Java tutorial
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.klwork.explorer.ui.mainlayout.ExplorerLayout; import com.vaadin.server.Sizeable; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalSplitPanel; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Reindeer; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Runo; /** * Superclass for all Explorer pages * * @author Joram Barrez * @author Frederik Heremans */ public class PublicProjectListPage extends CustomComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected boolean showEvents; final HorizontalSplitPanel split = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); @Override public void attach() { super.attach(); initUi(); } /** * Override this method (and call super()) when you want to influence the * UI. */ protected void initUi() { showEvents = false; // GridLayout 3,3 setSizeFull(); initMainLayout(); initLeft(split); initRight(split); } void createTreeItem(Tree tree, String caption, String parent) { tree.addItem(caption); if (parent != null) { tree.setChildrenAllowed(parent, true); tree.setParent(caption, parent); if (parent.equals("Archive")) { tree.setChildrenAllowed(caption, false); } } } Layout buildTree() { CssLayout margin = new CssLayout(); margin.setWidth("100%"); //margin.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, true)); // Spacing margin.addComponent(new Label(" ", ContentMode.HTML)); Label text = new Label("hello,word"); text.addStyleName(Runo.LABEL_SMALL); margin.addComponent(text); text.setWidth("90%"); Tree t = new Tree(); String itemId = "?"; t.addItem(itemId);; t.setItemIcon(itemId, new ThemeResource("icons/16/calendar.png")); createTreeItem(t, "(5000)", itemId); t.expandItem(itemId); String itemId2 = ""; t.addItem(itemId2); t.setItemIcon(itemId2, new ThemeResource("icons/16/document.png")); createTreeItem(t, "?(300)", itemId2); createTreeItem(t, "log", itemId2); t.expandItem(itemId2); String itemId3 = "?"; t.addItem(itemId3); t.setItemIcon(itemId3, new ThemeResource("icons/16/document.png")); createTreeItem(t, "?(3009)", itemId3); createTreeItem(t, "(40000)", itemId3); t.expandItem(itemId3); margin.addComponent(t); return margin; } private void initRight(HorizontalSplitPanel split2) { split2.setSecondComponent(new OutProjectListRight()); } private void initLeft(HorizontalSplitPanel split2) { split2.setFirstComponent(buildTree()); } protected void initMainLayout() { split.setHeight(Sizeable.SIZE_UNDEFINED, Unit.PERCENTAGE); split.setSizeFull(); //split.setStyleName(Runo.SPLITPANEL_REDUCED); split.setStyleName(Reindeer.SPLITPANEL_SMALL); //? split.setSplitPosition(15, Unit.PERCENTAGE); split.setLocked(false); setCompositionRoot(split); } protected void addLeft() { Label title = new Label(""); title.addStyleName(ExplorerLayout.STYLE_H3); title.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE); //grid.addComponent(title, 0, 0); } protected void addRight() { //grid.addComponent(new OutProjectListRight(), 1, 0); } protected void addSelectComponent() { /* * AbstractSelect select = createSelectComponent(); if (select != null) * { grid.addComponent(select, 0, 2); } */ } protected Component getEventComponent() { return null; } }