Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.kodebeagle.parser; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.JavaASTParser; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.JavaASTParser.ParseType; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.MethodInvocationResolver; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.MethodInvocationResolver.MethodDecl; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.MethodInvocationResolver.MethodInvokRef; import com.kodebeagle.javaparser.SingleClassBindingResolver; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class ASTParserTest extends AbstractParseTest { private CompilationUnit unit; private SingleClassBindingResolver resolver; @Before public void setup() { setTestConfig(); } //TODO: call setTestConfig() once in the testsuite private void setTestConfig() { JavaASTParser pars = new JavaASTParser(true); ASTNode cu = pars.getAST(oneMethod, ParseType.COMPILATION_UNIT); unit = (CompilationUnit) cu; resolver = new SingleClassBindingResolver(unit); resolver.resolve(); } @Test public void testClassesInFile() { Collection<String> expectedClassesInFile = new ArrayList<String>(); expectedClassesInFile.add("x.y.z.ABC"); expectedClassesInFile.add("x.y.z.DefaultRequestDirector.DEF"); expectedClassesInFile.add("x.y.z.DefaultRequestDirector.DEF.GHI"); expectedClassesInFile.add("x.y.z.DefaultRequestDirector"); Collection<String> actualClassesInFile = resolver.getClassesInFile().values(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedClassesInFile.toArray(), actualClassesInFile.toArray()); } @Test public void testImportNamesInFile() { //TODO: Some imports are missed /*setTestConfig(); System.out.println(resolver.getResolver().getImportedNames());*/ } @Test public void testFullyQualifiedName() { String expected = "org.apache.commons.logging.Log"; String actual = resolver.getResolver().getFullyQualifiedNameFor("Log"); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); expected = "java.lang.String"; actual = resolver.getResolver().getFullyQualifiedNameFor("String"); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testGetVariableTypes() { oneMethod = "import x.y.Type;" + "import org.apache.Duration;" + "class Abc { Type xyz = new Type();" + "Duration obj = new Duration();" + "obj.print(); }"; setTestConfig(); Map<String, String> expected = new HashMap<>(); expected.put("obj", "org.apache.Duration"); expected.put("xyz", "x.y.Type"); Map<String, String> actual = resolver.getVariableTypes(); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testGetDeclaredMethods() { oneMethod = "import x.y.Type;" + "import org.apache.Duration;" + "class Abc { Type xyz = new Type();" + "Duration obj = new Duration();" + "void display(){" + "Duration inMethod = new Duration();" + "inMethod.display(); } }"; setTestConfig(); MethodDecl expected = new MethodDecl("display", 0, 112, new ArrayList<String>()); MethodDecl actual = resolver.getDeclaredMethods().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(expected.getMethodName().equals(actual.getMethodName()) && expected.getArgNum() == actual.getArgNum() && expected.getLocation() == actual.getLocation() && expected.getArgTypes().containsAll(actual.getArgTypes())); } @Test public void testGetTypesAtPosition() { oneMethod = readInputStream(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")); setTestConfig(); Map<Integer, String> actual = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<>(); expected.put(864, "x.y.Type"); expected.put(879, "x.y.Type"); expected.put(910, "org.apache.Duration"); expected.put(891, "org.apache.Duration"); Map<ASTNode, String> actualTemp = resolver.getTypesAtPosition(); for (Map.Entry<ASTNode, String> entry : actualTemp.entrySet()) { actual.put(entry.getKey().getStartPosition(), entry.getValue()); } Assert.assertEquals(expected.entrySet(), actual.entrySet()); } @Test public void testGetVariableTypesAtPosition() { oneMethod = readInputStream(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")); setTestConfig(); Map<Integer, String> actual = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<>(); expected.put(869, "x.y.Type"); expected.put(952, "org.apache.Duration"); expected.put(900, "org.apache.Duration"); Map<ASTNode, String> actualTemp = resolver.getVariableTypesAtPosition(); for (Map.Entry<ASTNode, String> entry : actualTemp.entrySet()) { actual.put(entry.getKey().getStartPosition(), entry.getValue()); } Assert.assertEquals(expected.entrySet(), actual.entrySet()); } @Test public void testOneMethod() { System.out.println("filetypes in given file"); System.out.println("inheritance " + resolver.getSuperType()); System.out.println("interfaces " + resolver.getInterfaces()); Map<String, String> types = resolver.getClassesInFile(); for (MethodInvocationResolver.TypeDecl typeDeclaration : resolver.getTypeDeclarations()) { System.out.println( types.get(typeDeclaration.getClassName()) + " " + unit.getLineNumber(typeDeclaration.getLoc()) + " " + unit.getColumnNumber(typeDeclaration.getLoc())); } Map<ASTNode, String> typesAtPos = resolver.getVariableTypesAtPosition(); System.out.println("~~~~~~variable Typeaatposition "); for (Entry<ASTNode, String> e : typesAtPos.entrySet()) { Integer line = unit.getLineNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); Integer col = unit.getColumnNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); System.out.println(line + " , " + col + " , " + e.getKey().getLength() + " : " + e.getValue()); } System.out.println("######## Import name position"); for (Entry<ASTNode, String> e : resolver.getImportsDeclarationNode().entrySet()) { Integer line = unit.getLineNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); Integer col = unit.getColumnNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); System.out.println(line + " , " + col + " , " + e.getKey().getLength() + " : " + e.getValue()); } System.out.println("--------------Type at positions "); for (Entry<ASTNode, String> e : resolver.getTypesAtPosition().entrySet()) { Integer line = unit.getLineNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); Integer col = unit.getColumnNumber(e.getKey().getStartPosition()); System.out.println(line + " , " + col + " , " + e.getKey().getLength() + " : " + e.getValue()); } for (Entry<ASTNode, ASTNode> e : resolver.getVariableDependencies().entrySet()) { ASTNode child = e.getKey(); Integer chline = unit.getLineNumber(child.getStartPosition()); Integer chcol = unit.getColumnNumber(child.getStartPosition()); Integer chLength = child.getLength(); ASTNode parent = e.getValue(); Integer pline = unit.getLineNumber(parent.getStartPosition()); Integer pcol = unit.getColumnNumber(parent.getStartPosition()); Integer plength = parent.getLength(); System.out.println("**** " + child + "[" + chline + ", " + chcol + ", " + chLength + "] ==> " + parent.toString() + "[" + pline + ", " + pcol + ", " + plength + "]"); } for (Entry<String, List<MethodInvokRef>> entry : resolver.getMethodInvoks().entrySet()) { System.out.println(" ~~~~~~~~~~~ For method " + entry.getKey() + " ~~~~~~~~~~~"); for (MethodInvokRef m : entry.getValue()) { Integer loc = m.getLocation(); Integer line = unit.getLineNumber(loc); Integer col = unit.getColumnNumber(loc); System.out.println("[" + line + ", " + col + ", " + m.getLength() + " ] ==> " + m); } } for (MethodDecl m : resolver.getDeclaredMethods()) { System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Declared Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); System.out.println(m); } System.out.println(resolver.getVariableTypes()); } }