Java tutorial
package com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespBrowseMorelikethisPreview; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespBrowseTagsSearch; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCategory; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCollections; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCollectionsFave; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCollectionsFolders; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespComment; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespComments; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCurated; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespCuratedTags; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDataCountries; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviation; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviationContent; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviationEmbeddedContent; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviationMetadata; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviationWhofaved; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviations; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespDeviationsQuery; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespError; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespFeed; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespFeedNotifications; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespFriends; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespGallery; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespGalleryFolders; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashDelete; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashDelta; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashFolder; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashMedia; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashMetadata; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashMoveFile; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashMoveFolder; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashPublish; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashPublishUserdata; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashSpace; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespStashSubmit; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespText; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespToken; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUser; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserDamntoken; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserFriends; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserFriendsWatching; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserProfile; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserStatus; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserStatuses; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserStatusPost; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUserWatchers; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.RespUsers; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.response.Response; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.DisplayResolution; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.GalleryMode; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.License; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.Maturity; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.Share; import com.kimbrelk.da.oauth2.struct.Watch; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public final class OAuth2 { private final static Version VERSION = new Version(1, 20150217); private final static Endpoints_v1 ENDPOINTS = new Endpoints_v1(); private final static boolean SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT = true; private RespToken mToken; private ClientCredentials mClientCredentials; private StringBuffer mLog; private String mUserAgent; public OAuth2(ClientCredentials clientCredentials, String userAgent) { mClientCredentials = clientCredentials; mLog = new StringBuffer(""); mUserAgent = userAgent; } protected final static String createURL(String url, Map<String, String> parameters) { if (parameters == null) { return url; } else if (parameters.size() == 0) { return url; } else { String ret = url + "?"; Iterator<String> itter = parameters.keySet().iterator(); int numLeft = parameters.size(); while (itter.hasNext()) { try { String varName =; numLeft--; ret += varName + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(parameters.get(varName), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (numLeft != 0) { ret += "&"; } } return ret; } } public final String getAuthorizeURL(String redirectURI, Scope... scopes) { String ret = ENDPOINTS.OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE + "?"; if (scopes.length > 0) { ret += "scope="; for (int a = 0; a < scopes.length; a++) { ret += scopes[a].toString().replace("_", ".").toLowerCase(); if (a < scopes.length - 1) { ret += " "; } } ret += "&"; } ret += "client_id=" + mClientCredentials.getId() + "&response_type=code&redirect_uri=" + redirectURI; ret = ret.replace(" ", "%20"); return ret; } public final RespToken getToken() { return mToken; } public final Scope[] getScopes() { if (mToken == null || mToken.getScopes() == null) { return new Scope[0]; } else { return mToken.getScopes(); } } public final Version getVersion() { return VERSION; } private final boolean hasAccessToken() { return !(mToken == null || mToken.getToken() == null); } private final boolean hasRefreshToken() { return !(mToken == null || mToken.getRefreshToken() == null); } public final boolean hasScopes(Scope... scopes) { Scope[] curScopes = getScopes(); for (Scope scope : scopes) { boolean has = false; for (Scope tScope : curScopes) { if (scope == tScope) { has = true; break; } } if (!has) { return false; } } return true; } public final Response requestAuthRevoke() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (hasRefreshToken()) { postParams.put("token", mToken.getRefreshToken()); } else { postParams.put("token", mToken.getToken()); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.OAUTH2_REVOKE, params), postParams); try { if (json.getBoolean("success")) { return new Response(); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestAuthToken(AuthGrantType grantType, String code, String redirectUri) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("client_id", mClientCredentials.getId() + ""); params.put("client_secret", mClientCredentials.getSecret()); params.put("grant_type", grantType.toString().toLowerCase()); switch (grantType) { case CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: { break; } case AUTHORIZATION_CODE: { if (code == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Parameter code cannot be null when using the CODE grantType."); } if (redirectUri == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Parameter redirectUri cannot be null when using the CODE grantType."); } params.put("code", code); params.put("redirect_uri", redirectUri); break; } case REFRESH_TOKEN: { if (code == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Parameter code cannot be null when using the REFRESH_TOKEN grantType."); } params.put("refresh_token", code); break; } default: { throw new InvalidParameterException("Unsupported grantType: " + grantType); } } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.OAUTH2_TOKEN, params)); Response response = null; try { if (json.getString("status").equalsIgnoreCase("error")) { response = new RespError(json); } else { if (grantType == AuthGrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS) { response = new RespToken(json.getInt("expires_in"), json.getString("access_token"), null); } else { String[] parse = json.getString("scope").replace(".", "_").toUpperCase().split("[ ]+"); Scope scopes[] = new Scope[parse.length]; for (int a = 0; a < parse.length; a++) { try { scopes[a] = Scope.valueOf(parse[a]); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { scopes[a] = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } response = new RespToken(json.getInt("expires_in"), json.getString("access_token"), json.getString("refresh_token"), scopes); } mToken = (RespToken) response; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return response; } public final Response requestBrowseCategorytree() { return requestBrowseCategorytree("/"); } public final Response requestBrowseCategorytree(String categoryPath) { return requestBrowseCategorytree(categoryPath, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestBrowseCategorytree(String categoryPath, boolean showMature) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath == null) { categoryPath = "/"; } params.put("catpath", categoryPath); params.put("mature_content", "" + showMature); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_CATEGORYTREE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCategory(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseDailydeviations(int year, int month, int day) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(year, month - 1, day); return requestBrowseDailydeviations(c.getTime()); } public final Response requestBrowseDailydeviations(Date date) { final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return requestBrowseDailydeviations(dateFormat.format(date)); } public final Response requestBrowseDailydeviations(String date) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (date != null) { params.put("date", date); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_DAILYDEVIATIONS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviations(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseHot() { return requestBrowseHot(null, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseHot(String categoryPath) { return requestBrowseHot(categoryPath, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseHot(String categoryPath, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath != null) { params.put("category_path", categoryPath); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_HOT, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseMorelikethis(String deviationId) { return requestBrowseMorelikethis(deviationId, null); } public final Response requestBrowseMorelikethis(String deviationId, String categoryPath) { return requestBrowseMorelikethis(deviationId, categoryPath, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseMorelikethis(String deviationId, String categoryPath, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE, Scope.BROWSE_MLT); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } params.put("seed", deviationId); if (categoryPath != null) { params.put("category_path", categoryPath); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_MORELIKETHIS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseMorelikethisPreview(String deviationId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE, Scope.BROWSE_MLT); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } params.put("seed", deviationId); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_MORELIKETHIS_PREV, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespBrowseMorelikethisPreview(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseNewest() { return requestBrowseNewest(null, null, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseNewest(String categoryPath, String query) { return requestBrowseNewest(categoryPath, query, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseNewest(String categoryPath, String query, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath != null) { params.put("category_path", categoryPath); } if (query != null) { params.put("q", query); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_NEWEST, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowsePopular() { return requestBrowsePopular(null, null, -1, -1, null); } public final Response requestBrowsePopular(String categoryPath, String query, String timeRange) { return requestBrowsePopular(categoryPath, query, -1, -1, timeRange); } public final Response requestBrowsePopular(String categoryPath, String query, int offset, int limit, String timeRange) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath != null) { params.put("category_path", categoryPath); } if (query != null) { params.put("q", query); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } if (timeRange != null) { params.put("timerange", timeRange); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_POPULAR, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseTags(String tag) { return requestBrowseTags(tag, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseTags(String tag, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (tag == null) { return RespError.REQUEST_FAILED; } params.put("tag", tag); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_TAGS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseTagsSearch(String tag) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (tag != null) { params.put("tag_name", tag); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_TAGS_SEARCH, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespBrowseTagsSearch(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseUndiscovered() { return requestBrowseUndiscovered(null); } public final Response requestBrowseUndiscovered(String categoryPath) { return requestBrowseUndiscovered(categoryPath, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseUndiscovered(String categoryPath, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath != null) { params.put("category_path", categoryPath); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_UNDISCOVERED, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestBrowseUserJournals(String userName) { return requestBrowseUserJournals(userName, true); } public final Response requestBrowseUserJournals(String userName, boolean featuredOnly) { return requestBrowseUserJournals(userName, featuredOnly, -1, -1); } public final Response requestBrowseUserJournals(String userName, boolean featuredOnly, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } params.put("username", userName); params.put("featured", featuredOnly + ""); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.BROWSE_USER_JOURNALS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationsQuery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCollections(String folderId) { return requestCollections(null, folderId, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCollections(String userName, String folderId) { return requestCollections(userName, folderId, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCollections(String userName, String folderId, int offset, int limit) { return requestCollections(userName, folderId, offset, limit, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestCollections(String userName, String folderId, int offset, int limit, boolean showMature) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null && hasRefreshToken()) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } if (folderId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (userName != null) { params.put("username", userName); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } params.put("mature_content", showMature + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COLLECTIONS + folderId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCollections(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCollectionsFave(String deviationId, String... folderIds) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.COLLECTION); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("deviationid", deviationId); if (folderIds != null) { for (int a = 0; a < folderIds.length; a++) { postParams.put("folderid%5B" + a + "%5D", folderIds[a]); } } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COLLECTIONS_FAVE, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCollectionsFave(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCollectionsFolders() { return requestCollectionsFolders(null, false, false); } public final Response requestCollectionsFolders(String userName) { return requestCollectionsFolders(userName, false, false); } public final Response requestCollectionsFolders(String userName, boolean calculateSize, boolean preloadDeviations) { return requestCollectionsFolders(userName, calculateSize, preloadDeviations, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestCollectionsFolders(String userName, boolean calculateSize, boolean preloadDeviations, boolean showMature) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null && hasRefreshToken()) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (userName != null) { params.put("username", userName); } params.put("calculate_size", calculateSize + ""); params.put("ext_preload", preloadDeviations + ""); params.put("mature_content", showMature + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COLLECTIONS_FOLDERS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCollectionsFolders(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCollectionsUnFave(String deviationId, String... folderIds) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.COLLECTION); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("deviationid", deviationId); if (folderIds != null) { for (int a = 0; a < folderIds.length; a++) { postParams.put("folderid%5B" + a + "%5D", folderIds[a]); } } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COLLECTIONS_UNFAVE, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCollectionsFave(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsDeviation(String deviationId) { return requestCommentsDeviation(deviationId, null); } public final Response requestCommentsDeviation(String deviationId, String commentId) { return requestCommentsDeviation(deviationId, commentId, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsDeviation(String deviationId, String commentId, int maxDepth) { return requestCommentsDeviation(deviationId, commentId, maxDepth, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsDeviation(String deviationId, String commentId, int maxDepth, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (commentId != null) { params.put("commentid", commentId); } if (maxDepth != -1) { params.put("maxdepth", maxDepth + ""); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_DEVIATION + deviationId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComments(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { try { System.out.println(json.toString(5)); } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsPostDeviation(String deviationId, String body) { return requestCommentsPostDeviation(deviationId, body, null); } public final Response requestCommentsPostDeviation(String deviationId, String body, String commentId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.COMMENT_POST); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null || body == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("body", body); if (commentId != null) { postParams.put("commentid", commentId); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_POST_DEVIATION + deviationId, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComment(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsPostProfile(String userName, String body) { return requestCommentsPostProfile(userName, body, null); } public final Response requestCommentsPostProfile(String userName, String body, String commentId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.COMMENT_POST); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null || body == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("body", body); if (commentId != null) { postParams.put("commentid", commentId); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_POST_PROFILE + userName, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComment(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsPostStatus(String statusId, String body) { return requestCommentsPostStatus(statusId, body, null); } public final Response requestCommentsPostStatus(String statusId, String body, String commentId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.COMMENT_POST); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (statusId == null || body == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("body", body); if (commentId != null) { postParams.put("commentid", commentId); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_POST_STATUS + statusId, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComment(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsProfile(String userName) { return requestCommentsProfile(userName, null); } public final Response requestCommentsProfile(String userName, String commentId) { return requestCommentsProfile(userName, commentId, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsProfile(String userName, String commentId, int maxDepth) { return requestCommentsProfile(userName, commentId, maxDepth, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsProfile(String userName, String commentId, int maxDepth, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (commentId != null) { params.put("commentid", commentId); } if (maxDepth != -1) { params.put("maxdepth", maxDepth + ""); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_PROFILE + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComments(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsSiblings(String commentId) { return requestCommentsSiblings(commentId, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsSiblings(String commentId, int extItem) { return requestCommentsSiblings(commentId, extItem, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsSiblings(String commentId, int extItem, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (commentId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (extItem != -1) { params.put("ext_item", extItem + ""); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS + commentId + "/siblings", params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComments(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCommentsStatus(String statusId) { return requestCommentsStatus(statusId, null); } public final Response requestCommentsStatus(String statusId, String commentId) { return requestCommentsStatus(statusId, commentId, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsStatus(String statusId, String commentId, int maxDepth) { return requestCommentsStatus(statusId, commentId, maxDepth, -1, -1); } public final Response requestCommentsStatus(String statusId, String commentId, int maxDepth, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (statusId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (commentId != null) { params.put("commentid", commentId); } if (maxDepth != -1) { params.put("maxdepth", maxDepth + ""); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.COMMENTS_STATUS + statusId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespComments(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCurated() { return requestCurated(0, null); } public final Response requestCurated(int offset) { return requestCurated(offset, null); } public final Response requestCurated(String expansions) { return requestCurated(0, expansions); } public final Response requestCurated(int offset, String expansions) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } else { params.put("offset", "0"); } if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.CURATED, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCurated(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestCuratedTags() { return requestCuratedTags(false); } public final Response requestCuratedTags(boolean getDeviations) { return requestCuratedTags(getDeviations, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestCuratedTags(boolean getDeviations, boolean showMatureContent) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("ext_preload", getDeviations + ""); params.put("mature_content", getDeviations + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.CURATED_TAGS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCuratedTags(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDataCountries() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DATA_COUNTRIES, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDataCountries(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDataPrivacy() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DATA_PRIVACY, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespText(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDataSubmission() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DATA_SUBMISSION, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespText(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDataTOS() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DATA_TOS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespText(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDeviation(String deviationId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DEVIATION + deviationId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviation(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDeviationContent(String deviationId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("deviationid", deviationId); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DEVIATION_CONTENT, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationContent(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(String deviationId) { return requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(deviationId, null); } public final Response requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(String deviationId, String offsetDeviationId) { return requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(deviationId, offsetDeviationId, -1, -1); } public final Response requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(String deviationId, int offset, int limit) { return requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(deviationId, null, offset, limit); } public final Response requestDeviationEmbeddedContent(String deviationId, String offsetDeviationId, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("deviationid", deviationId); if (offsetDeviationId != null) { params.put("offset_deviationid", offsetDeviationId); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DEVIATION_EMBEDDED, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationEmbeddedContent(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDeviationMetadata(String... deviationIds) { return requestDeviationMetadata(false, false, false, false, deviationIds); } public final Response requestDeviationMetadata(boolean includeCameraData, boolean includeSubmissionData, boolean includeStats, boolean includeCollectionData, String... deviationIds) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationIds == null || deviationIds.length == 0) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); for (int a = 0; a < deviationIds.length; a++) { params.put("deviationids%5B" + a + "%5D", deviationIds[a]); } params.put("ext_camera", includeCameraData + ""); params.put("ext_collection", includeCollectionData + ""); params.put("ext_stats", includeStats + ""); params.put("ext_submission", includeSubmissionData + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DEVIATION_METADATA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationMetadata(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestDeviationWhofaved(String deviationId) { return requestDeviationWhofaved(deviationId, null); } public final Response requestDeviationWhofaved(String deviationId, String expand) { return requestDeviationWhofaved(deviationId, -1, -1, expand); } public final Response requestDeviationWhofaved(String deviationId, int offset, int limit) { return requestDeviationWhofaved(deviationId, offset, limit, null); } public final Response requestDeviationWhofaved(String deviationId, int offset, int limit, String expansions) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (deviationId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("deviationid", deviationId); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.DEVIATION_WHOFAVED, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespDeviationWhofaved(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestFeedHome() { return requestFeedHome(null); } public final Response requestFeedHome(String cursor) { return requestFeedHome(cursor, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestFeedHome(boolean showMatureContent) { return requestFeedHome(null, showMatureContent); } public final Response requestFeedHome(String cursor, boolean showMatureContent) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.FEED); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (cursor != null) { params.put("cursor", cursor); } params.put("mature_content", showMatureContent + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.FEED_HOME, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespFeed(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestFeedNotifications() { return requestFeedNotifications(null); } public final Response requestFeedNotifications(String cursor) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.FEED); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (cursor != null) { params.put("cursor", cursor); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.FEED_NOTIFICATIONS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespFeedNotifications(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestFeedProfile() { return requestFeedProfile(null); } public final Response requestFeedProfile(String cursor) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.FEED); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (cursor != null) { params.put("cursor", cursor); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.FEED_PROFILE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespFeed(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestGallery(String folderId) { return requestGallery(null, folderId); } public final Response requestGallery(String userName, String folderId) { return requestGallery(userName, folderId, null); } public final Response requestGallery(String userName, String folderId, GalleryMode mode) { return requestGallery(userName, folderId, mode, -1, -1); } public final Response requestGallery(String userName, String folderId, GalleryMode mode, int offset, int limit) { return requestGallery(userName, folderId, mode, offset, limit, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestGallery(String userName, String folderId, GalleryMode mode, int offset, int limit, boolean showMatureContent) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (folderId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } if (userName == null && mToken.getRefreshToken() == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (userName != null) { params.put("username", userName); } if (mode != null) { params.put("mode", mode.toString().toLowerCase()); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } params.put("mature_content", showMatureContent + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.GALLERY + folderId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespGallery(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestGalleryFolders() { return requestGalleryFolders(null); } public final Response requestGalleryFolders(String userName) { return requestGalleryFolders(userName, false, false, SHOW_MATURE_DEFAULT); } public final Response requestGalleryFolders(String userName, boolean calculateSize, boolean preloadDeviations, boolean showMatureContent) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null && mToken.getRefreshToken() == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("username", userName); params.put("calculate_size", calculateSize + ""); params.put("ext_preload", preloadDeviations + ""); params.put("mature_content", showMatureContent + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.GALLERY_FOLDERS, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespGalleryFolders(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashDelete(long stashId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (stashId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("stashid", stashId + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_DELETE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashDelete(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashDelta() { return requestStashDelta(null); } public final Response requestStashDelta(String cursor) { return requestStashDelta(cursor, -1, -1); } public final Response requestStashDelta(String cursor, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (cursor != null) { params.put("cursor", cursor); } if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_DELTA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashDelta(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashFolder(long folderId, String folderName) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (folderName == null || folderId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("folder", folderName); params.put("folderid", folderId + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_FOLDER, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashFolder(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMedia(long stashId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (stashId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("stashid", stashId + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_MEDIA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashMedia(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMetadata(long stashId) { return requestStashMetadata(stashId, false, false, false); } public final Response requestStashMetadata(long stashId, boolean extSubmission, boolean extCamera, boolean extStats) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (stashId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("stashid", stashId + ""); params.put("ext_submission", extSubmission + ""); params.put("ext_camera", extCamera + ""); params.put("ext_stats", extStats + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_METADATA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashMetadata(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMetadataFolder(long folderId) { return requestStashMetadataFolder(folderId, false, false, false, false); } public final Response requestStashMetadataFolder(long folderId, boolean list, boolean extSubmission, boolean extCamera, boolean extStats) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (folderId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("folderid", folderId + ""); params.put("list", list + ""); params.put("ext_submission", extSubmission + ""); params.put("ext_camera", extCamera + ""); params.put("ext_stats", extStats + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_METADATA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashMetadata(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMoveFile(long stashId, String folderName) { return requestStashMoveFile(stashId, -1, folderName, -1); } public final Response requestStashMoveFile(long stashId, long folderId) { return requestStashMoveFile(stashId, folderId, -1); } public final Response requestStashMoveFile(long stashId, long folderId, int position) { return requestStashMoveFile(stashId, folderId, null, position); } public final Response requestStashMoveFile(long stashId, long folderId, String folderName, int position) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (stashId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("stashid", stashId + ""); if (folderId != -1) { params.put("folderid", folderId + ""); } if (folderName != null) { params.put("folder", folderName); } if (position != -1) { params.put("position", position + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_MOVE_FILE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashMoveFile(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMoveFilePosition(long stashId, int position) { return requestStashMoveFile(stashId, -1, null, position); } public final Response requestStashMoveFolder(long folderId, long targetId) { return requestStashMoveFolder(folderId, targetId, -1); } public final Response requestStashMoveFolder(long folderId, long targetId, int position) { return requestStashMoveFolder(folderId, targetId, position); } public final Response requestStashMoveFolder(long folderId, long targetId, String folderName, int position) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (folderId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("folderid", folderId + ""); if (targetId != -1) { params.put("targetid", targetId + ""); } if (folderName != null) { params.put("folder", folderName); } if (position != -1) { params.put("position", position + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_MOVE_FOLDER, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashMoveFolder(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashMoveFolderPosition(long folderId, int position) { return requestStashMoveFolder(folderId, -1, null, position); } public final Response requestStashPublish(long stashId, Maturity maturity, boolean agreeToS, boolean agreeSubmissionPolicy) { return requestStashPublish(stashId, maturity, null, null, null, true, true, false, DisplayResolution.ORIGINAL, false, false, agreeToS, agreeSubmissionPolicy); } public final Response requestStashPublish(long stashId, Maturity maturity, License license, Share share, String catPath, boolean feature, boolean allowComments, boolean requestCritique, int displayResolution, boolean freeDownload, boolean addWatermark, boolean agreeToS, boolean agreeSubmissionPolicy) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH, Scope.PUBLISH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (stashId == -1) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> paramsPost = new HashMap<String, String>(); paramsPost.put("stashid", stashId + ""); if (maturity == null || maturity.getLevel() == Maturity.Level.NONE) { paramsPost.put("is_mature", "false"); } else { paramsPost.put("is_mature", "true"); paramsPost.put("mature_level", maturity.getLevel().toString().toLowerCase()); int a = 0; for (Maturity.Classification classification : maturity.getClassifications()) { paramsPost.put("mature_classification[" + a + "]", classification.toString().toLowerCase()); a++; } } if (license != null) { paramsPost.put("license_options[creative_commons]", license.allowsAttribution() + ""); paramsPost.put("license_options[commercial]", license.allowsCommercialUse() + ""); paramsPost.put("license_options[modify ]", license.allowsModification() + ""); } if (catPath != null) { paramsPost.put("catpath", catPath); } if (share != null) { paramsPost.put("share", share.toString().toLowerCase() + ""); } if (displayResolution != -1) { paramsPost.put("display_resolution", displayResolution + ""); paramsPost.put("add_watermark", addWatermark + ""); } paramsPost.put("allow_comments", allowComments + ""); paramsPost.put("feature", feature + ""); paramsPost.put("request_critique", requestCritique + ""); paramsPost.put("allow_free_download", freeDownload + ""); paramsPost.put("agree_tos", agreeToS + ""); paramsPost.put("agree_submission", agreeSubmissionPolicy + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_PUBLISH, params), paramsPost); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashPublish(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashPublishCategorytree() { return requestStashPublishCategorytree("/"); } public final Response requestStashPublishCategorytree(String categoryPath) { return requestStashPublishCategorytree(categoryPath, null); } public final Response requestStashPublishCategorytree(String categoryPath, String fileType) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.STASH, Scope.PUBLISH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (categoryPath == null) { categoryPath = "/"; } params.put("catpath", categoryPath); if (fileType != null) { params.put("filetype", fileType); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_PUBLISH_CATEGORYTREE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespCategory(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashPublishUserdata() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH, Scope.PUBLISH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_PUBLISH_USERDATA, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashPublishUserdata(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashSpace() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_SPACE, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashSpace(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestStashSubmit(File file) { return requestStashSubmit(file, null, null, null, -1, null, -1, false); } public final Response requestStashSubmit(File file, String title, String description, String originalURL, long stashId, String folder, long folderId, boolean isDirty, String... tags) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.STASH); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (file == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> paramsPost = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (title != null) { paramsPost.put("title", title); } if (description != null) { paramsPost.put("artist_comments", description); } if (originalURL != null) { paramsPost.put("original_url", originalURL); } if (stashId != -1) { paramsPost.put("stashid", stashId + ""); } if (folderId != -1) { paramsPost.put("folderid", folderId + ""); } if (folder != null) { paramsPost.put("folder", folder); } paramsPost.put("is_dirty", isDirty + ""); int a = 0; for (String tag : tags) { paramsPost.put("tags[" + a + "]", tag); a++; } // TODO JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.STASH_SUBMIT, params), paramsPost); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespStashSubmit(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserDamntoken() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.USER); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_DAMNTOKEN, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserDamntoken(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserFriends(String userName) { return requestUserFriends(userName, null); } public final Response requestUserFriends(String userName, String expansions) { return requestUserFriends(userName, expansions, -1, -1); } public final Response requestUserFriends(String userName, String expansions, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_FRIENDS + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserFriends(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserFriendsSearch(String query) { return requestUserFriendsSearch(null, query); } public final Response requestUserFriendsSearch(String userName, String query) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null && mToken.getRefreshToken() == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } if (query == null || query.length() == 0) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("username", userName); params.put("query", query); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_FRIENDS_SEARCH, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespFriends(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserFriendsUnwatch(String userName) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.USER_MANAGE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_FRIENDS_UNWATCH + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new Response(); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserFriendsWatch(String userName, Watch watch) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.USER_MANAGE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null || watch == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_FRIENDS_WATCH + userName, params), watch.parameterize()); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new Response(); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserFriendsWatching(String userName) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.USER); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_FRIENDS_WATCHING + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserFriendsWatching(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserProfile(String userName) { return requestUserProfile(userName, null); } public final Response requestUserProfile(String userName, String expansions) { return requestUserProfile(userName, expansions, false, false); } public final Response requestUserProfile(String userName, String expansions, boolean getCollections, boolean getGalleries) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } params.put("ext_collections", getCollections + ""); params.put("ext_galleries", getGalleries + ""); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_PROFILE + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserProfile(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserProfileUpdate(int userIsArtist, int artistLevel, int artistSpecialty, String realName, String tagline, int countryid, String website, String bio) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE, Scope.USER_MANAGE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> paramsPost = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (userIsArtist == 0 || userIsArtist == 1) { paramsPost.put("user_is_artist", userIsArtist + ""); } if (artistLevel != -1) { paramsPost.put("artist_level", "" + artistLevel); } if (artistSpecialty != -1) { paramsPost.put("artist_specialty", "" + artistSpecialty); } if (realName != null) { paramsPost.put("real_name", realName); } if (tagline != null) { paramsPost.put("tagline", tagline); } if (countryid != -1) { paramsPost.put("countryid", "" + countryid); } if (website != null) { paramsPost.put("website", website); } if (bio != null) { paramsPost.put("bio", bio); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_PROFILE_UPDATE, params), paramsPost); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new Response(); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserStatus(String statusId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (statusId == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_STATUSES + statusId, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserStatus(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserStatusPost(String body) { return requestUserStatusPost(body, null, null, null); } public final Response requestUserStatusPost(String body, String objectId, String parentId, String stashId) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.USER_MANAGE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (body == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); Map<String, String> postParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); postParams.put("body", body); if (objectId != null) { postParams.put("id", objectId); } if (parentId != null) { postParams.put("parentid", parentId); } if (stashId != null) { postParams.put("stashid", stashId); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_STATUSES_POST, params), postParams); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserStatusPost(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserStatuses(String userName) { return requestUserStatuses(userName, -1, -1); } public final Response requestUserStatuses(String userName, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); params.put("username", userName); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_STATUSES, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserStatuses(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserWatchers(String userName) { return requestUserWatchers(userName, null, -1, -1); } public final Response requestUserWatchers(String userName, String expansions) { return requestUserWatchers(userName, expansions, -1, -1); } public final Response requestUserWatchers(String userName, String expansions, int offset, int limit) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true, Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (userName == null) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (offset != -1) { params.put("offset", offset + ""); } if (limit != -1) { params.put("limit", limit + ""); } if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_WATCHERS + userName, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUserWatchers(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserWhoami() { return requestUserWhoami(null); } public final Response requestUserWhoami(String expansions) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.USER); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_WHOAMI, params)); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUser(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUserWhois(String expansions, String... users) { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope.BROWSE); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } if (users.length == 0) { return RespError.INVALID_REQUEST; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); if (expansions != null) { params.put("expand", expansions); } String postData = ""; for (int a = 0; a < users.length; a++) { postData += "usernames[" + a + "]=" + users[a] + "\n"; } JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.POST, createURL(ENDPOINTS.USER_WHOIS, params), postData); try { if (!json.has("error")) { return new RespUsers(json); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public final Response requestUtilPlacebo() { Response respVerify = verifyScopesAndAuth(true); if (respVerify.isError()) { return respVerify; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("access_token", mToken.getToken()); JSONObject json = requestJSON(Verb.GET, createURL(ENDPOINTS.UTIL_PLACEBO, params)); try { if (json.has("status") && json.getString("status").equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { return new Response(); } else { return new RespError(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } protected final JSONObject requestJSON(Verb verb, String url) { return requestJSON(verb, url, (String) null); } protected final JSONObject requestJSON(Verb verb, String url, Map<String, String> postParams) { String postData = ""; Set<String> keys = postParams.keySet(); int len = keys.size(); int a = 0; for (String key : keys) { postData += key + "=" + postParams.get(key); if (a < len - 1) { postData += "&"; } a++; } return requestJSON(verb, url, postData); } protected final JSONObject requestJSON(Verb verb, String url, String postData) { try { mLog.append("SEND:\n"); HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", mUserAgent); connection.setRequestProperty("dA-minor-version", "" + VERSION.getMinor()); connection.setReadTimeout(30000); connection.setConnectTimeout(30000); mLog.append(verb.toString() + " "); mLog.append(url); mLog.append("\n"); connection.setRequestMethod(verb.toString()); if (verb == Verb.POST) { mLog.append(postData); mLog.append("\n"); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setDoInput(true); //connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + base64(CLIENT_ID + ":" + loadLast())); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" + postData.length()); connection.connect(); OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream(); os.write(postData.getBytes()); os.flush(); } else if (verb == Verb.GET) { connection.setDoOutput(false); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.connect(); } mLog.append("\nRECV:\n"); try { InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = ""; String page = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { page += line; } mLog.append(page); mLog.append("\n\n"); return new JSONObject(page); } catch (Exception e) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("status", "error"); try { InputStream is = connection.getErrorStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = ""; String page = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { page += line; } mLog.append(page); mLog.append("\n\n"); return new JSONObject(page); } catch (Exception err) { } try { if (connection.getResponseCode() == 403 || connection.getResponseCode() == 429) { json.put("error_description", RespError.RATE_LIMIT.getDescription()); json.put("error", RespError.RATE_LIMIT.getType()); return json; } } catch (IOException er) { } String str = ""; str += "URL: " + url.split("[?]+")[0] + "\n"; //str += "POST Data: " + postData + "\n"; str += "\n"; for (int a = 0; a < connection.getHeaderFields().size() - 1; a++) { str += connection.getHeaderFieldKey(a) + ": " + connection.getHeaderField(a) + "\n"; } json.put("error_description", str); json.put("error", RespError.REQUEST_FAILED.getType()); return json; } catch (Exception er) { throw e; } } finally { connection.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { e.printStackTrace(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("status", "error"); json.put("error", RespError.REQUEST_FAILED.getType()); json.put("error_description", RespError.REQUEST_FAILED.getDescription() + " : " + e); return json; } catch (JSONException er) { er.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } protected final Response verifyScopesAndAuth(Scope... scopes) { return verifyScopesAndAuth(false, scopes); } protected final Response verifyScopesAndAuth(boolean canUseAsUnauthedUser, Scope... scopes) { if (!hasAccessToken()) { return RespError.NO_AUTH; } else if (!hasRefreshToken() && !canUseAsUnauthedUser) { return RespError.INVALID_TOKEN; } else if (hasRefreshToken() && !hasScopes(scopes)) { return RespError.INSUFFICIANT_SCOPE; } return new Response(); } }