Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2011-2016
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 
 * International License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
 * or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
package com.joptimizer.optimizers;


import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector;

import com.joptimizer.optimizers.LPStandardConverter;
import com.joptimizer.util.Utils;

 * Standard form conversion test.
 * @author alberto trivellato (
public class LPStandardConverterTest extends TestCase {

    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName());

     * Standardization of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * G.x < h
     * A.x = b
     * lb <= x <= ub
    public void testCGhAbLbUb1() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "1";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] G = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "G" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] h = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "h" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] lb = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "lb" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] ub = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "ub" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        //double expectedTolerance = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile("lp"+File.separator+"standardization"+File.separator+"tolerance"+problemId+".txt")[0];
        double expectedTolerance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A)

        //standard form conversion
        double unboundedLBValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;//this is because in the file the unbounded lb are -Infinity values (not the default value) 
        double unboundedUBValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;//this is because in the file the unbounded ub are +Infinity values
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter(unboundedLBValue, unboundedUBValue);
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, G, h, A, b, lb, ub);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        ub = lpConverter.getStandardUB().toArray();
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);
        log.debug("c : " + ArrayUtils.toString(c));
        log.debug("A : " + ArrayUtils.toString(A));
        log.debug("b : " + ArrayUtils.toString(b));
        log.debug("lb : " + ArrayUtils.toString(lb));
        log.debug("ub : " + ArrayUtils.toString(ub));

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(G.length, s);
        assertEquals(s + lpConverter.getOriginalN(), n);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertEquals(ub.length, n);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix GOrig = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(G);
        RealVector hOrig = new ArrayRealVector(h);
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        RealVector expectedSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedSol);
        RealVector Gxh = GOrig.operate(expectedSolVector).subtract(hOrig);//G.x - h
        RealVector slackVariables = new ArrayRealVector(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            slackVariables.setEntry(i, 0. - Gxh.getEntry(i));//the difference from 0
            assertTrue(slackVariables.getEntry(i) >= 0.);
        RealVector sol = slackVariables.append(expectedSolVector);
        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(sol).subtract(bStandard);
        assertEquals(0., Axmb.getNorm(), expectedTolerance);

        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[]{s}, "target" + File.separator   + "standardS"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator   + "standardC"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator   + "standardA"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator   + "standardB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator   + "standardLB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB"+problemId+".txt");

     * Standardization (to the strictly standard form) of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * G.x < h
     * A.x = b
     * lb <= x <= ub
     * @TODO: the strict conversion is net yet ready.
    public void xxxtestCGhAbLbUb1Strict() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "1";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] G = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "G" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] h = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "h" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] lb = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "lb" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] ub = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "ub" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        double expectedTolerance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A)

        int nOfSlackVariables = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            double lbi = lb[i];
            int lbCompare =, 0.);
            if (lbCompare != 0 && !Double.isNaN(lbi)) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(ub[i])) {
        int expectedS = G.length + nOfSlackVariables;

        //standard form conversion
        boolean strictlyStandardForm = true;
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter(strictlyStandardForm);
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, G, h, A, b, lb, ub);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        ub = (lpConverter.getStandardUB() == null) ? null : ub;
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);
        log.debug("c : " + ArrayUtils.toString(c));
        log.debug("A : " + ArrayUtils.toString(A));
        log.debug("b : " + ArrayUtils.toString(b));
        log.debug("lb : " + ArrayUtils.toString(lb));
        //log.debug("ub : " + ArrayUtils.toString(ub));

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(expectedS, s);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertTrue(ub == null);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix GOrig = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(G);
        RealVector hOrig = new ArrayRealVector(h);
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        RealVector expectedSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedSol);
        double[] expectedStandardSol = lpConverter.getStandardComponents(expectedSol);
        RealVector expectedStandardSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedStandardSol);

        for (int i = 0; i < expectedStandardSolVector.getDimension(); i++) {
            assertTrue(expectedStandardSolVector.getEntry(i) >= 0.);

        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(expectedStandardSolVector).subtract(bStandard);
        assertEquals(0., Axmb.getNorm(), expectedTolerance);

        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[] { s },
                "target" + File.separator + "standardS_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator + "standardC_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator + "standardA_" + problemId + ".csv");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator + "standardB_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator + "standardLB_" + problemId + ".txt");
        //ub is null Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB_"+problemId+".txt");

     * Standardization of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * G.x < h
     * A.x = b
    public void testCGhAb2() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "2";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] G = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "G" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] h = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "h" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        double expectedTolerance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A)

        //standard form conversion
        double unboundedLBValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        double unboundedUBValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter(unboundedLBValue, unboundedUBValue);
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, G, h, A, b, null, null);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        double[] lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        double[] ub = lpConverter.getStandardUB().toArray();
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);
        log.debug("c : " + ArrayUtils.toString(c));
        log.debug("A : " + ArrayUtils.toString(A));
        log.debug("b : " + ArrayUtils.toString(b));
        log.debug("lb : " + ArrayUtils.toString(lb));
        log.debug("ub : " + ArrayUtils.toString(ub));

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(G.length, s);
        assertEquals(A[0].length, n);
        assertEquals(s + lpConverter.getOriginalN(), n);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertEquals(ub.length, n);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix GOrig = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(G);
        RealVector hOrig = new ArrayRealVector(h);
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        RealVector expectedSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedSol);
        RealVector Gxh = GOrig.operate(expectedSolVector).subtract(hOrig);//G.x - h
        RealVector slackVariables = new ArrayRealVector(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            slackVariables.setEntry(i, 0. - Gxh.getEntry(i));//the difference from 0
            assertTrue(slackVariables.getEntry(i) >= 0.);
        RealVector sol = slackVariables.append(expectedSolVector);
        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(sol).subtract(bStandard);
        assertEquals(0., Axmb.getNorm(), expectedTolerance);

        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[]{s}, "target" + File.separator   + "standardS"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator   + "standardC"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator   + "standardA"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator   + "standardB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator   + "standardLB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB"+problemId+".txt");

     * Standardization of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * G.x < h
     * A.x = b
    public void testCGhAb3() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "3";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] G = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "G" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] h = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "h" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        double expectedTolerance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A)

        //standard form conversion
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter();
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, G, h, A, b, null, null);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        double[] lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        double[] ub = lpConverter.getStandardUB().toArray();
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(G.length, s);
        assertEquals(A[0].length, n);
        assertEquals(s + lpConverter.getOriginalN(), n);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertEquals(ub.length, n);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix GOrig = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(G);
        RealVector hOrig = new ArrayRealVector(h);
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        RealVector expectedSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedSol);
        RealVector Gxh = GOrig.operate(expectedSolVector).subtract(hOrig);//G.x - h
        RealVector slackVariables = new ArrayRealVector(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            slackVariables.setEntry(i, 0. - Gxh.getEntry(i));//the difference from 0
            assertTrue(slackVariables.getEntry(i) >= 0.);
        RealVector sol = slackVariables.append(expectedSolVector);
        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(sol).subtract(bStandard);
        assertEquals(0., Axmb.getNorm(), expectedTolerance);

        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[]{s}, "target" + File.separator   + "standardS"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator   + "standardC"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator   + "standardA"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator   + "standardB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator   + "standardLB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB"+problemId+".txt");

     * Standardization of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * G.x < h
     * A.x = b
     * lb <= x <= ub
    public void testCGhAbLbUb4() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "4";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] G = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "G" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] h = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "h" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] lb = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "lb" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] ub = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "ub" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        double expectedTolerance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A)

        int nOsSplittingVariables = 0;
        //      for(int i=0; i<lb.length; i++){
        //         if([i], 0.) != 0){
        //            nOsSplittingVariables++;
        //         }
        //      }

        //standard form conversion
        double unboundedLBValue = Double.NaN;//this is because in the file the unbounded lb are NaN values (and also the default value) 
        double unboundedUBValue = Double.NaN;//this is because in the file the unbounded ub are NaN values
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter(unboundedLBValue, unboundedUBValue);
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, G, h, A, b, lb, ub);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        ub = lpConverter.getStandardUB().toArray();
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(G.length, s);
        assertEquals(s + lpConverter.getOriginalN() + nOsSplittingVariables, n);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertEquals(ub.length, n);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix GOrig = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(G);
        RealVector hOrig = new ArrayRealVector(h);
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        RealVector expectedSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedSol);
        RealVector Gxh = GOrig.operate(expectedSolVector).subtract(hOrig);//G.x - h
        RealVector slackVariables = new ArrayRealVector(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            slackVariables.setEntry(i, 0. - Gxh.getEntry(i));//the difference from 0
            assertTrue(slackVariables.getEntry(i) >= 0.);
        RealVector sol = slackVariables.append(expectedSolVector);
        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(sol).subtract(bStandard);
        assertEquals(0., Axmb.getNorm(), expectedTolerance * 1.001);

        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[]{s}, "target" + File.separator   + "standardS"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator   + "standardC"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator   + "standardA"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator   + "standardB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator   + "standardLB"+problemId+".txt");
        //      Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB"+problemId+".txt");

     * Standardization (to the strictly standard form) of a problem on the form:
     * min(c) s.t.
     * A.x = b
     * lb <= x <= ub
     * This is the presolved (with JOptimizer) pilot4 netlib problem.
     * @TODO: the strict conversion is net yet ready.
    public void xxxtestCAbLbUb5Strict() throws Exception {

        String problemId = "5";

        double[] c = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "c" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[][] A = Utils.loadDoubleMatrixFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "A" + problemId + ".csv",
        double[] b = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "b" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] lb = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "lb" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] ub = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "ub" + problemId + ".txt");
        double[] expectedSol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "sol" + problemId + ".txt");
        double expectedValue = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "value" + problemId + ".txt")[0];
        double expectedTol = Utils.loadDoubleArrayFromFile(
                "lp" + File.separator + "standardization" + File.separator + "tolerance" + problemId + ".txt")[0];

        int nOfSlackVariables = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            double lbi = lb[i];
            int lbCompare =, 0.);
            if (lbCompare != 0 && !Double.isNaN(lbi)) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(ub[i])) {
        int expectedS = nOfSlackVariables;

        //standard form conversion
        boolean strictlyStandardForm = true;
        LPStandardConverter lpConverter = new LPStandardConverter(strictlyStandardForm);
        lpConverter.toStandardForm(c, null, null, A, b, lb, ub);

        int n = lpConverter.getStandardN();
        int s = lpConverter.getStandardS();
        c = lpConverter.getStandardC().toArray();
        A = lpConverter.getStandardA().toArray();
        b = lpConverter.getStandardB().toArray();
        lb = lpConverter.getStandardLB().toArray();
        ub = (lpConverter.getStandardUB() == null) ? null : ub;
        log.debug("n : " + n);
        log.debug("s : " + s);
        log.debug("c : " + ArrayUtils.toString(c));
        log.debug("A : " + ArrayUtils.toString(A));
        log.debug("b : " + ArrayUtils.toString(b));
        log.debug("lb : " + ArrayUtils.toString(lb));
        //log.debug("ub : " + ArrayUtils.toString(ub));

        //check consistency
        assertEquals(expectedS, s);
        assertEquals(lb.length, n);
        assertTrue(ub == null);

        //check constraints
        RealMatrix AStandard = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A);
        RealVector bStandard = new ArrayRealVector(b);
        double[] expectedStandardSol = lpConverter.getStandardComponents(expectedSol);
        RealVector expectedStandardSolVector = new ArrayRealVector(expectedStandardSol);

        for (int i = 0; i < expectedStandardSolVector.getDimension(); i++) {
            assertTrue(expectedStandardSolVector.getEntry(i) + 1.E-8 >= 0.);

        RealVector Axmb = AStandard.operate(expectedStandardSolVector).subtract(bStandard);
        for (int i = 0; i < Axmb.getDimension(); i++) {
            assertEquals(0., Axmb.getEntry(i), expectedTol);

        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(new double[] { s },
                "target" + File.separator + "standardS_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(c, "target" + File.separator + "standardC_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleMatrixToFile(A, "target" + File.separator + "standardA_" + problemId + ".csv");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(b, "target" + File.separator + "standardB_" + problemId + ".txt");
        Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(lb, "target" + File.separator + "standardLB_" + problemId + ".txt");
        //ub is null Utils.writeDoubleArrayToFile(ub, "target" + File.separator   + "standardUB_"+problemId+".txt");
