Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.kaixin.connect; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.Manifest; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager; import com.kaixin.connect.exception.KaixinAuthError; import com.kaixin.connect.listener.KaixinAuthListener; import com.kaixin.connect.listener.KaixinDialogListener; public class Kaixin { /** * api key */ public static final String API_KEY = "391539743237928ea711a484a5d4c513"; // api key /** * secret key */ public static final String SECRET_KEY = "cdabd96b3c9684befb85a02cd02bf8a5"; // secret key /** * */ private static String KX_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK_URL = "http://localhost/"; // /** * Kaixin */ private static final String KX_AUTHORIZE_URL = ""; /** * */ private static String KX_REFRESHTOKEN_URL = ""; /** * */ private static String KX_REFRESHTOKEN_URL_S = ""; /** * Kaixin */ private static String KX_LOGIN_URL = ""; /** * oauth */ private static final String OAUTH_VERSION = "2.0"; /** * rest api */ private static String KX_REST_URL = ""; /** * */ private static final String SESSION_KEY = "session_key"; private static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token"; private static final String REFRESH_TOKEN = "refresh_token"; private static final String EXPIRES_IN = "expires_in"; private static final String ACCESS_DENIED = "access_denied"; private static final String LOGIN_DENIED = "login_denied"; /** * */ private String mAccessToken = null; private String mRefreshToken = null; private long mAccessExpires = 0; /** * */ private static final String KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE = "kaixin_sdk_storage"; private static final String KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = "kaixin_sdk_storage_access_token"; private static final String KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN = "kaixin_sdk_storage_refresh_token"; private static final String KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_EXPIRES = "kaixin_sdk_storage_expires"; private static final long ONE_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; /** * Kaixin */ private static Kaixin instance = null; public static synchronized Kaixin getInstance() { if (null == instance) instance = new Kaixin(); return instance; } private X509TrustManager xtm = new X509TrustManager() { public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) { } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) { } public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } }; private HostnameVerifier hnv = new HostnameVerifier() { public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }; private Kaixin() { System.setProperty("http.keepAlive", "false"); SSLContext sslContext = null; try { sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); X509TrustManager[] xtmArray = new X509TrustManager[] { xtm }; sslContext.init(null, xtmArray, new; } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { } if (sslContext != null) { HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sslContext.getSocketFactory()); } HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(hnv); } /** * access_token(User-Agent Flow) * * @param context * @param listener */ public void authorize(final Context context, final KaixinAuthListener listener) { this.authorize(context, null, listener); } /** * access_token(User-Agent Flow) * * @param context * @param permissions * @param listener */ public void authorize(final Context context, String[] permissions, final KaixinAuthListener listener) { if (this.isSessionValid()) { listener.onAuthComplete(new Bundle()); return; } this.authorize(context, permissions, listener, KX_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK_URL, "token"); } /** * access_token(User-Agent Flow) * * @param context * @param permissions * * 87%E6%A1%A3#REST%E6% * 8E%A5%E5%8F%A3%E5%92%8COAuth%E6%9D%83%E9%99%90%E5%AF%B9%E7%85% * A 7%E8%A1%A8 * @param listener * @param redirectUrl * @param responseType */ private void authorize(final Context context, String[] permissions, final KaixinAuthListener listener, final String redirectUrl, String responseType) { CookieSyncManager.createInstance(context); Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("client_id", API_KEY); params.putString("response_type", responseType); params.putString("redirect_uri", redirectUrl); params.putString("state", ""); params.putString("display", "page"); params.putString("oauth_client", "1"); if (permissions != null && permissions.length > 0) { String scope = TextUtils.join(" ", permissions); params.putString("scope", scope); } String url = KX_AUTHORIZE_URL + "?" + Util.encodeUrl(params); if (context .checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.INTERNET) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Util.showAlert(context, "", ""); } else { new KaixinDialog(context, url, new KaixinDialogListener() { @Override public int onPageBegin(String url) { return KaixinDialogListener.DIALOG_PROCCESS; } @Override public void onPageFinished(String url) { } @Override public boolean onPageStart(String url) { return (KaixinDialogListener.PROCCESSED == parseUrl(url)); } @Override public void onReceivedError(int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) { listener.onAuthError(new KaixinAuthError(String.valueOf(errorCode), description, failingUrl)); } private int parseUrl(String url) { if (url.startsWith(KX_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK_URL)) { Bundle values = Util.parseUrl(url); String error = values.getString("error");// if (error != null) { if (ACCESS_DENIED.equalsIgnoreCase(error)) { listener.onAuthCancel(values); } else if (LOGIN_DENIED.equalsIgnoreCase(error)) { listener.onAuthCancelLogin(); } else { listener.onAuthError(new KaixinAuthError(error, error, url)); } Util.clearCookies(context); setAccessToken(null); setRefreshToken(null); setAccessExpires(0L); } else { this.authComplete(values, url); } return KaixinDialogListener.PROCCESSED; } return KaixinDialogListener.UNPROCCESS; } private void authComplete(Bundle values, String url) { CookieSyncManager.getInstance().sync(); String accessToken = values.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN); String refreshToken = values.getString(REFRESH_TOKEN); String expiresIn = values.getString(EXPIRES_IN); if (accessToken != null && refreshToken != null && expiresIn != null) { try { setAccessToken(accessToken); setRefreshToken(refreshToken); setAccessExpiresIn(expiresIn); listener.onAuthComplete(values); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onAuthError( new KaixinAuthError(e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e.toString())); } } else { listener.onAuthError(new KaixinAuthError("", "", url)); } } }).show(); } } /** * * * @return */ public boolean isSessionValid() { return (getAccessToken() != null) && ((getAccessExpires() == 0) || (System.currentTimeMillis() < getAccessExpires())); } public void setAccessToken(String token) { mAccessToken = token; } public String getAccessToken() { return mAccessToken; } public void setRefreshToken(String token) { mRefreshToken = token; } public String getRefreshToken() { return mRefreshToken; } public void setAccessExpires(long time) { mAccessExpires = time; } public long getAccessExpires() { return mAccessExpires; } public void setAccessExpiresIn(String expiresIn) { if (expiresIn != null && !expiresIn.equals("0")) { setAccessExpires(System.currentTimeMillis() + Long.parseLong(expiresIn) * 1000); } } /** * accessTokenaccessToken * * @param context * * @param permissions * * 87%E6%A1%A3#REST%E6% * 8E%A5%E5%8F%A3%E5%92%8COAuth%E6%9D%83%E9%99%90%E5%AF%B9%E7%85% * A 7%E8%A1%A8 * * @return JSON * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public String refreshAccessToken(Context context, String[] permissions) throws FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException { mAccessToken = null; if (mRefreshToken == null) { return null; } Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("grant_type", REFRESH_TOKEN); params.putString("refresh_token", mRefreshToken); params.putString("client_id", API_KEY); params.putString("client_secret", SECRET_KEY); if (permissions != null && permissions.length > 0) { String scope = TextUtils.join(" ", permissions); params.putString("scope", scope); } return Util.openUrl(context, KX_REFRESHTOKEN_URL, "GET", params, null); } /** * multi-part post * * @param params * * @param photos * key-value keyfilename * valueInputStreambyte[] * InputStreamopenUrl * @return JSON * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public String uploadContent(Context context, String restInterface, Bundle params, Map<String, Object> photos) throws FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException { if (params == null) { params = new Bundle(); } params.putString("access_token", getAccessToken()); return Util.openUrl(context, KX_REST_URL + restInterface, "POST", params, photos); } /** * kaixin rest apis * * @param context * * @param restInterface * rest api * @param params * key-valuekeyvalueStringbyte[] * @param httpMethod * GET POST * @return JSON * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public String request(Context context, String restInterface, Bundle params, String httpMethod) throws FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException { if (params == null) { params = new Bundle(); } params.putString("access_token", getAccessToken()); return Util.openUrl(context, KX_REST_URL + restInterface, httpMethod, params, null); } public String login(Bundle params, Context ctx) { String url = KX_REFRESHTOKEN_URL_S; String method = "POST"; String sError = null; try { String response = Util.openUrl(ctx, url, method, params, null); if (response != null) { sError = setOauth(response, ctx); if (sError != null) { return sError; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ", "; } } public String setOauth(String response, Context ctx) { try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(response); String error = obj.optString("error"); if (error != null && error.length() > 0) { return error; } else { String accessToken = obj.optString(ACCESS_TOKEN); String refreshToken = obj.optString(REFRESH_TOKEN); String expiresIn = obj.optString(EXPIRES_IN); if (accessToken != null && refreshToken != null && expiresIn != null) { try { setAccessToken(accessToken); setRefreshToken(refreshToken); setAccessExpiresIn(expiresIn); updateStorage(ctx); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } else { return ""; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } /** * * * @param context * @return */ public boolean loadStorage(Context context) { SharedPreferences sp = context.getSharedPreferences(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String accessToken = sp.getString(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN, null); if (accessToken == null) { return false; } String refreshToken = sp.getString(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN, null); if (refreshToken == null) { return false; } long expires = sp.getLong(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_EXPIRES, 0); long currenct = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (expires < (currenct - ONE_HOUR)) { clearStorage(context); return false; } mAccessToken = accessToken; mRefreshToken = refreshToken; mAccessExpires = expires; return true; } /** * * * @param context * @return */ public boolean updateStorage(Context context) { boolean bUpdate = false; Editor editor = context.getSharedPreferences(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); if (mAccessToken != null && mRefreshToken != null && mAccessExpires > 0) { editor.putString(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN, mAccessToken); editor.putString(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN, mRefreshToken); editor.putLong(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_EXPIRES, mAccessExpires); bUpdate = true; } else { clearStorage(context); bUpdate = false; } editor.commit(); return bUpdate; } /** * * * @param context */ public void clearStorage(Context context) { Editor editor = context.getSharedPreferences(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); editor.remove(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN); editor.remove(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN); editor.remove(KAIXIN_SDK_STORAGE_EXPIRES); editor.commit(); } }