Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011. Elad Kehat. * This software is provided under the MIT License: * */ package com.jzboy.couchdb; import com.jzboy.couchdb.util.JsonUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Tests for the Database class methods that modify documents in the database. * These tests run against a CouchDB instance running on localhost and listening on the default port (5984). */ public class DatabaseDocUpdateTest { static String dbName; static Database instance; static byte[] attachment; @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { dbName = "jzboy_test_db_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); instance = new Database(dbName); instance.create(); // create a gzipped attachment final String inputString = "blahblahblah??"; byte[] input = inputString.getBytes("utf-8"); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DeflaterOutputStream deflater = new DeflaterOutputStream(os); deflater.write(input, 0, input.length); deflater.close(); attachment = os.toByteArray(); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { instance.delete(); } @Test public void testCreateDocumentFromJsonStrWithId() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"; Document result = instance.createDocument(uuid, jsonStr, false); assertEquals("New document's UUID doesn't match the value supplied to createDocument", uuid, result.getId()); assertTrue("Newly created document has no rev value?", result.hasRev()); assertTrue("Result of createDocument wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); Document doc = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals("New document's content doesn't match the content supplied to createDocument", jsonStr, JsonUtils.serializeJson(doc.getJson())); } @Test public void testCreateDocumentFromJsonNodeWithId() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); ObjectNode docJson = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); docJson.put("field1", "value1"); docJson.put("field2", 2); Document result = instance.createDocument(uuid, docJson, false); assertEquals("New document's UUID doesn't match the value supplied to createDocument", uuid, result.getId()); assertTrue("Newly created document has no rev value?", result.hasRev()); assertTrue("Result of createDocument wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); } @Test public void testCreateDocumentInBatch() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"; Document result = instance.createDocument(uuid, jsonStr, true); assertEquals("New document's UUID doesn't match the value supplied to batch create", uuid, result.getId()); assertTrue("Result of batch createDocument wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); assertFalse("Document created in batch mode returned a revision", result.hasRev()); // wait for 2 seconds, then try to load this document Thread.sleep(2000); Document doc = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals("New document's content doesn't match the content supplied to batch create", jsonStr, JsonUtils.serializeJson(doc.getJson())); } @Test public void testCreateDocumentFromDocument() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); ObjectNode docJson = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); docJson.put("field1", "value11"); docJson.put("field2", 22); Document newDoc = new Document(uuid, docJson); Document result = instance.createDocument(newDoc, false); assertEquals("New document's UUID doesn't match the value supplied to createDocument", uuid, result.getId()); assertTrue("Newly created document has no rev value?", result.hasRev()); assertTrue("Result of createDocument wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); Document doc = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals(docJson, doc.getJson()); } @Test public void testUpdateDocument() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value135\",\"field2\":246}"; // create a new document Document result = instance.createDocument(uuid, jsonStr, false); assertTrue("Result of createDocument update wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); // check the value of 'field1' Document doc = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals("Newly created Document doesn't contain a supplied value", "value135", JsonUtils.getString(doc.getJson(), "field1", null)); final String rev1 = doc.getRev(); // update 'field1' to a different value ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) doc.getJson(); node.put("field1", "value99"); Document upDoc = instance.updateDocument(doc); // ensure that we got a higher revision number assertTrue("Update didn't increment document revision", upDoc.getRev().compareTo(rev1) > 0); // check the value of 'field1' Document docAgain = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals("Update didn't modify the document", "value99", JsonUtils.getString(docAgain.getJson(), "field1", null)); } @Test public void testDeleteDocument() throws Exception { final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value135\",\"field2\":246}"; // create a new document Document result = instance.createDocument(uuid, jsonStr, false); assertTrue("Result of createDocument update wasn't {'ok':true}", result.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); // ensure that document exists Document doc = instance.getDocument(uuid); assertEquals("New document's content doesn't match the content in create", jsonStr, JsonUtils.serializeJson(doc.getJson())); // now delete it String rev = instance.deleteDocument(doc); // the delete stub revision should be higher than the original doc revision assertTrue("Deleted Document stub revision wasn't incremented", doc.getRev().compareTo(rev) < 0); // ensure that it doesn't exist anymore try { instance.getDocument(uuid); fail("Document was supposed to have been deleted"); } catch (CouchDBException ex) { assertEquals("Attempt to retrieve a deleted document didn't return the expected status code", 404, ex.getStatusCode()); } } private byte[] readInputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int i; while ((i = > -1) os.write(i); return os.toByteArray(); } @Test public void testSaveAndGetAttachment() throws Exception { final String fileName = "blahblah.txt.gz"; final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value135\",\"field2\":246}"; final String contentType = "application/x-gzip"; Document doc = new Document(uuid, null, jsonStr); Document resDoc = instance.saveAttachment(doc, fileName, attachment, contentType); assertTrue("Result of saveAttachment update wasn't {'ok':true}", resDoc.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); assertEquals("UUID of Document saved with attachment wasn't the supplied UUID", uuid, resDoc.getId()); // now get the stored attachment in its raw form HttpResponse httpRes = instance.getAttachmentRaw(uuid, fileName); assertEquals("Request for raw Document attachment didn't return status 200", 200, httpRes.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); HttpEntity ent = httpRes.getEntity(); assertEquals("Attachment content type doesn't match the type supplied on creation", contentType, ent.getContentType().getValue()); byte[] resAttachment = readInputStream(ent.getContent()); assertArrayEquals( "Contents of attachement retrieved in raw form doesn't match the content supplied on creation", attachment, resAttachment); // get the stored attachment as an input stream resAttachment = instance.getAttachment(uuid, fileName); assertArrayEquals( "Contents of attachment retrieved as inputStream doesn't match the content supplied on creation", attachment, resAttachment); } @Test public void testDeleteAttachment() throws Exception { // save an attachment final String fileName = "blahblah.txt.gz"; final String uuid = instance.getServer().nextUUID(); final String jsonStr = "{\"field1\":\"value135\",\"field2\":246}"; final String contentType = "application/x-gzip"; Document doc = new Document(uuid, null, jsonStr); Document resDoc = instance.saveAttachment(doc, fileName, attachment, contentType); assertTrue("Result of saveAttachment update wasn't {'ok':true}", resDoc.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue()); assertEquals("UUID of Document saved with attachment wasn't the supplied UUID", uuid, resDoc.getId()); // ensure it's retrievable byte[] resAttachment = instance.getAttachment(uuid, fileName); assertTrue("Attachment contents wasn't returned by getAttachment", resAttachment.length > 0); // delete it Document del = instance.deleteAttachment(resDoc, fileName); // use the doc that has a correct revision id assertEquals("UUID returned by deleteAttachment doesn't match the original UUID", uuid, del.getId()); assertTrue("Rev returned by deleteAttachment wasn't incremented", del.getRev().compareTo(resDoc.getRev()) > 0); // ensure that it's gone try { resAttachment = instance.getAttachment(uuid, fileName); fail("Attachment wasn't deleted"); } catch (CouchDBException e) { assertEquals("Attempt to retrieve a deleted attachment didn't return the expected status code", 404, e.getStatusCode()); } } @Test public void testNumDocsPendingBulkUpdate() throws Exception { ArrayList<String> uuids = instance.getServer().nextUUIDs(2); final String json1 = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"; final String json2 = "{\"field1\":\"value2\",\"field2\":3}"; Document doc1 = new Document(uuids.get(0), null, json1); Document doc2 = new Document(uuids.get(1), null, json2); instance.saveInBulk(doc1); instance.saveInBulk(doc2); int pending = instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate(); assertEquals("Wrong number of pending docs following saveInBulk calls", 2, pending); instance.clearBulkUpdatesCache(); pending = instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate(); assertEquals("Number of pending docs following clearBulkUpdatesCache not zero", 0, pending); } @Test public void testSaveInBulk() throws Exception { instance.setBulkUpdatesLimit(2); ArrayList<String> uuids = instance.getServer().nextUUIDs(2); final String json1 = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"; final String json2 = "{\"field1\":\"value2\",\"field2\":3}"; Document doc1 = new Document(uuids.get(0), null, json1); Document doc2 = new Document(uuids.get(1), null, json2); assertEquals("Unexpected documents pending bulk save - cache should be clear", 0, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); instance.saveInBulk(doc1); assertEquals("Wrong number of pending docs following saveInBulk call", 1, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); instance.saveInBulk(doc2); assertEquals("Bulk cache not cleared following number of saves that matched the limit", 0, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); Document resDoc1 = instance.getDocument(uuids.get(0)); assertEquals("Contents of document saved in bulk and then retrieved don't match the original", json1, JsonUtils.serializeJson(resDoc1.getJson())); Document resDoc2 = instance.getDocument(uuids.get(1)); assertEquals("Contents of document saved in bulk and then retrieved don't match the original", json2, JsonUtils.serializeJson(resDoc2.getJson())); } @Test public void testSaveInBulkWithoutContent() throws Exception { Document doc = new Document("1", "1-012345"); // id and rev, no JSON try { instance.saveInBulk(doc); fail("Document with no content was allowed to be added to bulk cache"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } @Test public void testDeleteInBulk() throws Exception { instance.setBulkUpdatesLimit(2); ArrayList<String> uuids = instance.getServer().nextUUIDs(2); final String json1 = "{\"field1\":\"value15\",\"field2\":15}"; final String json2 = "{\"field1\":\"value25\",\"field2\":25}"; Document saved1 = instance.createDocument(uuids.get(0), json1, false); Document saved2 = instance.createDocument(uuids.get(1), json2, false); saved1.setJson(null); saved2.setJson(null); instance.deleteInBulk(saved1); instance.deleteInBulk(saved2); assertEquals("Number of documents in bulk cache not as expected", 0, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); try { instance.getDocument(uuids.get(0)); fail("Document wasn't deleted"); } catch (CouchDBException ex1) { assertEquals("Attempt to retrieve a deleted attachment didn't return the expected status code", 404, ex1.getStatusCode()); } try { instance.getDocument(uuids.get(1)); fail("Document wasn't deleted"); } catch (CouchDBException ex2) { assertEquals("Attempt to retrieve a deleted attachment didn't return the expected status code", 404, ex2.getStatusCode()); } } @Test public void testFlushBulkUpdatesCache() throws Exception { instance.setBulkUpdatesLimit(1000); ArrayList<String> uuids = instance.getServer().nextUUIDs(2); final String json1 = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"; final String json2 = "{\"field1\":\"value2\",\"field2\":3}"; Document doc1 = new Document(uuids.get(0), null, json1); Document doc2 = new Document(uuids.get(1), null, json2); assertEquals("Number of documents in bulk cache not as expected", 0, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); instance.saveInBulk(doc1); instance.saveInBulk(doc2); assertEquals("Number of documents in bulk cache not as expected", 2, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); ArrayList<JsonNode> report = instance.flushBulkUpdatesCache(false, true); assertEquals("Documents not flushed from bulk cache following call to flush", 0, instance.numDocsPendingBulkUpdate()); for (JsonNode resDoc : report) { assertTrue("Results of flushBulkUpdatesCache did not contain a saved document's ID", uuids.contains(resDoc.get("id").getTextValue())); } } }