Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2011 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of csvLearner. // //csvLearner is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //csvLearner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with csvLearner. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.joliciel.csvLearner.features; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.joliciel.csvLearner.GenericEvent; import com.joliciel.csvLearner.GenericEvents; import com.joliciel.csvLearner.NameValuePair; /** * Take a real-valued feature, and try to evaluate it's value based on potential information gain. * @author Assaf Urieli * */ public class RealValueFeatureEvaluator { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RealValueFeatureEvaluator.class); private FeatureSplitter featureSplitter = null; private long totalTime = 0; private long totalTimeSplit = 0; private long totalTimeInitialEntropy = 0; private long totalTimeInitialise = 0; private long totalTimeOrdering = 0; private long totalTimeSplitEntropy = 0; private long totalTimeFindFeature = 0; public List<Double> evaluateFeature(GenericEvents events, String feature) { return this.evaluateFeature(events, feature, null); } /** * For a given feature, calculate the entropy after each level of splitting. * Level 0: the entropy taking into account only those events which have a value as opposed to those which don't * Level 1: entropy for events without a value (where value=0) + entropy of other events after first split * Level 2: entropy for events without a value (where value=0) + entropy of other events after second split * etc. * @param events the list of events * @param feature the feature to consider for splitting * @return */ public List<Double> evaluateFeature(GenericEvents events, String feature, String testOutcome) { long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Evaluating feature: " + feature); LOG.trace("Test outcome: " + testOutcome); } long startTimeInitialise = (new Date()).getTime(); PriorityQueue<NameValuePair> heap = new PriorityQueue<NameValuePair>(events.size()); Collection<NameValuePair> featureValues = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); Map<String, Integer> eventOutcomeMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Integer> featureOutcomeMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Integer> nonFeatureOutcomeMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); List<String> outcomes = null; if (testOutcome == null) { Set<String> outcomeSet = events.getOutcomes(); outcomes = new ArrayList<String>(outcomeSet); } else { outcomes = new ArrayList<String>(); outcomes.add(testOutcome); outcomes.add(""); } int[] eventOutcomeCounts = new int[outcomes.size()]; int[] featureOutcomeCounts = new int[outcomes.size()]; int[] nonFeatureOutcomeCounts = new int[outcomes.size()]; int eventCount = events.size(); int featureCount = 0; for (GenericEvent event : events) { if (!event.isTest()) { String outcome = event.getOutcome(); int outcomeIndex = 0; if (testOutcome == null) { outcomeIndex = outcomes.indexOf(outcome); } else { if (!outcome.equals(testOutcome)) { outcome = ""; outcomeIndex = 1; } else { outcomeIndex = 0; } } long startTimeFindFeature = (new Date()).getTime(); int featureIndex = event.getFeatureIndex(feature); long endTimeFindFeature = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeFindFeature += (endTimeFindFeature - startTimeFindFeature); if (featureIndex >= 0) { long startTimeOrdering = (new Date()).getTime(); heap.add(new NameValuePair(outcome, event.getWeights().get(featureIndex))); long endTimeOrdering = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeOrdering += (endTimeOrdering - startTimeOrdering); featureOutcomeCounts[outcomeIndex]++; featureCount++; } else { nonFeatureOutcomeCounts[outcomeIndex]++; } eventOutcomeCounts[outcomeIndex]++; } } int nonFeatureCount = eventCount - featureCount; long startTimeOrdering = (new Date()).getTime(); while (!heap.isEmpty()) featureValues.add(heap.poll()); long endTimeOrdering = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeOrdering += (endTimeOrdering - startTimeOrdering); int i = 0; for (String outcome : outcomes) { eventOutcomeMap.put(outcome, eventOutcomeCounts[i]); featureOutcomeMap.put(outcome, featureOutcomeCounts[i]); nonFeatureOutcomeMap.put(outcome, nonFeatureOutcomeCounts[i]); i++; } long endTimeInitialise = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeInitialise += (endTimeInitialise - startTimeInitialise); long startTimeInitialEntropy = (new Date()).getTime(); double eventSpaceEntropy = EntropyCalculator.getEntropy(eventOutcomeMap.values(), eventCount); double featureEntropy = EntropyCalculator.getEntropy(featureOutcomeMap.values(), featureCount); double nonFeatureEntropy = EntropyCalculator.getEntropy(nonFeatureOutcomeMap.values(), nonFeatureCount); long endTimeInitialEntropy = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeInitialEntropy += (endTimeInitialEntropy - startTimeInitialEntropy); List<Double> entropyByLevel = new ArrayList<Double>(); entropyByLevel.add(eventSpaceEntropy); double proportionalFeatureEntropy = ((double) featureCount / (double) eventCount) * featureEntropy; double proportionalNonFeatureEntropy = ((double) nonFeatureCount / (double) eventCount) * nonFeatureEntropy; double level0Entropy = proportionalFeatureEntropy + proportionalNonFeatureEntropy; entropyByLevel.add(level0Entropy); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("eventSpaceEntropy: " + eventSpaceEntropy); LOG.trace("proportionalFeatureEntropy: " + proportionalFeatureEntropy); LOG.trace("proportionalNonFeatureEntropy: " + proportionalNonFeatureEntropy); LOG.trace("level 0 Entropy: " + level0Entropy); } List<NameValuePair> featureValueList = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(featureValues); long startTimeSplit = (new Date()).getTime(); featureSplitter.split(featureValueList); long endTimeSplit = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeSplit += (endTimeSplit - startTimeSplit); Map<Integer, Set<Split>> splitsByDepth = featureSplitter.getSplitsByDepth(); for (int level : splitsByDepth.keySet()) { double levelEntropy = proportionalNonFeatureEntropy; if (splitsByDepth.get(level).size() == 0) levelEntropy += proportionalFeatureEntropy; else { for (Split split : splitsByDepth.get(level)) { long startTimeSplitEntropy = (new Date()).getTime(); double proprotionalEntropy = ((double) split.getSize() / (double) eventCount) * split.getEntropy(); long endTimeSplitEntropy = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTimeSplitEntropy += (endTimeSplitEntropy - startTimeSplitEntropy); levelEntropy += proprotionalEntropy; } } entropyByLevel.add(levelEntropy); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("level " + level + " Entropy: " + levelEntropy); } long endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); totalTime += (endTime - startTime); return entropyByLevel; } public void logPerformance() { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");"total time: " + totalTime + " milliseconds");"total initialise time: " + totalTimeInitialise + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeInitialise / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%");"total find feature time: " + totalTimeFindFeature + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeFindFeature / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%");"total sort time: " + totalTimeOrdering + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeOrdering / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%");"total split time: " + totalTimeSplit + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeSplit / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%");"total initial entropy time: " + totalTimeInitialEntropy + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeInitialEntropy / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%");"total split entropy time: " + totalTimeSplitEntropy + " milliseconds. " + df.format(((double) totalTimeSplitEntropy / (double) totalTime) * 100.0) + "%"); } public FeatureSplitter getFeatureSplitter() { return featureSplitter; } public void setFeatureSplitter(FeatureSplitter featureSplitter) { this.featureSplitter = featureSplitter; } }