Java tutorial
/* * Copyright () 2012-2014 Jeff Harris <> * All rights reserved. Use of the code is allowed under the * Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the LICENSE file * distributed with this code, or available from * */ package com.jefftharris.passwdsafe; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.pwsafe.lib.file.PwsRecord; import; import; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdExpiration; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdFileData; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdFileDataObserver; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdFileUri; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdRecord; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdRecordFilter; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.lib.PasswdSafeUtil; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.lib.Utils; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.lib.view.GuiUtils; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.util.LongReference; import com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.view.ConfirmPromptDialog; /** * The NotificationMgr class encapsulates the notifications provided by the app */ @SuppressWarnings("TryFinallyCanBeTryWithResources") public class NotificationMgr implements PasswdFileDataObserver { private static final String TAG = "NotificationMgr"; private static final String DB_TABLE_URIS = "uris"; private static final String DB_COL_URIS_ID = BaseColumns._ID; private static final String DB_COL_URIS_URI = "uri"; private static final String DB_MATCH_URIS_ID = DB_COL_URIS_ID + " = ?"; private static final String DB_MATCH_URIS_URI = DB_COL_URIS_URI + " = ?"; private static final String DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS = "expirations"; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_ID = BaseColumns._ID; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_URI = "uri"; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_UUID = "rec_uuid"; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_TITLE = "rec_title"; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_GROUP = "rec_group"; private static final String DB_COL_EXPIRYS_EXPIRE = "rec_expire"; private static final String DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_URI = DB_COL_EXPIRYS_URI + " = ?"; private static final String DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_ID = DB_COL_EXPIRYS_ID + " = ?"; private final Context itsCtx; private final AlarmManager itsAlarmMgr; private final NotificationManager itsNotifyMgr; private final DbHelper itsDbHelper; private final HashMap<Long, UriNotifInfo> itsUriNotifs = new HashMap<>(); private final HashSet<Uri> itsNotifUris = new HashSet<>(); private int itsNextNotifId = 1; private PasswdRecordFilter.ExpiryFilter itsExpiryFilter = null; private PendingIntent itsTimerIntent; /** Constructor */ public NotificationMgr(Context ctx, AlarmManager alarmMgr, PasswdRecordFilter.ExpiryFilter expiryFilter) { itsCtx = ctx; itsAlarmMgr = alarmMgr; itsNotifyMgr = (NotificationManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); itsExpiryFilter = expiryFilter; itsDbHelper = new DbHelper(ctx); PasswdFileData.addObserver(this); loadEntries(); } /** Are notifications enabled for a URI */ public boolean hasPasswdExpiryNotif(PasswdFileUri uri) { return itsNotifUris.contains(uri.getUri()); } /** * Set whether notifications are enabled for a password file */ public void setPasswdExpiryNotif(@NonNull PasswdFileData fileData, boolean enabled) { try { SQLiteDatabase db = itsDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.beginTransaction(); Long uriId = getDbUriId(fileData.getUri(), db); if (enabled) { if (uriId == null) { enablePasswdExpiryNotif(fileData, db); } } else { if (uriId != null) { removeUri(uriId, db); loadEntries(db); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database error", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdFileDataObserver#passwdFileDataChanged(com.jefftharris.passwdsafe.file.PasswdFileData) */ public void passwdFileDataChanged(PasswdFileData fileData) { try { SQLiteDatabase db = itsDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.beginTransaction(); Long id = getDbUriId(fileData.getUri(), db); if (id != null) { doUpdatePasswdFileData(id, fileData, db); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database error", e); } } /** * Create a confirm prompt for clearing all notifications */ public DialogFragment createClearAllPrompt(Context ctx, Bundle args) { return ConfirmPromptDialog.newInstance(ctx.getString(R.string.clear_password_notifications), ctx.getString(R.string.erase_all_expiration_notifications), ctx.getString(R.string.clear), args); } /** * Clear all notifications after being confirmed */ public void handleClearAllConfirmed() { try { SQLiteDatabase db = itsDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.beginTransaction(); db.delete(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, null, null); db.delete(DB_TABLE_URIS, null, null); loadEntries(db); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database error", e); } } /** Cancel the notification for a URI */ public void cancelNotification(PasswdFileUri uri) { if (uri != null) { try { SQLiteDatabase db = itsDbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Long id = getDbUriId(uri, db); UriNotifInfo info = itsUriNotifs.get(id); if (info != null) { itsNotifyMgr.cancel(info.getNotifId()); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database error for uri: " + uri, e); } } } /** Set the password expiration filter */ public void setPasswdExpiryFilter(PasswdRecordFilter.ExpiryFilter filter) { itsExpiryFilter = filter; loadEntries(); } /** Handle an expiration timeout */ public void handleExpirationTimeout() { loadEntries(); } /** Return whether notifications are supported for the URI */ public static boolean notifSupported(PasswdFileUri uri) { if (uri == null) { return false; } switch (uri.getType()) { case FILE: { Uri fileUri = uri.getUri(); String path = fileUri.getPath(); return (!path.contains("/data/") && !path.contains("/data/")); } case SYNC_PROVIDER: { return true; } case EMAIL: case GENERIC_PROVIDER: { return false; } } return false; } /** Enable notifications for the password file */ private void enablePasswdExpiryNotif(@NonNull PasswdFileData fileData, SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put(DB_COL_URIS_URI, fileData.getUri().toString()); long id = db.insertOrThrow(DB_TABLE_URIS, null, values); doUpdatePasswdFileData(id, fileData, db); } /** Update the notification expirations for a password file */ private void doUpdatePasswdFileData(long uriId, PasswdFileData fileData, SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "Update %s, id: %d", fileData.getUri(), uriId); TreeMap<ExpiryEntry, Long> entries = new TreeMap<>(); Cursor cursor = db.query(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, new String[] { DB_COL_EXPIRYS_ID, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_UUID, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_TITLE, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_GROUP, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_EXPIRE }, DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_URI, new String[] { Long.toString(uriId) }, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { ExpiryEntry entry = new ExpiryEntry(cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getLong(4)); entries.put(entry, cursor.getLong(0)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } boolean dbchanged = false; ContentValues values = null; for (PasswdRecord rec : fileData.getPasswdRecords()) { PasswdExpiration expiry = rec.getPasswdExpiry(); if (expiry == null) { continue; } PwsRecord pwsrec = rec.getRecord(); ExpiryEntry entry = new ExpiryEntry(rec.getUUID(), fileData.getTitle(pwsrec), fileData.getGroup(pwsrec), expiry.itsExpiration.getTime()); if (entries.remove(entry) == null) { if (values == null) { values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DB_COL_EXPIRYS_URI, uriId); } values.put(DB_COL_EXPIRYS_UUID, entry.itsUuid); values.put(DB_COL_EXPIRYS_TITLE, entry.itsTitle); values.put(DB_COL_EXPIRYS_GROUP, entry.itsGroup); values.put(DB_COL_EXPIRYS_EXPIRE, entry.itsExpiry); db.insertOrThrow(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, null, values); dbchanged = true; } } for (Long rmId : entries.values()) { db.delete(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_ID, new String[] { rmId.toString() }); dbchanged = true; } if (dbchanged) { loadEntries(db); } } /** Load the expiration entries */ private void loadEntries() { SQLiteDatabase db = itsDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.beginTransaction(); loadEntries(db); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database error", e); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** Load the expiration entries from the database */ private void loadEntries(SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { long expiration; if (itsExpiryFilter != null) { expiration = itsExpiryFilter.getExpiryFromNow(null); } else { expiration = Long.MIN_VALUE; } LongReference nextExpiration = new LongReference(Long.MAX_VALUE); itsNotifUris.clear(); HashSet<Long> uris = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<Long> removeUriIds = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor uriCursor = db.query(DB_TABLE_URIS, new String[] { DB_COL_URIS_ID, DB_COL_URIS_URI }, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (uriCursor.moveToNext()) { long id = uriCursor.getLong(0); Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriCursor.getString(1)); boolean exists = loadUri(id, uri, uris, expiration, nextExpiration, db); if (!exists) { removeUriIds.add(id); } } } finally { uriCursor.close(); } Iterator<HashMap.Entry<Long, UriNotifInfo>> iter = itsUriNotifs.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { HashMap.Entry<Long, UriNotifInfo> entry =; if (!uris.contains(entry.getKey())) { itsNotifyMgr.cancel(entry.getValue().getNotifId()); iter.remove(); } } for (Long removeId : removeUriIds) { removeUri(removeId, db); } PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "nextExpiration: %tc", nextExpiration.itsValue); if ((nextExpiration.itsValue != Long.MAX_VALUE) && (itsExpiryFilter != null)) { if (itsTimerIntent == null) { Intent intent = new Intent(PasswdSafeApp.EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT_INTENT); itsTimerIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(itsCtx, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); } long nextTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (nextExpiration.itsValue - expiration); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "nextTimer: %tc", nextTimer); itsAlarmMgr.set(AlarmManager.RTC, nextTimer, itsTimerIntent); } else if (itsTimerIntent != null) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "cancel expiration timer"); itsAlarmMgr.cancel(itsTimerIntent); } } /** * Handle the expiration entries for a URI in the database. Return whether * the URI exists. */ private boolean loadUri(final long uriId, final Uri uri, final HashSet<Long> expiredUris, final long expiration, final LongReference nextExpiration, final SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { PasswdFileUri.Creator creator = new PasswdFileUri.Creator(uri, itsCtx); PasswdFileUri passwdUri = creator.finishCreate(); if ((passwdUri == null) || !passwdUri.exists()) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "Notif file doesn't exist: %s", uri); return false; } itsNotifUris.add(uri); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "Load %s", uri); TreeSet<ExpiryEntry> expired = loadUriEntries(uriId, expiration, nextExpiration, db); if (expired.isEmpty()) { return true; } expiredUris.add(uriId); UriNotifInfo info = itsUriNotifs.get(uriId); if (info == null) { info = new UriNotifInfo(itsNextNotifId++); itsUriNotifs.put(uriId, info); } // Skip the notification if the entries are the same if (info.getEntries().equals(expired)) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "No expiry changes"); return true; } info.setEntries(expired); int numExpired = info.getEntries().size(); ArrayList<String> strs = new ArrayList<>(numExpired); for (ExpiryEntry entry : info.getEntries()) { strs.add(entry.toString(itsCtx)); } String record = null; if (numExpired == 1) { ExpiryEntry entry = info.getEntries().first(); record = entry.itsUuid; } PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(itsCtx, 0, PasswdSafeUtil.createOpenIntent(uri, record), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); String title = itsCtx.getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.expiring_passwords, numExpired, numExpired); GuiUtils.showNotification(itsNotifyMgr, itsCtx, R.drawable.ic_stat_app, itsCtx.getString(R.string.expiring_password), title, R.mipmap.ic_launcher_passwdsafe, passwdUri.getIdentifier(itsCtx, false), strs, intent, info.getNotifId(), false); return true; } /** Load the expiration entries for a URI from the database */ private TreeSet<ExpiryEntry> loadUriEntries(final long uriId, final long expiration, final LongReference nextExpiration, final SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { TreeSet<ExpiryEntry> expired = new TreeSet<>(); Cursor cursor = db.query(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, new String[] { DB_COL_EXPIRYS_UUID, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_TITLE, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_GROUP, DB_COL_EXPIRYS_EXPIRE }, DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_URI, new String[] { Long.toString(uriId) }, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long expiry = cursor.getLong(3); if (expiry <= expiration) { ExpiryEntry entry = new ExpiryEntry(cursor.getString(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), expiry); PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "expired entry: %s/%s, at: %tc", entry.itsGroup, entry.itsTitle, entry.itsExpiry); expired.add(entry); } else if (expiry < nextExpiration.itsValue) { nextExpiration.itsValue = expiry; } } } finally { cursor.close(); } return expired; } /** Remove the URI from the database */ private static void removeUri(Long id, SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { String[] idarg = new String[] { id.toString() }; db.delete(DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS, DB_MATCH_EXPIRYS_URI, idarg); db.delete(DB_TABLE_URIS, DB_MATCH_URIS_ID, idarg); } /** Get the id for a URI or null if not found */ private static Long getDbUriId(PasswdFileUri uri, SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { Cursor cursor = db.query(DB_TABLE_URIS, new String[] { DB_COL_URIS_ID }, DB_MATCH_URIS_URI, new String[] { uri.getUri().toString() }, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return null; } return cursor.getLong(0); } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** Database helper class to manage the database tables */ private static final class DbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static final String DB_NAME = "notifications.db"; private static final int DB_VERSION = 1; /** Constructor */ public DbHelper(Context context) { super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper#onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase) */ @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { PasswdSafeUtil.dbginfo(TAG, "Create DB"); enableForeignKey(db); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + DB_TABLE_URIS + " (" + DB_COL_URIS_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + DB_COL_URIS_URI + " TEXT NOT NULL" + ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + DB_TABLE_EXPIRYS + " (" + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_URI + " INTEGER REFERENCES " + DB_TABLE_URIS + "(" + DB_COL_URIS_ID + ") NOT NULL, " + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_UUID + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_TITLE + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_GROUP + " TEXT, " + DB_COL_EXPIRYS_EXPIRE + " INTEGER NOT NULL" + ");"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper#onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) */ @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { enableForeignKey(db); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper#onOpen(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase) */ @Override public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) { enableForeignKey(db); super.onOpen(db); } /** Enable support for foreign keys on the open database connection */ private void enableForeignKey(SQLiteDatabase db) throws SQLException { if (!db.isReadOnly()) { db.execSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); } } } /** The ExpiryEntry class represents an expiration entry for notifications */ private static final class ExpiryEntry implements Comparable<ExpiryEntry> { public final String itsUuid; public final String itsTitle; public final String itsGroup; public final long itsExpiry; /** Constructor */ public ExpiryEntry(String uuid, String title, String group, long expiry) { itsUuid = uuid; itsTitle = title; itsGroup = group; itsExpiry = expiry; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(@NonNull ExpiryEntry another) { int rc; // Reverse sort on expiration time if (itsExpiry < another.itsExpiry) { rc = 1; } else if (itsExpiry > another.itsExpiry) { rc = -1; } else { rc = compareStrs(itsGroup, another.itsGroup); if (rc == 0) { rc = compareStrs(itsTitle, another.itsTitle); if (rc == 0) { rc = itsUuid.compareTo(another.itsUuid); } } } return rc; } /** Convert the entry to a string for users */ public final String toString(Context ctx) { return PasswdRecord.getRecordId(itsGroup, itsTitle, null) + " (" + Utils.formatDate(itsExpiry, ctx, false, true, true) + ")"; } /** Compare two strings, accounting for null */ private static int compareStrs(String str1, String str2) { if (str1 != null) { if (str2 != null) { return str1.compareTo(str2); } return 1; } else if (str2 != null) { return -1; } return 0; } } /** The UriNotifInfo contains the parsed notification data for a URI */ private static final class UriNotifInfo { private final int itsNotifId; private final TreeSet<ExpiryEntry> itsEntries = new TreeSet<>(); /** Constructor */ public UriNotifInfo(int notifId) { itsNotifId = notifId; } /** Get the notification id */ public int getNotifId() { return itsNotifId; } /** Get the expired entries */ public SortedSet<ExpiryEntry> getEntries() { return itsEntries; } /** Set the expired entries */ public void setEntries(Set<ExpiryEntry> entries) { itsEntries.clear(); itsEntries.addAll(entries); } } }