Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.joyent.manta.client; import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaContentTypes; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import static com.joyent.manta.client.MantaClient.SEPARATOR; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; @Test public class MantaObjectDepthComparatorTest { public void verifyOrderingWithSmallDataSet() { List<MantaObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); List<MantaObject> dirs = dirObjects(12); for (MantaObject dir : dirs) { objects.add(dir); objects.addAll(fileObjects(dir, 3)); } Collections.shuffle(objects); objects.sort(MantaObjectDepthComparator.INSTANCE); assertOrdering(objects); } public void verifyOrderingWithSmallDataSetAndEmptyDirectories() { List<MantaObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); List<MantaObject> dirs = dirObjects(12); for (MantaObject dir : dirs) { objects.add(dir); objects.addAll(fileObjects(dir, 3)); objects.add(mockDirectory(dir.getPath() + MantaClient.SEPARATOR + "empty-dir")); } Collections.shuffle(objects); objects.sort(MantaObjectDepthComparator.INSTANCE); assertOrdering(objects); } public void verifyOrderingWithMoreSubdirectoriesDataSet() { List<MantaObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); List<MantaObject> dirs = dirObjects(29); for (MantaObject dir : dirs) { objects.add(dir); objects.addAll(fileObjects(dir, 24)); MantaObject subdir = mockDirectory(dir.getPath() + MantaClient.SEPARATOR + "subdir"); objects.add(subdir); objects.addAll(fileObjects(subdir, 3)); } Collections.shuffle(objects); objects.sort(MantaObjectDepthComparator.INSTANCE); assertOrdering(objects); } private static void assertOrdering(final List<MantaObject> sorted) { Set<String> parentDirs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); int index = 0; for (MantaObject obj : sorted) { if (obj.isDirectory()) { String parentDir = Paths.get(obj.getPath()).getParent().toString(); Assert.assertFalse(parentDirs.contains(parentDir), "The parent of this directory was encountered before " + "this directory [index=" + index + "]."); parentDirs.remove(obj.getPath()); } else { String fileParentDir = Paths.get(obj.getPath()).getParent().toString(); Assert.assertFalse(parentDirs.contains(fileParentDir), "Parent directory path was returned before file path. " + "Index [" + index + "] was out of order. " + "Actual sorting:\n" + StringUtils.join(sorted, "\n")); } index++; } } private static List<MantaObject> fileObjects(final MantaObject dirObject, final int number) { List<MantaObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { final MantaObject object = mock(MantaObject.class); final int segmentChar = (number + i) % 26; String path = dirObject.getPath() + SEPARATOR + StringUtils.repeat(((char) (97 + segmentChar)), 4) + ".json"; when(object.getPath()).thenReturn(path); when(object.getType()).thenReturn(MantaObject.MANTA_OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT); when(object.getContentType()).thenReturn(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString()); when(object.toString()).thenReturn("[F] " + path); objects.add(object); } return objects; } private static List<MantaObject> dirObjects(final int depth) { List<MantaObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(SEPARATOR); path.append("user").append(SEPARATOR); path.append("stor"); for (int i = 3; i <= depth; i++) { final int segmentChar = (depth + i) % 26; path.append(SEPARATOR).append(StringUtils.repeat(((char) (97 + segmentChar)), 3)); MantaObject object = mockDirectory(path); objects.add(object); } return objects; } private static MantaObject mockDirectory(final Object path) { final MantaObject object = mock(MantaObject.class); when(object.getType()).thenReturn(MantaObject.MANTA_OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY); when(object.getContentType()).thenReturn(MantaContentTypes.DIRECTORY_LIST.toString()); when(object.getPath()).thenReturn(path.toString()); when(object.toString()).thenReturn("[D] " + path.toString()); return object; } }