Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011. Elad Kehat. * This software is provided under the MIT License: * */ package com.jzboy.couchdb; import com.jzboy.couchdb.util.JsonUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Tests for the Database class methods that retrieve documents from the database. * These tests run against a CouchDB instance running on localhost and listening on the default port (5984). */ public class DatabaseDocReadTest { static String dbName; static Database instance; // initial documents - maps of uuids to the doc json static final String designDocName = "d"; static final String viewName = "v"; static final Map<String, String> docs = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("1", "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"show\":true}"); put("2", "{\"field1\":\"value2\",\"show\":false}"); put("3", "{\"field1\":\"value3\",\"show\":true}"); put("_design/" + designDocName, "{\"views\":{\"" + viewName + "\":{\"map\":\"function(doc) { if( emit(doc._id, null);}\"}}}"); } }; @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { dbName = "server_test_db_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); instance = new Database(dbName); instance.create(); // create some documents for (Map.Entry<String, String> doc : docs.entrySet()) { instance.createDocument(doc.getKey(), doc.getValue(), false); } } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { instance.delete(); } @Test public void testGetDocument() throws Exception { final String id = "1"; String str = docs.get(id); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); Document doc = instance.getDocument(id); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getDocument didn't match the original contents", exp, doc.getJson()); } @Test public void testGetDocumentOrNull() throws Exception { final String existingId = "1"; String str = docs.get(existingId); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); Document doc = instance.getDocumentOrNull(existingId); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getDocumentOrNull didn't match the original contents", exp, doc.getJson()); final String missingId = "no-such-id"; doc = instance.getDocumentOrNull(missingId); assertNull("Non-existent doc returned by getDocumentOrNull wasn't null", doc); // ensure we still get an exception on errors other than 404 Database wrong = new Database("NO-SUCH-DATABASE"); // only lowercase letters are allowed by couchdb try { wrong.getDocumentOrNull(missingId); fail("Expected an exception when calling getDocumentOrNull() on a db with an illegal name"); } catch (CouchDBException ex) { assertTrue("Attempt to a document from a non-existent database didn't return the expected status code", ex.getStatusCode() != 404); } } @Test public void testChanges() throws Exception { final int since = 2; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("since", Integer.toString(since))); } }; ArrayList<JsonNode> changes = instance.changes(params); int expSize = docs.size() - since; assertTrue("Size of changes list smaller than expected", changes.size() >= expSize); JsonNode change = changes.get(0); assertEquals("Change sequence number not as expected", 3, JsonUtils.getInt(change, "seq", 0)); } @Test public void testGetDocumentsIncludeDocs() throws Exception { ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getDocuments(docs.keySet(), true); assertEquals(docs.size(), res.size()); for (Document doc : res) { String str = docs.get(doc.getId()); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); assertEquals( "JSON contents of a doc returned by getDocuments with includeDocs ON didn't match the original contents", exp, doc.getJson()); } } @Test public void testGetDocumentsExcludeDocs() throws Exception { ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getDocuments(docs.keySet(), false); assertEquals(docs.size(), res.size()); for (Document doc : res) { assertNotNull("Document returned by getDocuments had no ID", docs.get(doc.getId())); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getDocuments with includeDocs OFF wasn't empty", "{}", doc.getJson().toString()); } } @Test public void testGetDocumentsWithParams() throws Exception { final int skip = 2; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("skip", Integer.toString(skip))); } }; ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getDocuments(docs.keySet(), params); int expSize = docs.size() - skip; assertEquals("getDocuments with 'skip' param didn't return the expected number of docs", expSize, res.size()); } @Test public void testGetAllDocumentsIncludeDocs() throws Exception { ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getAllDocuments(true); assertEquals(docs.size(), res.size()); for (Document doc : res) { String str = docs.get(doc.getId()); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getAllDocuments didn't match the original", exp, doc.getJson()); } } @Test public void testGetAllDocumentsExcludeDocs() throws Exception { ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getAllDocuments(false); assertEquals(docs.size(), res.size()); for (Document doc : res) { assertNotNull("ID of doc retrieved by getAllDocuments was null", docs.get(doc.getId())); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getAllDocuments with includeDocs OFF wasn't empty", "{}", doc.getJson().toString()); } } @Test public void testGetAllDocumentsWithParams() throws Exception { final String key = (String) docs.keySet().toArray()[0]; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("startkey", "\"" + key + "\"")); add(new BasicNameValuePair("endkey", "\"" + key + "\"")); add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true")); } }; ArrayList<Document> res = instance.getAllDocuments(params); assertEquals("Size of docs list returned by getAllDocumentsWithParams didn't match the expected", 1, res.size()); String str = docs.get(key); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); assertEquals("JSON contents of a doc returned by getAllDocumentsWithParams didn't match the original", exp, res.get(0).getJson()); } @Test public void testDesignDocumentInfo() throws Exception { JsonNode result = instance.designDocumentInfo(designDocName); String resName = result.get("name").getTextValue(); assertEquals( "Name of the design document returned by designDocumentInfo didn't match the name of the actual design document", designDocName, resName); } @Test public void testQueryView() throws Exception { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true")); } }; ArrayList<Document> results = instance.queryView(designDocName, viewName, params); ArrayList<String> expDocIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : docs.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains("\"show\":true")) { expDocIds.add(entry.getKey()); } } assertEquals("queryView didn't return the expected number of docs", expDocIds.size(), results.size()); for (Document doc : results) { assertTrue("queryView didn't return a document that should have been", expDocIds.contains(doc.getId())); assertTrue("Doc returned by queryView has no key", doc.hasKey()); String str = docs.get(doc.getId()); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); assertEquals("JSON contents of doc returned by queryView didn't match the original", exp, doc.getJson()); } } @Test public void testQueryViewRaw() throws Exception { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true")); } }; JsonNode result = instance.queryViewRaw(designDocName, viewName, params); int expCount = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : docs.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains("\"show\":true")) { expCount++; } } assertEquals("queryViewRaw didn't return the expected total rows", expCount, result.get("total_rows").getIntValue()); } @Test public void testGetFromView() throws Exception { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() { { add(new BasicNameValuePair("offset", "0")); add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true")); } }; ArrayList<String> allViewDocIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : docs.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains("\"show\":true")) { allViewDocIds.add(entry.getKey()); } } List<String> keys = allViewDocIds.subList(0, 1); ArrayList<Document> results = instance.getFromView(designDocName, viewName, keys, params); assertEquals("getFromView did not return all the requested docs", keys.size(), results.size()); for (Document doc : results) { assertTrue("getFromView returned a doc that wasn't requested", keys.contains(doc.getId())); String str = docs.get(doc.getId()); JsonNode exp = JsonUtils.createParser(str).readValueAsTree(); assertEquals("JSON contents of doc returned by getFromView didn't match the original", exp, doc.getJson()); } } @Test public void testTempViewString() throws Exception { String jsonStr = "{\"map\":\"function(doc) { if (doc.field1=='value1') { emit(null, doc.field1); } }\"}"; ArrayList<Document> results = instance.tempView(jsonStr); assertEquals("tempView using a serialized JSON didn't return the expected number of results", 1, results.size()); Document doc = results.get(0); assertEquals("tempView using a serialized JSON didn't return the expected doc ID", "1", doc.getId()); assertEquals("tempView using a serialized JSON didn't return the expected doc contents", "value1", doc.getJson().getValueAsText()); } @Test public void testTempViewJson() throws Exception { ObjectNode viewJson = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); viewJson.put("map", "function(doc) { if (doc.field1=='value1') { emit(null, doc.field1); } }"); ArrayList<Document> results = instance.tempView(viewJson); assertEquals("tempView using JSON didn't return the expected number of results", 1, results.size()); Document doc = results.get(0); assertEquals("tempView using JSON didn't return the expected doc ID", "1", doc.getId()); assertEquals("tempView using JSON didn't return the expected doc contents", "value1", doc.getJson().getValueAsText()); } @Test public void testCompactViews() throws Exception { try { instance.compactViews(designDocName); } catch (CouchDBException e) { fail(e.toString()); } } @Test public void testCleanupViews() throws Exception { try { instance.cleanupViews(); } catch (CouchDBException e) { fail(e.toString()); } } }