Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010 by J. Brisbin <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.jbrisbin.vcloud.cache; import com.rabbitmq.client.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author J. Brisbin <> */ public class RabbitMQAsyncCache implements AsyncCache { protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected final boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); protected String id; @Autowired protected ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; protected ExecutorService workerPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); protected Connection connection = null; /** * Name of the topic exchange to use for requesting objects. */ protected String objectRequestExchange = "amq.topic"; /** * Name of the fanout exchange used for sending heartbeat messages. */ protected String heartbeatExchange = "amq.fanout"; /** * How often to send out the heartbeat. */ protected long heartbeatInterval = 3000L; /** * Is this cache active? */ protected AtomicBoolean active = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Tasks that are currently running. */ protected List<Future<?>> activeTasks = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); /** * Set of cache IDs for our cacheNodes. Used to determine if all responses have returned or * not. */ protected ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> cacheNodes = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<String>(); /** * Number of cacheNodes we expect responses from. */ protected AtomicInteger numOfCacheNodes = new AtomicInteger(1); /** * Timer for issuing delayed tasks. */ protected Timer delayTimer = new Timer(true); /** * How many Loaders to run concurrently. */ protected int maxWorkers = 3; /** * How long to wait for exepcted responses. */ protected long loadTimeout = 3000L; /** * Event handlers waiting on objects to be loaded. */ protected ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, List<AsyncCacheCallback>> objectLoadCallbacks = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, List<AsyncCacheCallback>>(); protected BlockingQueue<ObjectMessage> objectMessages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ObjectMessage>(); protected BlockingQueue<CommandMessage> commandMessages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<CommandMessage>(); public RabbitMQAsyncCache() { } @Override public void setId(String id) { = id; } @Override public String getId() { return; } public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return connectionFactory; } public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; } public String getObjectRequestExchange() { return objectRequestExchange; } public void setObjectRequestExchange(String objectRequestExchange) { this.objectRequestExchange = objectRequestExchange; } public String getHeartbeatExchange() { return heartbeatExchange; } public void setHeartbeatExchange(String heartbeatExchange) { this.heartbeatExchange = heartbeatExchange; } public long getHeartbeatInterval() { return heartbeatInterval; } public void setHeartbeatInterval(long heartbeatInterval) { this.heartbeatInterval = heartbeatInterval; } public int getMaxWorkers() { return maxWorkers; } public void setMaxWorkers(int maxWorkers) { this.maxWorkers = maxWorkers; workerPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxWorkers * 2); } public long getLoadTimeout() { return loadTimeout; } public void setLoadTimeout(long loadTimeout) { this.loadTimeout = loadTimeout; } @Override public void add(String id, Object obj) { add(id, obj, Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public void add(String id, Object obj, long expiry) { try { objectMessages.add(new ObjectMessage(id, objectRequestExchange, id, obj)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void setParent(String childId, String parentId) { throw new IllegalAccessError("This method is not yet implemented"); } @Override public void remove(String id) { commandMessages.add(new CommandMessage("clear", objectRequestExchange, id)); } @Override public void remove(String id, long delay) { // TODO: implement delay in removing object remove(id); } @Override public void load(String id, final AsyncCacheCallback callback) { if (objectLoadCallbacks.containsKey(id)) { objectLoadCallbacks.get(id).add(callback); } else { List<AsyncCacheCallback> callbacks = new ArrayList<AsyncCacheCallback>(); callbacks.add(callback); objectLoadCallbacks.put(id, callbacks); } commandMessages.add(new CommandMessage("load", objectRequestExchange, id)); } @Override public void clear() { commandMessages.add(new CommandMessage("clear", objectRequestExchange, "#")); } @Override public void start() { active.set(true); try { Channel channel = getConnection().createChannel(); channel.exchangeDeclare(objectRequestExchange, "topic", true, false, null); channel.queueDeclare(id, true, false, true, null); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } // For loading objects for (int i = 0; i < maxWorkers; i++) { activeTasks.add(workerPool.submit(new ObjectSender())); activeTasks.add(workerPool.submit(new CommandSender())); workerPool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Channel channel = getConnection().createChannel(); ObjectLoadMonitor loadMonitor = new ObjectLoadMonitor(channel); channel.basicConsume(id, loadMonitor); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } activeTasks.add(workerPool.submit(new HeartbeatMonitor())); commandMessages.add(new CommandMessage("ping", heartbeatExchange, "")); delayTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (cacheNodes.size() > 0) { numOfCacheNodes.set(cacheNodes.size()); } } }, 0, heartbeatInterval); } @Override public void stop() { stop(true); } @Override public void stop(boolean interruptIfRunning) { active.set(false); for (Future<?> f : activeTasks) { f.cancel(interruptIfRunning); } if (interruptIfRunning) { workerPool.shutdownNow(); } else { workerPool.shutdown(); } } @Override public boolean isActive() { return active.get(); } @Override public void setActive(boolean active) {; } protected Connection getConnection() throws IOException { if (null == connection) { connection = connectionFactory.newConnection(); } return connection; } class HeartbeatMonitor implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Channel heartbeatChannel = null; try { heartbeatChannel = getConnection().createChannel(); QueueingConsumer heartbeatConsumer = new QueueingConsumer(heartbeatChannel); heartbeatChannel.basicConsume(id, false, heartbeatConsumer); while (true) { QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = heartbeatConsumer.nextDelivery(); AMQP.BasicProperties properties = delivery.getProperties(); String type = properties.getType(); if ("ping".equals(type)) { // We don't respond to PING requests since we're a client } else if ("pong".equals(type)) { byte[] body = delivery.getBody(); if (body.length > 0) { String cacheId = new String(delivery.getBody()); if (null != cacheId && cacheId instanceof String) { cacheNodes.add(cacheId); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // IGNORED } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { heartbeatChannel.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } } class ObjectSender implements Runnable { Channel objectSendChannel = null; AMQP.BasicProperties properties = new AMQP.BasicProperties(); ObjectSender() { properties.setType("store"); properties.setReplyTo(id); } @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { ObjectMessage msg = objectMessages.take(); if (null == objectSendChannel) { objectSendChannel = getConnection().createChannel(); } properties.setCorrelationId(msg.getId()); objectSendChannel.basicPublish(objectRequestExchange, msg.getRoutingKey(), properties, msg.getBody()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } class CommandSender implements Runnable { Channel commandSendChannel = null; AMQP.BasicProperties properties = new AMQP.BasicProperties(); CommandSender() { } @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { CommandMessage msg = commandMessages.take(); if (null == commandSendChannel) { commandSendChannel = getConnection().createChannel(); } properties.setType(msg.getType()); properties.setReplyTo(id); commandSendChannel.basicPublish(msg.getExchange(), msg.getRoutingKey(), properties, msg.getBody()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } class ObjectLoadMonitor extends DefaultConsumer { Channel loadChannel = null; ObjectLoadMonitor(Channel loadChannel) { super(loadChannel); } @Override public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException { String type = properties.getType(); String objectId = properties.getCorrelationId(); if ("response".equals(type)) { Object obj = null; if (body.length > 0) { try { obj = ObjectMessage.deserialize(body); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); obj = e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); obj = e; } List<AsyncCacheCallback> callbacks = objectLoadCallbacks.get(objectId); synchronized (callbacks) { if (null != callbacks) { for (AsyncCacheCallback callback : callbacks) { if (obj instanceof Throwable) { callback.onError((Throwable) obj); } else { callback.onObjectLoad(obj); } } callbacks.clear(); } } } else { // TODO: Handle null messages } } else { log.warn("Invalid message type: '" + type + "': " + properties); } } } class NullObject { // To represent <NULL> } }