Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.joyent.manta.client.crypto; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Objects; /** * Base implementation providing common functionality for all AES ciphers. * * @author <a href="">Elijah Zupancic</a> * @since 3.0.0 */ public abstract class AbstractAesCipherDetails implements SupportedCipherDetails { /** * Time interval in which to refresh the seed of the entropy source. */ private static final Duration SEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL = Duration.ofHours(1); /** * Default HMAC algorithm to use for AES ciphers. */ protected static final String DEFAULT_HMAC_ALGORITHM = "HmacMD5"; /** * HMAC algorithm identifier. */ private final String hmacAlgorithm; /** * The size of the HMAC signature or AEAD tag in bytes. */ private final int authenticationTagOrHmacLength; /** * Size of the private key - which determines the AES algorithm type. */ private final int keyLengthBits; /** * Cipher identifier in Manta. */ private final String cipherId; /** * Cipher identifier used to get the cipher via JCE. */ private final String cipherAlgorithmJavaName; /** * Flag indicating if the cipher uses AEAD. */ private final boolean isAEADCipher; /** * Source of entropy for the encryption algorithm. * We use the JVM's {@link SecureRandom} because it * is configurable by the user. */ private final SecureRandom random = findSecureRandomImplementation(); /** * Timestamp in which the entropy's source was last refreshed with a * new seed value. */ private volatile Instant seedLastRefreshedTimestamp =; /** * Creates a new instance for a AEAD cipher. * * @param keyLengthBits size of the secret key * @param cipherAlgorithmJavaName identifier used to get the cipher via JCE * @param authenticationTagLength size of AEAD tag */ public AbstractAesCipherDetails(final int keyLengthBits, final String cipherAlgorithmJavaName, final int authenticationTagLength) { this.keyLengthBits = keyLengthBits; this.cipherAlgorithmJavaName = cipherAlgorithmJavaName; this.cipherId = createMantaCipherIdFromJavaAlgorithmId(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, keyLengthBits); this.hmacAlgorithm = null; this.authenticationTagOrHmacLength = authenticationTagLength; this.isAEADCipher = true; } /** * Creates a new instance for a cipher authenticated by a HMAC. * * @param keyLengthBits size of the secret key * @param cipherAlgorithmJavaName identifier used to get the cipher via JCE * @param hmacAlgorithm HMAC algorithm to use for authentication */ public AbstractAesCipherDetails(final int keyLengthBits, final String cipherAlgorithmJavaName, final String hmacAlgorithm) { this.keyLengthBits = keyLengthBits; this.cipherAlgorithmJavaName = cipherAlgorithmJavaName; this.cipherId = createMantaCipherIdFromJavaAlgorithmId(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, keyLengthBits); this.hmacAlgorithm = hmacAlgorithm; this.authenticationTagOrHmacLength = getAuthenticationHmac().getMacSize(); this.isAEADCipher = false; } @Override public String getKeyGenerationAlgorithm() { return "AES"; } @Override public long getMaximumPlaintextSizeInBytes() { return Long.MAX_VALUE - getAuthenticationTagOrHmacLengthInBytes(); } @Override public int getAuthenticationTagOrHmacLengthInBytes() { return this.authenticationTagOrHmacLength; } @Override public int getBlockSizeInBytes() { return 16; } @Override public int getIVLengthInBytes() { return 16; } @Override public int getKeyLengthBits() { return this.keyLengthBits; } @Override public String getCipherId() { return this.cipherId; } @Override public String getCipherAlgorithm() { return this.cipherAlgorithmJavaName; } @Override public Cipher getCipher() { if (ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getPkcs11Provider() == null) { return SupportedCipherDetails.findCipher(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getBouncyCastleProvider()); } final Provider provider; if (ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getPkcs11Provider().containsKey("Cipher." + cipherAlgorithmJavaName)) { provider = ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getPkcs11Provider(); } else { provider = ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getBouncyCastleProvider(); } return SupportedCipherDetails.findCipher(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, provider); } @Override public Cipher getBouncyCastleCipher() { return SupportedCipherDetails.findCipher(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getBouncyCastleProvider()); } @Override public HMac getAuthenticationHmac() { if (this.isAEADCipher) { return null; } return SupportedHmacsLookupMap.INSTANCE.get(hmacAlgorithm).get(); } @Override public AlgorithmParameterSpec getEncryptionParameterSpec(final byte[] iv) { Validate.notNull(iv, "Initialization vector must not be null"); Validate.isTrue(iv.length == getIVLengthInBytes(), "Initialization vector has the wrong byte count [%d] " + "expected [%d] bytes", iv.length, getIVLengthInBytes()); return new IvParameterSpec(iv); } /** * Parse the Java algorithm name for a cipher and then creates a Manta cipher * id compatible string. * * @param algorithm algorithm name in for form of: cipher/mode/padding * @param keyLengthBits number of bits used in the secret key * @return Manta cipher id like AES256/CBC/PKCS5Padding */ private static String createMantaCipherIdFromJavaAlgorithmId(final String algorithm, final int keyLengthBits) { final char separator = '/'; String[] parts = StringUtils.split(algorithm, separator); if (parts.length < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be three slashes [/] " + "in the algorithm name"); } return parts[0] + keyLengthBits + separator + parts[1] + separator + parts[2]; } @Override public boolean isAEADCipher() { return this.isAEADCipher; } @Override public byte[] generateIv() { byte[] iv = new byte[getIVLengthInBytes()]; getSecureRandom().nextBytes(iv); return iv; } /** * <p>Gets the current instance of {@link SecureRandom} and periodically adds * new random material to the seed.</p> * @see <a href="">Proper Use Of Java SecureRandom</a> * * @return entropy source */ protected SecureRandom getSecureRandom() { Instant nextRefreshTimestamp =; if (seedLastRefreshedTimestamp.isAfter(nextRefreshTimestamp)) { this.random.setSeed(this.random.generateSeed(32)); seedLastRefreshedTimestamp =; } return this.random; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } AbstractAesCipherDetails that = (AbstractAesCipherDetails) o; return authenticationTagOrHmacLength == that.authenticationTagOrHmacLength && keyLengthBits == that.keyLengthBits && isAEADCipher == that.isAEADCipher && Objects.equals(hmacAlgorithm, that.hmacAlgorithm) && Objects.equals(cipherId, that.cipherId) && Objects.equals(cipherAlgorithmJavaName, that.cipherAlgorithmJavaName); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(hmacAlgorithm, authenticationTagOrHmacLength, keyLengthBits, cipherId, cipherAlgorithmJavaName, isAEADCipher); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("hmacAlgorithm", hmacAlgorithm) .append("authenticationTagOrHmacLength", authenticationTagOrHmacLength) .append("keyLengthBits", keyLengthBits).append("cipherId", cipherId) .append("cipherAlgorithmJavaName", cipherAlgorithmJavaName).append("isAEADCipher", isAEADCipher) .toString(); } /** * This method attempts to find our first choice for a source of a source * of entropy and then chooses the default if that choice is not available. * * @return specific implementation of {@link SecureRandom} */ private static SecureRandom findSecureRandomImplementation() { // First we attempt to a non-blocking source of entropy that typically // reads from /dev/urandom try { return SecureRandom.getInstance("NativePRNGNonBlocking", "SUN"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException e) { // We are here if we were unable to load that source of entropy // so we go with the default value return new SecureRandom(); } } }