Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2012 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of Jochre. // //Jochre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Jochre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Jochre. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Date; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class VectorizerImpl implements Vectorizer { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(VectorizerImpl.class); private List<LineDefinition> lineDefinitions = null; private GraphicsServiceInternal graphicsService; /** * The number of line definitions per 45 degree sector. */ public static final int LINE_DEFS_PER_SECTOR = 4; /** * The default white gap fill factor used prior to vectorizing a shape. */ public static final int WHITE_GAP_FILL_FACTOR = 0; private int whiteGapFillFactor = WHITE_GAP_FILL_FACTOR; public BufferedImage drawArrayLists(JochreImage jochreImage) { long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); BufferedImage vectorizedImage = new BufferedImage(jochreImage.getWidth(), jochreImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D graphics2D = vectorizedImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); graphics2D.setPaint(Color.BLACK); for (Paragraph paragraph : jochreImage.getParagraphs()) { for (RowOfShapes row : paragraph.getRows()) { for (GroupOfShapes group : row.getGroups()) { for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) { List<LineSegment> lines = this.vectorize(shape); for (LineSegment line : lines) graphics2D.drawLine(shape.getLeft() + line.getStartX(), shape.getTop() + line.getStartY(), shape.getLeft() + line.getEndX(), shape.getTop() + line.getEndY()); } } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { long endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); long diff = endTime - startTime; LOG.debug("Time elapsed: " + ((double) diff / 1000)); } return vectorizedImage; } @Override public List<LineSegment> vectorize(Shape shape) { int threshold = shape.getJochreImage().getBlackThreshold(); // find outline of shape BitSet outline = shape.getOutline(threshold); // find n longest lines within shape which connect two points in the outline int maxLines = 200; List<LineSegment> lineSegments = this.getLongestLines(shape, outline, maxLines, threshold); // combine/eliminate similar lines lineSegments = this.combineSegments(shape, lineSegments); return lineSegments; } /** * Find n longest lines within shape which connect two points in the outline * @param outline * @param maxLines * @return */ List<LineSegment> getLongestLines(Shape shape, BitSet outline, int maxLines, int threshold) { TreeSet<LineSegment> lineSegmentSet = new TreeSet<LineSegment>(); int outlineCardinality = outline.cardinality(); int samplingInterval = outlineCardinality / 100; if (samplingInterval == 0) samplingInterval = 1; int samplingIndex = 0; for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) { if (outline.get(y * shape.getWidth() + x)) { // this pixel is part of the outline if (samplingIndex == 0) { lineSegmentSet.addAll(this.getLinesToEdge(shape, x, y, threshold)); } samplingIndex++; if (samplingIndex == samplingInterval) samplingIndex = 0; } } } int i = 0; List<LineSegment> lineSegments = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); for (LineSegment lineSegment : lineSegmentSet) { lineSegments.add(lineSegment); i++; if (i >= maxLines) break; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { i = 0; for (LineSegment lineSegment : lineSegments) { double slope = (double) (lineSegment.getEndY() - lineSegment.getStartY()) / (double) (lineSegment.getEndX() - lineSegment.getStartX()); LOG.debug("Line " + i++ + "(" + lineSegment.getStartX() + "," + lineSegment.getStartY() + ") " + "(" + lineSegment.getEndX() + "," + lineSegment.getEndY() + "). Length = " + lineSegment.getLength() + ", Slope = " + slope); } } return lineSegments; } /** * Get the line segments going from a particular point in the outline to an opposite edge. * @param shape * @param outline * @param x * @param y * @return */ List<LineSegment> getLinesToEdge(Shape shape, int xOrigin, int yOrigin, int threshold) { List<LineSegment> lineSegments = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); for (LineDefinition lineDef : this.getLineDefinitions()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String lineDefText = "Sector " + lineDef.getSector() + ". Delta (" + lineDef.getDeltaX() + "," + lineDef.getDeltaY() + "). " + "Incr (" + lineDef.getXIncrement() + "," + lineDef.getYIncrement() + "). "; lineDefText += "{"; for (int j = 0; j < lineDef.getSteps().size(); j++) lineDefText += lineDef.getSteps().get(j); lineDefText += "}"; LOG.debug("Line def: " + lineDefText); } int[] edgePoint = lineDef.followInShape(shape, xOrigin, yOrigin, 0, threshold, this.whiteGapFillFactor); int endX = edgePoint[0]; int endY = edgePoint[1]; int length = edgePoint[2]; if (length != 0) { LineSegment lineSegment = this.graphicsService.getEmptyLineSegment(shape, lineDef, xOrigin, yOrigin, endX, endY); lineSegment.setLength(length); boolean foundLineSegment = false; for (LineSegment lineSegment2 : lineSegments) { if (lineSegment.compareTo(lineSegment2) == 0) { foundLineSegment = true; break; } } if (!foundLineSegment) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Line (" + lineSegment.getStartX() + "," + lineSegment.getStartY() + ") " + "(" + lineSegment.getEndX() + "," + lineSegment.getEndY() + "). Length = " + lineSegment.getLength()); lineSegments.add(lineSegment); } } } // next line definition return lineSegments; } /** * The line definitions basically give definitions for a series of lines * inside 45 of a circle. * These go from a straight line (infinity) to a diagonal line (1). * The numbers represent the steps to take before taking one step * in the other axis. * Thus, {1} means take 1 step in the x axis, 1 step in the y axis * {2} means take 2 x-steps followed by 1 y-step, and start over * {2,1} means take 2 x-steps, 1 y-step, 1 x-step, 1 y-step and start over * {0} represents infinity = stay in the original axis. * @return */ List<LineDefinition> getLineDefinitions() { if (this.lineDefinitions == null) { lineDefinitions = new ArrayList<LineDefinition>(); List<List<Integer>> stepList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 64 / LINE_DEFS_PER_SECTOR) { List<Integer> line = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (i == 0) { line.add(0); } else { double slope = 64.0 / (double) i; double currentSpot = slope; int currentPixelCount = 0; while (currentSpot <= 64) { int newPixelCount = (int) Math.floor(currentSpot); int diff = newPixelCount - currentPixelCount; line.add(diff); currentPixelCount = newPixelCount; currentSpot += slope; } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String lineDefText = "{"; for (int j = 0; j < line.size(); j++) lineDefText += line.get(j); lineDefText += "}"; LOG.debug("Line " + i + ": " + lineDefText); } stepList.add(line); } int index = 0; for (int sector = 0; sector < 4; sector++) { for (List<Integer> steps : stepList) { LineDefinition lineDef = graphicsService.getEmptyLineDefinition(sector, index++); lineDef.setSteps(steps); lineDefinitions.add(lineDef); } } } return this.lineDefinitions; } private List<LineSegment> combineSegments(Shape shape, List<LineSegment> lineSegments) { // get rid of overlapping segments List<LineSegment> lineSegmentsToDelete = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); for (int i = 0; i < lineSegments.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < lineSegments.size(); j++) { LineSegment lineSegment1 = lineSegments.get(i); LineSegment lineSegment2 = lineSegments.get(j); // check for overlap int tolerance = 3; int line1left, line1top, line1right, line1bottom; int line2left, line2top, line2right, line2bottom; if (lineSegment1.getStartX() <= lineSegment1.getEndX()) { line1left = lineSegment1.getStartX() - tolerance; line1right = lineSegment1.getEndX() + tolerance; } else { line1left = lineSegment1.getEndX() - tolerance; line1right = lineSegment1.getStartX() + tolerance; } if (lineSegment2.getStartX() <= lineSegment2.getEndX()) { line2left = lineSegment2.getStartX() - tolerance; line2right = lineSegment2.getEndX() + tolerance; } else { line2left = lineSegment2.getEndX() - tolerance; line2right = lineSegment2.getStartX() + tolerance; } if (lineSegment1.getStartY() <= lineSegment1.getEndY()) { line1top = lineSegment1.getStartY() - tolerance; line1bottom = lineSegment1.getEndY() + tolerance; } else { line1top = lineSegment1.getEndY() - tolerance; line1bottom = lineSegment1.getStartY() + tolerance; } if (lineSegment2.getStartY() <= lineSegment2.getEndY()) { line2top = lineSegment2.getStartY() - tolerance; line2bottom = lineSegment2.getEndY() + tolerance; } else { line2top = lineSegment2.getEndY() - tolerance; line2bottom = lineSegment2.getStartY() + tolerance; } // is overlap possible? if (line1left <= line2right && line1right >= line2left && line1top <= line2bottom && line1bottom >= line2top) { // note: line1 is guaranteed to be longer than or of equal length to line 2 BitSet rect2 = lineSegment2.getEnclosingRectangle(tolerance); BitSet intersection = lineSegment1.getEnclosingRectangleIntersection(lineSegment2, tolerance); int area2 = rect2.cardinality(); int interMulitplied = intersection.cardinality() * 2; if (interMulitplied > area2) { lineSegmentsToDelete.add(lineSegment2); } } } } lineSegments.removeAll(lineSegmentsToDelete); //TODO: combine lines that are "more or less" in the same location & direction return lineSegments; } public GraphicsServiceInternal getGraphicsService() { return graphicsService; } public void setGraphicsService(GraphicsServiceInternal graphicsService) { this.graphicsService = graphicsService; } /** * The white gap fill factor used prior to vectorizing a shape. */ public int getWhiteGapFillFactor() { return whiteGapFillFactor; } public void setWhiteGapFillFactor(int whiteGapFillFactor) { this.whiteGapFillFactor = whiteGapFillFactor; } }