Java tutorial
/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; -*- */ /* WeirdX - Guess. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 JCraft, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package com.jcraft.weirdx; import java.awt.*; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.jcraft.weirdx.res.Clients; import com.jcraft.weirdx.res.XResource; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class XWindow extends XDrawable { private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(XWindow.class); static Object LOCK = XWindow.class; private static final int CWBackPixmap = (1 << 0); private static final int CWBackPixel = (1 << 1); private static final int CWBorderPixmap = (1 << 2); private static final int CWBorderPixel = (1 << 3); private static final int CWBitGravity = (1 << 4); private static final int CWWinGravity = (1 << 5); private static final int CWBackingStore = (1 << 6); private static final int CWBackingPlanes = (1 << 7); private static final int CWBackingPixel = (1 << 8); private static final int CWOverrideRedirect = (1 << 9); private static final int CWSaveUnder = (1 << 10); private static final int CWEventMask = (1 << 11); private static final int CWDontPropagate = (1 << 12); private static final int CWColormap = (1 << 13); private static final int CWCursor = (1 << 14); private static final int CWX = (1 << 0); private static final int CWY = (1 << 1); private static final int CWWidth = (1 << 2); private static final int CWHeight = (1 << 3); private static final int CWBorderWidth = (1 << 4); private static final int CWSibling = (1 << 5); private static final int CWStackMode = (1 << 6); private static final int ChangeMask = (CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight); private static final int IllegalInputOnlyConfigureMask = CWBorderWidth; private static final int CopyFromParent = 0; private static final int InputOutput = 1; private static final int InputOnly = 2; private static final int NotifyNormal = 0; private static final int NotifyGrab = 1; private static final int NotifyUngrab = 2; private static final int NotifyWhileGrabbed = 3; private static final int NotifyAncestor = 0; private static final int NotifyVirtual = 1; private static final int NotifyInferior = 2; private static final int NotifyNonlinear = 3; private static final int NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4; private static final int NotifyPointer = 5; private static final int NotifyPointerRoot = 6; private static final int NotifyDetailNone = 7; private static final int RevertToNone = 0; private static final int RevertToPointerRoot = 1; private static final int RevertToParent = 2; private static final int NoneWin = 0; private static final int PointerRootWin = 1; private static final int PointerRoot = 1; private static final int FollowKeyboard = 3; private static final int FollowKeyboardWin = 3; private static final int AsyncPointer = 0; private static final int SyncPointer = 1; private static final int ReplayPointer = 2; private static final int AsyncKeyboard = 3; private static final int SyncKeyboard = 4; private static final int ReplayKeyboard = 5; private static final int AsyncBoth = 6; private static final int SyncBoth = 7; private static final int GrabModeSync = 0; private static final int GrabModeAsync = 1; private static final int GrabSuccess = 0; private static final int AlreadyGrabbed = 1; private static final int GrabInvalidTime = 2; private static final int GrabNotViewable = 3; private static final int GrabFrozen = 4; static int deltaSaveUndersViewable = 0; static int defaultBackingStore = 0; static int AnyModifier = (1 << 15); static int AnyKey = 0; private static final int Above = 0; private static final int Below = 1; private static final int TopIf = 2; private static final int BottomIf = 3; private static final int Opposite = 4; private static final int Restack = 0; private static final int Move = 1; private static final int Resize = 2; private static final int Reborder = 3; // private static final int NOT_GRABBED=0; // private static final int THAWED=1; // private static final int THAWED_BOTH=2; // private static final int FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT=3; // private static final int FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT=4; // private static final int FROZEN=5; // private static final int FROZEN_NO_EVENT=5; // private static final int FROZEN_WITH_EVENT=6; // private static final int THAW_OTHERS=7; private static final int backgroundStateOffset = 0; private static final int backgroundState = (3 << 0); private static final int ParentRelative = (1 << backgroundStateOffset); private static final int BackgroundPixel = (2 << backgroundStateOffset); private static final int BackgroundPixmap = (3 << backgroundStateOffset); private static final int borderIsPixelOffset = 2; private static final int borderIsPixel = (1 << borderIsPixelOffset); private static final int cursorIsNoneOffset = 3; private static final int cursorIsNone = (1 << cursorIsNoneOffset); private static final int backingStoreOffset = 4; private static final int backingStore = (3 << backingStoreOffset); private static final int saveUnderOffset = 6; private static final int saveUnder = (1 << saveUnderOffset); private static final int DIXsaveUnderOffset = 7; private static final int DIXsaveUnder = (1 << DIXsaveUnderOffset); private static final int bitGravityOffset = 8; private static final int bitGravity = (15 << bitGravityOffset); private static final int ForgetGravity = 0; private static final int winGravityOffset = 12; private static final int winGravity = (15 << winGravityOffset); private static final int ForegetGravity = 0; private static final int NorthWestGravity = 1; private static final int NorthGravity = 2; private static final int NorthEastGravity = 3; private static final int WestGravity = 4; private static final int CenterGravity = 5; private static final int EastGravity = 6; private static final int SouthWestGravity = 7; private static final int SouthGravity = 8; private static final int SouthEastGravity = 9; private static final int StaticGravity = 10; private static final int UnmapGravity = 0; private static final int overrideRedirectOffset = 16; private static final int overrideRedirect = (1 << overrideRedirectOffset); private static final int visibilityOffset = 17; private static final int visibility = (3 << visibilityOffset); private static final int VisibilityUnobscured = 0; private static final int VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1; private static final int VisibilityFullyObscured = 2; private static final int VisibilityNotViewable = 3; private static final int mappedOffset = 19; private static final int mapped = (1 << mappedOffset); private static final int realizedOffset = 20; private static final int realized = (1 << realizedOffset); private static final int viewableOffset = 21; private static final int viewable = (1 << viewableOffset); private static final int dontPropagateOffset = 22; private static final int dontPropagate = (7 << dontPropagateOffset); private static final int forcedBSOffset = 25; private static final int forcedBS = (1 << forcedBSOffset); private static final int DBE_FRONT_BUFFER = 1; private static final int DBE_BACK_BUFFER = 0; private static final int dstBufferOffset = 26; private static final int dstBuffer = (1 << dstBufferOffset); private static final int srcBufferOffset = 27; private static final int srcBuffer = (1 << srcBufferOffset); private static final int PlaceOnTop = 0; private static final int PlaceOnBottom = 1; private static final int RaiseLowest = 0; private static final int LowerHighest = 1; static final Focus focus = new Focus(); static Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); static int spriteTraceGood = 1; static XWindow[] spriteTrace = new XWindow[10]; static Point gpoint = new Point(); static Grab grab = null; static Class<?> dDXWindow = null; static { try { dDXWindow = Class.forName("com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImp"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } public static void installDDXWindow(String name) { Class<?> c = null; try { if (name.startsWith("com.jcraft.weirdx.")) { LOG.debug("Loading class " + name + "..."); c = Class.forName(name); dDXWindow = c; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } Client client; XWindow parent; XWindow nextSib; XWindow prevSib; XWindow firstChild; XWindow lastChild; Point origin = new Point(); int borderWidth; int deliverableEvents; int eventMask; Pix background = new Pix(); Pix border = new Pix(); WindowOpt optional; int attr; DDXWindow ddxwindow; int frame_x = -1; int frame_y = -1; int frame_width = -1; int frame_height = -1; XWindow(int id) { super(id, RT_WINDOW); } XWindow(int wid, XWindow prnt, int x, int y, int width, int height, int bwidth, int clss, byte depth, Client client, int visual, int msk) throws IOException { this(wid); WindowOpt opt; this.client = client; this.parent = prnt; screen = prnt.screen; if (clss == CopyFromParent) clss = prnt.clss; this.clss = clss; if ((clss != InputOutput) && (clss != InputOnly)) { client.errorValue = clss; client.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; return; } if ((clss != InputOnly) && (prnt.clss == InputOnly)) { client.errorValue = clss; client.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch; return; } if ((clss == InputOnly) && ((bwidth != 0) || (depth != 0))) { client.errorValue = 0; client.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch; return; } if ((clss == InputOutput) && (depth == 0)) { depth = prnt.depth; } opt = prnt.optional; if (opt == null) { opt = prnt.findOptional().optional; } if (visual == CopyFromParent) { visual = opt.visual; } if ((visual != opt.visual) || (depth != prnt.depth)) { boolean foo = false; Depth pdepth; for (int i = 0; i < screen.depth.length; i++) { pdepth = screen.depth[i]; if (depth == pdepth.depth || depth == 0) { if (pdepth.visual != null) { for (int j = 0; j < pdepth.visual.length; j++) { if (visual == pdepth.visual[j].id) { foo = true; break; } } } } } if (!foo) { client.errorValue = 0; client.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch; return; } } if (((msk & (CWBorderPixmap | CWBorderPixel)) == 0) && (clss != InputOnly) && (depth != prnt.depth)) { client.errorValue = 0; client.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch; return; } this.depth = depth; if (depth == prnt.depth) { this.bitsPerPixel = prnt.bitsPerPixel; } else { int ii = 0; while (ii < Format.format.length) { if (Format.format[ii].depth == screen.rootDepth) break; ii++; } if (ii == Format.format.length) { // ??? ii = 0; } this.bitsPerPixel = Format.format[ii].bpp; } this.type = prnt.type; if (clss == InputOnly) this.type = UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW; setDefault(); if (visual != opt.visual) { makeOptional(); this.optional.visual = visual; this.optional.colormap = screen.defaultColormap; } this.borderWidth = bwidth; attr &= ~backgroundState; attr &= ~borderIsPixel; attr |= (prnt.attr & borderIsPixel); this.border = prnt.border.dup(); if ((attr & borderIsPixel) == 0) { this.border.pixmap.ref(); } this.origin.x = (short) (x + bwidth); this.origin.y = (short) (y + bwidth); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.x = (short) (prnt.x + x + bwidth); this.y = (short) (prnt.y + y + bwidth); synchronized (LOCK) { this.nextSib = prnt.firstChild; if (prnt.firstChild != null) prnt.firstChild.prevSib = this; else prnt.lastChild = this; prnt.firstChild = this; } if ((msk & CWEventMask) == 0) { recalculateDeliverableEvents(); } msk &= 0x7fff; if (msk != 0) { changeAttr(client, msk); } if (client.errorReason != 0) { this.delete(); return; } if ((msk & CWBackingStore) != 0 && (defaultBackingStore != 0)) { attr &= ~backingStore; attr |= (defaultBackingStore << backingStoreOffset); attr |= forcedBS; } // ddxwindow=new DDXWindow(); try { ddxwindow = (DDXWindow) dDXWindow.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); /*ddxwindow=new DDXWindow();*/ } ddxwindow.init(this); try { if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && prnt == screen.root) { final java.awt.Window frame = getFrame(); /* if(frame instanceof JFrame){ ((JFrame)frame).setJMenuBar(null); ((JFrame)frame).getContentPane().setLayout(null); ((JFrame)frame).setResizable(false); } else*/ if (frame instanceof Frame) { ((Frame) frame).setMenuBar(null); ((Frame) frame).setResizable(true); } ddxwindow.setLocation(0, 0); // if(frame instanceof JFrame){ // ((JFrame)frame).getContentPane().add((java.awt.Component)ddxwindow); // } // else{ frame.add((java.awt.Component) ddxwindow); // } frame.pack(); Insets insets = frame.getInsets(); /* frame.setSize(this.width+this.borderWidth*2+ insets.left+insets.right, this.height+this.borderWidth*2+; */ frame.setLocation(this.origin.x - this.borderWidth + parent.borderWidth, this.origin.y - this.borderWidth + parent.borderWidth); if (frame instanceof Frame) { addWindowListener((java.awt.Frame) frame); addComponentListener((java.awt.Frame) frame); } } else { ddxwindow.setLocation(origin.x - borderWidth + parent.borderWidth, origin.y - borderWidth + parent.borderWidth); prnt.ddxwindow.add((java.awt.Component) ddxwindow, 0); } if ((attr & cursorIsNone) == 0) { XCursor cur = getCursor(); if (cur != null) { ddxwindow.setCursor(cur.cursor); } } if (bwidth > 0) { ddxwindow.setBorderPixmap(border.pixmap); } } catch (Exception ee) { //System.out.println("error: Window?? "+ee); } if (prnt.subSend()) { client.cevent.mkCreateNotify(, id, x, y, width, height, borderWidth, (attr & overrideRedirect) != 0 ? 0 : 1); prnt.sendEvent(client.cevent, 1, null); } } private final void changeAttr(Client c, int vmask) throws IOException { int foo; boolean borderRelative = false; int index = 0; int mask = vmask; InputOutput io = c.client; while (mask != 0 && c.length != 0) { index = lowbit(mask); mask &= ~index; c.length--; switch (index) { case CWBackPixmap: foo = io.readInt(); if ((attr & backgroundState) == ParentRelative) borderRelative = true; if (foo == 0) { if ((attr & backgroundState) == BackgroundPixmap) { if (background.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BackPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { background.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } background.pixmap = null; } } attr = attr & (~backgroundState); } else if (foo == ParentRelative) { if (parent != null && depth != parent.depth) { } if ((attr & backgroundState) == BackgroundPixmap) { if (background.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BackPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { background.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } background.pixmap = null; } } if (parent == null) { } else { attr = (attr & ~backgroundState) | (backgroundState & ParentRelative); } borderRelative = true; } else { XPixmap pixmap = (XPixmap) XResource.lookupIDByType(foo, XResource.RT_PIXMAP); if (pixmap != null) { if (pixmap.depth != depth || pixmap.screen != screen) { //System.err.println("error!!"); } if ((attr & backgroundState) == BackgroundPixmap) { if (background.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BackPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { background.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } background.pixmap = null; } } attr = (attr & ~backgroundState) | (backgroundState & BackgroundPixmap); background.pixmap = pixmap; background.img = pixmap.getImage(this); pixmap.ref(); } else { //System.err.println("error!!"); } } break; case CWBackPixel: foo = io.readInt(); if ((attr & backgroundState) == ParentRelative) { borderRelative = true; } if ((attr & backgroundState) == BackgroundPixmap) { if (background.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BackPixel: error!!"); } else { try { background.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } background.pixmap = null; } } attr &= ~backgroundState; attr |= BackgroundPixel; background.pixel = foo; break; case CWBorderPixmap: foo = io.readInt(); if (foo == CopyFromParent) { if (parent == null || depth != parent.depth) { //System.err.println("err!!"); } if ((attr & borderIsPixel) == 0) { if (border.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BorderPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { border.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } border.pixmap = null; } } border = parent.border.dup(); attr &= ~borderIsPixel; attr |= (parent.attr & borderIsPixel); if ((attr & borderIsPixel) != 0) { } else { if (border.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BorderPixmap: error!!!"); } else { border.pixmap.ref(); } } } else { XPixmap pixmap = (XPixmap) XResource.lookupIDByType(foo, XResource.RT_PIXMAP); if (pixmap != null) { if ((pixmap.depth != depth) || (pixmap.screen != screen)) { //System.err.println("error!!"); } if ((attr & borderIsPixel) == 0) { if (border.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BorderPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { border.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } border.pixmap = null; } } attr &= ~borderIsPixel; border.pixmap = pixmap; pixmap.ref(); } else { //System.err.println("error!!"); } } break; case CWBorderPixel: foo = io.readInt(); if ((attr & borderIsPixel) == 0) { if (border.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("BorderPixmap: error!!"); } else { try { border.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } border.pixmap = null; } } attr |= borderIsPixel; border.pixel = foo; break; case CWBitGravity: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; if (foo > StaticGravity) { //System.err.println("error!!"); } attr &= ~bitGravity; attr |= (foo << bitGravityOffset); break; case CWWinGravity: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; if (foo > StaticGravity) { //System.err.println("error!!"); } attr &= ~winGravity; attr |= (foo << winGravityOffset); break; case CWBackingStore: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; if (foo != 0 && foo != 1 && foo != 2) { //System.err.println("error!!"); } attr &= ~backingStore; attr |= (foo << backingStoreOffset); attr &= ~forcedBS; break; case CWBackingPlanes: foo = io.readInt(); if (optional != null || foo != ~0) { makeOptional(); optional.backingBitPlanes = foo; } break; case CWBackingPixel: foo = io.readInt(); if (optional != null || foo != 0) { makeOptional(); optional.backingPixel = foo; } break; case CWOverrideRedirect: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; if ((foo != 0) && (foo != 1)) { //System.err.println("error!"); } //if(foo==1){ attr|=overrideRedirect;} attr &= ~overrideRedirect; attr |= (foo << overrideRedirectOffset); break; case CWSaveUnder: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; if ((foo != 0) && (foo != 1)) { //System.err.println("error !!"); } if (parent != null && ((attr & saveUnder) != (foo << saveUnderOffset)) && (attr & viewable) != 0) { if ((attr & saveUnder) != 0) deltaSaveUndersViewable--; else deltaSaveUndersViewable++; attr &= ~saveUnder; attr |= (foo << saveUnderOffset); if (firstChild != null) { } else { } } else { attr &= ~saveUnder; attr |= (foo << saveUnderOffset); } break; case CWEventMask: foo = io.readInt(); setEventMask(c, foo); break; case CWDontPropagate: foo = io.readInt(); eventSuppress(foo); break; case CWColormap: foo = io.readInt(); if (foo == 0) { // CopyFromParent if (parent != null && (optional == null || optional.visual == (parent.optional != null ? parent.optional.visual : parent.findOptional().optional.visual))) { foo = parent.getColormap().id; } } if (foo == 0) { c.errorReason = 8; //BadMatch c.errorValue = foo; return; } XColormap cmap = (XColormap) XResource.lookupIDByType(foo, XResource.RT_COLORMAP); if (cmap == null) { c.errorReason = 12; // BadColor c.errorValue = foo; return; } makeOptional(); optional.colormap = cmap; c.cevent.mkColormapNotify(id, foo, 1, 1); sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); break; case CWCursor: foo = io.readInt(); XCursor cur = null, old = null; if (foo == 0) { if (this == screen.root) { cur = XCursor.rootCursor; } else { cur = null; } } else { cur = (XCursor) XResource.lookupIDByType(foo, XResource.RT_CURSOR); if (cur == null) { c.errorReason = 6; //BadCursor c.errorValue = foo; return; } } if (cur != getCursor()) { if (cur == null) { attr |= cursorIsNone; if (optional != null) { old = optional.cursor; optional.cursor = null; } } else { makeOptional(); old = optional.cursor; optional.cursor = cur; attr &= ~cursorIsNone; if (ddxwindow != null) { ddxwindow.setCursor(cur.cursor); } } } break; default: c.length++; c.errorValue = vmask; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; } //try{HexStream.err.hexInt(attr); System.out.println(" <-attr");} //catch(Exception e){} if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } } if (c.length != 0) { c.errorValue = vmask; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; } return; } private int eventSuppress(int mask) { int i = 0, free; if ((attr & dontPropagate) != 0) { DontPropagate.refc[(attr & dontPropagate) >> dontPropagateOffset]--; } if (mask != 0) { i =; } if (i != 0 || mask == 0) { attr &= ~dontPropagate; attr |= (i << dontPropagateOffset); if (i != 0) { DontPropagate.refc[i]++; } if (optional != null) { optional.dontPropagateMask = mask; } } else { makeOptional(); attr &= ~dontPropagate; optional.dontPropagateMask = mask; } recalculateDeliverableEvents(); return 0; } static final void reqCirculateWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int n, foo; InputOutput io = c.client; int direction =; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } if (direction != RaiseLowest && direction != LowerHighest) { c.errorValue = direction; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue return; } synchronized (LOCK) { XWindow win = null; XWindow first = w.firstChild; if (direction == RaiseLowest) { win = w.lastChild; while ((win != null) && !(win.isMapped())) { win = win.prevSib; } if (win == null) return; } else { win = first; while ((win != null) && !(win.isMapped())) { win = win.nextSib; } if (win == null) return; } c.cevent.mkCirculateRequest(,, (direction == RaiseLowest) ? PlaceOnTop : PlaceOnBottom); if (w.redirectSend()) { if (w.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.SubstructureRedirectMask, c) == 1) return; } c.cevent.mkCirculateNotify(,,, (direction == RaiseLowest) ? PlaceOnTop : PlaceOnBottom); win.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); win.reflectStackChange((direction == RaiseLowest) ? first : null); } return; } static final void reqAllowEvents(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, mode; InputOutput io = c.client; mode =; foo = io.readInt(); switch (mode) { case AsyncPointer: break; case SyncPointer: break; case ReplayPointer: break; case AsyncKeyboard: break; case SyncKeyboard: break; case ReplayKeyboard: break; case AsyncBoth: break; case SyncBoth: break; default: } = 0; } static final void reqGetMotionEvents(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); foo = io.readInt(); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 4; if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeInt(0); io.writePad(20); io.flush(); } } static final void reqTranslateCoordinates(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); XWindow srcw = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (srcw == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow dstw = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (dstw == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } int x = io.readShort(); int y = io.readShort(); c.length -= 4; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } int gx = x + srcw.x; int gy = y + srcw.y; int child = 0; synchronized (LOCK) { XWindow win = dstw.firstChild; while (win != null) { if (((win.attr & mapped) != 0) && win.contains(gx, gy)) { child =; win = null; } else { win = win.nextSib; } } } x = gx - dstw.x; y = gy - dstw.y; synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(1); // same screen io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeInt(child); io.writeShort(x); io.writeShort(y); io.writePad(16); io.flush(); } } static final void reqGetScreenSaver(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeShort(600); io.writeShort(600); io.writeByte((byte) 1); io.writeByte((byte) 1); io.writePad(18); io.flush(); } } static final void reqQueryBestSize(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, clss; InputOutput io = c.client; clss =; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XDrawable d = c.lookupDrawable(foo); if ((clss != 0 /*CursorShape*/) && (clss != 1 /*TileShape*/) && (clss != 2 /*StippleShape*/)) { c.errorValue = clss; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; return; } if (d == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 9; // BadDrawable; return; } foo = io.readShort(); foo = io.readShort(); synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeShort(32); io.writeShort(32); io.writePad(20); io.flush(); } } static final void reqDestroySubwindows(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { w.unmapSubwindows(c); while (w.lastChild != null) { XResource.freeResource(, XResource.RT_NONE); } } } void makeBackgroundTile(int xx, int yy, int w, int h) { XWindow win = this; int i = (attr & backgroundState); if (i == ParentRelative) { win = parent; if (win == null) return; i = (win.attr & backgroundState); } if (i == BackgroundPixmap && win.background.pixmap != null) { Image img = win.background.img; if (img == null) return; if (!win.ddxwindow.isVisible()) return; Graphics g = null; java.awt.Shape tmp = null; if (xx != 0 || yy != 0 || w != width || h != height) { g = getGraphics(); tmp = g.getClip(); g.clipRect(xx, yy, w, h); } if (win == this) { ddxwindow.fillImage(img, win.background.pixmap.width, win.background.pixmap.height); } else { ddxwindow.fillImage(img, win.background.pixmap.width, win.background.pixmap.height, origin.x - borderWidth, origin.y - borderWidth); } if (g != null) { if (tmp == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, width, height); } else { g.setClip(tmp); } } } else if (i == BackgroundPixel) { XColormap cmap = win.getColormap(); ddxwindow.setBackground(cmap.getColor(win.background.pixel), xx, yy, w, h); } } private void free() { SaveSet.delete(this); Selection.delete(this); try { deleteEvent(true); } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println(e); } try { deleteProperties(); } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println(e); } origin = null; if ((attr & backgroundState) == BackgroundPixmap) { if (background.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("free: error!!"); } else { try { background.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } background.pixmap = null; } } background = null; if ((attr & borderIsPixel) == 0) { if (border.pixmap == null) { //System.err.println("free: error!!!"); } else { try { border.pixmap.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } border.pixmap = null; } } border = null; optional = null; try { ddxwindow.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (hasFrame()) { delFrame(); } } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private void deleteEvent(boolean freeResources) throws IOException { Grab passive; if (XWindow.grab != null && XWindow.grab.window == this) { XWindow.grab.deactivatePointerGrab(); } if ((id == && (parent != null)) { int focusEventMode = NotifyNormal; switch (focus.revert) { case RevertToNone: doFocusEvents(null, id, 0, focusEventMode); = 0; focus.window = null; focus.traceGood = 0; break; case RevertToParent: XWindow win = this; do { win = win.parent; focus.traceGood--; } while (win != null && !win.isRealized()); int p = (win == null) ? 0 :; doFocusEvents(null, id, p, focusEventMode); = p; focus.window = win; focus.revert = RevertToNone; break; case RevertToPointerRoot: doFocusEvents(null, id, PointerRootWin, focusEventMode); = PointerRootWin; focus.window = null; focus.traceGood = 0; break; } } if (freeResources) { if ((attr & dontPropagate) != 0) { DontPropagate.refc[(attr & dontPropagate) >> dontPropagateOffset]--; } OtherClients oc; while ((oc = getOtherClients()) != null) { XResource.freeResource(, XResource.RT_NONE); } while ((passive = getPassiveGrabs()) != null) { XResource.freeResource(, XResource.RT_NONE); } } } private void deleteProperties() throws IOException { Property pProp, pNextProp; pProp = getProperty(); while (pProp != null) { client.cevent.mkPropertyNotify(id, pProp.propertyName, (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), 1 //Property.PropertyDelete ); sendEvent(client.cevent, 1, null); pNextProp =; = null; pProp = pNextProp; } } private void crushTree() throws IOException { XWindow child, sib, cparent; if ((child = firstChild) == null) return; while (true) { if (child.firstChild != null) { child = child.firstChild; continue; } while (true) { cparent = child.parent; if (child.substrSend()) { Event event = new Event(); event.mkDestroyNotify(,; try { child.sendEvent(event, 1, null); } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println("crush: exception -> "+e); } } try { XResource.freeResource(, XResource.RT_WINDOW); } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println("crush: exception -> "+e); } sib = child.nextSib; child.attr &= ~viewable; if ((child.attr & realized) != 0) { child.attr &= ~realized; child.attr |= visibility; child.ddxwindow.setVisible(false); if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && child.hasFrame()) { child.getFrame().setVisible(false); } } try {; } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println("crush: exception -> "+e); } if ((child = sib) != null) break; child = cparent; child.firstChild = null; child.lastChild = null; if (child == this) return; } } } void delete() throws IOException { synchronized (LOCK) { try { unmapWindow(false); } catch (Exception e) { } try { crushTree(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (id != 0 && parent != null && substrSend()) { Event event = new Event(); event.mkDestroyNotify(id, id); try { sendEvent(event, 1, null); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (parent != null) { if (parent.firstChild == this) parent.firstChild = nextSib; if (parent.lastChild == this) parent.lastChild = prevSib; if (nextSib != null) nextSib.prevSib = prevSib; if (prevSib != null) prevSib.nextSib = nextSib; } parent = null; nextSib = null; prevSib = null; firstChild = null; lastChild = null; prevSib = null; try { free(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } static final void reqDestroyWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } if (w.parent != null) { XResource.freeResource(, XResource.RT_NONE); } } static final void reqSendEvent(Client c) throws IOException { XWindow win; XWindow effectiveFocus = null; // only set if dest==InputFocus int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; int prop =; int dest = io.readInt(); int emask = io.readInt(); byte[] bb = new byte[32]; io.readByte(bb, 0, 32); c.length = 0; Event event = new Event(bb); if (c.swap) { event.swap(); } if (dest == 0/*PointerWindow*/) { win =; } else { win = c.lookupWindow(dest); } if (win == null) { c.errorValue = dest; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } if ((prop != 0) && (prop != 1)) { c.errorValue = prop; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; return; } event.setType((byte) (event.getType() | 0x80)); if (prop != 0) { for (; win != null; win = win.parent) { if (win.sendEvent(event, 1, emask, null, 0) != 0) return; emask &= ~win.getDontPropagateMask(); if (emask == 0) break; } } else { win.sendEvent(event, 1, emask, null, 0); } return; } static final void reqGetPointerMapping(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(0); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writePad(24); io.flush(); } } static final void reqSetPointerMapping(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; foo =; n = c.length; n--; while (n != 0) { foo = io.readInt(); n--; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte((byte) 1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writePad(24); io.flush(); } } static final void reqGetPointerControl(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeShort(2); io.writeShort(1); io.writeShort(4); io.writePad(18); io.flush(); } } static final void reqQueryPointer(Client c) throws IOException { int n, foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } int hx =; int hy =; XWindow child = null; synchronized (LOCK) { for (XWindow ww =; ww != null; ww = ww.parent) { if (ww.parent == w) { child = ww; break; } } if (child != null) { if (!child.contains(hx, hy)) { = xy2Window(hx, hy, null); child = null; for (XWindow ww =; ww != null; ww = ww.parent) { if (ww.parent == w) { child = ww; break; } } } } } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeInt(w.screen.rootId); io.writeInt((child == null ? 0 :; io.writeShort(hx); io.writeShort(hy); io.writeShort(hx - w.x); io.writeShort(hy - w.y); io.writeShort(; // io.writeShort(0); // ????????? io.writePad(6); io.flush(); } } static final void reqGetGeometry(Client c) throws IOException { InputOutput io = c.client; int foo = io.readInt(); XDrawable d = c.lookupDrawable(foo); c.length -= 2; if (d == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 9; // BadValue; return; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(d.depth); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeInt(d.screen.rootId); if ((d.type == UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW) || ((d.type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) && foo == { XWindow w = (XWindow) d; io.writeShort(w.origin.x - w.borderWidth); io.writeShort(w.origin.y - w.borderWidth); io.writeShort(w.width); io.writeShort(w.height); io.writeShort(w.borderWidth); } else { io.writeShort(0); io.writeShort(0); io.writeShort(d.width); io.writeShort(d.height); io.writeShort(0); } io.writePad(10); io.flush(); } } static final void reqChangeWindowAttributes(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; int wid = io.readInt(); int mask = io.readInt(); c.length -= 3; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(wid); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = wid; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } mask &= 0x7fff; if (mask != 0) { w.changeAttr(c, mask); } if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } if ((mask & CWBorderPixmap) != 0 || (mask & CWBorderPixel) != 0) { w.ddxwindow.setBorderPixmap(w.border.pixmap); } } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") static final void reqUngrabPointer(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); if ((XWindow.grab != null) && XWindow.grab.sameClient(c)) { XWindow.grab.deactivatePointerGrab(); } } static final void reqUngrabButton(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; int button, mod; InputOutput io = c.client; button =; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow gw = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (gw == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } mod = io.readShort(); io.readPad(2); c.length--; Grab grab = Grab.createGrab(c, gw, 0, 0, 0, 0, mod, 4, button, null); if (!grab.deletePassiveGrabFromList()) { c.errorReason = 11; // BadAlloc } } static final void reqGrabButton(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; int pmode, kmode, oe, emask, button, mod; InputOutput io = c.client; oe =; if (oe != 0 && oe != 1) { } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow gw = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (gw == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; } emask = io.readShort(); if ((emask & ~Event.PointerGrabMask) != 0) { } pmode = io.readByte(); if ((pmode != GrabModeSync) && (pmode != GrabModeAsync)) { } kmode = io.readByte(); if ((kmode != GrabModeSync) && (kmode != GrabModeAsync)) { } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow cto = null; if (foo != 0) { cto = c.lookupWindow(foo); } foo = io.readInt(); button = io.readByte(); io.readPad(1); mod = io.readShort(); c.length -= 6; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } if (gw == null || cto == null) { } Grab grab = Grab.createGrab(c, gw, emask, oe, kmode, pmode, mod, Event.ButtonPress, button, cto); grab.addPassiveGrabToList(); } static final void reqGrabPointer(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n; int pmode, kmode, oe, emask, time; InputOutput io = c.client; oe =; if (oe != 0 && oe != 1) { c.errorValue = oe; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow gw = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (gw == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } emask = io.readShort(); if ((emask & ~Event.PointerGrabMask) != 0) { c.errorValue = emask; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; } pmode = io.readByte(); if ((pmode != GrabModeSync) && (pmode != GrabModeAsync)) { c.errorValue = pmode; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue } kmode = io.readByte(); if ((kmode != GrabModeSync) && (kmode != GrabModeAsync)) { c.errorValue = kmode; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow cto = null; if (foo != 0) { cto = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (cto == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } } foo = io.readInt(); XCursor cur = null; if (foo != 0) { cur = (XCursor) XResource.lookupIDByType(foo, XResource.RT_CURSOR); if (cur == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 6; //BadCursor } } time = io.readInt(); c.length -= 6; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } int res = 0; if (XWindow.grab != null && c != XWindow.grab.getClient()) { res = AlreadyGrabbed; } else if ((gw.attr & realized) == 0 || (cto != null && !((cto.attr & realized) != 0 && (cto.width != 0 || cto.height != 0)))) { res = GrabNotViewable; } else { Grab grab = new Grab(XResource.fakeClientId(c)); grab.set(c.clientAsMask, gw, oe, emask, kmode, pmode, cto); grab.activatePointerGrab((int) System.currentTimeMillis(), true); res = GrabSuccess; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(res); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writePad(24); io.flush(); } } static final void reqCreateWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; byte depth; int x, y, width, height, bwidth, clss; int visual; int mask; InputOutput io = c.client; depth = (byte); int wid = io.readInt(); foo = io.readInt(); XWindow prnt = c.lookupWindow(foo); x = io.readShort(); y = io.readShort(); width = io.readShort(); height = io.readShort(); bwidth = io.readShort(); clss = io.readShort(); visual = io.readInt(); mask = io.readInt(); c.length -= 8; if (prnt == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; } if ((width == 0 || height == 0) && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = 0; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue; } XWindow w = null; if (c.errorReason == 0) { w = new XWindow(wid, prnt, x, y, width, height, bwidth, clss, depth, c, visual, mask); } if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } XResource.add(w); } int sendEvent(Event event, int count, int filter, Grab grab, int mskidx) throws IOException { int deliveries = 0, nondeliveries = 0; int attempt; Client c = null; int deliveryMask = 0; int type = event.getType(); if ((filter == Event.CantBeFiltered) || ((type & Event.EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) == 0)) { if ((filter != Event.CantBeFiltered) && (((getOtherEventMask() | eventMask) & filter) == 0)) { return 0; } attempt = 1; try { attempt = client.sendEvent(event, count, eventMask, filter, grab); } catch (Exception e) { } if (attempt != 0) { if (attempt > 0) { deliveries++; c = client; deliveryMask = eventMask; } else nondeliveries--; } } Clients other; if (filter != Event.CantBeFiltered) { if ((type & Event.EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) != 0) { OtherInputMasks inputMasks; inputMasks = (optional == null ? null : optional.otherInputMasks); if ((inputMasks == null) || ((inputMasks.inputEvents[mskidx] & filter) == 0)) { return 0; } other = (Clients) (inputMasks.inputClients); } else { other = (Clients) (optional == null ? null : optional.otherClients); } for (; other != null; other = (OtherClients) { attempt = 1; try { if (other.getClient() != null) { int mask = (other instanceof OtherClients) ? ((OtherClients) other).mask : ((InputClients) other).mask[mskidx]; attempt = other.getClient().sendEvent(event, count, mask, filter, grab); } else { attempt = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { } if (attempt != 0) { if (attempt > 0) { deliveries++; c = other.getClient(); deliveryMask = ((other instanceof OtherClients) ? ((OtherClients) other).mask : ((InputClients) other).mask[mskidx]); } else nondeliveries--; } } } if (c == null) { if (deliveries != 0) { return deliveries; } return nondeliveries; } if ((type == Event.ButtonPress) && (deliveries != 0) && (grab == null)) { grab = new Grab(XResource.fakeClientId(c)); grab.set(c.clientAsMask, this, (deliveryMask & Event.OwnerGrabButtonMask), deliveryMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, null); grab.activatePointerGrab((int) System.currentTimeMillis(), true); } if (deliveries != 0) return deliveries; return nondeliveries; } int sendEvent(Event event, int count, XWindow otherParent) throws IOException { int filter; int deliveries; if (count == 0) return 0; filter = Event.filters[event.getType()]; if (((filter & Event.SubstructureNotifyMask) != 0) && (event.getType() != Event.CreateNotify)) { event.putEvent(id); } if (filter != Event.StructureAndSubMask) { return sendEvent(event, count, filter, null, 0); } deliveries = sendEvent(event, count, Event.StructureNotifyMask, null, 0); if (parent != null) { event.putEvent(; deliveries += parent.sendEvent(event, count, Event.SubstructureNotifyMask, null, 0); if (event.getType() == Event.ReparentNotify) { event.putEvent(; deliveries += otherParent.sendEvent(event, count, Event.SubstructureNotifyMask, null, 0); } } return deliveries; } int sendEvent(Event event, int count, int filter, Client c) throws IOException { if ((eventMask & filter) != 0) { if (client == c) return 0; return client.sendEvent(event, count, eventMask, filter, null); } OtherClients other = (optional == null) ? null : optional.otherClients; for (; other != null; other = (OtherClients) { if ((other.mask & filter) != 0) { if (other.sameClient(c)) return 0; if (other.getClient() == null) return 0; return other.getClient().sendEvent(event, count, other.mask, filter, null); } } return 2; } private XWindow findOptional() { XWindow w = this; do { w = w.parent; } while (w.optional == null); return w; } private void setDefault() { prevSib = null; firstChild = null; lastChild = null; optional = null; attr = 0; attr |= cursorIsNone; attr |= visibility; attr |= (NorthWestGravity << winGravityOffset); eventMask = 0; attr |= (DBE_FRONT_BUFFER << srcBufferOffset); attr |= (DBE_FRONT_BUFFER << dstBufferOffset); } static final void reqUnmapSubWindows(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { w.unmapSubwindows(c); } } private void unmapSubwindows(Client c) throws IOException { if (firstChild == null) return; boolean wasRealized = (attr & realized) != 0; boolean wasViewable = (attr & viewable) != 0; boolean parentNotify = subSend(); boolean anyMarked = false; for (XWindow child = lastChild; child != null; child = child.prevSib) { if ((child.attr & mapped) != 0) { if (parentNotify || child.strSend()) { c.cevent.mkUnmapNotify(, 0); child.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); } child.attr &= ~mapped; if ((child.attr & realized) != 0) { child.unrealizeTree(false); } } } if (wasRealized) { restructured(); } } static final void reqMapSubWindows(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; int mask; XWindow firstMapped = null; boolean anyMarked = false; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } boolean parentRedirect = w.parent.redirectSend(); boolean parentNotify = w.parent.subSend(); synchronized (LOCK) { for (XWindow tmpw = w.firstChild; tmpw != null; tmpw = tmpw.nextSib) { if (w.screen.root != w && w.parent == null) return; if ((tmpw.attr & mapped) == 0) { if (parentRedirect && ((tmpw.attr & overrideRedirect) == 0)) { c.cevent.mkMapRequest(,; if (w.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.SubstructureRedirectMask, c) == 1) { return; } } tmpw.attr |= mapped; if (parentNotify || w.strSend()) { c.cevent.mkMapNotify(, (tmpw.attr & overrideRedirect) >> overrideRedirectOffset); tmpw.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); } if (firstMapped == null) firstMapped = tmpw; if ((w.attr & realized) != 0) { tmpw.realizeTree(); } } } if (firstMapped != null) { restructured(); } } } static final void reqUnmapWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { w.unmapWindow(false); } } private void unrealizeTree(boolean fromConfigure) { XWindow child = this; while (true) { if ((child.attr & realized) != 0) { child.attr &= ~realized; child.attr |= visibility; //VisibilityNotViewable child.ddxwindow.setVisible(false); if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && child.hasFrame()) { child.getFrame().setVisible(false); } try { child.deleteEvent(false); } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println(e); } if ((child.attr & viewable) != 0) { child.attr &= ~viewable; } if (child.firstChild != null) { child = child.firstChild; continue; } } while (child.nextSib == null && (child != this)) child = child.parent; if (child == this) break; child = child.nextSib; } if (parent != null && borderWidth > 0) { parent.ddxwindow.draw(origin.x - borderWidth, origin.y - borderWidth, width + 2 * borderWidth, height + 2 * borderWidth); } } private void realizeTree() throws IOException { XWindow child = this; while (true) { if ((child.attr & mapped) != 0) { child.attr |= realized; child.attr |= (child.clss == InputOutput) ? viewable : 0; child.attr &= ~visibility; child.attr |= (VisibilityUnobscured << visibilityOffset); if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && child.hasFrame()) { if ((0 <= child.x || 0 <= child.y || 0 < (child.x + child.width) || 0 < (child.y + child.height)) && clss != 2) { child.getFrame().setVisible(true); } } child.ddxwindow.setVisible(true); child.ddxwindow.draw(); if (((child.eventMask | child.getOtherEventMask()) & Event.VisibilityChangeMask) != 0) { try { child.sendVisibilityNotify(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (child.firstChild != null) { child = child.firstChild; continue; } } while (child.nextSib == null && (child != this)) { child = child.parent; } if (child == this) { return; } child = child.nextSib; } } private void unmapWindow(boolean fromConfigure) throws IOException { Screen screen = this.screen; boolean wasRealized = ((this.attr & realized) != 0); boolean wasViewable = ((this.attr & viewable) != 0); XWindow layerWin = this; if ((this.attr & mapped) == 0) return; if (parent == null) return; if (substrSend()) { Event event = new Event(); event.mkUnmapNotify(id, (fromConfigure ? 1 : 0)); try { sendEvent(event, 1, null); } catch (Exception e) { } } this.attr &= ~mapped; if (wasRealized) { this.unrealizeTree(fromConfigure); } if (wasRealized && !fromConfigure) { restructured(); } } static final void reqMapWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { w.mapWindow(c); } } void mapWindow(Client c) throws IOException { if ((this.attr & mapped) != 0) return; Screen screen = this.screen; if (parent != null) { if (((this.attr & overrideRedirect) == 0) && (parent.redirectSend())) { c.cevent.mkMapRequest(, id); int ii = parent.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.SubstructureRedirectMask, c); if (ii == 1) return; } this.attr |= mapped; if (substrSend()) { c.cevent.mkMapNotify(id, (attr & overrideRedirect) >> overrideRedirectOffset); sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); } if ((this.parent.attr & realized) == 0) return; this.realizeTree(); restructured(); } else { this.attr |= mapped; this.attr |= realized; this.attr |= (this.clss == InputOutput) ? viewable : 0; } } static void restructured() throws IOException { try { checkMotion(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } } static boolean checkMotion(Event e, XWindow hint) throws IOException { XWindow prevSpriteWin =; = xy2Window(,, hint); if ( != prevSpriteWin) { if (prevSpriteWin != null) { try { enter_leaveEvent(prevSpriteWin,, NotifyNormal); } catch (Exception ee) { //System.out.println("checkmotion: execption -> "+ee); } } return false; } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") static void enter_leaveEvent(int type, int mode, int detail, XWindow win, int child) throws IOException { int mask; Grab grab = XWindow.grab; if (grab != null) { mask = (win == grab.window) ? grab.eventMask : 0; if ((grab.attr & grab.ownerEvents) != 0) { mask |= win.getEventMask(grab.getClient()); } } else { mask = win.eventMask | win.getOtherEventMask(); } if ((mask & Event.filters[type]) != 0) { Event event = new Event(); event.fixUpEventFromWindow(win, 0,,, false); int flags = 0; flags = (event.getSameScreen() != 0 ? 2 : 0); flags |= 1; mode = 0; event.mkPointer(type, detail, (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), child,,,, mode, flags); try { if (grab != null) { if (grab.getClient() != null) grab.getClient().sendEvent(event, 1, mask, Event.filters[type], grab); } else { win.sendEvent(event, 1, Event.filters[type], null, 0); } } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println("enter_leaveEvent: exception -> "+e); } } if ((type == Event.EnterNotify) && ((mask & Event.KeymapStateMask) != 0)) { // KeymapNotify } } private int getEventMask(Client c) { if (c == null) return 0; if (client == c) return eventMask; if (client == null) return 0; for (OtherClients other = getOtherClients(); other != null; other = (OtherClients) { if (other.sameClient(c)) return other.mask; } return 0; } private static void enterNotifies(XWindow ancestor, XWindow child, int mode, int detail) throws IOException { XWindow parent = child.parent; if (ancestor == parent) return; enterNotifies(ancestor, parent, mode, detail); enter_leaveEvent(Event.EnterNotify, mode, detail, parent,; } private static void leaveNotifies(XWindow child, XWindow ancestor, int mode, int detail) throws IOException { if (ancestor == child) return; for (XWindow win = child.parent; win != ancestor; win = win.parent) { enter_leaveEvent(Event.LeaveNotify, mode, detail, win,; child = win; } } static void enter_leaveEvent(XWindow fromWin, XWindow toWin, int mode) throws IOException { if (fromWin == toWin) return; if (fromWin.isParent(toWin)) { try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyInferior, fromWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } try { enterNotifies(fromWin, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual); } catch (Exception e) { } try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.EnterNotify, mode, NotifyAncestor, toWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (toWin.isParent(fromWin)) { try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyAncestor, fromWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } try { leaveNotifies(fromWin, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual); } catch (Exception e) { } try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.EnterNotify, mode, NotifyInferior, toWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { XWindow common = toWin.commonAncestor(fromWin); try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyNonlinear, fromWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } try { leaveNotifies(fromWin, common, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual); } catch (Exception e) { } try { enterNotifies(common, toWin, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual); } catch (Exception e) { } try { enter_leaveEvent(Event.EnterNotify, mode, NotifyNonlinear, toWin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { } } } boolean contains(int xx, int yy) { return ddxwindow.contains(xx - x - borderWidth, yy - y - borderWidth); } static XWindow xy2Window(int x, int y, XWindow hint) { if (hint != spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood - 1]) { spriteTraceGood = 1; } // else{ System.out.println("skip!!"); } XWindow win = spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood - 1]; if (((win.attr & mapped) == 0) || !win.contains(x, y)) { win = spriteTrace[0]; spriteTraceGood = 1; } win = win.firstChild; while (win != null) { if (((win.attr & mapped) != 0) && win.contains(x, y)) { if (spriteTraceGood >= spriteTrace.length) { XWindow[] foo = new XWindow[spriteTrace.length + 10]; System.arraycopy(spriteTrace, 0, foo, 0, spriteTrace.length); spriteTrace = foo; } spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood++] = win; win = win.firstChild; } else { win = win.nextSib; } } return spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood - 1]; } XCursor getCursor() { if (optional != null) return optional.cursor; XWindow p = findOptional(); return p.optional.cursor; } private boolean redirectSend() { return ((eventMask | getOtherEventMask()) & Event.SubstructureRedirectMask) != 0; } private boolean subSend() { return ((eventMask | getOtherEventMask()) & Event.SubstructureNotifyMask) != 0; } private boolean strSend() { return ((eventMask | getOtherEventMask()) & Event.StructureNotifyMask) != 0; } private boolean substrSend() { return strSend() || parent.subSend(); } void makeOptional() { if (optional != null) return; optional = new WindowOpt(); optional.dontPropagateMask = DontPropagate.masks[(attr & dontPropagate) >> dontPropagateOffset]; optional.otherEventMasks = 0; optional.backingBitPlanes = ~0L; optional.backingPixel = 0; if (parent != null) { WindowOpt parentOptional = findOptional().optional; optional.visual = parentOptional.visual; if ((attr & cursorIsNone) == 0) { optional.cursor = parentOptional.cursor; } else { optional.cursor = null; } optional.colormap = parentOptional.colormap; } } private void sendVisibilityNotify() throws IOException { Event event = new Event(); event.mkVisibilityNotify(id, (attr & visibility) >> visibilityOffset); sendEvent(event, 1, null); } static final void reqQueryTree(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; XWindow prnt; XWindow w; int wid; int x, y, width, height, bwidth, clss; int visual; int mask; int rootId; InputOutput io = c.client; wid = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; w = c.lookupWindow(wid); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = wid; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { int numchild = 0; for (XWindow p = w.lastChild; p != null; p = p.prevSib) { numchild++; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(numchild); io.writeInt(w.screen.rootId); if (w.parent != null) io.writeInt(; else io.writeInt(0); io.writeShort(numchild); io.writePad(14); if (0 < numchild) { for (XWindow p = w.lastChild; p != null; p = p.prevSib) { io.writeInt(; } } io.flush(); } } } static final void reqSetInputFocus(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n, reverto; InputOutput io = c.client; reverto =; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow win = null; if (foo != 0 && foo != 1) { win = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (win == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } } int time = io.readInt(); c.length--; setInputFocus(c, foo, reverto, time, false); } static final void setInputFocus(Client c, int focusId, int revertTo, int time, boolean followOk) throws IOException { if ((revertTo != RevertToParent) && (revertTo != RevertToPointerRoot) && (revertTo != RevertToNone)) { c.errorValue = revertTo; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue return; } int focusWin = 0; XWindow win = null; if ((focusId == 0) || (focusId == 1)) { focusWin = focusId; } else if ((win = c.lookupWindow(focusId)) == null) { c.errorValue = focusId; c.errorReason = 3; return; } else { if (!win.isRealized()) { c.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch return; } focusWin = focusId; } int mode = grab != null ? NotifyWhileGrabbed : NotifyNormal; doFocusEvents(c,, focusWin, mode); focus.time = time; focus.revert = revertTo; = focusWin; focus.window = win; if ((focusWin == 0) || (focusWin == 1)) { focus.traceGood = 0; if (focusWin == 1) Screen.screen[0].root.ddxwindow.requestFocus(); } else { synchronized (LOCK) { win.ddxwindow.requestFocus(); int depth = 0; for (XWindow tmpw = win; tmpw != null; tmpw = tmpw.parent) depth++; if (depth > focus.traceSize) { focus.traceSize = depth + 1; focus.trace = new XWindow[focus.traceSize]; } focus.traceGood = depth; depth--; for (XWindow tmpw = win; tmpw != null; tmpw = tmpw.parent, depth--) { focus.trace[depth] = tmpw; } } } } static final void reqGetInputFocus(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(focus.revert); // revert-to io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeInt(; // focus io.writePad(20); io.flush(); } } static final void reqGetWindowAttributes(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); if ((w.attr & forcedBS) != 0 && (w.attr & backingStore) != 2) io.writeByte(0); // NotUseful else io.writeByte((w.attr & backingStore) >> backingStoreOffset); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(3); io.writeInt(w.getVisual()); io.writeShort(w.clss); io.writeByte((w.attr & bitGravity) >> bitGravityOffset); io.writeByte((w.attr & winGravity) >> winGravityOffset); io.writeInt(w.getBackingBitPlanes()); io.writeInt(w.getBackingPixel()); io.writeByte((w.attr & saveUnder) >> saveUnderOffset); if (w.getColormapId() == 0) io.writeByte(0); else io.writeByte(XColormap.isMapInstalled(w.getColormapId(), w)); if ((w.attr & mapped) == 0) io.writeByte(0); else if ((w.attr & realized) != 0) io.writeByte(2); else io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte((w.attr & overrideRedirect) >> overrideRedirectOffset); io.writeInt(w.getColormapId()); io.writeInt(w.eventMask | w.getOtherEventMask()); io.writeInt(w.getEventMask(c)); io.writeShort(w.getDontPropagateMask()); io.writePad(2); io.flush(); } } static final void reqCopyPlane(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; XDrawable dsrc = null, ddst = null; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); dsrc = c.lookupDrawable(foo); if (dsrc == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 9; // Drawable } int dest = io.readInt(); ddst = c.lookupDrawable(dest); if (ddst == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = dest; c.errorReason = 9; // Drawable } foo = io.readInt(); GC gc = c.lookupGC(foo); if (gc == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 13; // BadGC; } int sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height; sx = (short) io.readShort(); sy = (short) io.readShort(); int destx, desty; destx = (short) io.readShort(); dx = destx - sx; desty = (short) io.readShort(); dy = desty - sy; width = io.readShort(); height = io.readShort(); int bplane = io.readInt(); c.length -= 8; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } Graphics g = ddst.getGraphics(); if (((dsrc instanceof XWindow) && !((XWindow) dsrc).ddxwindow.isVisible())) { g = null; } if (dsrc.width <= sx || dsrc.height <= sy || (sx + width) <= 0 || (sy + height) <= 0 || (destx + width) <= 0 || (desty + height) <= 0) { g = null; } if (g != null) { if (dsrc instanceof XWindow) { if (ddst instanceof XWindow) { ((XWindow) dsrc).ddxwindow.copyArea(((XWindow) ddst), gc, sx, sy, width, height, destx, desty); } } else { Image img = null; if (ddst instanceof XPixmap) { ((XPixmap) dsrc).copyPlane((XPixmap) ddst, gc, sx, sy, destx, desty, width, height); } else { img = ((XPixmap) dsrc).getImage((XWindow) ddst, gc, sx, sy, width, height); XWindow wdst = (XWindow) ddst; if (sx == 0 && sy == 0 && width == dsrc.width && height == dsrc.height) { wdst.ddxwindow.drawImage(gc.clip_mask, img, destx, desty, width, height); } else { java.awt.Shape tmp = g.getClip(); g.clipRect(destx, desty, width, height); wdst.ddxwindow.drawImage(gc.clip_mask, img, destx - sx, desty - sy, dsrc.width, dsrc.height); if (tmp == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, wdst.width, wdst.height); } else { g.setClip(tmp); } } wdst.draw(destx, desty, width, height); if (img != ((XPixmap) dsrc).getImage()) { img.flush(); } } } } } static final void reqCopyArea(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; XDrawable dsrc = null, ddst = null; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); dsrc = c.lookupDrawable(foo); if (dsrc == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 9; // BadDrawable; } int dest = io.readInt(); ddst = c.lookupDrawable(dest); if (ddst == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = dest; c.errorReason = 9; // BadDrawable; } foo = io.readInt(); GC gc = c.lookupGC(foo); if (gc == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 13; // BadGC; } int sx, sy; sx = (short) io.readShort(); sy = (short) io.readShort(); int destx, desty; destx = (short) io.readShort(); desty = (short) io.readShort(); int width, height; width = io.readShort(); height = io.readShort(); c.length -= 7; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } Graphics g = ddst.getGraphics(); if (((dsrc instanceof XWindow) && !((XWindow) dsrc).ddxwindow.isVisible())) { g = null; } if (dsrc.width <= sx || dsrc.height <= sy || (sx + width) <= 0 || (sy + height) <= 0 || (destx + width) <= 0 || (desty + height) <= 0) { g = null; } /*"copyArea: "+dsrc+" sx="+sx+",sy="+sy+ ", w="+width+", h="+height+" "+ ddst+" destx="+destx+",desty="+desty); */ if (g != null) { if (dsrc instanceof XWindow) { if (sx < 0) { sx = 0; } if (sy < 0) { sy = 0; } if (destx < 0) { destx = 0; } if (desty < 0) { desty = 0; } if (ddst instanceof XWindow) { ((XWindow) dsrc).ddxwindow.copyArea(((XWindow) ddst), gc, sx, sy, width, height, destx, desty); } // else{ // ((Window)dsrc).ddxwindow. // copyArea((Pixmap)ddst, gc, // sx, sy, destx, desty, width, height); // } } else { if (ddst instanceof XPixmap) { if (sx < 0) { sx = 0; } if (sy < 0) { sy = 0; } if (destx < 0) { destx = 0; } if (desty < 0) { desty = 0; } ((XPixmap) dsrc).copyArea((XPixmap) ddst, gc, sx, sy, destx, desty, width, height); } else { Image img = ((XPixmap) dsrc).getImage((XWindow) ddst, gc, sx, sy, width, height); XWindow wdst = (XWindow) ddst; if (sx == 0 && sy == 0 && width == dsrc.width && height == dsrc.height) { wdst.ddxwindow.drawImage(gc.clip_mask, img, destx, desty, width, height); } else { java.awt.Shape tmp = g.getClip(); if (destx >= 0 && desty >= 0) { g.clipRect(destx, desty, width, height); } else { g.clipRect((destx < 0 ? 0 : destx), (desty < 0 ? 0 : desty), (destx < 0 ? width + destx : width), (desty < 0 ? height + desty : height)); } wdst.ddxwindow.drawImage(gc.clip_mask, img, destx - sx, desty - sy, dsrc.width, dsrc.height); if (tmp == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, wdst.width, wdst.height); } else { g.setClip(tmp); } } wdst.draw(destx, desty, width, height); if (img != ((XPixmap) dsrc).getImage()) { img.flush(); } } } } if ((gc.attr & GC.graphicsExposures) != 0) { c.cevent.mkNoExposure(dest, 0, 62); c.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, 0, Event.NoEventMask, null); } } static final void reqClearArea(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; int exposures =; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow w = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (w == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; return; } int x, y, width, height; x = (short) io.readShort(); y = (short) io.readShort(); width = io.readShort(); if (width == 0) { width = w.width - x; } height = io.readShort(); if (height == 0) { height = w.height - y; } c.length -= 2; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } if (w.getGraphics() != null) { // isMapped?? w.makeBackgroundTile(x, y, width, height); w.draw(x, y, width + 1, height + 1); } if (exposures != 0) { c.cevent.mkExpose(, x, y, width, height, 0); c.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.filters[Event.Expose], Event.filters[Event.Expose], XWindow.grab); } } void draw() { ddxwindow.draw(); } void draw(int x, int y, int width, int height) { ddxwindow.draw(x, y, width, height); } private XWindow trackParent() { XWindow w = this; while (true) { if (w.optional != null) break; w = w.parent; } return w; } private Client getClient() { return Client.clients[(((id) & Client.CLIENTMASK) >> Client.CLIENTOFFSET)]; } private int getBackingBitPlanes() { if (optional == null) return ~0; return (int) optional.backingBitPlanes; } private int getBackingPixel() { if (optional == null) return 0; return (int) optional.backingPixel; } OtherClients getOtherClients() { if (optional == null) return null; return optional.otherClients; } static java.awt.Frame owner = new java.awt.Frame(); java.awt.Window frame = null; static private final int poolsize = 5; static java.awt.Window[] frames = new java.awt.Window[poolsize]; java.awt.Window getFrame() { if (hasFrame()) return optional.frame; if (parent != screen.root) { return null; } makeOptional(); if (screen.windowmode == WeirdX.RootlessWM && !screen.root.redirectSend() && (attr & (1 << 16)) == 0) { optional.frame = new java.awt.Frame(); optional.frame.addMouseListener((java.awt.event.MouseListener) ddxwindow); return optional.frame; } synchronized (XWindow.class) { java.awt.Window foo = null; for (int i = 0; i < poolsize; i++) { if (frames[i] != null) { foo = frames[i]; frames[i] = null; optional.frame = foo; return foo; } } } optional.frame = new java.awt.Window(owner); return optional.frame; } boolean hasFrame() { return (optional != null && optional.frame != null); } void delFrame() { if (optional == null || optional.frame == null) return; optional.frame.setVisible(false); if (screen.windowmode == WeirdX.RootlessWM && optional.frame instanceof java.awt.Frame) { optional.frame.removeMouseListener((java.awt.event.MouseListener) ddxwindow); // optional.frame.dispose(); optional.frame = null; return; } synchronized (XWindow.class) { for (int i = 0; i < poolsize; i++) { if (frames[i] == null) { frames[i] = optional.frame; optional.frame = null; return; } } } optional.frame.dispose(); optional.frame = null; } void setProperty(Property p) { makeOptional(); optional.userProps = p; } Property getProperty() { if (optional == null) return null; return optional.userProps; } static final void reqConfigureWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; int n; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); XWindow win = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (win == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } int mask = io.readShort(); io.readPad(2); c.length -= 3; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } if (((win.clss == InputOnly) && (mask & IllegalInputOnlyConfigureMask) != 0) || ((mask & CWSibling) != 0 && (mask & CWStackMode) == 0)) { c.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch return; } int index; int x, y; int w = win.width; int h = win.height; int bw = win.borderWidth; XWindow sib = null; synchronized (LOCK) { win = c.lookupWindow(; if (win == null) { c.errorValue =; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } if (win.screen.root != win && win.parent == null) return; if (win.parent != null) { x = win.x - win.parent.x - bw; y = win.y - win.parent.y - bw; } else { x = win.x; y = win.y; } mask &= 0x7f; int beforex = x, beforey = y; int smode = 0; int tmp = mask; while (tmp != 0 && c.length != 0) { index = lowbit(tmp); tmp &= ~index; switch (index) { case CWX: foo = io.readInt(); foo = (short) (foo & 0xffff); if (foo == x) { mask -= CWX; } else { x = (short) (foo); } break; case CWY: foo = io.readInt(); foo = (short) (foo & 0xffff); if (foo == y) { mask -= CWY; } else { y = (short) (foo); } break; case CWWidth: foo = io.readInt(); foo = (foo & 0xffff); if (w == foo) { mask -= CWWidth; } else { w = foo; } break; case CWHeight: foo = io.readInt(); foo = (foo & 0xffff); if (h == foo) { mask -= CWHeight; } else { h = foo; } break; case CWBorderWidth: foo = io.readInt(); foo = (foo & 0xffff); bw = foo; break; case CWSibling: foo = io.readInt(); sib = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (sib == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow } else if ((sib.parent != win.parent) || (sib == win)) { c.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch } break; case CWStackMode: foo = io.readInt(); foo &= 0xff; smode = foo; if ((smode != TopIf) && (smode != BottomIf) && (smode != Opposite) && (smode != Above) && (smode != Below)) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue } break; default: c.errorValue = mask; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue return; } c.length--; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } } if (c.length != 0) { c.errorValue = mask; c.errorReason = 2; // BadValue return; } if (mask == 0) { return; } if (win.parent == null) return; if ((mask & CWStackMode) != 0) { sib = win.getPlaceInTheStack(sib, win.parent.x + x, win.parent.y + y, w + bw * 2, h + bw * 2, smode); } else { sib = win.nextSib; } if (((win.attr & overrideRedirect) == 0) && (win.parent.redirectSend())) { c.cevent.mkConfigureRequest(((mask & CWStackMode) != 0) ? smode : Above,,, ((mask & CWSibling) != 0) ? : 0, x, y, w, h, bw, mask); if (win.parent.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.SubstructureRedirectMask, c) == 1) { return; } } int action = Restack; if ((mask & (CWX | CWY)) != 0 && (mask & (CWHeight | CWWidth)) == 0) { action = Move; } else if ((mask & ChangeMask) != 0) { if (w == 0 || h == 0) { c.errorValue = 0; c.errorReason = 2; // BadBalue; return; } action = Resize; } if (action == Resize) { boolean sizec = ((w != win.width) || (h != win.height)); if (sizec && (((win.eventMask | win.getOtherEventMask()) & Event.ResizeRedirectMask) != 0)) { c.cevent.mkResizeRequest(, w, h); if (win.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, Event.ResizeRedirectMask, c) == 1) { w = win.width; h = win.height; sizec = false; } } if (!sizec) { if ((mask & (CWX | CWY)) != 0) action = Move; else if ((mask & (CWStackMode | CWBorderWidth)) != 0) { action = Restack; } else { return; } } } if ((action == Resize) || (((mask & CWX) != 0) && x != beforex) || (((mask & CWY) != 0) && y != beforey) || (((mask & CWBorderWidth) != 0) && bw != win.borderWidth) || (((mask & CWStackMode) != 0) && win.nextSib != sib)) { if (win.substrSend()) { c.cevent.mkConfigureNotify(, (sib != null ? : 0), x, y, w, h, bw, (win.attr & overrideRedirect) != 0 ? 0 : 1); win.sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, null); } if ((mask & CWBorderWidth) != 0) { if (action == Restack) { action = Move; win.borderWidth = bw; win.ddxwindow.setBorder(bw); } else if ((action == Move) && ((beforex + win.borderWidth) == x + bw) && ((beforey + win.borderWidth) == y + bw)) { action = Reborder; } else { win.borderWidth = bw; win.ddxwindow.setBorder(bw); } } if ((mask & CWStackMode) != 0) { win.reflectStackChange(sib); } if (((mask & CWX) != 0) || ((mask & CWY) != 0) || ((mask & CWWidth) != 0) || ((mask & CWHeight) != 0) || ((mask & CWBorderWidth) != 0)) { win.origin.x = x + bw; win.origin.y = y + bw; int dx, dy, dw, dh; dx = dy = dw = dh = 0; dw = w - win.width; dh = h - win.height; win.height = h; win.width = w; int newx = win.parent.x + x + bw; int newy = win.parent.y + y + bw; int oldx, oldy; oldx = win.x; oldy = win.y; x = win.x = newx; y = win.y = newy; XWindow wToValidate = win.moveInStack(sib); if (((mask & CWWidth) != 0) || ((mask & CWHeight) != 0) || ((mask & CWBorderWidth) != 0)) { if (win.screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && win.hasFrame()) { java.awt.Window frame = win.getFrame(); frame.validate(); Insets insets = frame.getInsets(); frame.setSize(win.width + win.borderWidth * 2 + insets.left + insets.right, win.height + win.borderWidth * 2 + insets.bottom +; frame.validate(); } win.ddxwindow.setSize(win.width, win.height); } win.resizeChildrenWinSize(x - oldx, y - oldy, dw, dh); win.ddxwindow.setLocation(win.origin.x - win.borderWidth + win.parent.borderWidth, win.origin.y - win.borderWidth + win.parent.borderWidth); } return; } else { return; } } } private int getDontPropagateMask() { if (optional == null) return DontPropagate.masks[(attr & dontPropagate) >> dontPropagateOffset]; return optional.dontPropagateMask; } Grab getPassiveGrabs() { if (optional == null) return null; return optional.passiveGrabs; } int getOtherEventMask() { if (optional == null) return 0; return optional.otherEventMasks; } void setColormap(XColormap cmap) { makeOptional(); optional.colormap = cmap; } XColormap getColormap() { return trackParent().optional.colormap; } private int getColormapId() { if (clss == InputOnly) return 0; return getColormap().id; } void setVisual(int id) { makeOptional(); optional.visual = id; } private int getVisual() { return trackParent().optional.visual; } boolean isMapped() { return (attr & mapped) != 0; } boolean isRealized() { return (attr & realized) != 0; } boolean isViewable() { return (attr & viewable) != 0; } boolean isBorderPixel() { return (attr & borderIsPixel) != 0; } void setBorderIsPixel() { attr |= borderIsPixel; } void setBackgroundIsPixel() { attr &= ~backgroundState; attr |= BackgroundPixel; } boolean hasParentRelativeBorder() { return (attr & borderIsPixel) == 0 && hasBorder() && (attr & backgroundState) == ParentRelative; } boolean hasBorder() { return borderWidth != 0; } private void reflectStackChange(XWindow sib) throws IOException { boolean wasViewable = (attr & viewable) != 0; if (parent == null) return; XWindow firstChange = moveInStack(sib); if ((attr & realized) != 0) { restructured(); } } private int isSiblingAboveMe(XWindow sib) { XWindow win = parent.firstChild; while (win != null) { if (win == sib) return (Above); else if (win == this) return (Below); win = win.nextSib; } return (Below); } private XWindow getPlaceInTheStack(XWindow sib, int x, int y, int w, int h, int smode) { if ((this == parent.firstChild) && (this == parent.lastChild)) return null; XWindow first = parent.firstChild; switch (smode) { case Above: if (sib != null) return (sib); else if (this == first) return (nextSib); else return (first); case Below: if (sib != null) if (sib.nextSib != this) return (sib.nextSib); else return (nextSib); else return null; case TopIf: if ((((attr & mapped) == 0) || (sib != null && (sib.attr & mapped) == 0))) return (nextSib); else if (sib != null) { if ((isSiblingAboveMe(sib) == Above)) return (first); else return (nextSib); } else return (first); case BottomIf: if ((((attr & mapped) == 0) || (sib != null && (sib.attr & mapped) == 0))) return (nextSib); else if (sib != null) { if ((isSiblingAboveMe(sib) == Below)) return null; else return (nextSib); } else return null; case Opposite: if ((((attr & mapped) == 0) || (sib != null && (sib.attr & mapped) == 0))) return (nextSib); else if (sib != null) { if (isSiblingAboveMe(sib) == Above) return (first); else return null; } else return (first); default: return nextSib; } } private XWindow moveInStack(XWindow next) { XWindow firstChange = this; synchronized (LOCK) { if (nextSib != next) { if (next == null) { // to bottom if (parent.firstChild == this) parent.firstChild = nextSib; firstChange = nextSib; nextSib.prevSib = prevSib; if (prevSib != null) prevSib.nextSib = nextSib; parent.lastChild.nextSib = this; prevSib = parent.lastChild; nextSib = null; parent.lastChild = this; if (screen.windowmode == WeirdX.InBrowser || parent != screen.root) { parent.ddxwindow.add((java.awt.Component) (this.ddxwindow), -1); } } else if (parent.firstChild == next) { // to top firstChange = this; if (parent.lastChild == this) parent.lastChild = prevSib; if (nextSib != null) nextSib.prevSib = prevSib; if (prevSib != null) prevSib.nextSib = nextSib; nextSib = parent.firstChild; prevSib = null; next.prevSib = this; parent.firstChild = this; if (screen.windowmode == WeirdX.InBrowser || parent != screen.root) { parent.ddxwindow.add((java.awt.Component) (this.ddxwindow), 0); } } else { // in middle XWindow pOldNext = nextSib; firstChange = null; if (parent.firstChild == this) firstChange = parent.firstChild = nextSib; if (parent.lastChild == this) { firstChange = this; parent.lastChild = prevSib; } if (nextSib != null) nextSib.prevSib = prevSib; if (prevSib != null) prevSib.nextSib = nextSib; nextSib = next; prevSib = next.prevSib; if (next.prevSib != null) next.prevSib.nextSib = this; next.prevSib = this; if (firstChange == null) { firstChange = parent.firstChild; while ((firstChange != this) && (firstChange != pOldNext)) firstChange = firstChange.nextSib; } Component[] component = parent.ddxwindow.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < component.length; i++) { if (component[i] == next.ddxwindow) { if (i != 0) i--; if (screen.windowmode == WeirdX.InBrowser || parent != screen.root) { parent.ddxwindow.add((java.awt.Component) (this.ddxwindow), i); } break; } } } } } this.draw(); return firstChange; } static final void reqReparentWindow(Client c) throws IOException { int foo; int x, y; InputOutput io = c.client; foo = io.readInt(); XWindow win = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (win == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; } foo = io.readInt(); XWindow parent = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (parent == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow; } x = (short) io.readShort(); y = (short) io.readShort(); c.length -= 4; if (c.errorReason != 0) return; win.reparent(parent, x, y, c); } void reparent(XWindow newparent, int xx, int yy, Client c) throws IOException { boolean wasMapped; synchronized (LOCK) { if (parent == null) return; int bw = borderWidth; wasMapped = ((attr & mapped) != 0); XWindow prev; makeOptional(); if (wasMapped) { unmapWindow(false); } c.cevent.mkReparentNotify(id, id,, xx, yy, ((attr & overrideRedirect) != 0 ? 1 : 0)); sendEvent(c.cevent, 1, newparent); prev = parent; if (prev.firstChild == this) prev.firstChild = nextSib; if (prev.lastChild == this) prev.lastChild = prevSib; if (nextSib != null) nextSib.prevSib = prevSib; if (prevSib != null) prevSib.nextSib = nextSib; parent = newparent; nextSib = newparent.firstChild; prevSib = null; if (newparent.firstChild != null) newparent.firstChild.prevSib = this; else newparent.lastChild = this; newparent.firstChild = this; origin.x = (short) (xx); origin.y = (short) (yy); x = (short) (xx + newparent.x); y = (short) (yy + newparent.y); if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && hasFrame()) { java.awt.Window frame = getFrame(); frame.remove((java.awt.Component) ddxwindow); // frame.dispose(); delFrame(); } if (screen.windowmode != WeirdX.InBrowser && newparent == screen.root) { java.awt.Window frame = getFrame(); /*if(frame instanceof JFrame){ ((JFrame)frame).setJMenuBar(null); ((JFrame)frame).getContentPane().setLayout(null); ((JFrame)frame).setResizable(false); } else*/ if (frame instanceof Frame) { ((Frame) frame).setMenuBar(null); ((Frame) frame).setResizable(true); } ddxwindow.setLocation(0, 0); frame.add((java.awt.Component) ddxwindow); frame.validate(); Insets insets = frame.getInsets(); frame.setSize(this.width + this.borderWidth * 2 + insets.left + insets.right, this.height + this.borderWidth * 2 + insets.bottom +; frame.validate(); if (frame instanceof Frame) { addWindowListener((java.awt.Frame) frame); addComponentListener((java.awt.Frame) frame); } } else { newparent.ddxwindow.add((java.awt.Component) ddxwindow, 0); // ??? ddxwindow.setLocation(origin.x - borderWidth + parent.borderWidth, origin.y - borderWidth + parent.borderWidth); } resizeChildrenWinSize(0, 0, 0, 0); if (wasMapped) { mapWindow(c); } recalculateDeliverableEvents(); } } void recalculateDeliverableEvents() { OtherClients others; XWindow child = this; while (true) { if (child.optional != null) { child.optional.otherEventMasks = 0; others = (optional == null) ? null : optional.otherClients; for (; others != null; others = (OtherClients) { child.optional.otherEventMasks |= others.mask; } } child.deliverableEvents = child.eventMask | child.getOtherEventMask(); if (child.parent != null) child.deliverableEvents |= (child.parent.deliverableEvents & Event.PropagateMask & ~(child.getDontPropagateMask())); if (child.firstChild != null) { child = child.firstChild; continue; } while (child.nextSib == null && (child != this)) child = child.parent; if (child == this) break; child = child.nextSib; } } final Graphics getGraphics() { if (clss == InputOnly) return ddxwindow.getGraphics(); else return ddxwindow.getGraphics2(); } final Graphics getGraphics(GC gc, int mask) { if (clss == InputOnly) return ddxwindow.getGraphics(); else return ddxwindow.getGraphics(gc, mask); } final Image getImage() { return ddxwindow.getImage(); } final Image getImage(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return ddxwindow.getImage(null, x, y, width, height); } final Image getImage(GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return ddxwindow.getImage(gc, x, y, width, height); } private void setEventMask(Client c, int mask) { int check; OtherClients others; check = (mask & Event.AtMostOneClient); if ((check & (eventMask | getOtherEventMask())) != 0) { if (getClient() != c && (check & eventMask) != 0) { c.errorReason = 10; // BadAccess } for (others = getOtherClients(); others != null; others = (OtherClients) { if (!others.sameClient(c) && (check & others.mask) != 0) { c.errorReason = 10; // BadAccess return; } } } if (client == c) { check = eventMask; eventMask = mask; } else { others = (optional == null) ? null : optional.otherClients; for (; others != null; others = (OtherClients) { if (others.sameClient(c)) { check = others.mask; if (mask == 0) { XResource.freeResource(, RT_NONE); return; } else { others.mask = mask; } recalculateDeliverableEvents(); return; } } check = 0; makeOptional(); others = new OtherClients(XResource.fakeClientId(c)); others.mask = mask; others.resource =; others.window = this; = optional.otherClients; optional.otherClients = others; XResource.add(others); } recalculateDeliverableEvents(); return; } private static void gravityTranslate(int newx, int newy, int oldx, int oldy, int dw, int dh, int gravity, Point point) { switch (gravity) { case NorthGravity: point.x = newx + dw / 2; point.y = newy; break; case NorthEastGravity: point.x = newx + dw; point.y = newy; break; case WestGravity: point.x = newx; point.y = newy + dh / 2; break; case CenterGravity: point.x = newx + dw / 2; point.y = newy + dh / 2; break; case EastGravity: point.x = newx + dw; point.y = newy + dh / 2; break; case SouthWestGravity: point.x = newx; point.y = newy + dh; break; case SouthGravity: point.x = newx + dw / 2; point.y = newy + dh; break; case SouthEastGravity: point.x = newx + dw; point.y = newy + dh; break; case StaticGravity: point.x = oldx; point.y = oldy; break; default: point.x = newx; point.y = newy; break; } } private void resizeChildrenWinSize(int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh) throws IOException { boolean resized = (dw != 0 || dh != 0); for (XWindow sib = firstChild; sib != null; sib = sib.nextSib) { if (resized && (((sib.attr & winGravity) >> winGravityOffset) > NorthWestGravity)) { int newx = sib.origin.x; int newy = sib.origin.y; gravityTranslate(newx, newy, newx - dx, newy - dy, dw, dh, (sib.attr & winGravity) >> winGravityOffset, gpoint); if (gpoint.x != sib.origin.x || gpoint.y != sib.origin.y) { Event event = new Event(); event.mkGravityNotify(,, gpoint.x - sib.borderWidth, gpoint.y - sib.borderWidth); sib.sendEvent(event, 1, null); sib.origin.x = gpoint.x; sib.origin.y = gpoint.y; } } sib.x = x + sib.origin.x; sib.y = y + sib.origin.y; if (sib.ddxwindow != null) // ?? sib.ddxwindow.setLocation(sib.origin.x - sib.borderWidth + sib.parent.borderWidth, sib.origin.y - sib.borderWidth + sib.parent.borderWidth); XWindow child = sib.firstChild; if (child != null) { while (true) { child.x = child.parent.x + child.origin.x; child.y = child.parent.y + child.origin.y; if (child.ddxwindow != null) // ?? child.ddxwindow.setLocation(child.origin.x - child.borderWidth + child.parent.borderWidth, child.origin.y - child.borderWidth + child.parent.borderWidth); if (child.firstChild != null) { child = child.firstChild; continue; } while (child.nextSib == null && (child != sib)) child = child.parent; if (child == sib) break; child = child.nextSib; } } } } static boolean checkDeviceGrabs(Event e, int checkFirst, int count) throws IOException { XWindow win; int i = checkFirst; for (; i < spriteTraceGood; i++) { win = spriteTrace[i]; if (win.optional != null && win.checkPassiveGrabsOnWindow(e, count)) { return true; } } return false; } boolean checkPassiveGrabsOnWindow(Event e, int count) throws IOException { Grab grab = getPassiveGrabs(); if (grab == null) return false; synchronized (LOCK) { Grab tempGrab = new Grab(XResource.fakeClientId(client)); tempGrab.window = this; tempGrab.type = e.getType(); tempGrab.detail.exact = e.getDetail(); tempGrab.detail.pMask = null; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.pMask = null; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.exact = e.getState() & 0x0f; for (; grab != null; grab = { if (tempGrab.grabMatchesSecond(grab) && (grab.confineTo == null || ((grab.confineTo.attr & realized) != 0 && (grab.confineTo.x != 0 || grab.confineTo.y != 0)))) { grab.activatePointerGrab((int) System.currentTimeMillis(), true); e.fixUpEventFromWindow(grab.window, 0,,, true); if (grab.getClient() != null) grab.getClient().sendEvent(e, count, Event.filters[e.getType()], Event.filters[e.getType()], grab); return true; } } } return false; } static void sendGrabbedEvent(Event e, boolean deactivateGrab, int count) throws IOException { Grab grab = XWindow.grab; int deliveries = 0; if ((grab.attr & Grab.ownerEvents) != 0) { XWindow focus = null; if (focus == null) deliveries = sendDeviceEvent(, e, grab, null, count); else if (focus != null && (focus == || focus.isParent( deliveries = sendDeviceEvent(, e, grab, focus, count); else if (focus != null) deliveries = sendDeviceEvent(focus, e, grab, focus, count); } if (deliveries == 0) { e.fixUpEventFromWindow(grab.window, 0,,, true); if (grab.getClient() != null) deliveries = grab.getClient().sendEvent(e, count, grab.eventMask, Event.filters[e.getType()], grab); } } static int sendDeviceEvent(XWindow win, Event e, Grab grab, XWindow stopAt, int count) throws IOException { int child = 0; int type = e.getType(); int filter = Event.filters[type]; int deliveries = 0; if ((type & Event.EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) != 0) { OtherInputMasks inputMasks; int mskidx = 0; inputMasks = (win.optional == null ? null : win.optional.otherInputMasks); if (inputMasks != null && (filter & inputMasks.deliverableEvents[mskidx]) == 0) return 0; while (win != null) { if (inputMasks != null && (inputMasks.inputEvents[mskidx] & filter) != 0) { e.fixUpEventFromWindow(win, child,,, false); deliveries = win.sendEvent(e, count, filter, grab, mskidx); if (deliveries > 0) return deliveries; } if ((deliveries < 0) || (win == stopAt) || (inputMasks != null && (filter & inputMasks.dontPropagateMask[mskidx]) != 0)) return 0; child =; win = win.parent; if (win != null) { inputMasks = (win.optional == null ? null : win.optional.otherInputMasks); } } } else { if ((filter & win.deliverableEvents) == 0) return 0; while (win != null) { if (((win.getOtherEventMask() | win.eventMask) & filter) != 0) { e.fixUpEventFromWindow(win, child,,, false); deliveries = win.sendEvent(e, count, filter, grab, 0); if (deliveries > 0) return deliveries; } if ((deliveries < 0) || (win == stopAt) || ((filter & win.getDontPropagateMask()) != 0)) return 0; child =; win = win.parent; } } return 0; } boolean isParent(XWindow w) { for (w = w.parent; w != null; w = w.parent) { if (w == this) return true; } return false; } XWindow commonAncestor(XWindow w) { for (w = w.parent; w != null; w = w.parent) { if (w.isParent(this)) return w; } return null; } private static void doFocusEvents(Client c, int fromWin, int toWin, int mode) throws IOException { int out, in; if (fromWin == toWin) return; out = (fromWin == 0) ? NotifyDetailNone : NotifyPointerRoot; in = (toWin == 0) ? NotifyDetailNone : NotifyPointerRoot; if ((toWin == 0) || (toWin == 1)) { if ((fromWin == 0) || (fromWin == 1)) { if (fromWin == 1) { focusOutEvents(c,,, mode, NotifyPointer, true); } } else { XWindow from = (c != null) ? c.lookupWindow(fromWin) : (XWindow) XResource.lookupIDByClass(fromWin, XResource.RC_DRAWABLE); if (from == null) return; if (from.isParent( { focusOutEvents(c,, from, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } from.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, NotifyNonlinear); focusOutEvents(c, from.parent, null, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, false); } if (toWin == 1) { focusInEvents(c,,, null, mode, NotifyPointer, true); } } else { if ((fromWin == 0) || (fromWin == 1)) { if (fromWin == 1) { focusOutEvents(c,,, mode, NotifyPointer, true); } XWindow to = (c != null) ? c.lookupWindow(toWin) : (XWindow) XResource.lookupIDByClass(toWin, XResource.RC_DRAWABLE); if (to == null) return; if (to.parent != null) { focusInEvents(c, to.screen.root, to, to, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, true); } to.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, NotifyNonlinear); if (to.isParent( { focusInEvents(c, to,, null, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } } else { XWindow to = (c != null) ? c.lookupWindow(toWin) : (XWindow) XResource.lookupIDByClass(toWin, XResource.RC_DRAWABLE); XWindow from = (c != null) ? c.lookupWindow(fromWin) : (XWindow) XResource.lookupIDByClass(fromWin, XResource.RC_DRAWABLE); if (from == null || to == null) return; if (to.isParent(from)) { from.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, NotifyAncestor); focusOutEvents(c, from.parent, to, mode, NotifyVirtual, false); to.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, NotifyInferior); if ((to.isParent( && ( != from) && (!from.isParent( && (! { focusInEvents(c, to,, null, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } } else { if (from.isParent(to)) { if ((from.isParent( && ( != from) && (!to.isParent( && (! { focusOutEvents(c,, from, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } from.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, NotifyInferior); focusInEvents(c, from, to, to, mode, NotifyVirtual, false); to.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, NotifyAncestor); } else { XWindow common = to.commonAncestor(from); if (from.isParent( { focusOutEvents(c,, from, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } from.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, NotifyNonlinear); if (from.parent != null) { focusOutEvents(c, from.parent, common, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, false); } if (to.parent != null) { focusInEvents(c, common, to, to, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, false); } to.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, NotifyNonlinear); if (to.isParent( { focusInEvents(c, to,, null, mode, NotifyPointer, false); } } } } } } private static void focusOutEvents(Client c, XWindow child, XWindow ancestor, int mode, int detail, boolean doAncestor) throws IOException { for (XWindow win = child; win != ancestor; win = win.parent) { win.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, detail); } if (doAncestor) { ancestor.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusOut, mode, detail); } } private static boolean focusInEvents(Client c, XWindow ancestor, XWindow child, XWindow skipChild, int mode, int detail, boolean doAncestor) throws IOException { if (child == null) { return ancestor == null; } if (ancestor == child) { if (doAncestor) { child.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, detail); } return true; } if (focusInEvents(c, ancestor, child.parent, skipChild, mode, detail, doAncestor)) { if (child != skipChild) { child.sendFocusEvent(c, Event.FocusIn, mode, detail); } return true; } return false; } void sendFocusEvent(Client c, int type, int mode, int detail) throws IOException { Event event = (c != null) ? c.cevent : new Event(); if (type == Event.FocusIn) { event.mkFocusIn(detail, id, mode); } else if (type == Event.FocusOut) { event.mkFocusOut(detail, id, mode); } else { return; } sendEvent(event, 1, Event.filters[type], null, 0); } void initAttr() { setBackgroundIsPixel(); background.pixel = screen.white; setBorderIsPixel(); border.pixel =; borderWidth = 0; } void restoreClip() { ddxwindow.restoreClip(); } private static int lowbit(int mask) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if ((mask & 1) == 1) { result = result << i; break; } mask = mask >> 1; } return result; } static void printWindow(XWindow p1, int indent) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buf.append(" "); try { buf.append(Integer.toHexString(; // buf.append(" mapped: "+p1.isMapped()); // buf.append(", realized: "+p1.isRealized()); buf.append(" (" + p1.x + "," + p1.y + "," + p1.width + "," + p1.height + ")"); // buf.append(" location: "+p1.ddxwindow.getLocation()); buf.append(" isVisible: " + p1.ddxwindow.isVisible()); LOG.error(buf.toString()); } catch (Exception ee) { LOG.error(ee); } } static void printChildren(XWindow p1, int indent) { XWindow p2; while (p1 != null) { p2 = p1.firstChild; printWindow(p1, indent); printChildren(p2, indent + 4); p1 = p1.nextSib; } } static void printWindowTree(XWindow win) { LOG.error("printWindowTree"); printWindow(win, 0); XWindow p1; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { p1 = win.firstChild; printChildren(p1, 4); } } private void addWindowListener(java.awt.Frame foo) { final java.awt.Frame frame = foo; frame.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { int message_type = XAtom.find("WM_PROTOCOLS"); int del = XAtom.find("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"); synchronized (XWindow.LOCK) { Property p = getProperty(); while (p != null) { if (p.propertyName == message_type) break; p =; } if (p != null && != null) { } else { try { getClient().closeDown(); } catch (Exception ee) { } return; } } if (message_type == 0 || del == 0) return; Event event = new Event(); event.mkClientMessage(id, message_type); byte[] eb = event.event; eb[1] = 32; eb[12] = (byte) (del >>> 24); //protocol eb[13] = (byte) (del >>> 16); eb[14] = (byte) (del >>> 8); eb[15] = (byte) (del); int tm = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); eb[16] = (byte) (tm >>> 24); //time eb[17] = (byte) (tm >>> 16); eb[18] = (byte) (tm >>> 8); eb[19] = (byte) (tm); eb[20] = eb[21] = eb[22] = eb[23] = 0; eb[24] = eb[25] = eb[26] = eb[27] = 0; eb[28] = eb[29] = eb[30] = eb[31] = 0; eb[0] |= 0x80; try { sendEvent(event, 1, Event.NoEventMask, null, 0); } catch (Exception ee) { } } }); } private void addComponentListener(java.awt.Frame foo) { final java.awt.Frame frame = foo; frame.addComponentListener(new java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent e) { if (parent == null) return; Rectangle rectangle = frame.getBounds(); if (rectangle.width == 0 || rectangle.height == 0) return; if (frame_width != rectangle.width || frame_height != rectangle.height) { Insets insets = frame.getInsets(); synchronized (XWindow.LOCK) { try { Point point = frame.getLocation(); int ww = rectangle.width - insets.left - insets.right - borderWidth * 2; int hh = rectangle.height - - insets.bottom - borderWidth * 2; if (ww > 0 && hh > 0) { ddxwindow.setSize(ww, hh); frame.pack(); Event event = new Event(); event.mkConfigureNotify(id, id, (rectangle.x + insets.left), (rectangle.y +, ww, hh, borderWidth, (attr & (1 << 16)) != 0 ? 1 : 0); sendEvent(event, 1, null); frame_x = rectangle.x; frame_y = rectangle.y; frame_width = rectangle.width; frame_height = rectangle.height; } } catch (Exception ee) { LOG.error(ee); } } } } }); } } class InputClients extends Clients { int[] mask; InputClients(int id) { super(id); mask = new int[9/*EMASKSIZE*/]; } } class OtherInputMasks { int[] deliverableEvents; int[] inputEvents; int[] dontPropagateMask; InputClients inputClients; OtherInputMasks() { deliverableEvents = new int[9/*EMASKSIZE*/]; inputEvents = new int[9/*EMASKSIZE*/]; dontPropagateMask = new int[9/*EMASKSIZE*/]; } } class WindowOpt { int visual; XCursor cursor; XColormap colormap; int dontPropagateMask; int otherEventMasks; OtherClients otherClients; Grab passiveGrabs; Property userProps; long backingBitPlanes; long backingPixel; OtherInputMasks otherInputMasks; java.awt.Window frame; } class Sprite { XWindow win; HotSpot hot; Sprite() { hot = new HotSpot(); } } final class HotSpot extends Point { int state = 0; } class DontPropagate { static int[] masks = new int[8]; static int[] refc = new int[8]; static { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { masks[i] = refc[i] = 0; } } static int store(int mask) { int i = 0; int free = 0; for (i = 8, free = 0; --i > 0;) { if (refc[i] == 0) { free = i; } else if (mask == masks[i]) break; } if (i == 0 && free != 0) { i = free; masks[i] = mask; } return i; } } class Focus { int win; XWindow window; int revert; long time; XWindow[] trace; int traceSize; int traceGood; }