Java tutorial
/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; -*- */ /* WeirdX - Guess. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 JCraft, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package com.jcraft.weirdx; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.jcraft.weirdx.res.XResource; final class DummySHAPEExtension extends Extension { private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DummySHAPEExtension.class); static final int ShapeSet = 0; static final int ShapeUnion = 1; static final int ShapeIntersect = 2; static final int ShapeSubtract = 3; static final int ShapeInvert = 4; static final int ShapeBounding = 0; static final int ShapeClip = 1; // static final int ShapeNotifyMask=(1 << 0); // static final int ShapeNotify=0; static int ctyp; static int etyp; DummySHAPEExtension() { eventcount = 1; errorcount = 0; ctyp = XResource.newType(); etyp = XResource.newType(); name = "SHAPE"; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void dispatch(Client c) throws IOException { XWindow window; int kind, x, y, w, h, shaped, op; Rectangle[] rect; int foo; InputOutput io = c.client; switch ( { case 0: synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeShort(1); io.writeShort(0); io.writePad(20); io.flush(); } break; case 1: op = io.readByte(); kind = io.readByte(); int oder = io.readByte(); io.readPad(1); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 3; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } x = (short) io.readShort(); y = (short) io.readShort(); c.length--; int len = (c.length) / 2; rect = new Rectangle[len]; { int xx, yy, ww, hh; while (len > 0) { xx = (short) io.readShort(); yy = (short) io.readShort(); ww = (short) io.readShort(); hh = (short) io.readShort(); rect[rect.length - len] = new Rectangle(xx, yy, ww, hh); len--; } } // synchronized(DummySHAPEExtension.class){ // window.ddxwindow.setShapeRectangles(op, kind, oder, x, y, rect); // } break; case 2: op = io.readByte(); kind = io.readByte(); io.readPad(2); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 3; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } x = (short) io.readShort(); y = (short) io.readShort(); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; if (foo == 0) { sendShapeNotify(kind, window, x, y, window.width, window.height, 0); return; } XDrawable d = c.lookupDrawable(foo); if (d == null || !(d instanceof XPixmap)) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 4; // BadPixmap; return; } XPixmap pixmap = (XPixmap) d; if (pixmap.depth != 1) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 8; // BadMatch return; } // synchronized(DummySHAPEExtension.class){ // if(kind==1){ // window.ddxwindow.setShapeMask(op, kind, x, y, pixmap); // } // } w = pixmap.width; h = pixmap.height; shaped = 1; sendShapeNotify(kind, window, x, y, w, h, shaped); break; case 3: int dk, sk; op = io.readByte(); dk = io.readByte(); sk = io.readByte(); io.readPad(1); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 3; XWindow dwindow = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (dwindow == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } x = (short) io.readShort(); y = (short) io.readShort(); foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; XWindow swindow = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (swindow == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } // synchronized(DummySHAPEExtension.class){ // dwindow.ddxwindow.setCombineMask(op, sk, dk, x, y, swindow); // } break; case 4: foo = io.readByte(); io.readPad(3); foo = io.readInt(); foo = io.readShort(); foo = io.readShort(); break; case 5: foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writePad(1); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writeByte(0); // bouding shaped io.writeByte(0); // clip shaped io.writePad(2); io.writeShort(-window.borderWidth); // bounding x io.writeShort(-window.borderWidth); io.writeShort(window.width + 2 * window.borderWidth); io.writeShort(window.height + 2 * window.borderWidth); io.writeShort(0); // clip x io.writeShort(0); io.writeShort(window.width); io.writeShort(window.height); io.writePad(4); io.flush(); } break; case 6: foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } foo = io.readByte(); io.readPad(3); c.length--; if (foo != 0 && foo != 1) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 2; // BadWindow return; } { Head head = (Head) XResource.lookupIDByType(, DummySHAPEExtension.etyp); if (foo == 1) { if (head != null) { for (ShapeEvent se =; se != null; se = { if (se.client == c) { return; } } } ShapeEvent se = new ShapeEvent(XResource.fakeClientId(c), DummySHAPEExtension.ctyp, c, window); XResource.add(se); if (head == null) { head = new Head(, DummySHAPEExtension.etyp); XResource.add(head); } else { =; } = se; return; } // foo==0 if (head != null) { ShapeEvent nse = null; ShapeEvent se = null; for (se =; se != null; se = { if (se.client == c) break; nse = se; } if (se != null) { XResource.freeResource(, DummySHAPEExtension.ctyp); if (nse != null) { =; } else { =; } } } } break; case 7: foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } byte result = 0; { Head head = (Head) XResource.lookupIDByType(, DummySHAPEExtension.etyp); if (head != null) { for (ShapeEvent se =; se != null; se = { if (se.client == c) { result = 1; break; } } } } synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(result); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(0); io.writePad(24); io.flush(); } break; case 8: foo = io.readInt(); c.length -= 2; window = c.lookupWindow(foo); if (window == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 3; // BadWindow return; } kind = io.readByte(); io.readPad(3); synchronized (io) { io.writeByte(1); io.writeByte(0); io.writeShort(c.seq); io.writeInt(2 * 1); io.writeInt(1); io.writePad(20); io.writeShort(0); io.writeShort(0); io.writeShort(window.width); io.writeShort(window.height); io.flush(); } break; default: LOG.error("Shape: unknown code=" +; } } void sendShapeNotify(int kind, XWindow window, int x, int y, int w, int h, int shaped) throws IOException { Head head = (Head) XResource.lookupIDByType(, DummySHAPEExtension.etyp); if (head == null) return; for (ShapeEvent se =; se != null; se = { Client c = se.client; if (c == Client.clients[0] || c.clientGone) { continue; } mkShapeNotify(c.cevent, kind,, x, y, w, h, shaped); c.cevent.putSequence(c.seq); c.sendEvent(1, c.cevent); } } void mkShapeNotify(Event e, int kind, int window, int x, int y, int w, int h, int shaped) { e.clear(); e.writeByte((byte) eventbase); e.writeByte((byte) kind); e.writePad(2); e.writeInt(window); e.writeShort(x); e.writeShort(y); e.writeShort(w); e.writeShort(h); int time = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); e.writeInt(time); e.writeByte((byte) shaped); } void swap(Event e) { e.index = 4; e.swapInt(); e.swapShort(); e.swapShort(); e.swapShort(); e.swapShort(); e.swapInt(); } class Head extends XResource { ShapeEvent next; Head(int id, int typ) { super(id, typ); = null; } void delete() throws IOException { ShapeEvent pNext; for (ShapeEvent pCur = next; pCur != null; pCur = pNext) { pNext =; XResource.freeResource(, DummySHAPEExtension.ctyp); } next = null; return; } } class ShapeEvent extends XResource { ShapeEvent next; Client client; XWindow window; ShapeEvent(int id, int typ, Client client, XWindow window) { super(id, typ); this.client = client; this.window = window; = null; } void delete() throws IOException { Head head = (Head) lookupIDByType(, DummySHAPEExtension.etyp); if (head != null) { ShapeEvent pCur, pPrev = null; for (pCur =; pCur != null && pCur != this; pCur = { pPrev = pCur; } if (pCur != null) { if (pPrev != null) { = next; } else { = next; } } } } } }