Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Rojoss <> * Copyright (c) 2016 contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.jroossien.boxx.util.entity; import com.jroossien.boxx.Boxx; import com.jroossien.boxx.aliases.EntityTypes; import com.jroossien.boxx.messages.Msg; import com.jroossien.boxx.messages.Param; import com.jroossien.boxx.options.SingleOption; import com.jroossien.boxx.options.single.*; import com.jroossien.boxx.util.Str; import com.jroossien.boxx.util.Utils; import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.MethodUtils; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class EntityParser { private static final int MAX_AMOUNT = 100; private String string = null; private EntityStack entities = new EntityStack(); private String error = null; /** * Parses the given entity string in to an {@link EEntity}. * It uses {@link EntityTag}s for parsing the string. * <p/> * If ignoreErrors is set to true it will still set the errors but it will try to continue parsing the rest. * It would still fail in some cases for example if there is an invalid entity specified or if there is no input. * * @param string entity string with all entity data from {@link EntityTag}s. * @param sender optional sender used for parsing (may be {@code null}) will be used for options parsing like @ and such. * @param ignoreErrors If true it will continue parsing even when there is an error. */ public EntityParser(String string, CommandSender sender, boolean ignoreErrors) { this(string, sender, ignoreErrors, MAX_AMOUNT, true); } /** * Parses the given entity string in to an {@link EEntity}. * It uses {@link EntityTag}s for parsing the string. * <p/> * If ignoreErrors is set to true it will still set the errors but it will try to continue parsing the rest. * It would still fail in some cases for example if there is an invalid entity specified or if there is no input. * * @param string entity string with all entity data from {@link EntityTag}s. * @param sender optional sender used for parsing (may be {@code null}) will be used for options parsing like @ and such. * @param ignoreErrors If true it will continue parsing even when there is an error. * @param maxAmount The maximum amount that can be set/spawned. (this does not count stacked entities) (set to null to use the default=100) * @param allowStacked If true entities will be stacked and if false entities can't be stacked. */ public EntityParser(String string, CommandSender sender, boolean ignoreErrors, Integer maxAmount, boolean allowStacked) { this.string = string; if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) { error = Msg.getString(""); return; } //Split the string by > for stacked entities. (> within quotes will be ignored) List<String> entitySections = Str.splitIgnoreQuoted(string, '>', true); if (entitySections.size() < 1) { error = Msg.getString(""); return; } if (!allowStacked && entitySections.size() > 1) { error = Msg.getString("entityparser.cant-stack"); return; } //Get location and amount Location location = null; int amount = 1; for (String entitySection : entitySections) { List<String> sections = Str.splitQuotes(string, ' ', false); for (String section : sections) { String[] split = section.split(":", 2); if (split.length < 2) { continue; } if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("LOC") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("LOCATION")) { LocationO locOpt = new LocationO(); if (locOpt.parse(sender, split[1])) { location = locOpt.getValue(); } else { error = locOpt.getError(); if (!ignoreErrors) { return; } } } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("AMT") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("AMOUNT")) { IntO amtOpt = new IntO().min(1).max(maxAmount == null ? MAX_AMOUNT : maxAmount); if (amtOpt.parse(split[1])) { amount = amtOpt.getValue(); } else { error = amtOpt.getError(); if (!ignoreErrors) { return; } } } } } if (location == null) { error = Msg.getString(""); return; } EntityStack stack = new EntityStack(); //Go through all the entity sections. for (String entitySection : entitySections) { //Split the string by spaces keeping quoted strings together to get all the sections for tags. List<String> sections = Str.splitQuotes(entitySection, ' ', false); EEntity entity = null; //Go through all the sections. for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { String section = sections.get(i); //Get entity from first section if (i == 0) { EntityType type = EntityTypes.get(section); if (type == null) { error = Msg.getString("entityparser.invalid-entity", Param.P("input", section), Param.P( "entities", Utils.getAliasesString("entityparser.entities.entry", EntityTypes.getAliasMap()))); stack.killAll(); return; } entity = new EEntity(type, location); if (entity == null || entity.bukkit() == null) { error = Msg.getString("entityparser.cant-spawn"); stack.killAll(); return; } continue; } String[] split = section.split(":", 2); String key = split[0].toUpperCase().replace("_", "").replace(" ", ""); String value = split.length > 1 ? split[1] : ""; //Allow key only if (key.equals("AMT") || key.equals("AMOUNT") || key.equals("LOC") || key.equals("LOCATION")) { continue; } //Try to parse EntityTag EntityTag tag = EntityTag.fromString(key); if (tag == null) { error = Msg.getString("parser.invalid-tag", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("type", Msg.getString("entityparser.type")), Param.P("tags", Utils .getAliasesString("parser.tag-entry", EntityTag.getTagsMap(entity.getType())))); if (!ignoreErrors) { entity.remove(); stack.killAll(); return; } else { continue; } } //Make sure the entity tag can be used for the entity. if (!EntityTag.getTags(entity.getType()).contains(tag)) { error = Msg.getString("parser.unusable-tag", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("type", Msg.getString("entityparser.type")), Param.P("tags", Utils .getAliasesString("parser.tag-entry", EntityTag.getTagsMap(entity.getType())))); if (!ignoreErrors) { entity.remove(); stack.killAll(); return; } else { continue; } } //Parse the value for the tag SingleOption option = (SingleOption) tag.getOption().clone(); if (option instanceof BoolO && value.isEmpty()) { value = "true"; //Allow empty tags for booleans like 'baby' instead of 'baby:true' } if (!option.parse(sender, value)) { error = option.getError(); if (!ignoreErrors) { entity.remove(); stack.killAll(); return; } else { continue; } } //Apply the tag to the entity if (tag.hasCallback()) { if (!tag.getCallback().onSet(sender, entity, option)) { error = Msg.getString("parser.tag-fail", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("value", value)); if (!ignoreErrors) { entity.remove(); stack.killAll(); return; } else { continue; } } } else { boolean success = false; try { MethodUtils.invokeMethod(entity, tag.setMethod(), option.getValue()); success = true; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { error = Msg.getString("parser.missing-method", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("value", value), Param.P("method", tag.setMethod() + "(" + option.getValue().getClass().getSimpleName() + ")")); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { error = Msg.getString("parser.inaccessible-method", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("value", value), Param.P("method", tag.setMethod() + "(" + option.getValue().getClass().getSimpleName() + ")")); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { error = Msg.getString("parser.non-invokable-method", Param.P("tag", key), Param.P("value", value), Param.P("method", tag.setMethod() + "(" + option.getValue().getClass().getSimpleName() + ")")); } if (!success) { if (!ignoreErrors) { entity.remove(); stack.killAll(); return; } else { continue; } } } //Done with section! } //Done with entity! stack.add(entity); } //Done with all entities! if (stack.getAmount() < 1) { error = "No entities.."; return; } stack.stack(); this.entities = stack; } public EntityParser(Entity entity) { this(new EEntity(entity)); } public EntityParser(EEntity eentity) { if (eentity == null || eentity.bukkit() == null) { return; } this.entities = new EntityStack(eentity); if (entities.getAmount() < 1) { return; } List<String> entitySections = new ArrayList<>(); for (EEntity entity : entities.getEntities()) { List<String> sections = new ArrayList<>(); sections.add(EntityTypes.getName(entity.getType())); for (EntityTag tag : EntityTag.getTags(entity.getType())) { if (tag.hasCallback()) { String result = tag.getCallback().onGet(entity); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!result.toLowerCase().contains(tag.getTag().toLowerCase() + ":")) { result = Str.escapeWords(Str.escapeQuotes(result)); } else { result = Str.escapeQuotes(result); } sections.add(tag.getTag().toLowerCase() + ":" + result); } else { if (tag.getMethod() == null || tag.getMethod().isEmpty() || tag.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { continue; } try { Object result = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(entity, tag.getMethod(), new Class[0]); if (result == null) { continue; } SingleOption option = (SingleOption) tag.getOption().clone(); if (!option.parse(result)) { Boxx.get().warn("Failed to parse entity data! [tag=" + tag.getTag() + " value=" + result.toString() + " error='" + option.getError() + "']"); continue; } if (option.getValue().equals(option.getDefault())) { continue; } String val = option.serialize(); if (option instanceof DoubleO) { val = ((DoubleO) option).serialize(2); } val = Str.escapeWords(Str.escapeQuotes(val)); sections.add(tag.getTag().toLowerCase() + ":" + val); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } entitySections.add(Str.implode(sections, " ")); } LocationO location = new LocationO(); location.parse(entities.getBottom().getLocation()); this.string = Str.implode(entitySections, " > ") + " loc:" + location.serialize(2); } /** * Checks if the parsing was successful or not. * Call getError() if it wasn't successful and display it to the user. * @return if it parsed successful. */ public boolean isValid() { return entities != null && entities.getAmount() > 0 && string != null && error == null; } /** * If the validation was unsuccessful this will return the error text. * @return the text which contains the error. If it was successful the text will be null. */ public String getError() { return error; } /** * Get the parsed string value. * @return string which can be used in configurations and commands. */ public String getString() { return string; } public EntityStack getEntities() { return entities; } }