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 * Copyright (c) 2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
package com.joyent.manta.http;

import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaMetadata;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObjectInputStream;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObjectResponse;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.ByteRangeConversion;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.EncryptedMetadataUtils;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.EncryptingEntity;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.EncryptionType;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.MantaEncryptedObjectInputStream;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.SecretKeyUtils;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.SupportedCipherDetails;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.SupportedCiphersLookupMap;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.SupportedHmacsLookupMap;
import com.joyent.manta.config.ConfigContext;
import com.joyent.manta.config.DefaultsConfigContext;
import com.joyent.manta.config.EncryptionAuthenticationMode;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaClientEncryptionException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaIOException;
import com.joyent.manta.http.entity.NoContentEntity;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.http.HttpRequest;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * {@link HttpHelper} implementation that transparently handles client-side
 * encryption when using the Manta server API.
 * @author <a href="">Elijah Zupancic</a>
 * @since 3.0.0
public class EncryptionHttpHelper extends StandardHttpHelper {
     * Logger instance.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EncryptionHttpHelper.class);

     * Maximum size of metadata ciphertext in bytes.
    private static final int MAX_METADATA_CIPHERTEXT_BASE64_SIZE = 4_000;

     * The unique identifier of the key used for encryption.
    private final String encryptionKeyId;

     * True when downloading unencrypted files is allowed in encryption mode.
    private final boolean permitUnencryptedDownloads;

     * Specifies if we are in strict ciphertext authentication mode or not.
    private final EncryptionAuthenticationMode encryptionAuthenticationMode;

     * Secret key used to encrypt and decrypt data.
    private final SecretKey secretKey;

     * Cipher implementation used to encrypt and decrypt data.
    private final SupportedCipherDetails cipherDetails;

     * Creates a new instance of the helper class.
     * @param connectionContext saved context used between requests to the Manta client
     * @param connectionFactory ignored
     * @param config configuration context object
    public EncryptionHttpHelper(final MantaConnectionContext connectionContext,
            final MantaConnectionFactory connectionFactory, final ConfigContext config) {
        this(connectionContext, config);

     * Creates a new instance of the helper class.
     * @param connectionContext saved context used between requests to the Manta client
     * @param config configuration context object
    EncryptionHttpHelper(final MantaConnectionContext connectionContext, final ConfigContext config) {
        this(connectionContext, new MantaHttpRequestFactory(config.getMantaURL()), config);

     * Creates a new instance of the helper class.
     * @param connectionContext connection object
     * @param requestFactory instance used for building requests to Manta
     * @param config configuration context object
    public EncryptionHttpHelper(final MantaConnectionContext connectionContext,
            final MantaHttpRequestFactory requestFactory, final ConfigContext config) {
        super(connectionContext, requestFactory,
                ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(config.verifyUploads(), DefaultsConfigContext.DEFAULT_VERIFY_UPLOADS),

        this.encryptionKeyId = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(config.getEncryptionKeyId(), "unknown-key");
        this.permitUnencryptedDownloads = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(config.permitUnencryptedDownloads(),

        this.encryptionAuthenticationMode = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(config.getEncryptionAuthenticationMode(),

        this.cipherDetails = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(

        if (config.getEncryptionPrivateKeyPath() != null) {
            Path keyPath = Paths.get(config.getEncryptionPrivateKeyPath());

            try {
                secretKey = SecretKeyUtils.loadKeyFromPath(keyPath, this.cipherDetails);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = String.format("Unable to load secret key from file: %s", keyPath);
                throw new UncheckedIOException(msg, e);
        } else if (config.getEncryptionPrivateKeyBytes() != null) {
            secretKey = SecretKeyUtils.loadKey(config.getEncryptionPrivateKeyBytes(), cipherDetails);
        } else {
            throw new MantaClientEncryptionException(
                    "Either private encryption key path or bytes must be specified");

    public HttpResponse httpHead(final String path) throws IOException {
        HttpResponse response = super.httpHead(path);

        return response;

    public HttpResponse httpGet(final String path) throws IOException {
        HttpResponse response = super.httpGet(path);

        return response;

    public MantaObjectResponse httpPut(final String path, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final HttpEntity originalEntity, final MantaMetadata originalMetadata) throws IOException {
        final MantaHttpHeaders httpHeaders;

        if (headers == null) {
            httpHeaders = new MantaHttpHeaders();
        } else {
            httpHeaders = headers;

        EncryptingEntity encryptingEntity = new EncryptingEntity(secretKey, cipherDetails, originalEntity);

        final MantaMetadata metadata;

        if (originalMetadata != null) {
            metadata = originalMetadata;
        } else {
            metadata = new MantaMetadata();

        /* We rewrite in the content-type so that from the perspective of the API consumer,
         * they are seeing the object written as if it wasn't encrypted. */
        String contentType = findOriginalContentType(originalEntity, httpHeaders);

        // Only add the wrapped content type if it isn't explicitly set
        if (contentType != null && !metadata.containsKey(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
            metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);

        // Insert all of the headers needed for identifying the ciphers and HMACs used to encrypt
        // Insert all of the headers and metadata needed for describing the encrypted entity
        attachEncryptedEntityHeaders(metadata, encryptingEntity.getCipher());
        attachEncryptionPlaintextLengthHeader(metadata, encryptingEntity);
        // Insert all of the encrypted metadata values into the metadata map

        MantaObjectResponse response = super.httpPut(path, httpHeaders, encryptingEntity, metadata);

        /* Emulate the setting of the content-type to our API consumer - when
         * in fact we are setting a different content type. */

        /* If we sent over an entity where it was impossible to know the original size until
         * we finished streaming, then we do an additional call to update the metadata of the
         * object so that the plaintext size is stored.
         * Having this data available allows MantaEncryptedObjectInputStream.getContentLength()
         * to return the actual plaintext value. Most of the time, this value can be gotten
         * via a calculation based on the ciphertext size. However, in the cases of
         * the AES/CBC ciphers, we can't calculate the plaintext size via the ciphertext
         * size, so we do a metadata update call to update the value.
         * We only append plaintext content-length header if we are using an algorithm
         * that doesn't support an accurate calculation of plaintext content length in
         * order to minimize the calls per operation made to Manta.

        // content-length of -1 means we are sending in chunked mode
        if (originalEntity.getContentLength() < 0 && cipherDetails.plaintextSizeCalculationIsAnEstimate()) {
            appendPlaintextContentLength(path, encryptingEntity, metadata, response);

        return response;

    public MantaObjectInputStream httpRequestAsInputStream(final HttpUriRequest request,
            final MantaHttpHeaders requestHeaders) throws IOException {
        final boolean hasRangeRequest = requestHeaders != null && requestHeaders.getRange() != null;

        if (hasRangeRequest && encryptionAuthenticationMode.equals(EncryptionAuthenticationMode.Mandatory)) {
            String msg = "HTTP range requests (random reads) aren't supported when using "
                    + "client-side encryption in mandatory authentication mode.";
            MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, null);
            throw e;

        final Long initialSkipBytes;
        Long plaintextRangeLength;
        final Long plaintextStart;
        final Long plaintextEnd;

        if (hasRangeRequest) {
            PlaintextByteRangePosition rangeProperties = calculateSkipBytesAndPlaintextLength(request,
            initialSkipBytes = rangeProperties.getInitialPlaintextSkipBytes();
            plaintextRangeLength = rangeProperties.getPlaintextRangeLength();
            plaintextStart = rangeProperties.getPlaintextStart();
            plaintextEnd = rangeProperties.getPlaintextEnd();
        } else {
            initialSkipBytes = null;
            plaintextRangeLength = null;
            plaintextStart = null;
            plaintextEnd = null;

        final MantaObjectInputStream rawStream = super.httpRequestAsInputStream(request, requestHeaders);
        final HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) rawStream.getHttpResponse();

        final String cipherId = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER);

        if (cipherId == null) {
            if (permitUnencryptedDownloads) {
                return rawStream;
            } else {
                String msg = "Unable to download a unencrypted file when "
                        + "client-side encryption is enabled unless the "
                        + "permit unencrypted downloads configuration setting " + "is enabled";
                MantaClientEncryptionException mcee = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(mcee, request, response);

                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    MantaIOException mioe = new MantaIOException(ioe);
                    HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(mioe, request, response);
                    LOGGER.debug("Error closing underlying stream", mioe);

                throw mcee;

        enforceCipherAndMode(cipherId, request, response);

        final String encryptionType = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_TYPE);
        final String metadataIvBase64 = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_IV);
        final String metadataCiphertextBase64 = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA);
        final String hmacId = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_HMAC_TYPE);
        final String metadataHmacBase64 = rawStream.getHeaderAsString(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_HMAC);

        if (metadataCiphertextBase64 != null) {
            Map<String, String> encryptedMetadata = buildEncryptedMetadata(encryptionType, metadataIvBase64,
                    metadataCiphertextBase64, hmacId, metadataHmacBase64, request, response);

        if (hasRangeRequest) {
            boolean unboundedEnd = (plaintextEnd >= cipherDetails.getMaximumPlaintextSizeInBytes()
                    || plaintextEnd < 0);
            // Try to calculate from original-plaintext header
            final String originalPlaintextLengthS = rawStream
            if (originalPlaintextLengthS != null && originalPlaintextLengthS.length() > 0) {
                final Long originalPlaintextLength = Long.parseLong(originalPlaintextLengthS);
                if (plaintextRangeLength == 0L || plaintextRangeLength >= originalPlaintextLength) {
                    plaintextRangeLength = originalPlaintextLength - plaintextStart;
                if (plaintextStart > 0 && plaintextEnd >= originalPlaintextLength) {
                    plaintextRangeLength = originalPlaintextLength - plaintextStart;
                    unboundedEnd = false;
                } else {
                    unboundedEnd = (plaintextEnd < 0);

            return new MantaEncryptedObjectInputStream(rawStream, this.cipherDetails, secretKey, false,
                    initialSkipBytes, plaintextRangeLength, unboundedEnd);
        } else {
            return new MantaEncryptedObjectInputStream(rawStream, this.cipherDetails, secretKey, true);

     * Calculates the skip bytes and plaintext length for a encrypted ranged
     * request.
     * @param request source request that hasn't been made yet
     * @param requestHeaders headers passed to the request
     * @return a {@link Long} array containing two elements: skip bytes, plaintext length
     * @throws IOException thrown when we fail making an additional HEAD request
    private PlaintextByteRangePosition calculateSkipBytesAndPlaintextLength(final HttpUriRequest request,
            final MantaHttpHeaders requestHeaders) throws IOException {
        final Long initialSkipBytes;
        Long plaintextRangeLength = 0L;

        final long[] plaintextRanges = byteRangeAsNullSafe(requestHeaders.getByteRange(), this.cipherDetails);

        final long plaintextStart = plaintextRanges[0];
        final long plaintextEnd = plaintextRanges[1];

        final long binaryStartPositionInclusive;
        final long binaryEndPositionInclusive;

        final boolean negativeEndRequest = plaintextEnd < 0;

        // We have been passed a request in the form of something like: bytes=-50
        if (plaintextStart == 0 && negativeEndRequest) {
            /* Since we don't know the size of the object, there is no way
             * for us to know what the value of objectSize - N is. So we
             * do a HEAD request and discover the plaintext object size
             * and the size of the ciphertext. This allows us to have
             * the information needed to do a proper range request. */
            final String path = request.getURI().getPath();

            // Forward on all headers to the HEAD request
            final HttpHead head = getRequestFactory().head(path);
            MantaHttpRequestFactory.addHeaders(head, request.getAllHeaders());

            HttpResponse headResponse = super.executeAndCloseRequest(head, "HEAD   {} response [{}] {} ");
            final MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders(headResponse.getAllHeaders());
            MantaObjectResponse objectResponse = new MantaObjectResponse(path, headers);

            /* We make the actual GET request's success dependent on the
             * object not changing since we did the HEAD request. */
            request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH, objectResponse.getEtag());

            Long ciphertextSize = objectResponse.getContentLength();
            Validate.notNull(ciphertextSize, "Manta should always return a content-size");

            // We query the response object for multiple properties that will
            // give us the plaintext size. If not possible, this will error.
            long fullPlaintextSize = HttpHelper.attemptToFindPlaintextSize(objectResponse, ciphertextSize,

            // Since plaintextEnd is a negative value - this will be set to
            // the number of bytes before the end of the file (in plaintext)
            initialSkipBytes = plaintextEnd + fullPlaintextSize;

            // calculates the ciphertext byte range
            final ByteRangeConversion computedRanges = this.cipherDetails.translateByteRange(initialSkipBytes,
                    fullPlaintextSize - 1);

            // We only use the ciphertext start position, because we already
            // have the position of the end of the ciphertext (eg content-length)
            binaryStartPositionInclusive = computedRanges.getCiphertextStartPositionInclusive();
            binaryEndPositionInclusive = ciphertextSize;
            // This is the typical case like: bytes=3-44
        } else {

            long scaledPlaintextEnd = plaintextEnd;

            // interpret maximum plaintext value as unbounded end
            if (plaintextEnd == cipherDetails.getMaximumPlaintextSizeInBytes()) {


            // calculates the ciphertext byte range
            final ByteRangeConversion computedRanges = this.cipherDetails.translateByteRange(plaintextStart,

            binaryStartPositionInclusive = computedRanges.getCiphertextStartPositionInclusive();
            initialSkipBytes = computedRanges.getPlaintextBytesToSkipInitially()
                    + computedRanges.getCiphertextStartPositionInclusive();

            if (computedRanges.getCiphertextEndPositionInclusive() > 0) {
                binaryEndPositionInclusive = computedRanges.getCiphertextEndPositionInclusive();
            } else {
                binaryEndPositionInclusive = 0;

            plaintextRangeLength = (scaledPlaintextEnd - plaintextStart) + 1;

        // We don't know the ending position
        if (binaryEndPositionInclusive == 0) {
            requestHeaders.setRange(String.format("bytes=%d-", binaryStartPositionInclusive));
        } else {
                    String.format("bytes=%d-%d", binaryStartPositionInclusive, binaryEndPositionInclusive));

        // Range in the form of 50-, so we don't know the actual plaintext length
        if (plaintextEnd >= cipherDetails.getMaximumPlaintextSizeInBytes()) {
            plaintextRangeLength = 0L;

        return new PlaintextByteRangePosition().setInitialPlaintextSkipBytes(initialSkipBytes)

    public MantaObjectResponse httpPutMetadata(final String path, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        /* Since metadata operations in Manta are always a replace operation,
         * we have to get the current metadata for the object and persist
         * the encryption-specific metadata headers. While at the same time
         * overwriting all other metadata values. Unfortunately, this process
         * requires two steps. */
        HttpResponse response = httpHead(path);

        boolean isEncryptedObject = response.getFirstHeader(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER) != null;
        Header contentType = response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
        if (contentType == null) {
            MantaIOException e = new MantaIOException("Content-Type value expected from Manta unavailable");
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, null, response);
            throw e;

        boolean isDirectory = contentType.getValue().equals(MantaObjectResponse.DIRECTORY_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE);

        // Return back the default implementation if the object is unencrypted or is a directory
        if (!isEncryptedObject || isDirectory) {
            return super.httpPutMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

        /* Detect if the object we are operating on is encrypted, if not just
         * perform the default operation. */
        if (response.getFirstHeader(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER) == null) {
            return super.httpPutMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

        Header etag = response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG);
        if (etag == null) {
            MantaIOException e = new MantaIOException("ETag value expected from Manta unavailable");
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, null, response);
            throw e;

        Header lastModified = response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED);
        if (lastModified == null) {
            MantaIOException e = new MantaIOException("Last-Modified value expected from Manta unavailable");
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, null, response);
            throw e;

        Header actualContentType = response.getFirstHeader(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_TYPE);

        /* We add the encrypted content-type value back into the metadata if
         * it wasn't explicitly added to the metadata to replace, so that the
         * ciphertext's content-type will remain consistent. */
        if (actualContentType != null) {
            metadata.putIfAbsent(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_TYPE, actualContentType.getValue());

        for (String h : MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_ENTITY_HEADERS) {
            final Header header = response.getFirstHeader(h);
            if (header == null) {

            metadata.putIfAbsent(h, header.getValue());

        headers.put(HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH, etag.getValue());
        headers.put(HttpHeaders.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, lastModified.getValue());

        return super.httpPutMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

     * Attaches encrypted metadata headers to an HTTP response.
     * @param response response to attach metadata to
    private void attachMetadata(final HttpResponse response) {
        Header contentTypeHeader = response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
        final String contentType;

        if (contentTypeHeader == null) {
            contentType = null;
        } else {
            contentType = contentTypeHeader.getValue();

        // No encryption operations are needed on directories, so we just pass
        // back the object as is
        if (contentType != null && contentType.equals(MantaObjectResponse.DIRECTORY_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE)) {

        Map<String, String> encryptedMetadata = extractEncryptionHeadersFromResponse(response);

        /* Object is not encrypted - since we aren't downloading anything, we
         * assume a peek at the headers is safe. We will just pass along the
         * response value with no additional modifications. */
        if (encryptedMetadata == null) {

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : encryptedMetadata.entrySet()) {
            response.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        String encryptedContentType = encryptedMetadata.get(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
        if (encryptedContentType != null) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Encrypted content-type [{}] overwriting returned content-type [{}]",
                        encryptedContentType, response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE));
            response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, encryptedContentType);

     * Finds the headers used for encryption, parses their values and
     * converts them to a {@link Map}.
     * @param response response object to parse
     * @return map containing encryption headers and values or null if unencrypted object
    private Map<String, String> extractEncryptionHeadersFromResponse(final HttpResponse response) {
        String cipherId = null;
        String encryptionType = null;
        String metadataIvBase64 = null;
        String metadataCiphertextBase64 = null;
        String hmacId = null;
        String metadataHmacBase64 = null;

        final Header[] headers = response.getAllHeaders();
        for (final Header h : headers) {
            // Don't bother to parse anything that isn't Manta specific metadata
            if (!h.getName().startsWith("m-")) {

            switch (h.getName()) {
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_TYPE:
                encryptionType = h.getValue();
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_IV:
                metadataIvBase64 = h.getValue();
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER:
                cipherId = h.getValue();
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA:
                metadataCiphertextBase64 = h.getValue();
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_HMAC_TYPE:
                hmacId = h.getValue();
            case MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_HMAC:
                metadataHmacBase64 = h.getValue();

        // If there is no cipher text, then there is nothing to decrypt
        if (metadataCiphertextBase64 == null) {
            return null;

        // If there is no cipher specified, we can't decrypt
        if (cipherId == null) {
            return null;

        enforceCipherAndMode(cipherId, null, response);

        return buildEncryptedMetadata(encryptionType, metadataIvBase64, metadataCiphertextBase64, hmacId,
                metadataHmacBase64, null, response);

     * Builds a {@link Map} of decrypted metadata keys and values.
     * @param encryptionType encryption type header value
     * @param metadataIvBase64 metadata ciphertext iv header value
     * @param metadataCiphertextBase64 metadata ciphertext header value
     * @param hmacId hmac identifier header value
     * @param metadataHmacBase64 metadata hmac header value
     * @param request http request object
     * @param response http response object
     * @return decrypted map of encrypted metadata
    private Map<String, String> buildEncryptedMetadata(final String encryptionType, final String metadataIvBase64,
            final String metadataCiphertextBase64, final String hmacId, final String metadataHmacBase64,
            final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response) {
        try {
        } catch (MantaClientEncryptionException e) {
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
            throw e;

        final byte[] metadataIv = Base64.getDecoder().decode(metadataIvBase64);
        final Cipher metadataCipher = buildMetadataDecryptCipher(metadataIv);

        if (metadataCiphertextBase64 == null) {
            String msg = "No encrypted metadata stored on object";
            MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
            throw e;

        final byte[] metadataCipherText = Base64.getDecoder().decode(metadataCiphertextBase64);

        // Validate Hmac if we aren't using AEAD
        if (!cipherDetails.isAEADCipher()) {
            if (hmacId == null) {
                String msg = "No HMAC algorithm specified for metadata ciphertext authentication";
                MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
                throw e;

            Supplier<HMac> hmacSupplier = SupportedHmacsLookupMap.INSTANCE.get(hmacId);
            if (hmacSupplier == null) {
                String msg = String.format("Unsupported HMAC specified: %s", hmacId);
                MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
                throw e;

            final HMac hmac = hmacSupplier.get();
            initHmac(this.secretKey, hmac);
            hmac.update(metadataCipherText, 0, metadataCipherText.length);

            byte[] actualHmac = new byte[hmac.getMacSize()];
            hmac.doFinal(actualHmac, 0);

            if (metadataHmacBase64 == null) {
                String msg = "No metadata HMAC is available to authenticate metadata ciphertext";
                MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
                throw e;

            byte[] expectedHmac = Base64.getDecoder().decode(metadataHmacBase64);

            if (!Arrays.equals(expectedHmac, actualHmac)) {
                String msg = "The expected HMAC value for metadata ciphertext didn't equal the actual value";
                MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, null);
                e.setContextValue("expected", Hex.encodeHexString(expectedHmac));
                e.setContextValue("actual", Hex.encodeHexString(actualHmac));
                throw e;

        byte[] plaintext = decryptMetadata(metadataCipherText, metadataCipher);
        return EncryptedMetadataUtils.plaintextMetadataAsMap(plaintext);

     * Adds headers and metadata needed for client-side encryption to a request
     * (typically a PUT).
     * @param metadata metadata to append additional values to
    public void attachEncryptionCipherHeaders(final MantaMetadata metadata) {
        // Secret Key ID
        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID, encryptionKeyId);
        LOGGER.debug("Secret key id: {}", encryptionKeyId);

        // Encryption type identifier
        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_TYPE, EncryptionType.CLIENT.toString());
        LOGGER.debug("Encryption type: {}", EncryptionType.CLIENT);

        // Encryption Cipher
        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER, cipherDetails.getCipherId());
        LOGGER.debug("Encryption cipher: {}", cipherDetails.getCipherId());

     * Adds headers related directly to the encrypted object being stored.
     * @param metadata Manta metadata object
     * @param cipher cipher used to encrypt the object and metadata
     * @throws IOException thrown when unable to append metadata
    public void attachEncryptedEntityHeaders(final MantaMetadata metadata, final Cipher cipher) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(metadata, "Metadata object must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(cipher, "Cipher object must not be null");

        // IV Used to Encrypt
        byte[] iv = cipher.getIV();
        Validate.notNull(iv, "Cipher IV must not be null");

        String ivBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(iv);
        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_IV, ivBase64);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("IV: {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipher.getIV()));

        // AEAD Tag Length if AEAD Cipher
        if (cipherDetails.isAEADCipher()) {
            LOGGER.debug("AEAD tag length: {}", cipherDetails.getAuthenticationTagOrHmacLengthInBytes());
            // HMAC Type because we are doing MtE
        } else {
            HMac hmac = cipherDetails.getAuthenticationHmac();
            final String hmacName = SupportedHmacsLookupMap.hmacNameFromInstance(hmac);
            metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_HMAC_TYPE, hmacName);
            LOGGER.debug("HMAC algorithm: {}", hmacName);

     * Attaches a HTTP metadata header indicating the size in bytes of the
     * encrypted plaintext.
     * @param metadata metadata object to append header to
     * @param length size of plaintext in bytes
    public void attachEncryptionPlaintextLengthHeader(final MantaMetadata metadata, final long length) {
        // Plaintext content-length if available
        if (length > EncryptingEntity.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) {
            String originalLength = String.valueOf(length);
            metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_PLAINTEXT_CONTENT_LENGTH, originalLength);
            LOGGER.debug("Plaintext content-length: {}", originalLength);

     * Attaches a HTTP metadata header indicating the size in bytes of the
     * encrypted plaintext.
     * @param metadata metadata object to append header to
     * @param encryptingEntity encrypting entity to read original length from
    public void attachEncryptionPlaintextLengthHeader(final MantaMetadata metadata,
            final EncryptingEntity encryptingEntity) {
        attachEncryptionPlaintextLengthHeader(metadata, encryptingEntity.getOriginalLength());

     * Attaches encrypted metadata (with e-* values) to the object.
     * @param metadata metadata to append additional values to
     * @throws IOException thrown when there is a problem attaching metadata
    public void attachEncryptedMetadata(final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {

        // Create and add encrypted metadata
        Cipher metadataCipher = buildMetadataEncryptCipher();

        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_CIPHER, cipherDetails.getCipherId());

        String metadataIvBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(metadataCipher.getIV());
        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_IV, metadataIvBase64);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Encrypted metadata IV: {}", Hex.encodeHexString(metadataCipher.getIV()));

        String metadataPlainTextString = EncryptedMetadataUtils.encryptedMetadataAsString(metadata);
        LOGGER.debug("Encrypted metadata plaintext:\n{}", metadataPlainTextString);
        LOGGER.debug("Encrypted metadata ciphertext: {}", metadataIvBase64);

        byte[] metadataCipherText = encryptMetadata(metadataPlainTextString, metadataCipher);
        String metadataCipherTextBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(metadataCipherText);

        if (metadataCipherTextBase64.length() > MAX_METADATA_CIPHERTEXT_BASE64_SIZE) {
            String msg = "Encrypted metadata exceeded the maximum size allowed";
            MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
            e.setContextValue("max_size", MAX_METADATA_CIPHERTEXT_BASE64_SIZE);
            e.setContextValue("actual_size", metadataCipherTextBase64.length());
            throw e;

        metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA, metadataCipherTextBase64);

        if (!this.cipherDetails.isAEADCipher()) {
            final HMac hmac = this.cipherDetails.getAuthenticationHmac();
            initHmac(this.secretKey, hmac);

            hmac.update(metadataCipherText, 0, metadataCipherText.length);

            byte[] checksum = new byte[hmac.getMacSize()];
            hmac.doFinal(checksum, 0);

            String checksumBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(checksum);
            metadata.put(MantaHttpHeaders.ENCRYPTION_METADATA_HMAC, checksumBase64);

            LOGGER.debug("Encrypted metadata HMAC: {}", checksumBase64);
        } else {

    public SupportedCipherDetails getCipherDetails() {
        return this.cipherDetails;


     * Looks up the content-type used in the entity being encrypted.
     * @param originalEntity reference to original entity
     * @param httpHeaders reference to http headers that may also have a content-type
     * @return the content-type found or null if not found
    private String findOriginalContentType(final HttpEntity originalEntity, final MantaHttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
        final String entityContentType;

        if (originalEntity.getContentType() == null) {
            entityContentType = null;
        } else {
            entityContentType = originalEntity.getContentType().getValue();

        return ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(httpHeaders.getContentType(), entityContentType);

     * <p>Performs a conditional call to update the metadata for an object to add the
     * <code>m-encrypt-plaintext-content-length</code> header to the object. This
     * method is used after an object is streamed to Manta in chunked mode and we
     * only end up knowing its plaintext content length size when the transfer
     * completed.</p>
     * <p>This method makes use of the <code>If-Match</code> and
     * <code>If-Unmodified-Since</code> HTTP headers. There is the possibility of a
     * race condition if the clock has not incremented one second and another call
     * came and updated the metadata before this call was performed because the original
     * call because the <code>If-Unmodified-Since</code> header only has a resolution
     * of seconds. This means that in some cases the metadata may overwrite other
     * changes if you are doing metadata modifications from another client at
     * very low latencies that land right after the object is added. This is
     * a hypothetical and unlikely scenario.</p>
     * @param path path to the object
     * @param encryptingEntity the encrypting entity that streamed the object
     * @param metadata the metadata object from the original transfer
     * @param response the original response object from the original transfer
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to update the metadata
    private void appendPlaintextContentLength(final String path, final EncryptingEntity encryptingEntity,
            final MantaMetadata metadata, final MantaObjectResponse response) throws IOException {
        List<NameValuePair> pairs = Collections.singletonList(new BasicNameValuePair("metadata", "true"));
        HttpPut put = getRequestFactory().put(path, pairs);

        MantaHttpHeaders updateHeaders = new MantaHttpHeaders();
        updateHeaders.put(HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH, response.getEtag());
        updateHeaders.put(HttpHeaders.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, response.getLastModifiedTime());


        final CloseableHttpClient client = getConnectionContext().getHttpClient();
        final CloseableHttpResponse originalContentLengthUpdateResponse = client.execute(put);

        StatusLine statusLine = originalContentLengthUpdateResponse.getStatusLine();
        int code = statusLine.getStatusCode();

        if (code != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT && code != HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED) {
            MantaIOException e = new MantaIOException(
                    "Unable to update metadata with" + " original plaintext content length");
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, put, originalContentLengthUpdateResponse);
            throw e;

     * Encrypts a plaintext object metadata string.
     * @param metadataPlaintext string to encrypt
     * @param cipher cipher to use for encryption
     * @return byte array of ciphertext
    private byte[] encryptMetadata(final String metadataPlaintext, final Cipher cipher) {
        byte[] rawBytes = metadataPlaintext.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);

        try {
            return cipher.doFinal(rawBytes);
        } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException e) {
            MantaClientEncryptionException mcee = new MantaClientEncryptionException(
                    "There was a problem encrypting the object's metadata", e);
            String details = String.format("key=%s, algorithm=%s", secretKey.getAlgorithm(), secretKey.getFormat());
            mcee.setContextValue("key_details", details);
            throw mcee;

     * Decrypts metadata ciphertext.
     * @param metadataCiphertext ciphertext to decrypt
     * @param cipher cipher to use for decryption
     * @return raw plaintext in binary
    private byte[] decryptMetadata(final byte[] metadataCiphertext, final Cipher cipher) {
        try {
            return cipher.doFinal(metadataCiphertext);
        } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException e) {
            MantaClientEncryptionException mcee = new MantaClientEncryptionException(
                    "There was a problem decrypting the object's metadata", e);
            String details = String.format("key=%s, algorithm=%s", secretKey.getAlgorithm(), secretKey.getFormat());
            mcee.setContextValue("key_details", details);
            throw mcee;

     * Configures and instantiates the cipher object used for encrypting object
     * metadata.
     * @return a configured cipher instance
    private Cipher buildMetadataEncryptCipher() {
        byte[] metadataIv = this.cipherDetails.generateIv();
        Cipher metadataCipher = this.cipherDetails.getCipher();
        try {
            AlgorithmParameterSpec spec = this.cipherDetails.getEncryptionParameterSpec(metadataIv);
            metadataCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, spec);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
            MantaClientEncryptionException mcee = new MantaClientEncryptionException(
                    "There was a problem loading private key", e);
            String details = String.format("key=%s, algorithm=%s", secretKey.getAlgorithm(), secretKey.getFormat());
            mcee.setContextValue("key_details", details);
            throw mcee;
        } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
            throw new MantaClientEncryptionException("There was a problem with the passed algorithm parameters", e);
        return metadataCipher;

     * Configures and instantiates the cipher object used for decrypting object
     * metadata.
     * @param metadataIv encrypted metadata initialization vector
     * @return a configured cipher instance
    private Cipher buildMetadataDecryptCipher(final byte[] metadataIv) {
        Cipher metadataCipher = this.cipherDetails.getCipher();
        try {
            AlgorithmParameterSpec spec = this.cipherDetails.getEncryptionParameterSpec(metadataIv);
            metadataCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, spec);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
            MantaClientEncryptionException mcee = new MantaClientEncryptionException(
                    "There was a problem loading private key", e);
            String details = String.format("key=%s, algorithm=%s", secretKey.getAlgorithm(), secretKey.getFormat());
            mcee.setContextValue("key_details", details);
            throw mcee;
        } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
            throw new MantaClientEncryptionException("There was a problem with the passed algorithm parameters", e);
        return metadataCipher;

     * Verifies that the passed cipher id is the same as the configured cipher id.
     * @param cipherId cipher id to verify
     * @param request request object for debugging data
     * @param response response object for debugging data
    private void enforceCipherAndMode(final String cipherId, final HttpRequest request,
            final HttpResponse response) {
        if (!cipherId.equals(this.cipherDetails.getCipherId())) {
            String msg = "Cipher used to encrypt object is not the same as the " + "cipher configured.";
            MantaClientEncryptionException e = new MantaClientEncryptionException(msg);
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, request, response);
            e.setContextValue("objectCipherId", cipherId);
            e.setContextValue("configCipherId", cipherDetails.getCipherId());
            throw e;

     * Converts a nullable {@link Long} array into a long primitive array.
     * Unlimited positions are represented as the hard file size limits of the
     * specified cipher.
     * @param ranges array containing two elements
     * @param cipherDetails cipher being used to compute range
     * @return updated range coordinates based on cipher/cipher mode configuration
    static long[] byteRangeAsNullSafe(final Long[] ranges, final SupportedCipherDetails cipherDetails) {
        final long plaintextMax = cipherDetails.getMaximumPlaintextSizeInBytes();
        final long startPos;
        final long endPos;

        if (ranges[0] == null) {
            startPos = 0L;
        } else {
            startPos = ranges[0];

        if (ranges[1] == null) {
            endPos = plaintextMax;
        } else {
            endPos = ranges[1];

        return new long[] { startPos, endPos };

     * Initializes an HMAC instance using the specified secret key.
     * @param secretKey secret key to initialize with
     * @param hmac HMAC object to be initialized
    private static void initHmac(final SecretKey secretKey, final HMac hmac) {
        hmac.init(new KeyParameter(secretKey.getEncoded()));

    public SecretKey getSecretKey() {
        return secretKey;