Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2012 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of Talismane. // //Talismane is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Talismane is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Talismane. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.joliciel.talismane.TalismaneSession; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.ClassificationObserver; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.Decision; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.DecisionMaker; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.FeatureResult; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.FeatureService; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.RuntimeEnvironment; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTag; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTagger; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.features.PosTaggerContext; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.features.PosTaggerFeature; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.features.PosTaggerFeatureService; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.features.PosTaggerRule; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.filters.PosTagSequenceFilter; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.Token; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.TokenSequence; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.TokeniserService; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.filters.TokenSequenceFilter; import com.joliciel.talismane.utils.PerformanceMonitor; /** * Performs POS tagging by applying a beam search to MaxEnt model results. * Incorporates various methods of using a lexicon to constrain results. * @author Assaf Urieli * */ class PosTaggerImpl implements PosTagger, NonDeterministicPosTagger { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PosTaggerImpl.class); private static final PerformanceMonitor MONITOR = PerformanceMonitor.getMonitor(PosTaggerImpl.class); private static final double MIN_PROB_TO_STORE = 0.001; private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); private PosTaggerService posTaggerService; private PosTaggerFeatureService posTaggerFeatureService; private TokeniserService tokeniserService; private FeatureService featureService; private DecisionMaker<PosTag> decisionMaker; private Set<PosTaggerFeature<?>> posTaggerFeatures; private List<PosTaggerRule> posTaggerRules; private List<PosTaggerRule> posTaggerPositiveRules; private List<PosTaggerRule> posTaggerNegativeRules; private List<TokenSequenceFilter> preProcessingFilters = new ArrayList<TokenSequenceFilter>(); private List<PosTagSequenceFilter> postProcessingFilters = new ArrayList<PosTagSequenceFilter>(); private int beamWidth; private List<ClassificationObserver<PosTag>> observers = new ArrayList<ClassificationObserver<PosTag>>(); /** * * @param model the MaxEnt model to use * @param posTaggerFeatures the set of PosTaggerFeatures used by this model * @param tagSet the tagset used by this model * @param beamWidth the maximum beamwidth to consider during the beam search * @param fScoreCalculator an f-score calculator for evaluating results */ public PosTaggerImpl(Set<PosTaggerFeature<?>> posTaggerFeatures, DecisionMaker<PosTag> decisionMaker, int beamWidth) { this.posTaggerFeatures = posTaggerFeatures; this.beamWidth = beamWidth; this.decisionMaker = decisionMaker; } @Override public List<PosTagSequence> tagSentence(List<TokenSequence> tokenSequences) { MONITOR.startTask("tagSentence"); try { MONITOR.startTask("apply filters"); try { for (TokenSequence tokenSequence : tokenSequences) { for (TokenSequenceFilter tokenFilter : this.preProcessingFilters) { tokenFilter.apply(tokenSequence); } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("apply filters"); } int sentenceLength = tokenSequences.get(0).getText().length(); TreeMap<Double, PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence>> heaps = new TreeMap<Double, PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence>>(); PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence> heap0 = new PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence>(); for (TokenSequence tokenSequence : tokenSequences) { // add an empty PosTagSequence for each token sequence PosTagSequence emptySequence = this.getPosTaggerService().getPosTagSequence(tokenSequence, 0); emptySequence.setScoringStrategy(decisionMaker.getDefaultScoringStrategy()); heap0.add(emptySequence); } heaps.put(0.0, heap0); PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence> finalHeap = null; while (heaps.size() > 0) { Entry<Double, PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence>> heapEntry = heaps.pollFirstEntry(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("heap key: " + heapEntry.getKey() + ", sentence length: " + sentenceLength); } if (heapEntry.getKey() == sentenceLength) { finalHeap = heapEntry.getValue(); break; } PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence> previousHeap = heapEntry.getValue(); // limit the breadth to K int maxSequences = previousHeap.size() > this.beamWidth ? this.beamWidth : previousHeap.size(); for (int j = 0; j < maxSequences; j++) { PosTagSequence history = previousHeap.poll(); Token token = history.getNextToken(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("#### Next history ( " + heapEntry.getKey() + "): " + history.toString()); LOG.trace("Prob: " + df.format(history.getScore())); LOG.trace("Token: " + token.getText()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Token oneToken : history.getTokenSequence().listWithWhiteSpace()) { if (oneToken.equals(token)) sb.append("[" + oneToken + "]"); else sb.append(oneToken); } LOG.trace(sb.toString()); } PosTaggerContext context = this.getPosTaggerFeatureService().getContext(token, history); List<Decision<PosTag>> decisions = new ArrayList<Decision<PosTag>>(); // test the positive rules on the current token boolean ruleApplied = false; if (posTaggerPositiveRules != null) { MONITOR.startTask("check rules"); try { for (PosTaggerRule rule : posTaggerPositiveRules) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Checking rule: " + rule.getCondition().getName()); } RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<Boolean> ruleResult = rule.getCondition().check(context, env); if (ruleResult != null && ruleResult.getOutcome()) { Decision<PosTag> positiveRuleDecision = TalismaneSession.getPosTagSet() .createDefaultDecision(rule.getTag()); decisions.add(positiveRuleDecision); positiveRuleDecision.addAuthority(rule.getCondition().getName()); ruleApplied = true; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Rule applies. Setting posTag to: " + rule.getTag().getCode()); } break; } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("check rules"); } } if (!ruleApplied) { // test the features on the current token List<FeatureResult<?>> featureResults = new ArrayList<FeatureResult<?>>(); MONITOR.startTask("analyse features"); try { for (PosTaggerFeature<?> posTaggerFeature : posTaggerFeatures) { MONITOR.startTask(posTaggerFeature.getCollectionName()); try { RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<?> featureResult = posTaggerFeature.check(context, env); if (featureResult != null) featureResults.add(featureResult); } finally { MONITOR.endTask(posTaggerFeature.getCollectionName()); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { for (FeatureResult<?> result : featureResults) { LOG.trace(result.toString()); } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("analyse features"); } // evaluate the feature results using the maxent model MONITOR.startTask("make decision"); decisions = this.decisionMaker.decide(featureResults); MONITOR.endTask("make decision"); for (ClassificationObserver<PosTag> observer : this.observers) { observer.onAnalyse(token, featureResults, decisions); } // apply the negative rules Set<PosTag> eliminatedPosTags = new TreeSet<PosTag>(); if (posTaggerNegativeRules != null) { MONITOR.startTask("check negative rules"); try { for (PosTaggerRule rule : posTaggerNegativeRules) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Checking negative rule: " + rule.getCondition().getName()); } RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<Boolean> ruleResult = rule.getCondition().check(context, env); if (ruleResult != null && ruleResult.getOutcome()) { eliminatedPosTags.add(rule.getTag()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "Rule applies. Eliminating posTag: " + rule.getTag().getCode()); } } } if (eliminatedPosTags.size() > 0) { List<Decision<PosTag>> decisionShortList = new ArrayList<Decision<PosTag>>(); for (Decision<PosTag> decision : decisions) { if (!eliminatedPosTags.contains(decision.getOutcome())) { decisionShortList.add(decision); } else { LOG.trace("Eliminating decision: " + decision.toString()); } } if (decisionShortList.size() > 0) { decisions = decisionShortList; } else { LOG.debug("All decisions eliminated! Restoring original decisions."); } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("check negative rules"); } } // is this a known word in the lexicon? MONITOR.startTask("apply constraints"); try { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { String posTags = ""; for (PosTag onePosTag : token.getPossiblePosTags()) { posTags += onePosTag.getCode() + ","; } LOG.trace("Token: " + token.getText() + ". PosTags: " + posTags); } List<Decision<PosTag>> decisionShortList = new ArrayList<Decision<PosTag>>(); for (Decision<PosTag> decision : decisions) { if (decision.getProbability() >= MIN_PROB_TO_STORE) { decisionShortList.add(decision); } } if (decisionShortList.size() > 0) { decisions = decisionShortList; } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("apply constraints"); } } // has a rule been applied? // add new TaggedTokenSequences to the heap, one for each outcome provided by MaxEnt MONITOR.startTask("heap sort"); for (Decision<PosTag> decision : decisions) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Outcome: " + decision.getOutcome() + ", " + decision.getProbability()); PosTaggedToken posTaggedToken = this.getPosTaggerService().getPosTaggedToken(token, decision); PosTagSequence sequence = this.getPosTaggerService().getPosTagSequence(history); sequence.addPosTaggedToken(posTaggedToken); if (decision.isStatistical()) sequence.addDecision(decision); double heapIndex = token.getEndIndex(); // add another half for an empty token, to differentiate it from regular ones if (token.getStartIndex() == token.getEndIndex()) heapIndex += 0.5; // if it's the last token, make sure we end if (token.getIndex() == sequence.getTokenSequence().size() - 1) heapIndex = sentenceLength; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Heap index: " + heapIndex); PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence> heap = heaps.get(heapIndex); if (heap == null) { heap = new PriorityQueue<PosTagSequence>(); heaps.put(heapIndex, heap); } heap.add(sequence); } // next outcome for this token MONITOR.endTask("heap sort"); } // next history } // next atomic index // return the best sequence on the heap List<PosTagSequence> sequences = new ArrayList<PosTagSequence>(); int i = 0; while (!finalHeap.isEmpty()) { sequences.add(finalHeap.poll()); i++; if (i >= this.getBeamWidth()) break; } // apply post-processing filters LOG.debug("####Final postag sequences:"); int j = 1; for (PosTagSequence sequence : sequences) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sequence " + (j++) + ", score=" + df.format(sequence.getScore())); LOG.debug("Sequence before filters: " + sequence); } for (PosTagSequenceFilter filter : this.postProcessingFilters) filter.apply(sequence); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sequence after filters: " + sequence); } } return sequences; } finally { MONITOR.endTask("tagSentence"); } } @Override public PosTagSequence tagSentence(TokenSequence tokenSequence) { List<TokenSequence> tokenSequences = new ArrayList<TokenSequence>(); tokenSequences.add(tokenSequence); List<PosTagSequence> posTagSequences = this.tagSentence(tokenSequences); return posTagSequences.get(0); } public TokeniserService getTokeniserService() { return tokeniserService; } public void setTokeniserService(TokeniserService tokeniserService) { this.tokeniserService = tokeniserService; } public PosTaggerFeatureService getPosTaggerFeatureService() { return posTaggerFeatureService; } public void setPosTaggerFeatureService(PosTaggerFeatureService posTaggerFeatureService) { this.posTaggerFeatureService = posTaggerFeatureService; } public DecisionMaker<PosTag> getDecisionMaker() { return decisionMaker; } public void setDecisionMaker(DecisionMaker<PosTag> decisionMaker) { this.decisionMaker = decisionMaker; } @Override public int getBeamWidth() { return beamWidth; } public void setBeamWidth(int beamWidth) { this.beamWidth = beamWidth; } public PosTaggerService getPosTaggerService() { return posTaggerService; } public void setPosTaggerService(PosTaggerService posTaggerService) { this.posTaggerService = posTaggerService; } @Override public void addObserver(ClassificationObserver<PosTag> observer) { this.observers.add(observer); } @Override public List<PosTaggerRule> getPosTaggerRules() { return posTaggerRules; } @Override public void setPosTaggerRules(List<PosTaggerRule> posTaggerRules) { this.posTaggerRules = posTaggerRules; this.posTaggerPositiveRules = new ArrayList<PosTaggerRule>(); this.posTaggerNegativeRules = new ArrayList<PosTaggerRule>(); for (PosTaggerRule rule : posTaggerRules) { if (rule.isNegative()) posTaggerNegativeRules.add(rule); else posTaggerPositiveRules.add(rule); } } @Override public Set<PosTaggerFeature<?>> getPosTaggerFeatures() { return posTaggerFeatures; } public void setPosTaggerFeatures(Set<PosTaggerFeature<?>> posTaggerFeatures) { this.posTaggerFeatures = posTaggerFeatures; } public List<TokenSequenceFilter> getPreProcessingFilters() { return preProcessingFilters; } public void setPreProcessingFilters(List<TokenSequenceFilter> tokenFilters) { this.preProcessingFilters = tokenFilters; } public void addPreProcessingFilter(TokenSequenceFilter tokenFilter) { this.preProcessingFilters.add(tokenFilter); } public List<PosTagSequenceFilter> getPostProcessingFilters() { return postProcessingFilters; } public void setPostProcessingFilters(List<PosTagSequenceFilter> posTagFilters) { this.postProcessingFilters = posTagFilters; } public void addPostProcessingFilter(PosTagSequenceFilter posTagFilter) { this.postProcessingFilters.add(posTagFilter); } public FeatureService getFeatureService() { return featureService; } public void setFeatureService(FeatureService featureService) { this.featureService = featureService; } }