Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.joyent.manta.client.multipart; import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators; import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaClient; import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaMetadata; import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObjectResponse; import; import com.joyent.manta.config.ConfigContext; import com.joyent.manta.config.IntegrationTestConfigContext; import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaMultipartException; import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaHttpHeaders; import com.joyent.test.util.RandomInputStream; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.testng.SkipException; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; @Test public class JobsMultipartManagerIT { private MantaClient mantaClient; private JobsMultipartManager multipart; private String testPathPrefix; private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); @BeforeClass public void beforeClass() throws IOException { // Let TestNG configuration take precedence over environment variables ConfigContext config = new IntegrationTestConfigContext(); this.mantaClient = new MantaClient(config); this.multipart = new JobsMultipartManager(this.mantaClient); testPathPrefix = IntegrationTestConfigContext.generateBasePath(config, this.getClass().getSimpleName()); mantaClient.putDirectory(testPathPrefix, true); } @AfterClass public void afterClass() throws IOException { IntegrationTestConfigContext.cleanupTestDirectory(mantaClient, testPathPrefix); } public void nonExistentFileHasNotStarted() throws IOException { JobsMultipartUpload upload = new JobsMultipartUpload(new UUID(0L, -1L), "/dev/null"); assertEquals(multipart.getStatus(upload), MantaMultipartStatus.UNKNOWN); } public void canUploadSmallMultipartString() throws IOException { String[] parts = new String[] { "Hello ", "world ", "Joyent", "!" }; StringBuilder combined = new StringBuilder(); for (String p : parts) { combined.append(p); } final String name = uploadName("can-upload-small-multipart-string"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadTuple uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); Instant start =; multipart.complete(upload, uploadedParts); multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, (Function<UUID, Void>) uuid -> { fail("Completion operation didn't succeed within timeout"); return null; }); Instant end =; MantaMultipartStatus status = multipart.getStatus(upload); assertEquals(status, MantaMultipartStatus.COMPLETED); assertEquals(mantaClient.getAsString(path), combined.toString(), "Manta combined string doesn't match expectation: " + multipart.findJob(upload)); Duration totalCompletionTime = Duration.between(start, end);"Concatenating {} parts took {} seconds", parts.length, totalCompletionTime.toMillis() / 1000); } public void willRunFunctionWhenWaitingTooLong() throws IOException { String[] parts = new String[] { "Hello ", "world ", "Joyent", "!" }; final String name = uploadName("will-run-function-when-waiting-too-long"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadTuple uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); multipart.complete(upload, uploadedParts); Boolean flagChanged = multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, Duration.ofNanos(0L), 1, uuid -> true); assertTrue(flagChanged, "wait timeout exceeded function was never run"); } public void canStoreContentType() throws IOException { String[] parts = new String[] { "Hello ", "world ", "Joyent", "!" }; final String name = uploadName("can-store-content-type"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders().setContentType("text/plain"); final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path, null, headers); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadTuple uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); multipart.complete(upload, uploadedParts); multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, (Function<UUID, Void>) uuid -> { fail("Completion operation didn't succeed within timeout"); return null; }); MantaObjectResponse head = mantaClient.head(path); assertEquals(head.getContentType(), "text/plain", "Content type header wasn't set correctly"); } public void canStoreMetadata() throws IOException { String[] parts = new String[] { "Hello ", "world ", "Joyent", "!" }; final String name = uploadName("can-store-metadata"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final MantaMetadata metadata = new MantaMetadata(); metadata.put("m-hello", "world"); metadata.put("m-foo", "bar"); final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path, metadata); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadPart> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadPart uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); multipart.complete(upload, uploadedParts); multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, (Function<UUID, Void>) uuid -> { fail("Completion operation didn't succeed within timeout"); return null; }); MantaMetadata remoteMetadata = mantaClient.head(path).getMetadata(); assertEquals( remoteMetadata.keySet().stream() .filter(key -> !key.startsWith("m-encrypt") && !key.startsWith("e-")).count(), 4, "Unexpected metadata size"); assertTrue(remoteMetadata.containsKey(JobsMultipartManager.JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY)); assertTrue(remoteMetadata.containsKey(JobsMultipartManager.UPLOAD_ID_METADATA_KEY)); assertEquals(remoteMetadata.get("m-hello"), "world"); assertEquals(remoteMetadata.get("m-foo"), "bar"); } public void canUpload5MbX10MultipartBinary() throws IOException { canUploadMultipartBinary(5, 10); } private void canUploadMultipartBinary(final long sizeInMb, final int noOfParts) throws IOException { final long size = sizeInMb * 1024L * 1024L; File[] parts = new File[noOfParts]; for (int i = 0; i < noOfParts; i++) { parts[i] = createTemporaryDataFile(size, 1); } final File expectedFile = concatenateFiles(parts); final byte[] expectedMd5 = md5(expectedFile); final String name = uploadName("can-upload-5mb-multipart-binary"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { File part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadTuple uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); Instant start =; multipart.complete(upload,; multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, (Function<UUID, Void>) uuid -> { fail("Completion operation didn't succeed within timeout"); return null; }); Instant end =; MantaMultipartStatus status = multipart.getStatus(upload); assertEquals(status, MantaMultipartStatus.COMPLETED); MantaObjectResponse head = mantaClient.head(path); byte[] remoteMd5 = head.getMd5Bytes(); if (!Arrays.equals(remoteMd5, expectedMd5)) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("MD5 values do not match - job id: ").append(multipart.findJob(upload)); fail(builder.toString()); } Duration totalCompletionTime = Duration.between(start, end);"Concatenating {} parts took {} seconds", parts.length, totalCompletionTime.toMillis() / 1000); } public void canAbortMultipartBinary() throws IOException { final long oneMB = 1024L * 1024L; File[] parts = new File[] { createTemporaryDataFile(oneMB, 1), createTemporaryDataFile(oneMB, 1), createTemporaryDataFile(oneMB, 1) }; final String name = uploadName("can-abort-multipart-binary"); final String path = testPathPrefix + name; final JobsMultipartUpload upload = multipart.initiateUpload(path); final ArrayList<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> uploadedParts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { File part = parts[i]; int partNumber = i + 1; MantaMultipartUploadTuple uploaded = multipart.uploadPart(upload, partNumber, part); uploadedParts.add(uploaded); } multipart.validateThatThereAreSequentialPartNumbers(upload); multipart.complete(upload, uploadedParts); Instant start =; multipart.abort(upload); boolean caught = false; try { multipart.waitForCompletion(upload, (Function<UUID, Void>) uuid -> { fail("Completion operation didn't succeed within timeout"); return null; }); } catch (MantaMultipartException e) { if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Manta job backing multipart upload was " + "aborted. This upload was unable to be completed.")) { caught = true; } } assertTrue(caught, "Backing job aborted exception wasn't thrown"); Instant end =; MantaMultipartStatus status = multipart.getStatus(upload); assertEquals(status, MantaMultipartStatus.ABORTED); MantaJob job = multipart.findJob(upload); Duration totalCompletionTime = Duration.between(start, end);"Aborting took {} seconds", totalCompletionTime.toMillis() / 1000); if (!job.getCancelled()) { fail("Job wasn't cancelled:" + job.toString()); } assertFalse(mantaClient.existsAndIsAccessible(multipart.multipartUploadDir(upload.getId())), "Upload directory shouldn't be present after abort"); } public void canReturnEmptyMultipartList() throws IOException { final List<MantaMultipartUpload> list; try (Stream<MantaMultipartUpload> inProgress = multipart.listInProgress()) { list = inProgress.collect(Collectors.toList()); } if (!list.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("List should be empty. Actually had " + list.size() + " elements"); list.forEach(element -> { System.err.println(element.getPath()); if (element instanceof JobsMultipartUpload) { JobsMultipartUpload jobsUpload = (JobsMultipartUpload) element; try (Stream<MantaMultipartUploadPart> innerStream = multipart.listParts(jobsUpload)) { innerStream.forEach(part -> System.err.println(" " + part.getObjectPath())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } }); throw new SkipException("List should be empty. Actually had " + list.size() + " elements"); } else { assertTrue(true); } } public void canListMultipartUploadsInProgress() throws IOException { final String[] objects = new String[] { testPathPrefix + uploadName("can-list-multipart-uploads-in-progress-1"), testPathPrefix + uploadName("can-list-multipart-uploads-in-progress-2"), testPathPrefix + uploadName("can-list-multipart-uploads-in-progress-3") }; final List<MantaMultipartUpload> uploads = new ArrayList<>(objects.length); for (String object : objects) { uploads.add(multipart.initiateUpload(object)); } final List<MantaMultipartUpload> list; try (Stream<MantaMultipartUpload> inProgress = multipart.listInProgress()) { list = inProgress.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); } try { assertFalse(list.isEmpty(), "List shouldn't be empty"); for (MantaMultipartUpload upload : uploads) { assertTrue(list.contains(upload), "Upload wasn't present in results: " + upload); } } finally { for (MantaMultipartUpload upload : uploads) { if (upload instanceof JobsMultipartUpload) { multipart.abort((JobsMultipartUpload) upload); } } } } private File createTemporaryDataFile(final long sizeInBytes, final int partNumber) throws IOException { File temp = File.createTempFile(String.format("multipart-%d", partNumber), ".data"); temp.deleteOnExit(); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp); InputStream in = new RandomInputStream(sizeInBytes)) { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } return temp; } private File concatenateFiles(final File... files) throws IOException { File temp = File.createTempFile("multipart-concatenated", ".data"); temp.deleteOnExit(); for (File file : files) { if (temp.exists()) { try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp, true); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } } else { FileUtils.copyFile(file, temp); } } return temp; } private byte[] md5(final File file) throws IOException { try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { return DigestUtils.md5(in); } } private String uploadName(final String testName) { return String.format("", testName, Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate()); } }