Java tutorial
/* ############################### # Copyright (C) 2012 Jon Schang # # This file is part of jSchangLib, released under the LGPLv3 # # jSchangLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # jSchangLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with jSchangLib. If not, see <>. ############################### */ package com.jonschang.investing.stocks.service; import; import; import; import; import com.jonschang.investing.*; import com.jonschang.investing.stocks.model.*; import com.jonschang.utils.FileUtils; import org.htmlparser.*; import org.htmlparser.nodes.*; import org.htmlparser.tags.*; import org.htmlparser.util.*; import org.hibernate.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; public class YahooStockService extends StockService { private static String STOCK_EXCHANGE_URL = "{SYMBOL}&f=nx"; protected Stock pullStockFromWebService(Stock stock) throws ServiceException { String urlStr = STOCK_EXCHANGE_URL.replace("{SYMBOL}", stock.getSymbol()); try { String content = null; if (stock.getSymbol().startsWith("^")) { content = "\"" + stock.getSymbol() + "\",\"INDEX\""; } else { URL url = new URL(urlStr); Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()) .info("Attempting to pulling stock information from Yahoo! at url " + url); content = FileUtils.readInputStream((InputStream) url.getContent()); if (content == null) { throw new NotFoundException("no stock information found in \"" + content + "\" at url " + url); } } if (content != null) { String[] parts = content.trim().split("\",\""); String companyName = parts[0].replace("\"", ""); String exchangeSymbol = parts[1].replace("\"", ""); stock.setCompanyName(companyName); // if we couldn't find the stock under the symbol if (stock.getStockExchange() != null && stock.getStockExchange().getSymbol() != null && stock.getStockExchange().getSymbol().compareTo(exchangeSymbol) != 0) throw new NotFoundException("the stock symbol requested \"" + stock.getSymbol() + "\" was found under the exchange \"" + exchangeSymbol + "\", not \"" + stock.getStockExchange().getSymbol() + "\""); // if the exchange does not have a pkid, then attempt to use the StockExchangeService to discover it StockExchange pulledExchange = (StockExchange) Investing.instance().getExchangeServiceFactory() .get(StockExchange.class).getExchange(exchangeSymbol); if (pulledExchange == null) throw new NotFoundException("the stock with symbol \"" + stock.getSymbol() + "\" was found, but the exchange \"" + exchangeSymbol + "\" was not. do you need to add the exchange to StockExchangeService in exchange-service.xml?"); else { //pulledExchange.getStocks().add(stock); stock.setStockExchange(pulledExchange); } // now we need to store the stock to the databased Session session = Investing.instance().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(stock); session.refresh(stock); session.getTransaction().commit(); } Logger.getLogger(YahooStockService.class).info(content); pullSectorAndIndustryFromYahoo(stock); return stock; } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new ServiceException("Parser threw a MalformedURLException looking for symbol " + stock.getSymbol() + " from Yahoo! at url " + urlStr, mue); } catch (IOException pe) { throw new ServiceException("Parser threw a IOException looking for symbol " + stock.getSymbol() + " from Yahoo! at url " + urlStr, pe); } } private void pullSectorAndIndustryFromYahoo(Stock stock) throws ServiceException { try { boolean saveOrUpdate = false; if (stock.getSymbol().charAt(0) != '^') { String url = "" + stock.getSymbol(); Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).info("Pulling sector and industry classification for stock " + stock.getSymbol() + " from Yahoo! at url " + url); Parser parser = new Parser(url); NodeList sectorNodes = parser.parse(new ExtractTwoColumnRowValue("Sector:")); parser.reset(); NodeList industryNodes = parser.parse(new ExtractTwoColumnRowValue("Industry:")); if (sectorNodes.size() > 0 && industryNodes.size() > 0) { stock.setIndustry(industryNodes.elementAt(0) instanceof LinkTag ? industryNodes.elementAt(0).getChildren().elementAt(0).toHtml().trim() : industryNodes.toHtml().trim()); stock.setSector(sectorNodes.elementAt(0) instanceof LinkTag ? sectorNodes.elementAt(0).getChildren().elementAt(0).toHtml().trim() : sectorNodes.toHtml().trim()); saveOrUpdate = true; } else throw new NotFoundException( "Could not find sector and industry information for " + stock.getSymbol()); } else { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).info( "Skipping attempt to obtain sector and industry for Index quotable " + stock.getSymbol()); stock.setSector("index"); stock.setIndustry("index"); saveOrUpdate = true; } if (saveOrUpdate) { // now we need to store the stock to the databased Session session = Investing.instance().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(stock); session.getTransaction().commit(); } } catch (ParserException pe) { throw new ServiceException("Parser could not determine sector OR industry for symbol " + stock.getSymbol() + " profile pulled from Yahoo!"); } } private class ExtractTwoColumnRowValue implements NodeFilter { private String heading; public ExtractTwoColumnRowValue(String heading) { this.heading = heading; } public boolean accept(Node node) { if (node instanceof TagNode && node.getParent() instanceof TagNode) { TagNode tag = (TagNode) node; if (tag != null && tag.getParent() != null && tag.getParent() instanceof TableColumn && tag.getParent().getParent() != null && tag.getParent().getParent() instanceof TableRow && tag.getParent().getParent().getChildren().size() == 2 && tag.getTagName().compareTo("A") == 0) { TagNode tagGP = (TagNode) tag.getParent().getParent(); Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).trace("parsing node name " + tagGP.getTagName()); if (tagGP.getChildren().size() >= 2 && tagGP.getChildren().elementAt(0) instanceof TableColumn && tagGP.getChildren().elementAt(1) instanceof TableColumn && tagGP.getChildren().elementAt(0).getChildren().size() == 1 && tagGP.getChildren() .elementAt(0).getChildren().elementAt(0).toHtml().trim().matches(heading) && tag.getChildren().size() == 1) { String sector = tag.getChildren().elementAt(0).toHtml(); Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).trace("found a " + heading + ", i think: " + sector); return true; } } } return false; } } private class ExtractNameNodeFilter implements NodeFilter { public boolean accept(Node node) { if (node instanceof TagNode && node.getParent() instanceof TagNode) { TagNode tag = (TagNode) node; TagNode tagParent = (TagNode) node.getParent(); String parentClazz = tagParent.getAttribute("class"); String clazz = tag.getAttribute("class"); if (clazz != null && parentClazz != null && parentClazz.compareToIgnoreCase("yfi_rt_quote_summary") == 0 && clazz.compareToIgnoreCase("hd") == 0) return true; } return false; } } }