Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2014 JOptimizer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.joptimizer.optimizers; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D; import com.joptimizer.functions.ConvexMultivariateRealFunction; /** * Linear optimization problem. * The general form is: * * min(c) s.t. * <br>G.x < h * <br>A.x = b * <br>lb <= x <= ub * * Lower and upper bounds can be stated for a more user friendly usage. * * @see "S.Boyd and L.Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization" * @author alberto trivellato ( */ public class LPOptimizationRequest extends OptimizationRequest { /** * Linear objective function. */ private DoubleMatrix1D c; /** * Linear inequalities constraints matrix. */ private DoubleMatrix2D G; /** * Linear inequalities constraints coefficients. */ private DoubleMatrix1D h; /** * Lower bounds. */ private DoubleMatrix1D lb; /** * Upper bounds. */ private DoubleMatrix1D ub; /** * Lagrangian lower bounds for linear constraints (A rows). */ private DoubleMatrix1D ylb; /** * Lagrangian upper bounds for linear constraints (A rows). */ private DoubleMatrix1D yub; /** * Lagrangian lower bounds for lb constraints. */ private DoubleMatrix1D zlb; /** * Lagrangian upper bounds for ub constraints. */ private DoubleMatrix1D zub; /** * Should LP presolving be disabled? */ private boolean presolvingDisabled = false; /** * If true, no method for making normal equations sparser will be applied during the presolving phase. * @see Jacek Gondzio "Presolve analysis of linear programs prior to applying an interior point method", 3 */ private boolean avoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity = false; /** * If true, no methods that cause fill-in in the original matrices will be called during the presolving phase. */ private boolean avoidPresolvingFillIn = false; // /** // * Perform duality condition check on the optimal solution. // * @TODO: move to parent class // */ // private boolean checkOptimalDualityConditions = false; /** * Check if the bound conditions on the optimal equality constraints Lagrangian coefficients are respected. */ private boolean checkOptimalLagrangianBounds = false; /** * Dump the problem to the log file? */ private boolean dumpProblem = false; public DoubleMatrix1D getC() { return c; } public void setC(double[] c) { if (c != null) { setC(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(c)); } } public void setC(DoubleMatrix1D c) { this.c = c; } public DoubleMatrix2D getG() { return G; } public void setG(double[][] G) { if (G != null) { setG(DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(G)); } } public void setG(DoubleMatrix2D G) { this.G = G; } public DoubleMatrix1D getH() { return h; } public void setH(double[] h) { if (h != null) { setH(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(h)); } } public void setH(DoubleMatrix1D h) { this.h = h; } public DoubleMatrix1D getLb() { return; } public void setLb(double[] lb) { if (lb != null) { setLb(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(lb)); } } public void setLb(DoubleMatrix1D lb) { for (int i = 0; i < lb.size(); i++) { double lbi = lb.getQuick(i); if (Double.isNaN(lbi) || Double.isInfinite(lbi)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The lower bounds can not be set to Double.NaN or Double.INFINITY"); } } = lb; } public DoubleMatrix1D getUb() { return this.ub; } public void setUb(double[] ub) { if (ub != null) { setUb(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(ub)); } } public void setUb(DoubleMatrix1D ub) { for (int i = 0; i < ub.size(); i++) { double ubi = ub.getQuick(i); if (Double.isNaN(ubi) || Double.isInfinite(ubi)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The upper bounds can not be set to Double.NaN or Double.INFINITY"); } } this.ub = ub; } public DoubleMatrix1D getYlb() { return this.ylb; } public void setYlb(double[] ylb) { if (ylb != null) { setYlb(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(ylb)); } } public void setYlb(DoubleMatrix1D ylb) { this.ylb = ylb; } public DoubleMatrix1D getYub() { return this.yub; } public void setYub(double[] yub) { if (yub != null) { setYub(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(yub)); } } public void setYub(DoubleMatrix1D yub) { this.yub = yub; } public DoubleMatrix1D getZlb() { return this.zlb; } public void setZlb(double[] zlb) { if (zlb != null) { setZlb(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(zlb)); } } public void setZlb(DoubleMatrix1D zlb) { this.zlb = zlb; } public DoubleMatrix1D getZub() { return this.zub; } public void setZub(double[] zub) { if (zub != null) { setZub(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(zub)); } } public void setZub(DoubleMatrix1D zub) { this.zub = zub; } public boolean isAvoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity() { return avoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity; } public void setAvoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity(boolean avoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity) { this.avoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity = avoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity; } public boolean isAvoidPresolvingFillIn() { return avoidPresolvingFillIn; } public void setAvoidPresolvingFillIn(boolean avoidPresolvingFillIn) { this.avoidPresolvingFillIn = avoidPresolvingFillIn; } public boolean isPresolvingDisabled() { return this.presolvingDisabled; } public void setPresolvingDisabled(boolean presolvingDisabled) { this.presolvingDisabled = presolvingDisabled; } // public boolean isCheckOptimalDualityConditions() { // return this.checkOptimalDualityConditions; // } // // public void setCheckOptimalDualityConditions(boolean checkOptimalDualityConditions) { // this.checkOptimalDualityConditions = checkOptimalDualityConditions; // } public boolean isCheckOptimalLagrangianBounds() { return this.checkOptimalLagrangianBounds; } public void setCheckOptimalLagrangianBounds(boolean checkOptimalLagrangianBounds) { this.checkOptimalLagrangianBounds = checkOptimalLagrangianBounds; } public boolean isDumpProblem() { return this.dumpProblem; } public void setDumpProblem(boolean dumpProblem) { this.dumpProblem = dumpProblem; } @Override public void setF0(ConvexMultivariateRealFunction f0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use the matrix formulation for this linear problem"); } @Override public void setFi(ConvexMultivariateRealFunction[] fi) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use the matrix formulation for this linear problem"); } @Override public String toString() { try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(this.getClass().getName() + ": "); sb.append("\nmin(c) s.t."); if (getG() != null && getG().rows() > 0) { sb.append("\nG.x < h"); } if (getA() != null && getA().rows() > 0) { sb.append("\nA.x = b"); } if (getLb() != null && getUb() != null) { sb.append("\nlb <= x <= ub"); } else if (getLb() != null) { sb.append("\nlb <= x"); } else if (getUb() != null) { sb.append("\nx <= ub"); } sb.append("\nc: " + ArrayUtils.toString(c.toArray())); if (G != null) { sb.append("\nG: " + ArrayUtils.toString(G.toArray())); sb.append("\nh: " + ArrayUtils.toString(h.toArray())); } if (getA() != null) { sb.append("\nA: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getA().toArray())); sb.append("\nb: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getB().toArray())); } if (getLb() != null) { sb.append("\nlb: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getLb().toArray())); } if (getUb() != null) { sb.append("\nub: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getUb().toArray())); } if (getYlb() != null) { sb.append("\nylb: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getYlb().toArray())); } if (getYub() != null) { sb.append("\nyub: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getYub().toArray())); } if (getZlb() != null) { sb.append("\nzlb: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getZlb().toArray())); } if (getZub() != null) { sb.append("\nzub: " + ArrayUtils.toString(getZub().toArray())); } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public LPOptimizationRequest cloneMe() { LPOptimizationRequest clonedLPRequest = new LPOptimizationRequest(); clonedLPRequest.setToleranceFeas(getToleranceFeas()); clonedLPRequest.setDumpProblem(isDumpProblem()); clonedLPRequest.setPresolvingDisabled(isPresolvingDisabled()); clonedLPRequest.setRescalingDisabled(isRescalingDisabled()); clonedLPRequest.setAvoidPresolvingFillIn(isAvoidPresolvingFillIn()); clonedLPRequest.setAvoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity(isAvoidPresolvingIncreaseSparsity()); //clonedLPRequest.setCheckOptimalDualityConditions(isCheckOptimalDualityConditions()); clonedLPRequest.setCheckOptimalLagrangianBounds(isCheckOptimalLagrangianBounds()); clonedLPRequest.setAlpha(getAlpha()); clonedLPRequest.setBeta(getBeta()); clonedLPRequest.setCheckKKTSolutionAccuracy(isCheckKKTSolutionAccuracy()); clonedLPRequest.setToleranceKKT(getToleranceKKT()); clonedLPRequest.setCheckProgressConditions(isCheckProgressConditions()); clonedLPRequest.setMaxIteration(getMaxIteration()); clonedLPRequest.setMu(getMu()); clonedLPRequest.setTolerance(getTolerance()); return clonedLPRequest; } }