Java tutorial
/* Jamaica, The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Macro Assembly Language * Copyright (C) 2004- James Huang, * * * This is free software; you can embed, modify and redistribute * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or up as published by the Free Software Foundation, * which you should have received a copy along with this software. * In case you did not, please download it from the internet at * * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * *************************** CHANGE LOG *************************** * * Authors: JH = James Jianbo Huang, * * 03-14-2004 JH Initial release. * 04-01-2004 JH Added factory method getJavaClassCreator(). * ********** No tabs. Indent 2 spaces. Follow the style. **********/ package com.judoscript.jamaica; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils; /** * A convenient interface for creating Java classes with byte codes. * Refer to jamaica as this closely models that language. *<p> * All type names are in Java format, i.e., <code>java.lang.String</code>. * Class names must be fully-qualified class names. *<p> * The accessFlags used in this API are the logical-OR of constants * defined in <code>java.lang.reflect.Modifier</code>. */ public abstract class JavaClassCreator { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Factory Method // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static JavaClassCreator getJavaClassCreator() { try { String cc = System.getProperty("CreatorClass"); if (cc == null) { if (MyUtils.existsClass("org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes")) cc = "com.judoscript.jamaica.ASMJavaClassCreator"; else if (MyUtils.existsClass("org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant")) cc = "com.judoscript.jamaica.BCELJavaClassCreator"; } if (cc != null) { System.err.println("(JavaClassCreator implementation is " + cc + ")"); return (JavaClassCreator) MyUtils.newInstance(cc); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println("No JavaClassCreator implementation is found/specified.\n" + "Jamaica JavaClassCreator API has built-in support for ASM and BCEL only.\n" + "Download one of them and install: for ASM,\n" + "and for BCEL,\n" + "Simply put their binary class files into the classpath.\n\n" + "To provide your own implementation of JavaClassCreator, set the\n" + "system property CreatorClass on the java command line like this:\n\n" + " java -DClassCreator=mypkg.MyJavaClassCreator the_main_class\n\n"); return null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class Creation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Sets the source file name as the SourceFile attribute for the class. */ public abstract void setSourceFileName(String fileName); public abstract String getSourceFileName(); /** * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> * @return the complete class name. */ public abstract String getClassName() throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract String getSuperclassName() throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract String[] getInterfaceNames() throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> * @return the last in the class name. */ public String getClassRootName() throws JavaClassCreatorException { String clsName = getClassName(); int idx = clsName.lastIndexOf('.'); return idx < 0 ? clsName : clsName.substring(idx + 1); } /** * Starts a new class creation process. The class is created by a call to either * <code>endClass()</code> or <code>endClassToFile()</code>. * * @param className should be a simple class name without package prefix. */ public abstract void startClass(int accessFlags, String className, String superClassName, String[] itfNames) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Starts a new interface creation process. The class is created by a call to either * <code>endClass()</code> or <code>endClassToFile()</code>. *<p> * Implementation must set itfs in this class. * * @param className should be a simple class name without package prefix. */ public abstract void startInterface(String className, String[] itfNames) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Concludes the class file and returns the bytes for the class. */ public abstract byte[] endClass() throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Concludes the class file and writes the class into a file. */ public void endClassToFile(String fileName) throws IOException, JavaClassCreatorException { FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(fileName); os.write(endClass()); os.close(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Field Creation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Field creation. * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> and before <code>endClass()</code>. */ public abstract void addField(int accessFlags, String name, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Constant creation. * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> and before <code>endClass()</code>. */ public abstract void addConstant(int accessFlags, String name, String type, Object value) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * @return the type name of an added field or constant. */ public abstract String getFieldType(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * @return true if the added field is static. */ public abstract boolean isStaticField(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Method Creation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Abstract method addition method. A method is created by a call to <code>endMethod()</code>. * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> and before <code>endClass()</code>. */ public abstract void addAbstractMethod(int accessFlags, String name, String[] argTypes, String[] argNames, String returnType, String[] exceptionNames) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Add a default empty constructor. */ public abstract void addDefaultConstructor(int accessFlags) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Starts a new method construction process. * Must be called after <code>startClass()</code> and before <code>endClass()</code>. */ public abstract void startMethod(int accessFlags, String name, String[] argTypes, String[] argNames, String returnType, String[] exceptionNames) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * Concludes the method and adds it to the class. */ public abstract void endMethod() throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** *@return the access flags for the current method. If not in method, should return 0. */ public abstract int getMethodAccessFlags(); /** *@return the current method name. */ public abstract String getMethodName(); /** * Add a local variable to the current method. * Must be called after <code>startMethod()</code> and before adding byte codes * or catch clauses, and of course before the <code>endMethod()</code> call. */ public abstract void addLocalVariable(String name, String type, Object init) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract int getLocalVariableIndex(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * @return the variable type name of an added variable in the current method. */ public abstract String getVariableType(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // JVM Instruction Convenience // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final void inst_aconst_null() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(1); } public final void inst_iconst(int val) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (val >= -1 && val <= 5) inst(3 + val); // begins with iconst_0 else inst_ldc(new Integer(val)); } public final void inst_lconst(long val) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (val == 0 || val == 1) inst(9 + (int) val); // lconst_0 else inst_ldc(new Long(val)); } public final void inst_fconst(float val) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (val == 0) inst(11); // fconst_0 else if (val == 1) inst(12); // fconst_1 else if (val == 2) inst(13); // fconst_2 else inst_ldc(new Float(val)); } public final void inst_dconst(double val) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (val == 0) inst(14); // dconst_0 else if (val == 1) inst(15); // dconst_1 else inst_ldc(new Double(val)); } public final void inst_iastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(79); } public final void inst_lastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(80); } public final void inst_fastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(81); } public final void inst_dastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(82); } public final void inst_aastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(83); } public final void inst_bastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(84); } public final void inst_castore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(85); } public final void inst_sastore() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(86); } public final void inst_iaload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(46); } public final void inst_laload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(47); } public final void inst_faload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(48); } public final void inst_daload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(49); } public final void inst_aaload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(50); } public final void inst_baload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(51); } public final void inst_caload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(52); } public final void inst_saload() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(53); } public final void inst_iadd() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(96); } public final void inst_ladd() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(97); } public final void inst_fadd() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(98); } public final void inst_dadd() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(99); } public final void inst_isub() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(100); } public final void inst_lsub() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(101); } public final void inst_fsub() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(102); } public final void inst_dsub() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(103); } public final void inst_imul() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(104); } public final void inst_lmul() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(105); } public final void inst_fmul() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(106); } public final void inst_dmul() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(107); } public final void inst_idiv() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(108); } public final void inst_ldiv() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(109); } public final void inst_fdiv() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(110); } public final void inst_ddiv() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(111); } public final void inst_irem() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(112); } public final void inst_lrem() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(113); } public final void inst_frem() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(114); } public final void inst_drem() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(115); } public final void inst_ineg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(116); } public final void inst_lneg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(117); } public final void inst_fneg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(118); } public final void inst_dneg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(119); } public final void inst_ishl() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(120); } public final void inst_lshl() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(121); } public final void inst_ishr() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(122); } public final void inst_lshr() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(123); } public final void inst_iushr() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(124); } public final void inst_lushr() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(125); } public final void inst_iand() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(126); } public final void inst_land() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(127); } public final void inst_ior() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(128); } public final void inst_lor() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(129); } public final void inst_ixor() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(130); } public final void inst_lxor() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(131); } public final void inst_lcmp() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(148); } public final void inst_fcmpl() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(149); } public final void inst_fcmpg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(150); } public final void inst_dcmpl() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(151); } public final void inst_dcmpg() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(152); } public final void inst_ireturn() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(172); } public final void inst_lreturn() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(173); } public final void inst_freturn() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(174); } public final void inst_dreturn() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(175); } public final void inst_areturn() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(176); } public final void inst_return() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(177); } public final void inst_arraylength() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(190); } public final void inst_athrow() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(191); } public final void inst_monitorenter() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(194); } public final void inst_monitorexit() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(195); } public final void inst_nop() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(0); } public final void inst_i2l() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(133); } public final void inst_i2f() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(134); } public final void inst_i2d() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(135); } public final void inst_l2i() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(136); } public final void inst_l2f() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(137); } public final void inst_l2d() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(138); } public final void inst_f2i() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(139); } public final void inst_f2l() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(140); } public final void inst_f2d() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(141); } public final void inst_d2i() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(142); } public final void inst_d2l() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(143); } public final void inst_d2f() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(144); } public final void inst_i2b() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(145); } public final void inst_i2c() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(146); } public final void inst_i2s() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(147); } public final void inst_pop() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(87); } public final void inst_pop2() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(88); } public final void inst_dup() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(89); } public final void inst_dup_x1() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(90); } public final void inst_dup_x2() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(91); } public final void inst_dup2() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(92); } public final void inst_dup2_x1() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(93); } public final void inst_dup2_x2() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(94); } public final void inst_swap() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(95); } public final void inst_aload_0() throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst(42); } public final void inst_iload(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(21, var); } public final void inst_lload(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(22, var); } public final void inst_fload(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(23, var); } public final void inst_dload(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(24, var); } public final void inst_aload(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(25, var); } public final void inst_istore(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(54, var); } public final void inst_lstore(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(55, var); } public final void inst_fstore(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(56, var); } public final void inst_dstore(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(57, var); } public final void inst_astore(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(58, var); } public final void inst_ret(String var) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLoadStoreRet(169, var); } public final void inst_new(String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instType(187, type); } public final void inst_newarray(String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instType(188, type); } public final void inst_anewarray(String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instType(189, type); } public final void inst_checkcast(String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instType(192, type); } public final void inst_instanceof(String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instType(193, type); } public final void inst_ldc(Object cnst) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(18, cnst, null); } public final void inst_ldc_w(Object cnst) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(19, cnst, null); } public final void inst_ldc2_w(Object cnst) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(20, cnst, null); } public final void inst_ldc(Object c, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(18, c, type); } public final void inst_ldc_w(Object c, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(19, c, type); } public final void inst_ldc2_w(Object c, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instLdc(20, c, type); } public final void inst_ifeq(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(153, lbl); } public final void inst_ifne(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(154, lbl); } public final void inst_iflt(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(155, lbl); } public final void inst_ifge(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(156, lbl); } public final void inst_ifgt(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(157, lbl); } public final void inst_ifle(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(158, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmpeq(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(159, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmpne(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(160, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmplt(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(161, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmpge(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(162, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmpgt(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(163, lbl); } public final void inst_if_icmple(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(164, lbl); } public final void inst_if_acmpeq(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(165, lbl); } public final void inst_if_acmpne(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(166, lbl); } public final void inst_goto(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(167, lbl); } public final void inst_goto_w(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(200, lbl); } public final void inst_jsr(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(168, lbl); } public final void inst_jsr_w(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(201, lbl); } public final void inst_ifnull(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(198, lbl); } public final void inst_ifnonnull(String lbl) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instJump(199, lbl); } public final void inst_getstatic(String cls, String fld, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instGetPut(178, cls, fld, type); } public final void inst_putstatic(String cls, String fld, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instGetPut(179, cls, fld, type); } public final void inst_getfield(String cls, String fld, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instGetPut(180, cls, fld, type); } public final void inst_putfield(String cls, String fld, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instGetPut(181, cls, fld, type); } public final void inst_invokevirtual(String cls, String mthd, String[] params, String retType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instInvoke(182, cls, mthd, params, retType); } public final void inst_invokestatic(String cls, String mthd, String[] params, String retType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instInvoke(184, cls, mthd, params, retType); } public final void inst_invokeinterface(String cls, String mthd, String[] params, String retType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instInvoke(185, cls, mthd, params, retType); } public final void inst_invokespecial(String cls, String mthd, String[] params, String retType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { instInvoke(183, cls, mthd, params, retType); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // JVM Instruction Implementation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add a local variable to the current method. * Must be called after <code>startMethod()</code> and after adding byte codes, * and before <code>endMethod()</code> call. * @param type if null, this is a Finally clause. */ public abstract void addCatchClause(String type, String startLabel, String endLabel, String actionLabel) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract void setLabel(String label) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>nop aconst_null iconst_m1 iconst_0 iconst_1 iconst_2 iconst_3 iconst_4 iconst_5 * lconst_0 lconst_1 fconst_0 fconst_1 fconst_2 dconst_0 dconst_1 * iload_0 iload_1 iload_2 iload_3 lload_0 lload_1 lload_2 lload_3 * fload_0 fload_1 fload_2 fload_3 dload_0 dload_1 dload_2 dload_3 * aload_0 aload_1 aload_2 aload_3 * iaload laload faload daload aaload baload caload saload * istore_0 istore_1 istore_2 istore_3 lstore_0 lstore_1 lstore_2 lstore_3 * fstore_0 fstore_1 fstore_2 fstore_3 dstore_0 dstore_1 dstore_2 dstore_3 * astore_0 astore_1 astore_2 astore_3 * iastore lastore fastore dastore aastore bastore castore sastore * pop pop2 dup dup_x1 dup_x2 dup2 dup2_x1 dup2_x2 swap * iadd ladd fadd dadd isub lsub fsub dsub * imul lmul fmul dmul idiv ldiv fdiv ddiv irem lrem frem drem * ineg lneg fneg dneg ishl lshl ishr lshr iushr lushr iand land ior lor ixor lxor * i2l i2f i2d l2i l2f l2d f2i f2l f2d d2i d2l d2f i2b i2c i2s * lcmp fcmpl fcmpg dcmpl dcmpg ireturn lreturn freturn dreturn areturn return * arraylength athrow monitorenter monitorexit</code>. */ public abstract void inst(int opcode) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>iload lload fload dload aload istore lstore fstore dstore astore ret</code>. */ public abstract void instLoadStoreRet(int opcode, String varName) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>new newarray anewarray checkcast instanceof</code>. */ public abstract void instType(int opcode, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>getstatic putstatic getfield putfield</code>. */ public abstract void instGetPut(int opcode, String clsName, String fldName, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>ldc ldc_w ldc2_w</code>. * @param type can be null, "int", "long", "float", "double" or "java.lang.String". */ public abstract void instLdc(int opcode, Object constant, String type) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract void inst_bipush(byte value) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract void inst_sipush(short value) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract void inst_iinc(String varName, int inc) throws JavaClassCreatorException; public abstract void inst_multianewarray(String type, short dim) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>ifeq ifne iflt ifge ifgt ifle * if_icmpeq if_icmpne if_icmplt if_icmpge if_icmpgt if_icmple if_acmpeq if_acmpne * goto jsr ifnull ifnonnull goto_w jsr_w</code>. */ public abstract void instJump(int opcode, String label) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>invokevirtual invokespecial invokestatic invokeinterface</code>. */ public abstract void instInvoke(int opcode, String clsName, String mthdName, String[] paramTypes, String retType) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * A synonym for <code>inst_tableswitch()</code>, which is often times optimized * to lookupswitch when constants are consecutive anyway. */ public final void inst_switch(int[] consts, String[] labels, String defaultLabel) throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst_tableswitch(consts, labels, defaultLabel); } /** * For <code>tableswitch</code>. */ public abstract void inst_tableswitch(int[] consts, String[] labels, String defaultLabel) throws JavaClassCreatorException; /** * For <code>lookupswitch</code>. */ public abstract void inst_lookupswitch(int startConst, String[] labels, String defaultLabel) throws JavaClassCreatorException; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Macro Implementation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void macroSet(Object dest, Object value) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroSet(dest, value, null, null); } /** * @param dest is a String or a VarAccess. * @param value is a constant of type of Boolean, Character, Number or String, * or a VarAccess, or an AssignableMacro. * @param visitor is an instance of JamaicaParserVisitor used by the value when it * is an AssignableMacro. * @param visitor is the extra data for the visitor when value is an AssignableMacro. */ public void macroSet(Object dest, Object value, Object visitor, Object data) throws JavaClassCreatorException { VarAccess target = null; if (dest != null) { target = (dest instanceof String) ? new VarAccess((String) dest, 0) : (VarAccess) dest; target.findParamType(this); if (target.isArray()) { if (target.isVar) inst_aload(; else // instGetPut(isStaticField(, // getstatic/getfield // getClassName(),, target.getFullTypeName()); macroLoadVarOrField(, target.getFullTypeName()); if (target.dim == 1) { macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(target.index, "int"); } else { Object[] oa = (Object[]) target.index; for (int i = 0; i < oa.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) inst_aaload(); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(oa[i], "int"); } } } else if (!target.isVar && !isStaticField( { inst_aload_0(); } } if (value instanceof AssignableMacro) { try { ((AssignableMacro) value).instantiate(visitor, data, target == null ? null : target.type); } catch (JavaClassCreatorException jcce) { throw jcce; } catch (Exception e) { throw new JavaClassCreatorException(e.getMessage()); } } else { macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(value, target == null ? null : target.type); } if (target != null) { if (target.isArray()) inst(getArrayLoadStoreInstruction(target.type, true)); else if (target.isVar) instLoadStoreRet(getStoreInstruction(target.type),; else instGetPut(isStaticField( ? 179 : 181, // putstatic/putfield getClassName(),, target.getFullTypeName()); } } /** *@param cmd is one of the following: <code>print println flush</code> *@param target is one of these: <code>out err</code>, or any variable/field name. * The named variable/field must hold either an object, e.g., * or, that supports the three * above methods. */ public void macroPrint(String cmd, String target, Object[] params) throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst_getstatic("java.lang.System", target == null ? "out" : target, ""); int len = params == null ? 0 : params.length; if (len <= 0) { // println and flush inst_invokevirtual("", cmd, NO_STRING_ARRAY, "void"); } else { if (cmd.equals("flush")) inst_dup(); String[] oneparam = new String[1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (i < len - 1) inst_dup(); oneparam[0] = cleanupType(macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[i], null)); inst_invokevirtual("", (i == len - 1 && cmd.equals("println")) ? "println" : "print", oneparam, "void"); } if (cmd.equals("flush")) { inst_invokevirtual("", "flush", NO_STRING_ARRAY, "void"); } } } /** * Creates an object on the stack. * It may take parameters as constants, local variables and/or fields. */ public void macroObject(String type, String[] types, Object[] params) throws JavaClassCreatorException { inst_new(type); inst_dup(); int i, len = types == null ? 0 : types.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[i], types[i]); inst_invokespecial(type, "<init>", types, "void"); } /** * Creates an array on the stack. * It may take initializers as constants, local variables and/or fields. *@param dim the number of dimensions.If > 0, params are the sizes of the (first) dimensions. * If > 0, params are the sizes of all or the leading dimensions. * If <= 0, params are initializers. *@param params see dim. */ public void macroArray(String type, int dim, Object[] params) throws JavaClassCreatorException { int i, len = params == null ? 0 : params.length; int dim1_size = -1; if (dim <= 0) { dim = 1; if (params != null) dim1_size = params.length; else throw new JavaClassCreatorException("No size or initializers are provided for macro %array."); } if (dim == 1) { // 1-dimentional if (dim1_size > 0) { // with initializers inst_iconst(dim1_size); } else { // without initializers if (len <= 0) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("First dimension size must be specified for macro %array."); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[0], "int"); len = 0; // no init's. } int xastoreOpcode = getArrayLoadStoreInstruction(type, true); if (xastoreOpcode == 83) // aastore inst_anewarray(type); else inst_newarray(type); if (len > dim1_size) len = dim1_size; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { inst_dup(); inst_iconst(i); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[i], type); inst(xastoreOpcode); } } else { // multi-dimentional if (len > dim) len = dim; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[i], "int"); for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) type += "[]"; inst_multianewarray(type, (short) len); } } public void macroStringConcat(Object[] params) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", NO_STRING_ARRAY, null); String[] oneparam = new String[1]; int len = params == null ? 0 : params.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // No need to dup oneparam[0] = cleanupType(macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(params[i], null)); inst_invokevirtual("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", oneparam, "java.lang.StringBuffer"); // Nor need to pop } inst_invokevirtual("java.lang.StringBuffer", "toString", NO_STRING_ARRAY, "java.lang.String"); } public void macroEndIterate(String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroIterate(null, null, id); } public void macroIterate(VarAccess coll, String var, String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { String label_begin = "?l?a?" + id; String label_end = "?l?z?" + id; if (coll != null) { // begin coll.findParamType(this); String type = macroLoadVarOrField(coll, null); String mthd1, mthd2; if (!type.equals("java.util.Iterator") || !type.equals("java.util.Enumeration")) { try { Class cls = Class.forName(type); if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(cls, java.util.Iterator.class)) type = "java.util.Iterator"; else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(cls, java.util.Enumeration.class)) type = "java.util.Enumeration"; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (type.equals("java.util.Iterator")) { mthd1 = "hasNext"; mthd2 = "next"; } else if (type.equals("java.util.Enumeration")) { mthd1 = "hasMoreElements"; mthd2 = "nextElement"; } else { throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Subject " + type + " in iterate macro is neither java.util.Iterator nor java.util.Emnueration."); } setLabel(label_begin); inst_dup(); inst_invokeinterface(type, mthd1, NO_STRING_ARRAY, "boolean"); inst_ifeq(label_end); inst_dup(); inst_invokeinterface(type, mthd2, NO_STRING_ARRAY, "java.lang.Object"); if (var != null) inst_astore(var); } else { // end inst_goto(label_begin); setLabel(label_end); inst_pop(); } } public void macroEndArrayIterate(String var, String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroArrayIterate(null, var, id); } public void macroArrayIterate(VarAccess arr, String var, String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { String label_begin = "?l?a?" + id; String label_end = "?l?z?" + id; if (arr != null) { // begin inst_iconst(0); inst_istore(var); arr.findParamType(this); macroLoadVarOrField(arr, null); setLabel(label_begin); inst_dup(); inst_arraylength(); inst_iload(var); inst_if_icmple(label_end); } else { // end inst_iinc(var, 1); inst_goto(label_begin); setLabel(label_end); inst_pop(); } } public void macroElse(String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroIf("else", null, null, id, false); } public void macroEndIf(String id) throws JavaClassCreatorException { macroIf(null, null, null, id, false); } public void macroIf(String op, Object left, Object right, String id, boolean hasElse) throws JavaClassCreatorException { String label_else = "?i?e?" + id; String label_end = "?i?f?" + id; if (op == null) { // %end_if setLabel(label_end); } else if ("else".equals(op)) { // %else inst_goto(label_end); setLabel(label_else); } else { // %if int optype = 0; if (op.equals("==")) optype = 1; // reversed to != else if (op.equals("!=")) optype = 0; // reversed to == else if (op.equals("<")) optype = 3; // reversed to >= else if (op.equals(">=")) optype = 2; // reversed to < else if (op.equals(">")) optype = 5; // reversed to <= else if (op.equals("<=")) optype = 4; // reversed to > String label = hasElse ? label_else : label_end; String type1; if (left == null || right == null) { if (left == null && right == null) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Macro %if can't take 2 nulls."); type1 = macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left != null ? left : right, null); if (isPrimitiveType(type1)) throw new JavaClassCreatorException(left + " can't be compared to null."); switch (optype) { case 0: // "==" inst_ifnull(label); break; case 1: // "!=" inst_ifnonnull(label); break; default: throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Comparator " + op + " can't be applied to null."); } } else { // both values are not null. type1 = getType(left); String type2 = getType(right); boolean flag1 = isPrimitiveType(type1); boolean flag2 = isPrimitiveType(type2); if (flag1 ^ flag2) throw new JavaClassCreatorException( "Can't compare " + left + " and " + right + ": type incompatible."); if (flag1) { // both are primitives // If either one is 0, use ifeq/... flag1 = false; flag2 = false; if (left instanceof Integer || left instanceof Short || left instanceof Byte) flag1 = 0 == ((Number) left).intValue(); else if (left instanceof Character) flag1 = 0 == ((Character) left).charValue(); else if (left instanceof Boolean) flag1 = ((Boolean) left).booleanValue(); if (right instanceof Integer || right instanceof Short || right instanceof Byte) flag2 = 0 == ((Number) right).intValue(); else if (right instanceof Character) flag2 = 0 == ((Character) right).charValue(); else if (right instanceof Boolean) flag2 = ((Boolean) right).booleanValue(); if (flag1 || flag2) { // one is 0; load the other and call ifeq/... if (flag1) { left = right; switch (optype) { case 2: optype = 3; break; // < case 3: optype = 2; break; // >= case 4: optype = 5; break; // > case 5: optype = 4; break; // <= } } macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, "int"); instJump(153 + optype, label); // ifeq, ... } else if (isInt(type1) && isInt(type2)) { // both are int's macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, "int"); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(right, "int"); instJump(159 + optype, label); // if_icmpeq, ... } else { if (type1.equals("double") || type2.equals("double")) { // at least one is double macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, "double"); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(right, "double"); inst_dcmpl(); } else if (type1.equals("float") || type2.equals("float")) { // at least one is float macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, "float"); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(right, "float"); inst_fcmpl(); } else { // at least one is long macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, "long"); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(right, "long"); inst_lcmp(); } instJump(153 + optype, label); // ifeq, ... } } else { // both are references macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(left, null); macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(right, null); switch (optype) { case 0: // "==" inst_if_acmpeq(label); return; case 1: // "!=" inst_if_acmpne(label); return; default: throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Comparator " + op + " can't be applied to objects."); } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Auxiliary // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final String getType(Object o) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (o instanceof VarAccess) { VarAccess va = (VarAccess) o; va.findParamType(this); return va.type; } return getConstTypeName(o); } /** * Inserts a instruction that loads a constant or a named variable or field onto the stack. * @return the type string. */ public final String macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(Object o, String intendedType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (o == null) { inst_aconst_null(); return null; } if (o instanceof VarAccess) return macroLoadVarOrField((VarAccess) o, intendedType); String type = intendedType == null ? getConstTypeName(o) : intendedType; if (type.equals("long") || type.equals("double")) inst_ldc2_w(o, type); else inst_ldc(o, type); return type; } public final String macroLoadVarOrField(String name, String intendedType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { return macroLoadVarOrField(new VarAccess(name, 0), intendedType); } /** * Inserts a instruction that loads the named variable or field onto the stack. * @return the type string. */ public final String macroLoadVarOrField(VarAccess value, String intendedType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { value.findParamType(this); if ("this")) { inst_aload_0(); } else if (value.isArray()) { // multi-dim array value access if (value.isVar) inst_aload(; else macroGetField(; if (value.index instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) value.index; for (int i = 0; i < value.dim; ++i) { macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(oa[i], "int"); if (i < value.dim - 1) inst_aaload(); } } else { macroLoadConstantOrVarOrField(value.index, "int"); } inst(getArrayLoadStoreInstruction(value.type, false)); } else if (value.isVar) { instLoadStoreRet(getLoadInstruction(value.type),; } else { macroGetField(; } if (intendedType != null) macroTypeCast(value.type, intendedType); return value.type; } public final String macroGetField(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException { boolean isStatic = isStaticField(name); if (!isStatic && Modifier.isStatic(getMethodAccessFlags())) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Instance data member " + name + " can not be accessed from static method " + getMethodName() + "()."); if (!isStatic) inst_aload_0(); String type = getFieldType(name); instGetPut(isStatic ? 178 : 180, getClassName(), name, type); return type; } /* public final void storeVarOrField(String name) throws JavaClassCreatorException { String type = getVariableType(name); if (type != null) { // is a variable. instLoadStoreRet(getStoreInstruction(type), name); } else { // is a field. type = getFieldType(name); if (type == null) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Variable/field " + name + " is not found."); instGetPut(isStaticField(name) ? 179 : 181, getClassName(), name, type); } } */ /** * Inserts needed instructions to cast the data types on the stack. */ public void macroTypeCast(String curType, String intendedType) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (curType.equals(intendedType)) return; char srcType = '?'; char tgtType = '?'; if (curType.equals("int") || curType.equals("short") || curType.equals("char") || curType.equals("byte") || curType.equals("boolean")) srcType = 'i'; else if (curType.equals("long")) srcType = 'l'; else if (curType.equals("float")) srcType = 'f'; else if (curType.equals("double")) srcType = 'd'; if (intendedType.equals("int")) tgtType = 'i'; else if (intendedType.equals("short")) tgtType = 's'; else if (intendedType.equals("char")) tgtType = 'c'; else if (intendedType.equals("byte") || intendedType.equals("boolean")) tgtType = 'b'; else if (intendedType.equals("short")) tgtType = 's'; else if (intendedType.equals("long")) tgtType = 'l'; else if (intendedType.equals("float")) tgtType = 'f'; else if (intendedType.equals("double")) tgtType = 'd'; else { // an object type. cast it and done. if (srcType != '?') throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Can't cast " + curType + " to " + intendedType + '.'); //inst_checkcast(intendedType); return; } switch (srcType) { case 'l': switch (tgtType) { case 'f': inst_l2f(); return; case 'd': inst_l2d(); return; default: inst_l2i(); return; } case 'f': switch (tgtType) { case 'l': inst_f2l(); return; case 'd': inst_f2d(); return; default: inst_f2i(); return; } case 'd': switch (tgtType) { case 'l': inst_d2l(); return; case 'f': inst_d2f(); return; default: inst_d2i(); return; } default: switch (tgtType) { case 'l': inst_i2l(); return; case 'f': inst_i2f(); return; case 'd': inst_i2d(); return; case 'b': inst_i2b(); return; case 'c': inst_i2c(); return; case 's': inst_i2s(); return; } } } protected boolean inst_smallInt(Object constant, boolean anyNumber) throws JavaClassCreatorException { int i; if (constant instanceof Boolean) i = ((Boolean) constant).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0; else if (constant instanceof Character) i = ((Character) constant).charValue(); else if (constant instanceof Number && (anyNumber || constant instanceof Byte || constant instanceof Short || constant instanceof Integer)) i = ((Number) constant).intValue(); else return false; if (i >= -1 && i <= 5) { inst(3 + i); // ICONST_0 } else if (i >= -128 && i <= 127) { inst_bipush((byte) i); } else if (i >= -32768 && i <= 32767) { inst_sipush((short) i); } else return false; return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Implementational // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final String[] NO_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; static String cleanupType(String t) { if (t != null) { if (t.equals("int") || t.equals("long") || t.equals("float") || t.equals("double") || t.equals("boolean") || t.equals("char") || t.equals("char[]") || t.equals("java.lang.String")) return t; if (t.equals("short") || t.equals("byte")) return "int"; } return "java.lang.Object"; } public static VarAccess createVarAccess(String name) { return new VarAccess(name); } public static VarAccess createArrayAccess(String name, Object index) { VarAccess va = new VarAccess(name); va.setIndex(index); return va; } public static VarAccess createArrayAccess(String name, Object index1, Object index2) { VarAccess va = new VarAccess(name); va.setIndex(new Object[] { index1, index2 }); return va; } public static String getConstTypeName(Object val) { if (val instanceof Long) return "long"; if (val instanceof Float) return "float"; if (val instanceof Double) return "double"; if (val instanceof Character) return "char"; if (val instanceof Boolean) return "boolean"; if (val instanceof Number) return "int"; if (val instanceof String) return "java.lang.String"; else return val.getClass().getName(); } public static boolean isPrimitiveType(String type) { return isInt(type) || type.equals("long") || type.equals("float") || type.equals("double"); } public static boolean isInt(String type) { return type.equals("int") || type.equals("char") || type.equals("short") || type.equals("byte") || type.equals("boolean"); } public static int getLoadInstruction(String type) { if (type.equals("int") || type.equals("short") || type.equals("char") || type.equals("byte") || type.equals("boolean")) return 21; // iload if (type.equals("long")) return 22; // lload if (type.equals("float")) return 23; // fload if (type.equals("double")) return 24; // dload return 25; // aload } public static int getStoreInstruction(String type) { if (type.equals("int") || type.equals("short") || type.equals("char") || type.equals("byte") || type.equals("boolean")) return 54; // istore if (type.equals("long")) return 55; // lstore if (type.equals("float")) return 56; // fstore if (type.equals("double")) return 57; // dstore return 58; // astore } public static int getArrayLoadStoreInstruction(String type, boolean store) { int ret; if (type.equals("int")) ret = 46; // iastore : iaload else if (type.equals("char")) ret = 52; // castore : caload else if (type.equals("short")) ret = 53; // sastore : saload else if (type.equals("byte")) ret = 51; // bastore : baload else if (type.equals("boolean")) ret = 51; // bastore : baload else if (type.equals("long")) ret = 47; // lastore : laload else if (type.equals("float")) ret = 48; // fastore : faload else if (type.equals("double")) ret = 49; // dastore : daload else ret = 50; // aastore : aaload return store ? (ret + 33) : ret; } public static String stringToDescriptor(final String type) { int idx = type.lastIndexOf('['); if (idx > 0) return "[" + stringToDescriptor(type.substring(0, idx)); if (type.equals("void")) return "V"; if (type.equals("boolean")) return "Z"; if (type.equals("char")) return "C"; if (type.equals("byte")) return "B"; if (type.equals("short")) return "S"; if (type.equals("int")) return "I"; if (type.equals("float")) return "F"; if (type.equals("long")) return "J"; if (type.equals("double")) return "D"; return "L" + type.replace('.', '/') + ";"; } public static String toJVMClassName(String clsName) { if (clsName == null) return "java/lang/Object"; if (Character.isLowerCase(clsName.charAt(0))) { if (clsName.equals("int")) return "I"; if (clsName.equals("long")) return "L"; if (clsName.equals("double")) return "D"; if (clsName.equals("float")) return "F"; if (clsName.equals("byte")) return "B"; if (clsName.equals("boolean")) return "Z"; if (clsName.equals("char")) return "C"; if (clsName.equals("short")) return "S"; } return clsName.replace('.', '/'); } public static String[] toJVMClassNames(String[] clsNames) { int len = clsNames == null ? 0 : clsNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) clsNames[i] = toJVMClassName(clsNames[i]); return clsNames; } public static class VarAccess { public String name; public Object index; // can be Object[] for multi-dim access. public int line; transient String type = null; transient int dim = 0; transient boolean isVar = true; public VarAccess(String n, int l) { name = n; line = l; } public VarAccess(String n) { this(n, -1); } void findParamType(JavaClassCreator creator) throws JavaClassCreatorException { if (type != null) return; type = creator.getVariableType(name); isVar = type != null; if (!isVar) { type = creator.getFieldType(name); if (type == null) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Variable/field " + name + " is not found."); } if (index != null) { int idx = type.indexOf('['); if (idx < 0) dim = 0; else { dim = (index instanceof Object[]) ? ((Object[]) index).length : 1; int typeDim = 0; for (int i = idx; i < type.length(); ++i) if (type.charAt(i) == '[') ++typeDim; if (dim > typeDim) throw new JavaClassCreatorException("Invalid " + dim + "-dimentional access for " + type); type = type.substring(0, type.length() - 2 * dim); } } } public boolean isArray() { return index != null; } String getFullTypeName() { if (dim <= 0) return type; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(type); for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) sb.append("[]"); return sb.toString(); } public void setIndex(Object o) { if (o instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; if (oa.length == 1) { index = oa[0]; return; } } else if (o instanceof List) { List list = (List) o; if (list.size() == 1) { index = list.get(0); return; } } index = o; } public String toString() { if (index == null) return name; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(name); sb.append('['); if (index instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) index; for (int i = 0; i < oa.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) sb.append(','); sb.append(oa[i]); } } else { sb.append(index); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } } /** *@param visitor should be a JamaicaVisitor. *@param data is the extra data for the visitor. *@param type is a String. */ public static interface AssignableMacro { public void instantiate(Object visitor, Object data, Object type) throws Exception; } } // end of class JavaClassCreator.