Java tutorial
/* * Copyright () 2015 Jeff Harris <> * All rights reserved. Use of the code is allowed under the * Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the LICENSE file * distributed with this code, or available from * */ package com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.dropbox; import android.accounts.Account; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.util.Log; import com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI; import; import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxException; import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxServerException; import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxUnlinkedException; import com.dropbox.client2.session.AbstractSession; import com.dropbox.client2.session.AccessTokenPair; import com.dropbox.client2.session.AppKeyPair; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.lib.PasswdSafeUtil; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.lib.ProviderType; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.AbstractSyncTimerProvider; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.DbFile; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.DbProvider; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.NewAccountTask; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.NotifUtils; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.ProviderRemoteFile; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.SyncDb; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.sync.lib.SyncLogRecord; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * The DropboxCoreProvider class encapsulates Dropbox */ public class DropboxCoreProvider extends AbstractSyncTimerProvider { private static final String DROPBOX_SYNC_APP_KEY = "jaafb7iju45c60f"; private static final String DROPBOX_SYNC_APP_SECRET = "gabkj5758t39urh"; private static final String PREF_MIGRATE_TOKEN = "dropboxMigrateToken"; private static final String PREF_OAUTH2_TOKEN = "dropboxOAuth2Token"; private static final String PREF_OATH_KEY = "dropboxOAuthKey"; private static final String PREF_OATH_SECRET = "dropboxOAuthSecret"; private static final String PREF_USER_ID = "dropboxUserId"; private static final String TAG = "DropboxCoreProvider"; private DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession> itsApi; private String itsUserId = null; /** Constructor */ public DropboxCoreProvider(Context ctx) { super(ProviderType.DROPBOX, ctx, TAG); } @Override public void init() { super.init(); doMigration(); itsApi = new DropboxAPI<>( new AndroidAuthSession(new AppKeyPair(DROPBOX_SYNC_APP_KEY, DROPBOX_SYNC_APP_SECRET))); updateDropboxAcct(); } @Override protected String getAccountUserId() { return itsUserId; } @Override public void startAccountLink(FragmentActivity activity, int requestCode) { if (isAccountAuthorized()) { unlinkAccount(); } itsApi.getSession().startOAuth2Authentication(activity); } @Override public NewAccountTask finishAccountLink(int activityResult, Intent activityData, Uri providerAcctUri) { AndroidAuthSession session = itsApi.getSession(); if (!session.authenticationSuccessful()) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "finishAccountLink auth failed"); return null; } try { session.finishAuthentication(); saveAuthData(session.getOAuth2AccessToken()); updateDropboxAcct(); if (itsUserId != null) { return null; } return new NewAccountTask(providerAcctUri, null, ProviderType.DROPBOX, false, getContext()) { @Override protected void doAccountUpdate(ContentResolver cr) { try { DropboxAPI.Account acct = itsApi.accountInfo(); itsNewAcct = Long.toString(acct.uid); setUserId(itsNewAcct); super.doAccountUpdate(cr); } catch (DropboxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving account", e); } } }; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error authenticating", e); return null; } } @Override public void unlinkAccount() { saveAuthData(null); setUserId(null); updateDropboxAcct(); } @Override public boolean isAccountAuthorized() { return itsApi.getSession().isLinked(); } @Override public Account getAccount(String acctName) { return new Account(acctName, SyncDb.DROPBOX_ACCOUNT_TYPE); } @Override public void checkProviderAdd(SQLiteDatabase db) throws Exception { List<DbProvider> providers = SyncDb.getProviders(db); for (DbProvider provider : providers) { if (provider.itsType == ProviderType.DROPBOX) { throw new Exception("Only one Dropbox account allowed"); } } } @Override public void cleanupOnDelete(String acctName) throws Exception { unlinkAccount(); } @Override public void requestSync(boolean manual) { boolean authorized = isAccountAuthorized(); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "requestSync authorized: %b", authorized); if (authorized) { doRequestSync(manual); } } @Override public void sync(Account acct, DbProvider provider, SQLiteDatabase db, boolean full, SyncLogRecord logrec) throws Exception { try { boolean authorized = isAccountAuthorized(); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "sync authorized: %b", authorized); if (authorized) { new DropboxCoreSyncer(itsApi, provider, db, logrec, getContext()).sync(); } } catch (DropboxUnlinkedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "unlinked error", e); saveAuthData(null); updateDropboxAcct(); throw e; } catch (DropboxServerException e) { if (e.error == DropboxServerException._401_UNAUTHORIZED) { Log.e(TAG, "unauthorized error", e); saveAuthData(null); updateDropboxAcct(); } throw e; } } /** List files */ public List<ProviderRemoteFile> listFiles(String path) throws DropboxException { DropboxAPI.Entry pathEntry = itsApi.metadata(path, 0, null, true, null); List<ProviderRemoteFile> files = new ArrayList<>(pathEntry.contents.size()); for (DropboxAPI.Entry child : pathEntry.contents) { files.add(new DropboxCoreProviderFile(child)); } return files; } /** Update the Dropbox account client based on availability of * authentication information */ private synchronized void updateDropboxAcct() { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); AbstractSession session = itsApi.getSession(); boolean haveAuth = false; String authToken = prefs.getString(PREF_OAUTH2_TOKEN, null); if (authToken != null) { session.setOAuth2AccessToken(authToken); haveAuth = true; } else { String authKey = prefs.getString(PREF_OATH_KEY, null); String authSecret = prefs.getString(PREF_OATH_SECRET, null); if ((authKey != null) && (authSecret != null)) { session.setAccessTokenPair(new AccessTokenPair(authKey, authSecret)); haveAuth = true; } else { session.unlink(); } } if (haveAuth) { itsUserId = prefs.getString(PREF_USER_ID, null); if (itsUserId != null) { try { updateProviderSyncFreq(itsUserId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "updateDropboxAcct failure", e); } } requestSync(false); } else { itsUserId = null; updateSyncFreq(null, 0); } PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "init auth %b", isAccountAuthorized()); } /** Update the account's user ID */ private synchronized void setUserId(String user) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "updateUserId: %s", user); itsUserId = user; SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString(PREF_USER_ID, itsUserId); editor.apply(); } /** Save or clear authentication data */ private synchronized void saveAuthData(String oauth2Token) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "saveAuthData: %b", oauth2Token); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); if (oauth2Token != null) { editor.putString(PREF_OAUTH2_TOKEN, oauth2Token); } else { editor.remove(PREF_OAUTH2_TOKEN); } editor.remove(PREF_OATH_KEY); editor.remove(PREF_OATH_SECRET); editor.apply(); } /** Migrate from previous Dropbox */ private void doMigration() { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); boolean migrate = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_MIGRATE_TOKEN, true); if (migrate) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "doMigration"); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); try { Context appctx = getContext().getApplicationContext(); String accts = appctx.getSharedPreferences("dropbox-credentials", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getString("accounts", null); if (accts != null) { JSONArray jsonAccounts = new JSONArray(accts); if (jsonAccounts.length() > 0) { JSONObject acct = jsonAccounts.getJSONObject(0); String userId = acct.getString("userId"); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "migrate user: %s", userId); editor.putString(PREF_USER_ID, userId); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error migrating token", e); } editor.putBoolean(PREF_MIGRATE_TOKEN, false); editor.apply(); SyncDb syncDb = SyncDb.acquire(); try { SQLiteDatabase db = syncDb.getDb(); for (DbProvider provider : SyncDb.getProviders(db)) { if (provider.itsType != ProviderType.DROPBOX) { continue; } String dirpfx = "/Apps/PasswdSafe Sync"; for (DbFile dbfile : SyncDb.getFiles(provider.itsId, db)) { SyncDb.updateRemoteFile(dbfile.itsId, (dirpfx + dbfile.itsRemoteId).toLowerCase(), dbfile.itsRemoteTitle, dirpfx + dbfile.itsRemoteFolder, dbfile.itsRemoteModDate, dbfile.itsRemoteHash, db); } } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error migrating files", e); } finally { syncDb.release(); } NotifUtils.showNotif(NotifUtils.Type.DROPBOX_MIGRATED, getContext()); } } }