Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2011-2014 JOptimizer
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *   limitations under the License.
package com.joptimizer.solvers;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import cern.colt.function.IntIntDoubleFunction;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D;
import cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix2D;
import cern.jet.math.Functions;
import cern.jet.math.Mult;

import com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskyFactorization;
import com.joptimizer.algebra.MatrixRescaler;
import com.joptimizer.algebra.Matrix1NormRescaler;
import com.joptimizer.util.ColtUtils;
import com.joptimizer.util.Utils;

 * Solves
 * H.v + [A]T.w = -g, <br>
 * A.v = -h
 * for diagonal H.
 * H is expected to be diagonal.
 * Only the subdiagonal elements are relevant.
 * @see "S.Boyd and L.Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, p. 542"
 * @author alberto trivellato (
 * @TODO: do not use this until AHAT calculation is incorrect.
public class DiagonalHKKTSolver extends KKTSolver {

    private boolean avoidScaling = false;
    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName());

    public DiagonalHKKTSolver() {

    public DiagonalHKKTSolver(boolean avoidScaling) {
        this.avoidScaling = avoidScaling;

     * Returns the two vectors v and w.
    public DoubleMatrix1D[] solve() throws Exception {

        DoubleMatrix1D v = null;// dim equals cols of A
        DoubleMatrix1D w = null;// dim equals rank of A

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("H: " + ArrayUtils.toString(ColtUtils.fillSubdiagonalSymmetricMatrix(this.H).toArray()));
            log.debug("g: " + ArrayUtils.toString(g.toArray()));
            if (A != null) {
                log.debug("A: " + ArrayUtils.toString(A.toArray()));
                log.debug("h: " + ArrayUtils.toString(h.toArray()));

        // Solving KKT system via elimination
        DoubleMatrix1D HInvg = F1.make(H.rows());
        for (int i = 0; i < H.rows(); i++) {
            double d = H.getQuick(i, i);
            if (d < Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon()) {
                throw new Exception("not positive definite matrix");
            HInvg.setQuick(i, g.getQuick(i) / d);

        if (A != null) {
            DoubleMatrix2D HInvAT = calculateHAT(H, A);
            DoubleMatrix2D MenoSLower = calculateSubdiagonalAHAT(this.A, this.H);
            log.debug("MenoS: "
                    + ArrayUtils.toString(ColtUtils.fillSubdiagonalSymmetricMatrix(MenoSLower).toArray()));
            DoubleMatrix1D AHInvg = ALG.mult(A, HInvg);

            MatrixRescaler rescaler = (this.avoidScaling) ? null : new Matrix1NormRescaler();
            CholeskyFactorization MSFact = new CholeskyFactorization(MenoSLower, rescaler);
            //CholeskySparseFactorization MSFact = new CholeskySparseFactorization((SparseDoubleMatrix2D)MenoSLower, new RequestFilter());
            try {
                if (h == null) {
                    w = MSFact.solve(ColtUtils.scalarMult(AHInvg, -1));
                } else {
                    DoubleMatrix1D hmAHInvg = ColtUtils.add(h, AHInvg, -1);
                    //log.debug("hmAHInvg: " + ArrayUtils.toString(hmAHInvg.toArray()));
                    w = MSFact.solve(hmAHInvg);

                v = HInvg.assign(ALG.mult(HInvAT, w),;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("warn: " + e.getMessage());
                log.debug("MenoS: "
                        + ArrayUtils.toString(ColtUtils.fillSubdiagonalSymmetricMatrix(MenoSLower).toArray()));
                //is it a numeric issue? try solving the full KKT system
                try {
                    //NOTE: it would be more appropriate to try solving the full KKT, but if the decomposition 
                    //of the Shur complement of H (>0) in KKT fails it is certainty for a numerical issue and
                    //the augmented KKT seems to be more able to recover from this situation
                    //DoubleMatrix1D[] fullSol =  this.solveFullKKT();
                    DoubleMatrix1D[] fullSol = this.solveAugmentedKKT();
                    v = fullSol[0];
                    w = fullSol[1];
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new Exception("KKT solution failed");

        } else {
            w = null;
            v = HInvg.assign(Mult.mult(-1));

        // solution checking
        if (this.checkKKTSolutionAccuracy && !this.checkKKTSolutionAccuracy(v, w)) {
            log.error("KKT solution failed");
            throw new Exception("KKT solution failed");

        DoubleMatrix1D[] ret = new DoubleMatrix1D[2];
        ret[0] = v;
        ret[1] = w;
        return ret;

    private DoubleMatrix2D calculateHAT(final DoubleMatrix2D HH, final DoubleMatrix2D AA) {
        final DoubleMatrix2D ret = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make(AA.columns(), AA.rows());
        AA.forEachNonZero(new IntIntDoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(int i, int j, double aij) {
                ret.setQuick(j, i, aij * HH.getQuick(j, j));
                return aij;
        return ret;

     * @FIXME: fix this method (wrong return)
     * try for example with H and A of the first iteration of the afiro netlib problem 
    private DoubleMatrix2D calculateSubdiagonalAHAT(final DoubleMatrix2D AA, final DoubleMatrix2D HH) {
        final DoubleMatrix2D ret = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make(AA.rows(), AA.rows());
        final int[] rowHolder = new int[] { -1 };
        final int[] colHolder = new int[] { -1 };
        final double[] valueHolder = new double[] { Double.NaN };
        final IntIntDoubleFunction myFunc = new IntIntDoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(int r, int c, double AAColrc) {
                if (c < rowHolder[0] + 1) {
                    //log.debug("sum " + AAColrc + "*" + HH.getQuick(colHolder[0], colHolder[0]) + " to AHAT(" + r + ","   + rowHolder[0] + ")");
                    ret.setQuick(r, rowHolder[0], ret.getQuick(r, rowHolder[0])
                            + valueHolder[0] * AAColrc * HH.getQuick(colHolder[0], colHolder[0]));
                return AAColrc;
        AA.forEachNonZero(new IntIntDoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(final int i, final int j, final double aij) {
                rowHolder[0] = i;
                colHolder[0] = j;
                valueHolder[0] = aij;
                //log.debug("a(" + i + "," + j + "): " + aij);
                DoubleMatrix2D AACol = AA.viewPart(0, j, AA.rows(), 1);
                //log.debug("ACol(" + j + "): " + ArrayUtils.toString(AACol.toArray()));
                //            ACol.forEachNonZero(new IntIntDoubleFunction() {
                //               public double apply(int r, int c, double AColrc) {
                //                  if (c < r + 1) {
                //                     logger.debug("sum " + AColrc + "*" + H.getQuick(j, j) + " to AHAT(" + r + "," + i + ")");
                //                     ret.setQuick(r, i, ret.getQuick(r, i) + aij * AColrc * H.getQuick(j, j));
                //                  }
                //                  return AColrc;
                //               }
                //            });
                return aij;
        return ret;

     * Check the solution of the system
     *    KKT.x = b
     * against the scaled residual
     *    beta < gamma, 
     * where gamma is a parameter chosen by the user and beta is
     * the scaled residual,
     *    beta = ||KKT.x-b||_oo/( ||KKT||_oo . ||x||_oo + ||b||_oo ), 
     * with ||x||_oo = max(||x[i]||)
    protected boolean checkKKTSolutionAccuracy(DoubleMatrix1D v, DoubleMatrix1D w) {
        DoubleMatrix2D KKT = null;
        DoubleMatrix1D x = null;
        DoubleMatrix1D b = null;

        if (this.A != null) {
            if (h != null) {
                //H.v + [A]T.w = -g
                //A.v = -h
                DoubleMatrix2D[][] parts = { { H, this.AT }, { this.A, null } };
                if (A instanceof SparseDoubleMatrix2D) {
                    KKT = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.compose(parts);
                } else {
                    KKT = DoubleFactory2D.dense.compose(parts);

                x = F1.append(v, w);
                b = F1.append(g, h).assign(Mult.mult(-1));
            } else {
                //H.v + [A]T.w = -g
                DoubleMatrix2D[][] parts = { { H, this.AT } };
                if (A instanceof SparseDoubleMatrix2D) {
                    KKT = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.compose(parts);
                } else {
                    KKT = DoubleFactory2D.dense.compose(parts);
                x = F1.append(v, w);
                //b = g.copy().assign(Mult.mult(-1));
                b = ColtUtils.scalarMult(g, -1);
        } else {
            //H.v = -g
            KKT = H;
            x = v;
            //b = g.copy().assign(Mult.mult(-1));
            b = ColtUtils.scalarMult(g, -1);

        //checking residual
        double scaledResidual = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(KKT, x, b);"KKT inversion scaled residual: " + scaledResidual);
        return scaledResidual < toleranceKKT;