Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2014 Saravan Pantham
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;

import org.json.JSONArray;

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.PowerManager;


 * Checks if the Google Play Music app is installed on the user's device. If it
 * is, grabs the user's song data from Google Play Music's content mApp.
public class AsyncGetGooglePlayMusicMetadataTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {

    private Context mContext;
    private Common mApp;

    private HashMap<String, String> playlistIdsNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private JSONArray playlistsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
    private JSONArray playlistEntriesJSONArray = new JSONArray();
    private ArrayList<String> genresList = new ArrayList<String>();

    private int targetVolume = 0;
    private int currentVolume;
    private int stepDownValue = 1;
    private AudioManager am;

    private String currentTask = "";
    private int currentProgressValue = 0;
    private int numberOfSongs = 0;
    private int numberOfPlaylists = 0;
    private Date date = new Date();

    private PowerManager pm;
    private PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock;

    public AsyncGetGooglePlayMusicMetadataTask(Context context) {
        mContext = context;
        mApp = (Common) mContext;


    protected void onPreExecute() {

        //Hide the actionbar.

        //Acquire a wakelock to prevent the CPU from sleeping while the process is running.
        pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
        wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,

        //Set the initial setting of the progressbar as indeterminate.
        currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.contacting_google_play_music);


    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

        //Check if any music is playing and fade it out.
        am = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        if (mApp.isServiceRunning()) {

            if (mApp.getService().isPlayingMusic()) {
                targetVolume = 0;
                currentVolume = am.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
                while (currentVolume > targetVolume) {
                    am.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, (currentVolume - stepDownValue), 0);
                    currentVolume = am.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);


                mContext.stopService(new Intent(mContext, AudioPlaybackService.class));



        //Check if the Google Play Music app is installed.
        PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
        boolean installed = false;
        try {
            pm.getPackageInfo("", PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
            installed = true;
        } catch (NameNotFoundException e1) {
            //The app isn't installed.
            installed = false;

        String result = "GENERIC_EXCEPTION";
        if (installed == false) {
            //Can't do anything here anymore. Quit.
            mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean("GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC_ENABLED", false).commit();
            return null;
        } else {
            //Grab music metadata from Google Play Music's public content mApp.
            result = getMetadataFromGooglePlayMusicApp();
        return result;

    //Grab music metadata from Google Play Music's public content mApp.
    public String getMetadataFromGooglePlayMusicApp() {

        //Grab a handle on the mApp.
        Uri googlePlayMusicContentProviderUri = Uri.parse("content://");
        String[] projection = { "title", "artist", "album", "AlbumArtist", "duration", "track", "year", "Genre",
                "TrackType AS track_type", /*"_count",*/ "Rating", "AlbumArtLocation AS album_art",
                "SourceType AS source_type", "SourceId", "ArtistArtLocation", /*, "artistId",*/ "StoreAlbumId" };

        /* source_type values:
         * 0: Local file (not used).
         * 1: Unknown.
         * 2: Personal, free GMusic library (used).
         * 3: All Access (not used).
        String selection = "source_type=2 AND track_type=0";

        //Catch any exceptions that may be thrown as a result of unknown columns in GMusic's content mApp.
        Cursor cursor = null;
        boolean projectionFailed = false;
        try {
            cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(googlePlayMusicContentProviderUri, projection, selection,
                    null, null);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

            //Problematic columns are commented out here.
            String[] failSafeProjection = { "title", "artist", "album", "AlbumArtist", "duration", "track", "year",
                    "Genre", "TrackType AS track_type", /*"_count",*/ "Rating",
                    "AlbumArtLocation AS album_art", /* "SourceType AS source_type", */
                    "SourceId", /* "ArtistArtLocation", "artistId",*/ "StoreAlbumId" };

            cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(googlePlayMusicContentProviderUri, failSafeProjection,
                    "track_type=0", null, null);
            projectionFailed = true;


        //Clear out all the current Google Play Music songs in the database.

        //Insert the songs and their metadata into jelly' local database.
        /* To improve database insertion performance, we'll use a single transaction 
         * for the entire operation. SQLite journals each database insertion and 
         * creates a new transaction by default. We'll override this functionality 
         * and create a single transaction for all the database record insertions. 
         * In theory, this should reduce NAND memory overhead times and result in 
         * a 2x to 5x performance increase.
        try {
            //We'll initialize the DB transaction manually.

            //Avoid "Divide by zero" errors.
            int scanningSongsIncrement;
            if (cursor != null) {
                if (cursor.getCount() != 0) {
                    scanningSongsIncrement = 800000 / cursor.getCount();
                } else {
                    scanningSongsIncrement = 800000 / 1;

            } else {
                return "FAIL";

            currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.syncing_with_google_play_music);
            for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) {

                currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + scanningSongsIncrement;

                //Get the song's metadata.
                String songTitle = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("title"));
                String songArtist = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Artist"));
                String songAlbum = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Album"));
                String songAlbumArtist = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("AlbumArtist"));
                String songDuration = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Duration"));
                String songTrackNumber = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Track"));
                String songYear = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Year"));
                String songGenre = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Genre"));
                //String songPlayCount = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("_count"));
                String songRating = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("Rating"));
                String songSource = DBAccessHelper.GMUSIC;
                String songAlbumArtPath = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("album_art"));
                String songID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("SourceId"));
                //String artistID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("artistId"));
                String storeAlbumID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("StoreAlbumId"));

                String songArtistArtPath = "";
                if (projectionFailed == false) {
                    songArtistArtPath = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("ArtistArtLocation"));
                } else {
                    //Fall back on album art.
                    songArtistArtPath = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("album_art"));

                //Prepare the genres ArrayList.
                if (!genresList.contains(songGenre)) {

                //Filter out track numbers and remove any bogus values.
                if (songTrackNumber != null) {
                    if (songTrackNumber.contains("/")) {
                        int index = songTrackNumber.lastIndexOf("/");
                        songTrackNumber = songTrackNumber.substring(0, index);


                if (songYear.equals("0")) {
                    songYear = "";

                //Check if any of the other tags were empty/null and set them to "Unknown xxx" values.
                if (songArtist == null || songArtist.isEmpty() || songArtist.equals(" ")) {
                    songArtist = "Unknown Artist";

                if (songAlbumArtist == null || songAlbumArtist.isEmpty() || songAlbumArtist.equals(" ")) {
                    songAlbumArtist = "Unknown Album Artist";

                if (songAlbum == null || songAlbum.isEmpty() || songAlbum.equals(" ")) {
                    songAlbum = "Unknown Album";

                if (songGenre == null || songGenre.isEmpty() || songGenre.equals(" ")) {
                    songGenre = "Unknown Genre";

                ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE, songTitle);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST, songArtist);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM, songAlbum);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST, songAlbumArtist);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_DURATION, songDuration);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, songID);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER, songTrackNumber);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE, songGenre);
                //values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_PLAY_COUNT, songPlayCount);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_YEAR, songYear);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_LAST_MODIFIED, "");
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS, "FALSE"); //Keep the song whitelisted by default.
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.ADDED_TIMESTAMP, date.getTime());
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.RATING, songRating);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE, songSource);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ART_PATH, songAlbumArtPath);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ID, songID);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.ARTIST_ART_LOCATION, songArtistArtPath);
                //values.put(DBAccessHelper.ARTIST_ID, artistID);
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.ALBUM_ID, storeAlbumID);

                /* We're gonna have to save the song ID into the SONG_FILE_PATH 
                 * field. Google Play Music playlist songs don't have a file path, but we're using a 
                 * JOIN in PlaylistsFlippedFragment that relies on this field, so we'll need to use the 
                 * song ID as a placeholder instead.
                values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, songID);

                //Add all the entries to the database to build the songs library.
                mApp.getDBAccessHelper().getWritableDatabase().insert(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null,



        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            //Close the transaction.

            if (cursor != null) {
                cursor = null;



        //Update the genres library.

        return "SUCCESS";

     * Downloads and stores song metadata from Google's servers.
     * @deprecated Grabbing metadata directly from Google's servers can potentially 
     * cause them to shutdown the "sj" service for this app. The official GMusic app
     * has a ContentProvider that can provide all the metadata for offline usage.
    public String downloadMetadataFromGoogle() {
        /* //Retrieve a list of songs stored on Google Play Music and their metadata.
          GMusicClientCalls gMusicClientCalls = GMusicClientCalls.getInstance(mContext);
          try {
            songsList = gMusicClientCalls.getAllSongs(mContext.getApplicationContext());
         } catch (JSONException e) {
            return "GENERIC_EXCEPTION";
          //Clear out all the current Google Play Music songs in the database.
          DBAccessHelper libraryDBHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
          //Insert the songs and their metadata into jelly' local database.
          /* To improve database insertion performance, we'll use a single transaction 
           * for the entire operation. SQLite journals each database insertion and 
           * creates a new transaction by default. We'll override this functionality 
           * and create a single transaction for all the database record insertions. 
           * In theory, this should reduce NAND memory overhead times and result in 
           * a 2x to 5x performance increase.
          try {
             //We'll initialize the DB transaction manually.
             /* Now that we have a list of all the audio files that are either new or 
              * modified, we can just delete all the records of those files in the DB 
              * and re-add them.
             //Avoid "Divide by zero" errors.
             int scanningSongsIncrement;
             if (songsList.size()!=0) {
         scanningSongsIncrement = 800000/songsList.size();
             } else {
         scanningSongsIncrement = 800000/1;
             currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.downloading_songs_info_from_google_play_music);
        for (int i=0; i < songsList.size(); i++) {
           WebClientSongsSchema song = songsList.get(i);
           currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + scanningSongsIncrement;
           //Get the song's metadata.
           String songTitle = song.getTitle();
           String songArtist = song.getArtist();
           String songAlbum = song.getAlbum();
           String songAlbumArtist = song.getAlbumArtist();
           String songDuration = "" + song.getDurationMillis();
           String songTrackNumber = "" + song.getTrack();
           String songYear = "" + song.getYear();
           String songGenre = song.getGenre();
           String songPlayCount = "" + song.getPlayCount();
           String songRating = "" + song.getRating();
           String songSource = DBAccessHelper.GMUSIC;
           String songAlbumArtPath = song.getAlbumArtUrl();
           String songDeleted = "" + song.isDeleted();
           String songLastPlayed = "" + song.getLastPlayed();
           String songId = "" + song.getId();
           /* By default, Google will return an album art path that contains
            * an image that is 130x130 in size. The "=sxxx" parameter determines 
            * the size of the returned image. We'll replace all instances of "=s130" 
            * with "=s512" to get artwork that is 512x512 in size. Also, the "http://" 
            * part appears truncated, so add that into the beginning of the url.
           if (songAlbumArtPath!=null) {
              if (!songAlbumArtPath.isEmpty()) {
                 songAlbumArtPath = songAlbumArtPath.replace("=s130", "=s512");
                 songAlbumArtPath = "http:" + songAlbumArtPath;
           //Prepare the genres ArrayList.
           if (!genresList.contains(songGenre)) {
           //Filter out track numbers and remove any bogus values.
           if (songTrackNumber!=null) {
             if (songTrackNumber.contains("/")) {
                int index = songTrackNumber.lastIndexOf("/");
                songTrackNumber = songTrackNumber.substring(0, index);
           if (songYear.equals("0")) {
              songYear = "";
           String songFilePath = "";
           try {
              URI uri = gMusicClientCalls.getSongStream(song.getId());
           songFilePath = uri.toURL().toString();
        } catch (JSONException e) {
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
           ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE, songTitle);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST, songArtist);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM, songAlbum);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST, songAlbumArtist);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_DURATION, songDuration);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, songFilePath);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FOLDER_PATH, "");
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER, songTrackNumber);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE, songGenre);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_PLAY_COUNT, songPlayCount);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_YEAR, songYear);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_LAST_MODIFIED, "");
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS, "FALSE"); //Keep the song whitelisted by default.
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.ADDED_TIMESTAMP, date.getTime());
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.RATING, songRating);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP, songLastPlayed);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE, songSource);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ART_PATH, songAlbumArtPath);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_DELETED, songDeleted);
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ID, songId);
           /* We're gonna have to save the song ID into the SONG_FILE_PATH 
            * field. Google Play Music playlist songs don't have a file path, but we're using a 
            * JOIN in PlaylistsFlippedFragment that relies on this field, so we'll need to use the 
            * song ID as a placeholder instead.
           values.put(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, songId);
           //Add all the entries to the database to build the songs library.
          } catch (SQLException e) {
             // TODO Auto-generated method stub.
             return "GENERIC_EXCEPTION";
          } finally {
             //Close the transaction.
          //Clear out all the current Google Play Music playlists in the database.
          DBAccessHelper musicLibraryPlaylistsDBHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
          //Insert the songs and their metadata into jelly' local database.
          /* To improve database insertion performance, we'll use a single transaction 
           * for the entire operation. SQLite journals each database insertion and 
           * creates a new transaction by default. We'll override this functionality 
           * and create a single transaction for all the database record insertions. 
           * In theory, this should reduce NAND memory overhead times and result in 
           * a 2x to 5x performance increase.
          try {
             //Open a connection to the database.
              try {
         playlistsList = gMusicClientCalls.getAllPlaylists(mContext.getApplicationContext()).getPlaylists();
             } catch (JSONException e) {
         return "GENERIC_EXCEPTION";
             //Avoid "Divide by zero" errors.
             int scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
             if (playlistsList.size()!=0) {
         scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/playlistsList.size();
             } else {
         scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/1;
             currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.syncing_with_google_play_music);
             for (int i=0; i < playlistsList.size(); i++) {
           currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
           //Get the playlist's metadata.
           String playlistName = playlistsList.get(i).getTitle();
           String playlistID = playlistsList.get(i).getPlaylistId();
           String playlistArtUrl = "";
           ContentValues playlistValues = new ContentValues();
           playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_NAME, playlistName);
           playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ID, playlistID);
           playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ART_URL, playlistArtUrl);
           playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SOURCE, DBAccessHelper.GMUSIC);
           playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_BLACKLIST_STATUS, "FALSE");
           //Add all the entries to the database to build the songs library.
          } catch (Exception e) {
          } finally {
             //Seal off all connections to the database.
          //Build the genres library.
          return "SUCCESS"; */
        return null;

     * Retrieves the user's playlists and their contents using the WebClient protocol.
    /*private void getPlaylistsWebClient() {
        //Clear out all the current Google Play Music playlists in the database.\
        //Insert the songs and their metadata into jelly' local database.
    To improve database insertion performance, we'll use a single transaction 
    * for the entire operation. SQLite journals each database insertion and 
    * creates a new transaction by default. We'll override this functionality 
    * and create a single transaction for all the database record insertions. 
    * In theory, this should reduce NAND memory overhead times and result in 
    * a 2x to 5x performance increase.
        GMusicClientCalls gMusicClientCalls = GMusicClientCalls.getInstance(mContext);
        try {
      //Open a connection to the database.
      //Get a list of all playlists from Google's servers.
      playlistsJSONArray = gMusicClientCalls.getUserPlaylistsMobileClient(mContext);
      //Avoid "Divide by zero" errors.
      int scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
      if (playlistsJSONArray.length()!=0) {
         scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/playlistsJSONArray.length();
      } else {
         scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/1;
      currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.syncing_with_google_play_music);
      MobileClientPlaylistsSchema currentPlaylist = new MobileClientPlaylistsSchema();
      WebClientSongsSchema currentPlaylistSong = new WebClientSongsSchema();
      for (int i=0; i < playlistsJSONArray.length(); i++) {
         currentPlaylist = currentPlaylist.fromJsonObject(playlistsJSONArray.getJSONObject(i));
           currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
           //Get the playlist's metadata.
           String playlistName = currentPlaylist.getName();
           String playlistId = currentPlaylist.getPlaylistId();
           String playlistArtUrl = "";
           //Retrieve all the song's within the current playlist.
           JSONArray songsArray = gMusicClientCalls.getPlaylistEntriesWebClient(mContext, playlistId);
           //Loop through the current playlist's songs array and retrieve each song's metadata.
           for (int j=0; j < songsArray.length(); j++) {
              try {
                 currentPlaylistSong = currentPlaylistSong.fromJsonObject(songsArray.getJSONObject(j));
                  //Extract the current playlist song's metadata.
                   String songTrackId = currentPlaylistSong.getId();
                   String playlistEntryId = currentPlaylistSong.getPlaylistEntryId();
                   ContentValues playlistValues = new ContentValues();
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_NAME, playlistName);
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ID, playlistId); 
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ART_URL, playlistArtUrl);
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SOURCE, DBAccessHelper.GMUSIC);
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_BLACKLIST_STATUS, "FALSE");
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_FILE_PATH, songTrackId);
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_ENTRY_ID, playlistEntryId);
                   playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ORDER, j);
                   //Add all the entries to the database to build the songs library.
              } catch (Exception e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
      //Seal off all connections to the database.

     * Retrieves the user's playlists and their contents using the MobileClient protocol.
     * @deprecated The entryIds that we're fetching from the MobileClient protocol seem 
     * to be broken. They don't work with reordering playlist songs. I'll fix this if/when 
     * I have time. Until then, I'm gonna use getPlaylistsWebClient().
    private void getPlaylistsMobileClient() {

        /*       //Clear out all the current Google Play Music playlists in the database.
               DBAccessHelper musicLibraryPlaylistsDBHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
               //Insert the songs and their metadata into jelly' local database.
                To improve database insertion performance, we'll use a single transaction 
                * for the entire operation. SQLite journals each database insertion and 
                * creates a new transaction by default. We'll override this functionality 
                * and create a single transaction for all the database record insertions. 
                * In theory, this should reduce NAND memory overhead times and result in 
                * a 2x to 5x performance increase.
               try {
                  //Open a connection to the database.
                     * The following calls are based on the MobileClient endpoints. Unfortunately, 
                     * we can't get the correct entryIds for each song with these calls, so we'll 
                     * have to revert to using the WebClient calls.
                                                                                                    //Instantiate the GMusic API and retrieve an array of all playlists.
                                                                                                    GMusicClientCalls gMusicClientCalls = GMusicClientCalls.getInstance(mContext);
                                                                                                    try {
                                                                                                    playlistsJSONArray = gMusicClientCalls.getUserPlaylistsMobileClient(mContext);
                                                                                                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                                                                                                    //Retrieve an array of all song entries within every playlist.
                                                                                                    try {
                                                                                                    playlistEntriesJSONArray = gMusicClientCalls.getPlaylistEntriesMobileClient(mContext);
                                                                                                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                                                                                                    Now that we have a JSONArray with all the unique playlists, it's time to 
                                                                                                    * index the playlistIds and their name within the array. This will 
                                                                                                    * allow us to efficiently figure out the name of the playlist without 
                                                                                                    * going through the entire original array over and over again.
                                                                                                    MobileClientPlaylistsSchema currentPlaylist = new MobileClientPlaylistsSchema();
                                                                                                    for (int k=0; k < playlistsJSONArray.length(); k++) {
                                                                                                    currentPlaylist = currentPlaylist.fromJsonObject(playlistsJSONArray.getJSONObject(k));
                                                                                                    if (!playlistIdsNameMap.containsKey(currentPlaylist.getPlaylistId())) {
                                                                                                    playlistIdsNameMap.put(currentPlaylist.getPlaylistId(), currentPlaylist.getName());
                                                                                                    //Avoid "Divide by zero" errors.
                                                                                                    int scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
                                                                                                    if (playlistEntriesJSONArray.length()!=0) {
                                                                                                    scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/playlistEntriesJSONArray.length();
                                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                                    scanningPlaylistsIncrement = 100000/1;
                                                                                                    currentTask = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.syncing_with_google_play_music);
                                                                                                    MobileClientPlaylistEntriesSchema currentPlaylistEntry = new MobileClientPlaylistEntriesSchema();
                                                                                                    for (int i=0; i < playlistEntriesJSONArray.length(); i++) {
                                                                                                    currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + scanningPlaylistsIncrement;
                                                                                                    //Get the playlist's metadata.
                                                                                                    currentPlaylistEntry = currentPlaylistEntry.fromJsonObject(playlistEntriesJSONArray.getJSONObject(i));
                                                                                                    String playlistName = playlistIdsNameMap.get(currentPlaylistEntry.getPlaylistId());
                                                                                                    String playlistId = currentPlaylistEntry.getPlaylistId();
                                                                                                    String id = currentPlaylistEntry.getId();
                                                                                                    String clientId = currentPlaylistEntry.getClientId();
                                                                                                    String trackId = currentPlaylistEntry.getTrackId();
                                                                                                    GMusic's backend server uses horribly misleading JSON key names. 
                                                                                                    * Each playlist entry has an entryId. When reordering songs, this 
                                                                                                    * entryId is actually the clientId of the song. The songId matches 
                                                                                                    * trackId. The "id" key in the JSON response is seemingly not 
                                                                                                    * used for anything in particular.
                                                                                                    ContentValues playlistValues = new ContentValues();
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_NAME, playlistName);
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ID, playlistId);
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ART_URL, "");
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SOURCE, DBAccessHelper.GMUSIC);
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_ID, id);
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_BLACKLIST_STATUS, "FALSE");
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ORDER, i);
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_ENTRY_ID, clientId);
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "--------------------PLAYLIST ENTRY--------------------");
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "playlistName: " + playlistName);
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "playlistId: " + playlistId);
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "id: " + id);
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "clientId (entryId): " + clientId);
                                                                                                    Log.e("DEBUG", "trackId: " + trackId);
                                                                                                    We're gonna have to save the playlist's song IDs into the PLAYLIST_SONG_FILE_PATH 
                                                                                                    * field. Google Play Music playlist songs don't have a file path, but we're using a 
                                                                                                    * JOIN in PlaylistsFlippedFragment that relies on this field, so we'll need to use the 
                                                                                                    * "songId" param as a placeholder instead. The "trackId" key corresponds to "songId"
                                                                                                    * in the songs table.
                                                                                                    playlistValues.put(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_FILE_PATH, trackId);
                                                                                                    //Add all the entries to the database to build the songs library.
                                                                                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                                                                                    } finally {
                                                                                                    //Seal off all connections to the database.


     * Scans the entire Music Library for songs, fetches their genres, and inputs the total 
     * count for that genre into each song's genre.
    public void updateGenreSongCount() {

        //We'll get the number of songs in a particular genre and apply that tag to all songs.
        String genre = "";
        int songCount = 0;
        int buildingGenresIncrement;
        currentTask = "Building Genres";
        if (genresList.size() != 0) {
            buildingGenresIncrement = 100000 / genresList.size();
        } else {
            buildingGenresIncrement = 100000 / 1;

        //Open a single transaction connection to keep the operation as efficient as possible.       
        for (int i = 0; i < genresList.size(); i++) {

            currentProgressValue = currentProgressValue + buildingGenresIncrement;

            try {
                genre = genresList.get(i);

                if (genre.contains("'")) {
                    genre = genre.replace("'", "''");

                //Get the number of songs in this genre.
                songCount = mApp.getDBAccessHelper().getGenreSongCount(genre);
                mApp.getDBAccessHelper().insertNumberOfSongsInGenre(genre, songCount);

            } catch (Exception e) {



     * Public method that provides access to the onProgressUpdate() method.
     * Used to update the progress bar from a different class/activity.
     * @param progressParams 
    public void callOnProgressUpdate(String... progressParams) {

    protected void onProgressUpdate(String... progressParams) {

        /*//Update the notification.
        BuildMusicLibraryService.mBuilder.setProgress(100000, currentProgressValue, false);
        BuildMusicLibraryService.mNotification =;


    protected void onPostExecute(String arg0) {

        //Release the wakelock.

