Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2012 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of Jochre. // //Jochre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Jochre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Jochre. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import com.joliciel.jochre.EntityImpl; import com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession; class RowOfShapesImpl extends EntityImpl implements RowOfShapesInternal { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RowOfShapesImpl.class); private List<Shape> shapes; private List<GroupOfShapes> groups; private int index; private int paragraphId; private Paragraph paragraph; private SourceImage container; private GraphicsServiceInternal graphicsService; private Mean heightMean = null; private boolean coordinatesFound = false; private int left; private int top; private int right; private int bottom; private int xHeight; private int xHeightMax; private int maxShapeWidth = 0; private double xAdjustment = 0; private boolean xAdjustmentCalculated = false; private BufferedImage image; boolean shapeStatisticsCalculated = false; double averageShapeWidth; double averageShapeWidthMargin; double averageShapeHeight; double averageShapeHeightMargin; private SimpleRegression regression; private Boolean junk = null; RowOfShapesImpl() { } public RowOfShapesImpl(SourceImage container) { this.container = container; } public List<Shape> getShapes() { if (shapes == null) { shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(); if (!this.isNew()) { for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { shapes.addAll(group.getShapes()); } } } return shapes; } @Override public void reorderShapes() { Comparator<Shape> comparator = null; if (this.isLeftToRight()) comparator = new ShapeLeftToRightComparator(); else comparator = new ShapeRightToLeftComparator(); TreeSet<Shape> shapeSet = new TreeSet<Shape>(comparator); shapeSet.addAll(this.getShapes()); this.getShapes().clear(); this.getShapes().addAll(shapeSet); } @Override public void addShape(Shape shape) { this.getShapes().add(shape); shape.setRow(this); } @Override public void addShapes(Collection<Shape> shapes) { this.getShapes().addAll(shapes); for (Shape shape : shapes) shape.setRow(this); } @Override public void removeShape(Shape shape) { this.getShapes().remove(shape); } @Override public int getShapeIndex(Shape shape) { int i = 0; for (Shape oneShape : this.getShapes()) { if (oneShape.equals(shape)) { return i; } i++; } return -1; } public List<GroupOfShapes> getGroups() { if (groups == null) { if (this.isNew()) groups = new ArrayList<GroupOfShapes>(); else { groups = this.graphicsService.findGroups(this); // greedily add the shapes to avoid multiple SQL calls List<Shape> shapes = this.graphicsService.findShapes(this); for (GroupOfShapes group : groups) { ((GroupOfShapesInternal) group).setRow(this); ((GroupOfShapesInternal) group).addShapes(shapes); } } } return groups; } public GroupOfShapes newGroup() { GroupOfShapesInternal group = graphicsService.getEmptyGroupOfShapesInternal(); group.setRow(this); this.getGroups().add(group); return group; } @Override public void addGroup(GroupOfShapes group) { GroupOfShapesInternal iGroup = (GroupOfShapesInternal) group; iGroup.setRow(this); this.addShapes(iGroup.getShapes()); this.getGroups().add(group); } public int getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } public GraphicsServiceInternal getGraphicsService() { return graphicsService; } public void setGraphicsService(GraphicsServiceInternal graphicsService) { this.graphicsService = graphicsService; } @Override public void saveInternal() { if (this.paragraph != null && this.paragraphId == 0) this.paragraphId = this.paragraph.getId(); this.graphicsService.saveRowOfShapes(this); if (this.groups != null) { int index = 0; for (GroupOfShapes group : this.groups) { group.setIndex(index++);; } } } public int getParagraphId() { return paragraphId; } public void setParagraphId(int paragraphId) { this.paragraphId = paragraphId; } public Paragraph getParagraph() { if (this.paragraph == null && this.paragraphId != 0) { this.paragraph = this.graphicsService.loadParagraph(paragraphId); } return paragraph; } public void setParagraph(Paragraph paragraph) { this.paragraph = paragraph; if (paragraph != null) this.setParagraphId(paragraph.getId()); else this.setParagraphId(0); } @Override public double getMeanHeight() { if (this.heightMean == null) { this.heightMean = new Mean(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { this.heightMean.increment(shape.getHeight()); } } return this.heightMean.getResult(); } @Override public double getBaseLineMiddlePoint() { double xMidPoint = (((double) this.getRight() + (double) this.getLeft()) / 2.0); Shape midShape = this.findNearestShape((int) Math.round(xMidPoint)); double yMidPoint = 0; if (midShape != null) yMidPoint = midShape.getTop() + midShape.getBaseLine(); else yMidPoint = (((double) this.getBottom() + (double) this.getTop()) / 2.0); return yMidPoint; } Point2D.Double getIntersectionPoint(Line2D.Double line1, Line2D.Double line2) { //if (! line1.intersectsLine(line2) ) return null; double px = line1.getX1(), py = line1.getY1(), rx = line1.getX2() - px, ry = line1.getY2() - py; double qx = line2.getX1(), qy = line2.getY1(), sx = line2.getX2() - qx, sy = line2.getY2() - qy; double det = sx * ry - sy * rx; if (det == 0) { return null; } else { double z = (sx * (qy - py) + sy * (px - qx)) / det; //if (z==0 || z==1) return null; // intersection at end point! return new Point2D.Double((double) (px + z * rx), (double) (py + z * ry)); } } JochreImage getJochreImage() { if (this.container != null) { return this.container; } return this.getParagraph().getImage(); } public SourceImage getContainer() { return container; } public void setContainer(SourceImage container) { this.container = container; } @Override public Shape findNearestShape(int xCoordinate) { Shape nearestShape = null; int smallestDistance = -1; for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { if (shape.getLeft() <= xCoordinate && xCoordinate <= shape.getRight()) { nearestShape = shape; break; } if (nearestShape == null || Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getLeft()) <= smallestDistance) { smallestDistance = Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getLeft()); nearestShape = shape; } if (Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getRight()) <= smallestDistance) { smallestDistance = Math.abs(xCoordinate - shape.getRight()); nearestShape = shape; } if (!nearestShape.equals(shape)) { // as soon as we start getting farther away from the x-coordinate, we can break out break; } } return nearestShape; } @Override public Shape findEnclosingShape(int xCoordinate) { Shape nearestShape = null; for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { if (shape.getLeft() <= xCoordinate && xCoordinate <= shape.getRight()) { nearestShape = shape; break; } } return nearestShape; } @Override public void recalculate() { this.heightMean = null; this.coordinatesFound = false; this.regression = null; this.shapeStatisticsCalculated = false; this.xAdjustmentCalculated = false; this.maxShapeWidth = 0; } @Override public int getLeft() { this.findCoordinates(); return this.left; } @Override public int getTop() { this.findCoordinates(); return; } @Override public int getRight() { this.findCoordinates(); return this.right; } @Override public int getBottom() { this.findCoordinates(); return this.bottom; } boolean isLeftToRight() { boolean leftToRight = true; if (this.container != null) leftToRight = this.container.isLeftToRight(); else leftToRight = this.getParagraph().getImage().getPage().getDocument().isLeftToRight(); return leftToRight; } private void findCoordinates() { if (!coordinatesFound) { left = Integer.MAX_VALUE; top = Integer.MAX_VALUE; right = Integer.MIN_VALUE; bottom = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Shape shape : shapes) { if (shape.getLeft() < left) left = shape.getLeft(); if (shape.getTop() < top) top = shape.getTop(); if (shape.getRight() > right) right = shape.getRight(); if (shape.getBottom() > bottom) bottom = shape.getBottom(); } coordinatesFound = true; } } public BufferedImage getImage() { if (this.image == null && this.container != null) { int buffer = 5; int width = this.container.getOriginalImage().getWidth(); int height = this.getBottom() - this.getTop() + 1 + (buffer * 2); int bottom = (this.getTop() - buffer) + height; if (bottom > this.container.getOriginalImage().getHeight()) { int overlap = bottom - this.container.getOriginalImage().getHeight(); height = height - overlap; } BufferedImage rowImage = this.container.getOriginalImage().getSubimage(0, this.getTop() - buffer, width, height); double scale = (double) ROW_IMAGE_WIDTH / (double) width; int newHeight = (int) Math.floor(scale * height); if (this.container.getOriginalImage().getColorModel() instanceof IndexColorModel) { image = new BufferedImage(ROW_IMAGE_WIDTH, newHeight, this.container.getOriginalImage().getType(), (IndexColorModel) this.container.getOriginalImage().getColorModel()); } else { image = new BufferedImage(ROW_IMAGE_WIDTH, newHeight, this.container.getOriginalImage().getType()); } Graphics2D graphics2d = image.createGraphics(); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale); graphics2d.drawRenderedImage(rowImage, at); // white out the space to the right & left of this row graphics2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); graphics2d.fillRect(0, 0, (int) Math.round((this.getLeft() - 5) * scale), (int) Math.round(height * scale)); graphics2d.fillRect((int) Math.round((this.getRight() + 5) * scale), 0, (int) Math.round((width - this.getRight()) * scale), (int) Math.round(height * scale)); } return image; } public void setImage(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (this.isNew()) return super.hashCode(); else return ((Integer) this.getId()).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this.isNew()) { return super.equals(obj); } else { RowOfShapes otherRow = (RowOfShapes) obj; return (this.getId() == otherRow.getId()); } } public void clearMemory() { this.image = null; } @Override public double getAverageShapeWidth() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeWidth; } @Override public double getAverageShapeWidthMargin() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeWidthMargin; } @Override public double getAverageShapeHeight() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeHeight; } @Override public double getAverageShapeHeightMargin() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeHeightMargin; } void calculateShapeStatistics() { if (!shapeStatisticsCalculated) { DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics shapeHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { shapeWidthStats.addValue(shape.getWidth()); shapeHeightStats.addValue(shape.getHeight()); } double minWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(33); double maxWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(66); double minHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(33); double maxHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(66); this.averageShapeWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(50); this.averageShapeHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(50); this.averageShapeWidthMargin = (maxWidth - minWidth) / 2.0; this.averageShapeHeightMargin = (maxHeight - minHeight) / 2.0; this.shapeStatisticsCalculated = true; } } /** * The regression passes through the bottom of average shapes on this line. * It gives the line's slope, and a starting point for finding the baseline and meanline. */ public SimpleRegression getRegression() { if (this.regression == null) { // begin by calculating some sort of average line crossing the whole row, so that we can see if the row is // rising or falling to start with? // Calculate the line crossing the mid-point of all "average" shapes on this row // get the "smoothed" linear approximation of the mid-points regression = new SimpleRegression(); int numShapes = 0; int minShapes = 10; DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics shapeHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { shapeWidthStats.addValue(shape.getWidth()); shapeHeightStats.addValue(shape.getHeight()); } double minWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(25); double maxWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(75); double minHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(25); double maxHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(75); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { // only add points whose shape is of "average" width and height (to leave out commas, etc.) if (shape.getWidth() >= minWidth && shape.getWidth() <= maxWidth && shape.getHeight() >= minHeight && shape.getHeight() <= maxHeight) { // using bottom only, since rows with different font sizes tend to align bottom regression.addData((((double) shape.getLeft() + (double) shape.getRight()) / 2.0), ((double) shape.getBottom())); numShapes++; } } // special case where row contains very few shapes (generally letter or number + period) boolean horizontalLine = false; if (numShapes < minShapes) { LOG.debug("Too few shapes: " + numShapes + ", assuming straight horizontal line"); horizontalLine = true; } else if ((this.getRight() - this.getLeft()) < (this.getContainer().getWidth() / 6.0)) { LOG.debug("Too narrow: " + (this.getRight() - this.getLeft()) + ", assuming straight horizontal line"); horizontalLine = true; } if (horizontalLine) { // assume a straight horizontal line Mean midPointMean = new Mean(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { // only add points whose shape is of "average" height (to leave out commas, etc.) if (shape.getWidth() >= minWidth && shape.getWidth() <= maxWidth && shape.getHeight() >= minHeight && shape.getHeight() <= maxHeight) { midPointMean.increment((double) shape.getBottom()); } } if (midPointMean.getN() == 0) { for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { midPointMean.increment((double) shape.getBottom()); } } double meanMidPoint = midPointMean.getResult(); regression = new SimpleRegression(); regression.addData(this.getLeft(), meanMidPoint); regression.addData(this.getRight(), meanMidPoint); } // displays intercept of regression line LOG.debug("intercept: " + regression.getIntercept()); // displays slope of regression line LOG.debug("slope: " + regression.getSlope()); // displays slope standard error LOG.debug("std err: " + regression.getSlopeStdErr()); LOG.debug("x = 0, y = " + regression.predict(0)); LOG.debug("x = " + this.getContainer().getWidth() + ", y = " + regression.predict(this.getContainer().getWidth())); } return regression; } public void assignGuideLines() { LOG.debug("assignGuideLines, " + this.toString()); int xHeight = this.assignGuideLines(null); LOG.debug("Setting xHeight and xHeightMax to " + xHeight); this.setXHeight(xHeight); this.setXHeightMax(xHeight); } /** * Assign guidelines for a certain subset of shapes, and return the x-height. * @param startShape * @param endShape * @return */ int assignGuideLines(List<GroupOfShapes> groupsToAssign) { LOG.debug("assignGuideLines internal"); double meanHorizontalSlope = this.getContainer().getMeanHorizontalSlope(); // the base-line and mean-line will be at a fixed distance away from the midpoint // the question is, which distance! // To find this out, we count number of black pixels on each row above this line // And then start analysing from the top and the bottom until the number drops off sharply // The notion of "groupsToAssign" is used to only assign guidelines // to a subset of the groups on the line // when the line contains two different font sizes List<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(); if (groupsToAssign != null) { for (GroupOfShapes group : groupsToAssign) { shapes.addAll(group.getShapes()); } } else { shapes = this.getShapes(); } int i = 0; DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics shapeHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { shapeWidthStats.addValue(shape.getWidth()); shapeHeightStats.addValue(shape.getHeight()); } double minWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(25); double maxWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(75); double minHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(45); double maxHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(75); double rowMidPointX = (double) (this.getLeft() + this.getRight()) / 2.0; // calculating the Y midpoint by the shapes in the row, instead of by the top & bottom of row Mean rowMidPointYMean = new Mean(); for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { // only add points whose shape is of "average" width and height (to leave out commas, etc.) if (shape.getWidth() >= minWidth && shape.getWidth() <= maxWidth && shape.getHeight() >= minHeight && shape.getHeight() <= maxHeight) { rowMidPointYMean.increment((double) (shape.getBottom() + shape.getTop()) / 2.0); } } double rowMidPointY = (double) (this.getTop() + this.getBottom()) / 2.0; if (rowMidPointYMean.getN() > 0) rowMidPointY = rowMidPointYMean.getResult(); LOG.debug("rowMidPointX: " + rowMidPointX); LOG.debug("rowMidPointY: " + rowMidPointY); // figure out where the top-most shape starts and the bottom-most shape ends, relative to the y midline int minTop = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxBottom = Integer.MIN_VALUE; List<Integer> rowYMidPoints = new ArrayList<Integer>(shapes.size()); for (Shape shape : shapes) { double shapeMidPointX = (double) (shape.getLeft() + shape.getRight()) / 2.0; int shapeMidPointY = (int) Math .round(rowMidPointY + (meanHorizontalSlope * (shapeMidPointX - rowMidPointX))); rowYMidPoints.add(shapeMidPointY); int relativeTop = shape.getTop() - shapeMidPointY; int relativeBottom = shape.getBottom() - shapeMidPointY; if (relativeTop < minTop) minTop = relativeTop; if (relativeBottom > maxBottom) maxBottom = relativeBottom; } if (minTop > 0) minTop = 0; if (maxBottom < 0) maxBottom = 0; int yIntervalTop = 0 - minTop; int yIntervalBottom = maxBottom; int yInterval = yIntervalTop + 1 + yIntervalBottom; LOG.debug("yIntervalTop: " + yIntervalTop); LOG.debug("yIntervalBottom: " + yIntervalBottom); LOG.debug("yInterval: " + yInterval); int[] pixelCounts = new int[yInterval]; // Get the pixel count for each row // examining one shape at a time to limit ourselves to the pixels that are // actually considered to be in this row int blackThreshold = this.getContainer().getSeparationThreshold(); int shapeIndex = 0; int shapeCount = 0; for (Shape shape : shapes) { if (shape.getHeight() >= minHeight) { LOG.trace(shape.toString()); shapeCount++; int shapeMidPointY = rowYMidPoints.get(shapeIndex); int zeroLine = shapeMidPointY - yIntervalTop; int topIndex = shape.getTop() - zeroLine; for (int x = 0; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) { int yIndex = topIndex + y; if (yIndex >= 0 && yIndex < pixelCounts.length && shape.isPixelBlack(x, y, blackThreshold)) { pixelCounts[yIndex]++; } } } } shapeIndex++; } LOG.debug("Got pixels from " + shapeCount + " shapes."); boolean notEnoughShapes = shapeCount < 3; LOG.debug("notEnoughShapes? " + notEnoughShapes); // We start at the top // As soon as we reach a line with more pixels than the mean, we assume this is the mean-line Mean pixelCountMeanTop = new Mean(); StandardDeviation pixelCountStdDevTop = new StandardDeviation(); for (i = 0; i <= yIntervalTop; i++) { pixelCountMeanTop.increment(pixelCounts[i]); pixelCountStdDevTop.increment(pixelCounts[i]); } LOG.debug("Top: pixel count mean: " + pixelCountMeanTop.getResult() + ", std dev: " + pixelCountStdDevTop.getResult()); double threshold = pixelCountMeanTop.getResult() * 1.1; if (notEnoughShapes) { threshold = threshold / 2.0; } double lowerThreshold = threshold / 2.0; LOG.debug("Top threshold: " + threshold); LOG.debug("Top lowerThreshold: " + lowerThreshold); int meanLine = 0; boolean findMeanLine = true; for (i = 0; i <= yIntervalTop; i++) { int pixelCount = pixelCounts[i]; if (findMeanLine && pixelCount > threshold) { meanLine = i; findMeanLine = false; } else if (!findMeanLine && pixelCount < lowerThreshold) { findMeanLine = true; } } // We start at the bottom // As soon as we reach a line with more pixels than the mean, we assume this is the base-line Mean pixelCountMeanBottom = new Mean(); StandardDeviation pixelCountStdDevBottom = new StandardDeviation(); for (i = pixelCounts.length - 1; i >= yIntervalTop; i--) { pixelCountMeanBottom.increment(pixelCounts[i]); pixelCountStdDevBottom.increment(pixelCounts[i]); } LOG.debug("Bottom: pixel count mean: " + pixelCountMeanBottom.getResult() + ", std dev: " + pixelCountStdDevBottom.getResult()); threshold = pixelCountMeanBottom.getResult() * 1.1; if (notEnoughShapes) { threshold = threshold / 2.0; } lowerThreshold = threshold / 2.0; LOG.debug("Bottom threshold: " + threshold); LOG.debug("Bottom lowerThreshold: " + lowerThreshold); int baseLine = meanLine; boolean findBaseLine = true; for (i = pixelCounts.length - 1; i >= yIntervalTop; i--) { int pixelCount = pixelCounts[i]; if (findBaseLine && pixelCount > threshold) { baseLine = i; findBaseLine = false; } else if (!findBaseLine && pixelCount < lowerThreshold) { findBaseLine = true; } } for (i = 0; i < yInterval; i++) { int pixelCount = pixelCounts[i]; if (i == meanLine) LOG.trace("======= MEAN LINE " + i + " =========="); LOG.trace("pixel row " + i + ". pixel count " + pixelCount); if (i == baseLine) LOG.trace("======= BASE LINE " + i + " =========="); } // assign base lines and mean lines to each shape shapeIndex = 0; for (Shape shape : shapes) { int shapeMidPointY = rowYMidPoints.get(shapeIndex); int yMeanline = (shapeMidPointY - yIntervalTop) + meanLine; int yBaseline = (shapeMidPointY - yIntervalTop) + baseLine; LOG.trace(shape.toString() + ", meanLine: " + (yMeanline - shape.getTop()) + ", baseLine: " + (yBaseline - shape.getTop())); shape.setBaseLine(yBaseline - shape.getTop()); shape.setMeanLine(yMeanline - shape.getTop()); shapeIndex++; } // next shape int xHeight = baseLine - meanLine; return xHeight; } @Override public void organiseShapesInGroups(double letterSpaceThreshold) { LOG.debug("organiseShapesInGroups, " + this.toString()); Shape previousShape = null; GroupOfShapes currentGroup = this.newGroup(); LOG.trace("New word"); int i = 1; for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { if (previousShape != null) { int space = 0; if (this.getContainer().isLeftToRight()) space = shape.getLeft() - previousShape.getRight(); else space = previousShape.getLeft() - shape.getRight(); LOG.trace("Space: " + space + ", threshold: " + letterSpaceThreshold); if (space > letterSpaceThreshold) { // new word LOG.trace("New word"); currentGroup = this.newGroup(); currentGroup.setIndex(i++); } } LOG.trace(shape); currentGroup.addShape(shape); previousShape = shape; } // next shape for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { int j = 0; for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) { shape.setIndex(j++); } } } public int getXHeight() { return xHeight; } public void setXHeight(int height) { this.xHeight = height; } @Override public String toString() { return "Row " + this.getIndex() + ", left(" + this.getLeft() + ")" + ", top(" + this.getTop() + ")" + ", right(" + this.getRight() + ")" + ", bot(" + this.getBottom() + ")"; } /** * If there are different font-sizes in the current row, * calculate separate guidelines for the separate font-sizes. * Assumes groups have already been assigned. * @return index of first group after split */ @Override public void splitByFontSize() { LOG.debug("splitByFontSize, " + this.toString()); double[] meanAscenderToXHeightRatios = new double[this.getGroups().size()]; int i = 0; double xHeight = this.getXHeight(); double minHeightRatio = 0.7; for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { Mean meanAscenderToXHeightRatio = new Mean(); for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) { if (((double) shape.getHeight() / xHeight) > minHeightRatio) { double ascenderToXHeightRatio = ((double) shape.getBaseLine() / xHeight); LOG.trace("Shape " + shape.getIndex() + ": " + ascenderToXHeightRatio); meanAscenderToXHeightRatio.increment(ascenderToXHeightRatio); } } if (meanAscenderToXHeightRatio.getN() > 0) { meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i] = meanAscenderToXHeightRatio.getResult(); LOG.debug(group.toString() + ": " + meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i]); } i++; } double threshold = 0.15; LOG.debug("threshold: " + threshold); double lastRatio = 0; List<int[]> bigAreas = new ArrayList<int[]>(); int bigAreaStart = 0; int inBigArea = -1; for (i = 0; i < this.getGroups().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { if (meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i] != 0) { if ((inBigArea < 0 || inBigArea == 1) && lastRatio - meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i] >= threshold) { // big drop int[] bigArea = new int[] { bigAreaStart, i - 1 }; bigAreas.add(bigArea); LOG.debug("Adding big area " + bigArea[0] + "," + bigArea[1]); inBigArea = 0; } else if ((inBigArea < 0 || inBigArea == 0) && meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i] - lastRatio >= threshold) { // big leap bigAreaStart = i; inBigArea = 1; } } } if (meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i] != 0) lastRatio = meanAscenderToXHeightRatios[i]; } if (inBigArea == 1) { int[] bigArea = new int[] { bigAreaStart, this.getGroups().size() - 1 }; bigAreas.add(bigArea); LOG.debug("Adding big area " + bigArea[0] + "," + bigArea[1]); } // Now, which of these big areas are really big enough if (bigAreas.size() > 0) { double minBrightnessRatioForSplit = 1.5; Mean brightnessMean = new Mean(); Mean[] meanCardinalities = new Mean[bigAreas.size()]; for (i = 0; i < bigAreas.size(); i++) { meanCardinalities[i] = new Mean(); } i = 0; for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { int bigAreaIndex = -1; int j = 0; for (int[] bigArea : bigAreas) { if (i >= bigArea[0] && i <= bigArea[1]) { bigAreaIndex = j; break; } j++; } for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) { if (((double) shape.getHeight() / xHeight) > minHeightRatio) { if (bigAreaIndex >= 0) { meanCardinalities[bigAreaIndex].increment(shape.getTotalBrightness()); } else { brightnessMean.increment(shape.getTotalBrightness()); } } } i++; } // next group boolean[] bigAreaConfirmed = new boolean[bigAreas.size()]; boolean hasSplit = false; LOG.debug("brightnessMean for small areas: " + brightnessMean.getResult()); for (i = 0; i < bigAreas.size(); i++) { int[] bigArea = bigAreas.get(i); double ratio = meanCardinalities[i].getResult() / brightnessMean.getResult(); LOG.debug("big area " + bigArea[0] + "," + bigArea[1]); LOG.debug("brightness mean: " + meanCardinalities[i].getResult()); LOG.debug("brightness ratio: " + ratio); if (ratio > minBrightnessRatioForSplit) { // split found! LOG.debug("Confirmed!"); bigAreaConfirmed[i] = true; hasSplit = true; } } List<GroupOfShapes> bigGroups = null; List<GroupOfShapes> littleGroups = null; if (hasSplit) { bigGroups = new ArrayList<GroupOfShapes>(); littleGroups = new ArrayList<GroupOfShapes>(); i = 0; boolean lastGroupSingleShapeLittle = false; boolean lastGroupBig = false; GroupOfShapes lastGroup = null; for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { boolean singleShapeLittleGroup = false; int bigAreaIndex = -1; int j = 0; for (int[] bigArea : bigAreas) { if (i >= bigArea[0] && i <= bigArea[1]) { bigAreaIndex = j; break; } j++; } if (bigAreaIndex >= 0 && bigAreaConfirmed[bigAreaIndex]) { if (lastGroupSingleShapeLittle) { // Can't keep single shape little groups on their own LOG.debug("Switching last group to big: " + lastGroup.toString()); littleGroups.remove(littleGroups.size() - 1); bigGroups.add(lastGroup); } LOG.debug("Adding big group " + group.toString()); bigGroups.add(group); lastGroupBig = true; } else { LOG.debug("Adding little group " + group.toString()); littleGroups.add(group); if (group.getShapes().size() == 1 && lastGroupBig) { singleShapeLittleGroup = true; } lastGroupBig = false; } lastGroupSingleShapeLittle = singleShapeLittleGroup; lastGroup = group; i++; } // next group hasSplit = bigGroups.size() > 0 && littleGroups.size() > 0; } if (hasSplit) { int xHeightBig = this.assignGuideLines(bigGroups); int xHeightLittle = this.assignGuideLines(littleGroups); // There may be a better way of determining which xHeight to use for the row // than simply based on number of groups, e.g. group width, etc. if (bigGroups.size() > littleGroups.size()) { LOG.debug("Setting xHeight to " + xHeightBig); this.setXHeight(xHeightBig); } else { LOG.debug("Setting xHeight to " + xHeightLittle); this.setXHeight(xHeightLittle); } LOG.debug("Setting xHeightMax to " + xHeightBig); this.setXHeightMax(xHeightBig); } // has split } // split candidate } @Override public int getXHeightMax() { return xHeightMax; } public void setXHeightMax(int xHeightMax) { this.xHeightMax = xHeightMax; } @Override public int getMaxShapeWidth() { if (maxShapeWidth == 0) { for (Shape shape : this.getShapes()) { if (shape.getWidth() > maxShapeWidth) { maxShapeWidth = shape.getWidth(); } } } return maxShapeWidth; } @Override public double getXAdjustment() { if (!xAdjustmentCalculated) { double rowVerticalMidPoint = this.getBaseLineMiddlePoint(); xAdjustment = this.getContainer().getXAdjustment(rowVerticalMidPoint); xAdjustmentCalculated = true; } return xAdjustment; } public boolean isJunk() { if (junk == null) { if (this.getGroups().size() > 0) { double averageConfidence = 0; double shapeCount = 0; for (GroupOfShapes group : this.getGroups()) { if (group.getShapes().size() > 0) { for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) { averageConfidence += shape.getConfidence(); shapeCount += 1; } } } averageConfidence = averageConfidence / shapeCount; if (averageConfidence < JochreSession.getJunkConfidenceThreshold()) junk = true; else junk = false; } else { junk = true; } } return junk; } }