Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Weifeng Bao * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.joyfulmongo.db; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.joyfulmongo.controller.JFCConstants; import com.joyfulmongo.db.javadriver.JFDBObject; import com.joyfulmongo.db.javadriver.JFDBQuery; public class JFMongoCmdQuery extends JFMongoCmd { private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JFMongoCmdQuery.class.getName()); public static Integer S_DEFAULT_SKIP = 0; public static Integer S_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 100; private JFDBQuery query; private String collectionName; private String[] includeFields; private String redirectClassname; private JFMongoCmdQuery(String colname, JFDBQuery dbquery, String redirectClassname) { this.collectionName = colname; this.query = dbquery; this.redirectClassname = redirectClassname; } @Override protected void beforeExecute() { } @Override protected JFMongoCmdResult execute() { List<JFMongoObject> parseObjs = find(); JFMongoCmdResult result = new JFMongoCmdResult(); result.put(JFCConstants.Props.results.toString(), parseObjs); if (this.redirectClassname != null) { result.put(JFCConstants.Props.classname.toString(), redirectClassname); } return result; } @Override protected JFMongoCmdResult afterExecute(JFMongoCmdResult executeResult) { return executeResult; } private void setIncludeFields(String... includeFields) { this.includeFields = includeFields; } public List<JFMongoObject> find() { List<JFDBObject> objs = query.find(); Map<String, ContainerObjectRelation> relationKeyToClassnameMap = getRelationKeyToClassnameMap(); List<JFMongoObject> results = new ArrayList<JFMongoObject>(objs.size()); Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>> includeKeyToParentObjectMap = initPointerMap(); Map<String, String> includeKeyToPointerColnameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(0); for (JFDBObject obj : objs) { JFMongoObject parseObj = new JFMongoObject(this.collectionName, obj); JSONObject json = parseObj.toJson(); Iterator<String> relKeys = relationKeyToClassnameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (relKeys.hasNext()) { String relKey =; if (!json.has(relKey)) { ContainerObjectRelation rel = relationKeyToClassnameMap.get(relKey); json.put(relKey, rel.toJson()); } } results.add(parseObj); linkIncludeObjectIdToParentObject(parseObj, includeKeyToParentObjectMap, includeKeyToPointerColnameMap); } processIncludes(includeKeyToParentObjectMap, includeKeyToPointerColnameMap); return results; } private Map<String, ContainerObjectRelation> getRelationKeyToClassnameMap() { JFDBQuery.Builder distinctRelKeyQuery = new JFDBQuery.Builder( JFMongoRelationshipMetadata.S_METADATA_COLLNAME); JSONObject constraints = new JSONObject(); constraints.put(JFMongoRelationshipMetadata.Props.relClassName.toString(), this.collectionName); distinctRelKeyQuery.constraints(constraints); JFDBQuery query =; List<JFDBObject> objs = query.find(); Map<String, ContainerObjectRelation> result = new HashMap<String, ContainerObjectRelation>(0); for (JFDBObject obj : objs) { JSONObject json = obj.toJson(); String key = json.getString(JFMongoRelationshipMetadata.Props.relKey.toString()); String pointerClassname = json.getString(JFMongoRelationshipMetadata.Props.pointerClassName.toString()); ContainerObjectRelation rel = new ContainerObjectRelation(pointerClassname); result.put(key, rel); } return result; } private Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>> initPointerMap() { Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>> pointerMap = new HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>>(); if (includeFields != null && includeFields.length > 0) { for (String includeKey : includeFields) { LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>> pointers = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>( 0); pointerMap.put(includeKey, pointers); } } return pointerMap; } private void linkIncludeObjectIdToParentObject(JFMongoObject parentObject, Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>> pointerMap, Map<String, String> includeKeyToPointerColnameMap) { for (String includeKey : includeFields) { if (includeKey.length() > 0) { ContainerObjectPointer[] pointers = parentObject.getPointer(includeKey); for (ContainerObjectPointer pointer : pointers) { String pointerObjectId = pointer.getObjectId(); LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>> pointerObjectIdToParentObjectMap = pointerMap .get(includeKey); List<JFMongoObject> parentObjects = pointerObjectIdToParentObjectMap.get(pointerObjectId); if (parentObjects == null) { parentObjects = new ArrayList<JFMongoObject>(1); pointerObjectIdToParentObjectMap.put(pointerObjectId, parentObjects); } parentObjects.add(parentObject); includeKeyToPointerColnameMap.put(includeKey, pointer.getClassName()); } } } } private void processIncludes(Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>>> includeKeyToPointerListMap, Map<String, String> includeKeyToPointerColnameMap) { for (String includeKey : includeFields) { String pointerColName = includeKeyToPointerColnameMap.get(includeKey); if (pointerColName != null) { LinkedHashMap<String, List<JFMongoObject>> pointerObjectIdToParentObjectsMap = includeKeyToPointerListMap .get(includeKey); Set<String> referreeObjIds = pointerObjectIdToParentObjectsMap.keySet(); JFMongoCmdQuery.Builder queryBuilder = new JFMongoCmdQuery.Builder(pointerColName); queryBuilder.whereContainedIn(Constants.Props.objectId.toString(), referreeObjIds); List<JFMongoObject> refereeObjects =; for (JFMongoObject refereeObj : refereeObjects) { String refereeObjId = refereeObj.getObjectId(); List<JFMongoObject> parentObjs = pointerObjectIdToParentObjectsMap.get(refereeObjId); for (JFMongoObject parentObj : parentObjs) { ContainerObjectPointer[] pointers = parentObj.getPointer(includeKey); for (ContainerObjectPointer pointer : pointers) { pointer.replaceObject(refereeObj); } } } } } } public static class Builder { private String colname; private JFDBQuery.Builder dbQueryBuilder; private JSONObject constraints; private List<String> includes; private List<String> projections; private List<String> projectionsExclude; private List<String> sorts; private int limit; private int skip; private String redirectClassNameForKey; private String redirectClassName; public Builder(String colname) { if (colname == null || colname.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collection name can not be null or zero length"); } dbQueryBuilder = new JFDBQuery.Builder(colname); this.colname = colname; this.constraints = new JSONObject(); this.projections = new ArrayList<String>(0); this.projectionsExclude = new ArrayList<String>(0); this.sorts = new ArrayList<String>(0); this.includes = new ArrayList<String>(0); this.limit = S_DEFAULT_LIMIT; this.skip = S_DEFAULT_SKIP; this.redirectClassNameForKey = null; this.redirectClassName = null; } public void collection(String colname) { this.dbQueryBuilder.collection(colname); this.colname = colname; } public String getCollection() { return this.colname; } public Builder projection(String... fields) { for (String field : fields) { projections.add(field); } return this; } String[] getProjections() { String[] results = new String[projections.size()]; results = projections.toArray(results); return results; } public Builder projectionExclude(String... fields) { for (String field : fields) { projectionsExclude.add(field); } return this; } String[] getProjectionsExclude() { String[] results = new String[projectionsExclude.size()]; results = projectionsExclude.toArray(results); return results; } public Builder include(String... fields) { for (String field : fields) { includes.add(field); } return this; } String[] getIncludes() { String[] results = new String[includes.size()]; results = includes.toArray(results); return results; } public Builder limit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } int getLimit() { return this.limit; } public Builder skip(int skip) { this.skip = skip; return this; } int getSkip() { return this.skip; } public Builder redirectClassNameForKey(String redirectClassNameForKey) { if (redirectClassNameForKey != null && redirectClassNameForKey.length() != 0) { this.redirectClassNameForKey = redirectClassNameForKey; } return this; } public Builder sort(String sorts) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sorts, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { this.sorts.add(st.nextToken()); } return this; } String getSort() { String result = ""; if (sorts.size() > 0) { result = sorts.get(0); } for (int i = 1; i < sorts.size(); i++) { result += "," + sorts.get(i); } return result; } public Builder constraints(JSONObject constraints) { this.constraints = constraints; return this; } public Builder whereEquals(String key, String value) { this.constraints.put(key, value); return this; } public void whereContainedIn(String key, Collection<String> objIds) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (String objId : objIds) { array.put(objId); } JSONObject inCondition = new JSONObject(); inCondition.put("$in", array); constraints.put(key, inCondition); } JSONObject getConstraints() { return this.constraints; } public JFMongoCmdQuery build() { Builder theBuilder = this; if (QueryConditionFilterRelation.isRelationQuery(constraints)) { QueryConditionFilterRelation relationCondition = new QueryConditionFilterRelation(this); List<String> objIds = relationCondition.getRelationObjectIds(); whereContainedIn(Constants.Props.objectId.toString(), objIds); QueryConditionFilterRelation.adjustConstraints(constraints); if (redirectClassNameForKey != null) { this.redirectClassName = relationCondition.getRedirectClassNameForKey(redirectClassNameForKey); if (this.redirectClassName != null) { collection(this.redirectClassName); } } } JSONObject effectiveConstraints = theBuilder.getConstraints(); convertConstraints(null, effectiveConstraints); QueryConditionFilterGeoQuery.adjustConstraints(effectiveConstraints); dbQueryBuilder.constraints(effectiveConstraints); dbQueryBuilder.projection(theBuilder.getProjections()); dbQueryBuilder.projectionExclude(theBuilder.getProjectionsExclude()); dbQueryBuilder.limit(theBuilder.getLimit()); dbQueryBuilder.skip(theBuilder.getSkip()); dbQueryBuilder.sort(theBuilder.getSort()); JFDBQuery dbquery =; JFMongoCmdQuery query = new JFMongoCmdQuery(colname, dbquery, redirectClassName); query.setIncludeFields(theBuilder.getIncludes()); return query; } private void convertConstraints(String jsonkey, JSONObject json) { Iterator<String> keys = json.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; Object childObj = json.get(key); if (childObj instanceof JSONObject) { ContainerObject cobj = ContainerObjectFactory.getChildObject(key, childObj); if (cobj != null) { if (cobj instanceof ContainerObjectDefault) { JSONObject childJson = json.getJSONObject(key); convertConstraints(key, childJson); } else { cobj.onQuery(key, json); } } else { convertConstraints(key, (JSONObject) childObj); } } } } } }