Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Rojoss <> * Copyright (c) 2016 contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.jroossien.boxx.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Common {@link String} utilities. */ public class Str { private static final String CLR_CHARS = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfKkLlMmNnOoRr"; private static final Pattern COLOR = Pattern.compile("&([" + CLR_CHARS + "])"); private static final Pattern COLOR_REPLACE = Pattern.compile("([" + CLR_CHARS + "])"); private static final Pattern COLOR_STRIP = Pattern.compile("[" + CLR_CHARS + "]|&[" + CLR_CHARS + "]"); /** * Integrate ChatColor in a string based on color codes. * This replaces codes like &a&l with al * * @param str The string to apply color to. * @return formatted string */ public static String color(String str) { if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return str; } return COLOR.matcher(str).replaceAll("$1"); } /** * Integrate ChatColor in multiple strings based on color codes. * This replaces codes like &a&l with al * * @param strings The strings to apply color to. * @return formatted strings */ public static String[] color(String... strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { strings[i] = color(strings[i]); } return strings; } /** * Integrate ChatColor in multiple strings based on color codes. * This replaces codes like &a&l with al * * @param strings The strings to apply color to. * @return formatted strings */ public static List<String> color(List<String> strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { strings.set(i, color(strings.get(i))); } return strings; } /** * Remove all color and put regular colors as the formatting codes like &1. * * @param str The string to remove color from. * @return formatted string */ public static String replaceColor(String str) { if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return str; } return COLOR_REPLACE.matcher(str).replaceAll("&$1"); } /** * Remove all color and put regular colors as the formatting codes like &1. * * @param strings The strings to remove color from. * @return formatted strings */ public static String[] replaceColor(String... strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { strings[i] = replaceColor(strings[i]); } return strings; } /** * Remove all color and put regular colors as the formatting codes like &1. * * @param strings The strings to remove color from. * @return formatted strings */ public static List<String> replaceColor(List<String> strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { strings.set(i, replaceColor(strings.get(i))); } return strings; } /** * Strips all coloring from the specified string. * For example a string like: '&a&ltest' becomes 'test' and 'a<est' becomes 'test'. * * @param str The string to remove color from. * @return String without any colors and without any color codes. */ public static String stripColor(String str) { if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return str; } return COLOR_STRIP.matcher(str).replaceAll(""); } /** * Strips all coloring from the specified strings. * For example a string like: '&a&ltest' becomes 'test' and 'a<est' becomes 'test'. * * @param strings The strings to remove color from. * @return Strings without any colors and without any color codes. */ public static String[] stripColor(String... strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { strings[i] = stripColor(strings[i]); } return strings; } /** * Strips all coloring from the specified strings. * For example a string like: '&a&ltest' becomes 'test' and 'a<est' becomes 'test'. * * @param strings The strings to remove color from. * @return Strings without any colors and without any color codes. */ public static List<String> stripColor(List<String> strings) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { strings.set(i, stripColor(strings.get(i))); } return strings; } /** * Capitalize the first character of a string. * * @param str The string that needs to be capitalized. * @return Capitalized string */ public static String capitalize(String str) { if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return str; } return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } /** * Formats a string with underscores to CamelCase. * This can be used for displaying enum keys and such. * * @param str The string to format to camel case. * @return CamelCased string */ public static String camelCase(String str) { return WordUtils.capitalizeFully(str, new char[] { '_' }).replaceAll("_", ""); } /** * Get the best matching value for the specified input out of the array of values. * This uses the levenshtein distance from {@link StringUtils} * If an exact match is found that match will be returned. * * @param input The input string to find a match for. * @param values Array of values to match with input string. * @return The best match from the specified values. (May be empty when there are no values or no match) */ public static String bestMatch(String input, String... values) { String bestMatch = ""; int lowestDiff = input.length() - 1; for (String value : values) { int diff = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(input, value); if (diff == 0) { return value; } if (diff < lowestDiff) { bestMatch = value; lowestDiff = diff; } } return bestMatch; } /** * @see Str#bestMatch(String, String...) */ public static String bestMatch(String input, Collection<? extends String> values) { return bestMatch(input, values.toArray(new String[values.size()])); } /** * Wrap the specified string to multiple lines by adding a newline symbol '\n' * <p/> * <p>This does not break up words. * Which means, if there is a word that is longer than the wrap limit it will exceed the limit. * * @param string The string that needs to be wrapped. * @param length The maximum length for each line. * @return String with linebreaks. */ public static String wrapString(String string, int length) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string); int i = 0; while ((i = sb.indexOf(" ", i + length)) != -1) { sb.replace(i, i + 1, "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Wrap the specified string to multiple lines by adding a newline symbol '\n' * <p/> * <p>The lines will always be exactly the length specified. * Words will be cut in half and a new line will be forced. * Use {@link #wrapString(String, int)} to not have this behaviour. * * @param string The string that needs to be wrapped. * @param length The maxmimum length for each line. * @return String with linebreaks. */ public static String wrapStringExact(String string, int length) { return string.replaceAll("(.{" + length + "})", "$1\n"); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(Collection<?> args) { return implode(args, ", ", " & "); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(Collection<?> args, String glue) { return implode(args, glue, glue); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(Collection<?> args, String glue, String lastGlue) { return implode(args, glue, lastGlue, 0, args == null ? 0 : args.size()); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(Collection<?> args, String glue, String lastGlue, int start, int end) { if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) { return ""; } return implode(args.toArray(new Object[args.size()]), glue, lastGlue, start, end); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(String[] args) { return implode(args, ", ", " & "); } /** @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(String[] args, String glue) { return implode(args, glue, glue); } /** * @see Str#implode(Object[], String, String, int, int) */ public static String implode(String[] args, String glue, String lastGlue) { return implode(args, glue, lastGlue, 0, args == null ? 0 : args.length); } /** * Combine the given list of objects in to a string by adding glue between the values. * It will use {@link Object#toString()} for the object values. (if the value is null it will be the string 'null') * <p/> * <p>The glue will be added between the values. * Between the last two values it will put the lastGlue. * By default it uses ', ' as glue and ' & ' as last glue to get something like [value1, value2, value3] 'value1, value2 & value3' * When only a glue is specified it will use the same character as the glue for the last glue. * <p/> * <p>A start and end can be specified to select which elements of the array should be converted to a String. * By default it starts and 0 and ends at the array length - 1 to do all values. * * @param arr The array with values to implode to a string. * @param glue The glue string which will be placed between values. * @param lastGlue The glue string which will be placed between the last two values. * @param start The index to start at. (0 based) * @param end The index to end at. (0 based (size-1)) * @return String with imploded array values. (Empty string when objects array is empty or null) */ public static String implode(Object[] arr, String glue, String lastGlue, int start, int end) { String result = ""; if (arr == null || arr.length <= 0) { return result; } for (int i = start; i <= end && i < arr.length; i++) { result += arr[i] == null ? "null" : arr[i].toString(); if (i >= end - 1 || i >= arr.length - 2) { result += lastGlue; } else { result += glue; } } if (result.isEmpty()) { return result; } return result.substring(0, result.length() - lastGlue.length()); } /** * Split the specified string(s) by new lines. * <p/> * For example [Line1, Line2\nLine3, Line4] would become [Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4] * * @param strings The string(s) that need to be split. * @return List with strings split. */ public static List<String> splitLines(String... strings) { return splitLines(Arrays.asList(strings)); } /** * Split the specified list of strings by new lines. * <p/> * For example [Line1, Line2\nLine3, Line4] would become [Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4] * * @param strings The list of strings that need to be split. * @return List with strings split. */ public static List<String> splitLines(List<String> strings) { List<String> splitList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String string : strings) { String[] split = string.split("\\\\n|\\r?\\n"); for (String str : split) { splitList.add(str); } } return splitList; } /** * Split a string by using a space as split character. * * @see Str#splitQuotes(String, char, boolean) */ public static List<String> splitQuotes(String string) { return splitQuotes(string, ' ', false); } /** * Splits the specified string based on the specified character. * * @see Str#splitQuotes(String, char, boolean) */ public static List<String> splitQuotes(String string, char split) { return splitQuotes(string, split, false); } /** * Splits the specified string based on the specified character. * The default is a space as split character and the examples below use that too. * <p/> * <p>Strings inside quotes will be placed together in sections. * For example 'This plugin is "super awesome"' will return [this, plugin, is, super awesome] * Works for both double and single quotes. When using double quotes you can use single quotes within and the other way around. * like <pre>test "You're awesome"</pre> Would turn in to: [test, You're awesome] * <p/> * <p>Text in front of the starting quote will be added to the section too. * <pre>test name:"That's awesome!" Yup!</pre> would be [test, name:That's awesome!, Yup!] * * @param string The string that needs to be split. * @param split The character to use for splitting the string. * This should not be a quote or double quote! * @param keepQuotes When true quotes will remain in the slitted strings otherwise they will be removed. * @return List of strings split from the input string. */ public static List<String> splitQuotes(String string, char split, boolean keepQuotes) { List<String> sections = new ArrayList<String>(); char[] chars = string.toCharArray(); StringBuilder section = new StringBuilder(); char quote = 0; boolean escape = false; for (char ch : chars) { if (ch == '\\') { escape = true; continue; } if (escape) { escape = false; if (ch == 34 || ch == 39 || ch == split) { if (keepQuotes) { section.append("\\"); } section.append(ch); continue; } else { section.append("\\"); } } if (ch == split && quote == 0) { //Start new section for split char when not quoted. sections.add(section.toString()); section.setLength(0); continue; } if (ch == 34 || ch == 39) { if (ch == quote) { //End of quote if (keepQuotes) { section.append(ch); } sections.add(section.toString()); section.setLength(0); quote = 0; continue; } else if (quote == 0) { //Start of quote quote = ch; if (keepQuotes) { section.append(ch); } } else { //Quote within quote section.append(ch); } continue; } //Regular character section.append(ch); } //Add last section sections.add(section.toString()); return sections; } /** * Splits the specified string based on the specified character. * <p/> * If the split character is within single or double quotes it will be ignored. * For example <pre>name:"points:10"</pre> would result in [name, points:10] instead of [name, points, 10] * <p/> * Quotes can be nested too for example <pre>this:"isn't:a:example"</pre> would result in [this, isn't:a:example] * * @param string The string that needs to be split. * @param split The character to use for splitting the string. * This should not be a quote or double quote! * @param keepQuotes When true quotes will remain in the slitted strings otherwise they will be removed. * @return List of strings split from the input string. */ public static List<String> splitIgnoreQuoted(String string, char split, boolean keepQuotes) { List<String> sections = new ArrayList<String>(); char[] chars = string.toCharArray(); StringBuilder section = new StringBuilder(); char quote = 0; boolean escape = false; for (char ch : chars) { if (ch == '\\') { escape = true; continue; } if (escape) { escape = false; if (ch == 34 || ch == 39 || ch == split) { if (keepQuotes) { section.append("\\"); } section.append(ch); continue; } else { section.append("\\"); } } if (ch == split && quote == 0) { //Start new section for split char when not quoted. sections.add(section.toString()); section.setLength(0); continue; } if (ch == 34 || ch == 39) { if (ch == quote) { //End of quote quote = 0; if (keepQuotes) { section.append(ch); } } else if (quote == 0) { //Start of quote quote = ch; if (keepQuotes) { section.append(ch); } } else { //Quote within quote section.append(ch); } continue; } //Regular character section.append(ch); } //Add last section sections.add(section.toString()); return sections; } /** * Put single or double quotes around the specified string if it contains spaces. * <p/> * If the string has double quotes single quotes will be used to surround it otherwise double quotes. * If the string doesn't have spaces it won't be escaped. * * @param value The string that needs to be escaped. * @return The specified string with quotes around it if it has spaces. */ public static String escapeWords(String value) { if (value.contains(" ")) { if (!value.contains("'")) { value = "'" + value + "'"; } else { value = "\"" + value + "\""; } } return value; } public static String escapeQuotes(String value) { if (value.contains("'")) { value = value.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'"); } if (value.contains("\"")) { value = value.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""); } return value; } /** * Remove quotes from the beginning and the end of the string. * <p/> * It will only remove the quotes when the string starts with a quote and ends with a quote. * The quote on the end must be the same quote as the the quote in the beginning. * * @param string The string to remove the quotes from. * @return Modified string. */ public static String removeQuotes(String string) { String[] quotes = new String[] { "'", "\"", "\\'", "\\\"" }; for (String quote : quotes) { if (string.startsWith(quote) && string.endsWith(quote)) { return string.substring(1, string.length() - 1); } } return string; } }