Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2012 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of Talismane. // //Talismane is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Talismane is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Talismane. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.joliciel.talismane.parser; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.joliciel.talismane.TalismaneSession; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.ClassificationObserver; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.Decision; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.DecisionMaker; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.FeatureResult; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.FeatureService; import com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.RuntimeEnvironment; import com.joliciel.talismane.parser.features.ParseConfigurationFeature; import com.joliciel.talismane.parser.features.ParserRule; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTagSequence; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTaggedToken; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.TokenSequence; import com.joliciel.talismane.utils.PerformanceMonitor; /** * A non-deterministic parser implementing transition based parsing, * using a Shift-Reduce algorithm.<br/> * See Nivre 2008 for details on the algorithm for the deterministic case.</br> * @author Assaf Urieli * */ class TransitionBasedParserImpl implements TransitionBasedParser { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TransitionBasedParserImpl.class); private static final Log LOG_FEATURES = LogFactory .getLog(TransitionBasedParserImpl.class.getName() + ".features"); private static final PerformanceMonitor MONITOR = PerformanceMonitor .getMonitor(TransitionBasedParserImpl.class); private static final double MIN_PROB_TO_STORE = 0.0001; private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); private int beamWidth = 1; private boolean earlyStop = false; private Set<ParseConfigurationFeature<?>> parseFeatures; private ParserServiceInternal parserServiceInternal; private FeatureService featureService; private DecisionMaker<Transition> decisionMaker; private TransitionSystem transitionSystem; private ParseComparisonStrategy parseComparisonStrategy = new BufferSizeComparisonStrategy(); private List<ClassificationObserver<Transition>> observers = new ArrayList<ClassificationObserver<Transition>>(); private int maxAnalysisTimePerSentence = 60; private int minFreeMemory = 64; private static final int KILOBYTE = 1024; private List<ParserRule> parserRules; private List<ParserRule> parserPositiveRules; private List<ParserRule> parserNegativeRules; public TransitionBasedParserImpl(DecisionMaker<Transition> decisionMaker, TransitionSystem transitionSystem, Set<ParseConfigurationFeature<?>> parseFeatures, int beamWidth) { super(); this.decisionMaker = decisionMaker; this.transitionSystem = transitionSystem; this.parseFeatures = parseFeatures; this.beamWidth = beamWidth; } @Override public ParseConfiguration parseSentence(PosTagSequence posTagSequence) { List<PosTagSequence> posTagSequences = new ArrayList<PosTagSequence>(); posTagSequences.add(posTagSequence); List<ParseConfiguration> parseConfigurations = this.parseSentence(posTagSequences); ParseConfiguration parseConfiguration = parseConfigurations.get(0); return parseConfiguration; } @Override public List<ParseConfiguration> parseSentence(List<PosTagSequence> posTagSequences) { MONITOR.startTask("parseSentence"); try { long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); int maxAnalysisTimeMilliseconds = maxAnalysisTimePerSentence * 1000; int minFreeMemoryBytes = minFreeMemory * KILOBYTE; TokenSequence tokenSequence = posTagSequences.get(0).getTokenSequence(); TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>> heaps = new TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>>(); PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> heap0 = new PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>(); for (PosTagSequence posTagSequence : posTagSequences) { // add an initial ParseConfiguration for each postag sequence ParseConfiguration initialConfiguration = this.getParserServiceInternal() .getInitialConfiguration(posTagSequence); initialConfiguration.setScoringStrategy(decisionMaker.getDefaultScoringStrategy()); heap0.add(initialConfiguration); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Adding initial posTagSequence: " + posTagSequence); } } heaps.put(0, heap0); PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> backupHeap = null; PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> finalHeap = null; PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> terminalHeap = new PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>(); while (heaps.size() > 0) { Entry<Integer, PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>> heapEntry = heaps.pollFirstEntry(); PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> currentHeap = heapEntry.getValue(); int currentHeapIndex = heapEntry.getKey(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("##### Polling next heap: " + heapEntry.getKey() + ", size: " + heapEntry.getValue().size()); } boolean finished = false; // systematically set the final heap here, just in case we exit "naturally" with no more heaps finalHeap = heapEntry.getValue(); backupHeap = new PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>(); // we jump out when either (a) all tokens have been attached or (b) we go over the max alloted time ParseConfiguration topConf = currentHeap.peek(); if (topConf.isTerminal()) { LOG.trace("Exiting with terminal heap: " + heapEntry.getKey() + ", size: " + heapEntry.getValue().size()); finished = true; } if (earlyStop && terminalHeap.size() >= beamWidth) { LOG.debug( "Early stop activated and terminal heap contains " + beamWidth + " entries. Exiting."); finalHeap = terminalHeap; finished = true; } long analysisTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime; if (maxAnalysisTimePerSentence > 0 && analysisTime > maxAnalysisTimeMilliseconds) {"Parse tree analysis took too long for sentence: " + tokenSequence.getText());"Breaking out after " + maxAnalysisTimePerSentence + " seconds."); finished = true; } if (minFreeMemory > 0) { long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); if (freeMemory < minFreeMemoryBytes) {"Not enough memory left to parse sentence: " + tokenSequence.getText());"Min free memory (bytes):" + minFreeMemoryBytes);"Current free memory (bytes): " + freeMemory); finished = true; } } if (finished) { break; } // limit the breadth to K int maxSequences = currentHeap.size() > this.beamWidth ? this.beamWidth : currentHeap.size(); int j = 0; while (currentHeap.size() > 0) { ParseConfiguration history = currentHeap.poll(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("### Next configuration on heap " + heapEntry.getKey() + ":"); LOG.trace(history.toString()); LOG.trace("Score: " + df.format(history.getScore())); LOG.trace(history.getPosTagSequence()); } List<Decision<Transition>> decisions = new ArrayList<Decision<Transition>>(); // test the positive rules on the current configuration boolean ruleApplied = false; if (parserPositiveRules != null) { MONITOR.startTask("check rules"); try { for (ParserRule rule : parserPositiveRules) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Checking rule: " + rule.toString()); } RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<Boolean> ruleResult = rule.getCondition().check(history, env); if (ruleResult != null && ruleResult.getOutcome()) { Decision<Transition> positiveRuleDecision = TalismaneSession .getTransitionSystem().createDefaultDecision(rule.getTransition()); decisions.add(positiveRuleDecision); positiveRuleDecision.addAuthority(rule.getCondition().getName()); ruleApplied = true; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Rule applies. Setting transition to: " + rule.getTransition().getCode()); } break; } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("check rules"); } } if (!ruleApplied) { // test the features on the current configuration List<FeatureResult<?>> parseFeatureResults = new ArrayList<FeatureResult<?>>(); MONITOR.startTask("feature analyse"); try { for (ParseConfigurationFeature<?> feature : this.parseFeatures) { MONITOR.startTask(feature.getName()); try { RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<?> featureResult = feature.check(history, env); if (featureResult != null) parseFeatureResults.add(featureResult); } finally { MONITOR.endTask(feature.getName()); } } if (LOG_FEATURES.isTraceEnabled()) { for (FeatureResult<?> featureResult : parseFeatureResults) { LOG_FEATURES.trace(featureResult.toString()); } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("feature analyse"); } // evaluate the feature results using the decision maker MONITOR.startTask("make decision"); try { decisions = this.decisionMaker.decide(parseFeatureResults); for (ClassificationObserver<Transition> observer : this.observers) { observer.onAnalyse(history, parseFeatureResults, decisions); } List<Decision<Transition>> decisionShortList = new ArrayList<Decision<Transition>>( decisions.size()); for (Decision<Transition> decision : decisions) { if (decision.getProbability() > MIN_PROB_TO_STORE) decisionShortList.add(decision); } decisions = decisionShortList; } finally { MONITOR.endTask("make decision"); } // apply the negative rules Set<Transition> eliminatedTransitions = new HashSet<Transition>(); if (parserNegativeRules != null) { MONITOR.startTask("check negative rules"); try { for (ParserRule rule : parserNegativeRules) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Checking negative rule: " + rule.toString()); } RuntimeEnvironment env = this.featureService.getRuntimeEnvironment(); FeatureResult<Boolean> ruleResult = rule.getCondition().check(history, env); if (ruleResult != null && ruleResult.getOutcome()) { eliminatedTransitions.addAll(rule.getTransitions()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { for (Transition eliminatedTransition : rule.getTransitions()) LOG.trace("Rule applies. Eliminating transition: " + eliminatedTransition.getCode()); } } } if (eliminatedTransitions.size() > 0) { List<Decision<Transition>> decisionShortList = new ArrayList<Decision<Transition>>(); for (Decision<Transition> decision : decisions) { if (!eliminatedTransitions.contains(decision.getOutcome())) { decisionShortList.add(decision); } else { LOG.trace("Eliminating decision: " + decision.toString()); } } if (decisionShortList.size() > 0) { decisions = decisionShortList; } else { LOG.debug("All decisions eliminated! Restoring original decisions."); } } } finally { MONITOR.endTask("check negative rules"); } } } // has a positive rule been applied? boolean transitionApplied = false; // add new configuration to the heap, one for each valid transition MONITOR.startTask("heap sort"); try { // Why apply all decisions here? Why not just the top N (where N = beamwidth)? // Answer: because we're not always adding solutions to the same heap // And yet: a decision here can only do one of two things: process a token (heap+1000), or add a non-processing transition (heap+1) // So, if we've already applied N decisions of each type, we should be able to stop for (Decision<Transition> decision : decisions) { Transition transition = decision.getOutcome(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Outcome: " + transition.getCode() + ", " + decision.getProbability()); if (transition.checkPreconditions(history)) { transitionApplied = true; ParseConfiguration configuration = this.parserServiceInternal .getConfiguration(history); if (decision.isStatistical()) configuration.addDecision(decision); transition.apply(configuration); int nextHeapIndex = parseComparisonStrategy.getComparisonIndex(configuration) * 1000; if (configuration.isTerminal()) { nextHeapIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { while (nextHeapIndex <= currentHeapIndex) nextHeapIndex++; } PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration> nextHeap = heaps.get(nextHeapIndex); if (nextHeap == null) { if (configuration.isTerminal()) nextHeap = terminalHeap; else nextHeap = new PriorityQueue<ParseConfiguration>(); heaps.put(nextHeapIndex, nextHeap); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Created heap with index: " + nextHeapIndex); } nextHeap.add(configuration); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Added configuration with score " + configuration.getScore() + " to heap: " + nextHeapIndex + ", total size: " + nextHeap.size()); } configuration.clearMemory(); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Cannot apply transition: doesn't meet pre-conditions"); // just in case the we run out of both heaps and analyses, we build this backup heap backupHeap.add(history); } // does transition meet pre-conditions? } // next transition } finally { MONITOR.endTask("heap sort"); } if (transitionApplied) { j++; } else { LOG.trace("No transitions could be applied: not counting this history as part of the beam"); } // beam width test if (j == maxSequences) break; } // next history } // next atomic index // return the best sequences on the heap List<ParseConfiguration> bestConfigurations = new ArrayList<ParseConfiguration>(); int i = 0; if (finalHeap.isEmpty()) finalHeap = backupHeap; while (!finalHeap.isEmpty()) { bestConfigurations.add(finalHeap.poll()); i++; if (i >= this.getBeamWidth()) break; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { for (ParseConfiguration finalConfiguration : bestConfigurations) { LOG.debug(df.format(finalConfiguration.getScore()) + ": " + finalConfiguration.toString()); LOG.debug("Pos tag sequence: " + finalConfiguration.getPosTagSequence()); LOG.debug("Transitions: " + finalConfiguration.getTransitions()); LOG.debug("Decisions: " + finalConfiguration.getDecisions()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Decision<Transition> decision : finalConfiguration.getDecisions()) { sb.append(" * "); sb.append(df.format(decision.getProbability())); } sb.append(" root "); sb.append(finalConfiguration.getTransitions().size()); LOG.trace(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" * PosTag sequence score "); sb.append(df.format(finalConfiguration.getPosTagSequence().getScore())); sb.append(" = "); for (PosTaggedToken posTaggedToken : finalConfiguration.getPosTagSequence()) { sb.append(" * "); sb.append(df.format(posTaggedToken.getDecision().getProbability())); } sb.append(" root "); sb.append(finalConfiguration.getPosTagSequence().size()); LOG.trace(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" * Token sequence score = "); sb.append(df.format(finalConfiguration.getPosTagSequence().getTokenSequence().getScore())); LOG.trace(sb.toString()); } } } return bestConfigurations; } finally { MONITOR.endTask("parseSentence"); } } @Override public int getBeamWidth() { return beamWidth; } public ParserServiceInternal getParserServiceInternal() { return parserServiceInternal; } public void setParserServiceInternal(ParserServiceInternal parserServiceInternal) { this.parserServiceInternal = parserServiceInternal; } @Override public void addObserver(ClassificationObserver<Transition> observer) { this.observers.add(observer); } public TransitionSystem getTransitionSystem() { return transitionSystem; } public void setTransitionSystem(TransitionSystem transitionSystem) { this.transitionSystem = transitionSystem; } public int getMaxAnalysisTimePerSentence() { return maxAnalysisTimePerSentence; } public void setMaxAnalysisTimePerSentence(int maxAnalysisTimePerSentence) { this.maxAnalysisTimePerSentence = maxAnalysisTimePerSentence; } public int getMinFreeMemory() { return minFreeMemory; } public void setMinFreeMemory(int minFreeMemory) { this.minFreeMemory = minFreeMemory; } @Override public void setParserRules(List<ParserRule> parserRules) { this.parserRules = parserRules; this.parserPositiveRules = new ArrayList<ParserRule>(); this.parserNegativeRules = new ArrayList<ParserRule>(); for (ParserRule rule : parserRules) { if (rule.isNegative()) parserNegativeRules.add(rule); else parserPositiveRules.add(rule); } } public List<ParserRule> getParserRules() { return parserRules; } public FeatureService getFeatureService() { return featureService; } public void setFeatureService(FeatureService featureService) { this.featureService = featureService; } public ParseComparisonStrategy getParseComparisonStrategy() { return parseComparisonStrategy; } public void setParseComparisonStrategy(ParseComparisonStrategy parseComparisonStrategy) { this.parseComparisonStrategy = parseComparisonStrategy; } public boolean isEarlyStop() { return earlyStop; } public void setEarlyStop(boolean earlyStop) { this.earlyStop = earlyStop; } @Override public Set<ParseConfigurationFeature<?>> getParseFeatures() { return parseFeatures; } @Override public void setParseFeatures(Set<ParseConfigurationFeature<?>> parseFeatures) { this.parseFeatures = parseFeatures; } }