String secret, final String apiEndpoint) { this(new HavaloClientCredentials(key, secret), apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final HttpClient client, final String key, final String secret, final String apiEndpoint) { this(client, UUID.fromString(key), secret, apiEndpoint); } public HavaloClient(final String key, final String secret, final String apiEndpoint) { this(UUID.fromString(key), secret, apiEndpoint); } private abstract class HavaloBaseClosure<T> extends HttpClient4Closure<HttpFailure, T> { private final int expectStatus_; public HavaloBaseClosure(final HttpClient client, final int expectStatus) { super(client); expectStatus_ = expectStatus; } @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { signRequest(request); } @Override public boolean check(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context) { return expectStatus_ == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } public final Either<HttpFailure, T> head(final String action, final String... path) { return super.head(buildPath(action, path)); } } private abstract class HavaloGsonClosure<T> extends GsonOrHttpFailureClosure<T> { private final int expectStatus_; public HavaloGsonClosure(final HttpClient client, final Gson gson, final Class<T> clazz, final int expectStatus) { super(client, gson, clazz); expectStatus_ = expectStatus; } @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { signRequest(request); } @Override public boolean check(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context) { return expectStatus_ == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } @Override public final Either<HttpFailure, T> get(final String action) { return super.get(buildPath(action)); } @Override public final Either<HttpFailure, T> post(final String action) { return; } public final Either<HttpFailure, T> put(final String action, final String... path) { return super.put(buildPath(action, path)); } } private abstract class HavaloStatusCodeClosure extends StatusCodeOrHttpFailureClosure { private final int expectStatus_; public HavaloStatusCodeClosure(final HttpClient client, final int expectStatus) { super(client); expectStatus_ = expectStatus; } @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { signRequest(request); } @Override public boolean check(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context) { return expectStatus_ == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } public final Either<HttpFailure, Integer> delete(final String action, final String... path) { return super.delete(buildPath(action, path)); } } private abstract class HavaloEntityConverterClosure<F, S> extends CustomEntityConverterClosure<F, S> { private final int expectStatus_; public HavaloEntityConverterClosure(final HttpClient client, final CustomEntityConverter<F, S> converter, final int expectStatus) { super(client, converter); expectStatus_ = expectStatus; } @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { signRequest(request); } @Override public boolean check(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context) { return expectStatus_ == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } public final Either<F, S> get(final String action, final String... path) { return super.get(buildPath(action, path)); } } public Either<HttpFailure, KeyPair> authenticate() { // The POST of auth credentials is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 200 OK. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloGsonClosure<KeyPair>(client_, gson_.create(), KeyPair.class, SC_OK) { }.post(API_ACTION_AUTHENTICATE); } public Either<HttpFailure, KeyPair> createRepository() { // The POST of a repository is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 201 Created. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloGsonClosure<KeyPair>(client_, gson_.create(), KeyPair.class, SC_OK) { }.post(API_ACTION_REPOSITORY); } public Either<HttpFailure, Integer> deleteRepository(final UUID repoId) { // The DELETE of a repository is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 204 No Content. Any other // status code on the response is failure. return new HavaloStatusCodeClosure(client_, SC_NO_CONTENT) { }.delete(API_ACTION_REPOSITORY, repoId.toString()); } public Either<HttpFailure, ObjectList> listObjects(final String... path) { // The listing of objects is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 200 OK. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloGsonClosure<ObjectList>(client_, gson_.create(), ObjectList.class, SC_OK) { @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { final URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(request.getURI()); if (path != null && path.length > 0) { builder.addParameter(API_PARAM_STARTSWITH, varargsToPrefixString(path)); } request.setURI(; super.before(request); } }.get(API_ACTION_REPOSITORY); } public Either<HttpFailure, ObjectList> listObjects() { return listObjects((String[]) null); } public Either<HttpFailure, List<Header>> getObject(final OutputStream destination, final String... path) { return getObject(new CustomEntityConverter<HttpFailure, List<Header>>() { @Override public List<Header> success(final HttpSuccess success) throws Exception { // Copy the object. copyLarge(success.getContent(), destination); // Get and return the headers on the HTTP response. // This is where stuff like "Content-Type" and // "Content-Length" live. return Arrays.asList(success.getResponse().getAllHeaders()); } @Override public HttpFailure failure(final HttpFailure failure) { return failure; } }, path); } public <F, S> Either<F, S> getObject(final CustomSuccessEntityConverter<S> success, final CustomFailureEntityConverter<F> failure, final String... path) { // Create a new custom entity converter using the provided // success and failure handlers. This acts as a convenience // "interface" between the entity converters and units of work // that represent separate success and failure handlers. return getObject(new CustomEntityConverter<F, S>() { @Override public S success(final HttpSuccess hSuccess) throws Exception { return success.success(hSuccess); } @Override public F failure(final HttpFailure hFailure) { return failure.failure(hFailure); } }, path); } public <F, S> Either<F, S> getObject(final CustomEntityConverter<F, S> converter, final String... path) { // The GET of an object is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 200 OK. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloEntityConverterClosure<F, S>(client_, converter, SC_OK) { }.get(API_ACTION_OBJECT, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, List<Header>> getObjectMetaData(final String... path) { // The HEAD of an object is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 200 OK. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloBaseClosure<List<Header>>(client_, SC_OK) { @Override public List<Header> success(final HttpSuccess success) { return Arrays.asList(success.getResponse().getAllHeaders()); } }.head(API_ACTION_OBJECT, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, FileObject> putObject(final InputStream input, final long contentLength, final Header[] headers, final String... path) { // The upload of an object is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 200 OK. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloGsonClosure<FileObject>(client_, gson_.create(), FileObject.class, SC_OK) { @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { if (headers != null) { request.setHeaders(headers); } ((HttpPut) request).setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(input, contentLength)); super.before(request); } }.put(API_ACTION_OBJECT, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, FileObject> putObject(final byte[] input, final Header[] headers, final String... path) { final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(input); return putObject(is, (long) input.length, headers, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, FileObject> putObject(final byte[] input, final String... path) { return putObject(input, null, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, Integer> deleteObject(final Header[] headers, final String... path) { // The deletion of an object is only successful when the // resulting status code is a 204 No Content. Any other status // code on the response is failure. return new HavaloStatusCodeClosure(client_, SC_NO_CONTENT) { @Override public void before(final HttpRequestBase request) throws Exception { if (headers != null) { request.setHeaders(headers); } super.before(request); } }.delete(API_ACTION_OBJECT, path); } public Either<HttpFailure, Integer> deleteObject(final String... path) { return deleteObject(null, path); } private static final String buildPath(final String action, final String... path) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SLASH_STRING); sb.append(action); if (path != null) { sb.append(SLASH_STRING).append(urlEncode(varargsToPrefixString(path))); } return sb.toString(); } private static final String buildPath(final String action) { return buildPath(action, (String[]) null); } }