Java tutorial
package com.jbirdvegas.mgerrit.database; /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Android Open Kang Project (AOKP) * Author: Evan Conway (P4R4N01D), 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.os.Handler; import; public class FileChanges extends DatabaseTable { // Table name public static final String TABLE = "FileChanges"; // --- Columns (FileInfo table)--- // The Change-Id of the change. public static final String C_CHANGE_ID = FileInfoTable.C_CHANGE_ID; // The patch set number. public static final String C_PATCH_SET_NUMBER = FileInfoTable.C_PATCH_SET_NUMBER; public static final String C_FILE_NAME = FileInfoTable.C_FILE_NAME; /* The status of the file ("A"=Added, "D"=Deleted, "R"=Renamed, "C"=Copied, "W"=Rewritten). * Not set if the file was Modified ("M"). optional. */ public static final String C_STATUS = FileInfoTable.C_STATUS; // Whether the file is binary. public static final String C_ISBINARY = FileInfoTable.C_ISBINARY; // The old file path. Only set if the file was renamed or copied. public static final String C_OLDPATH = FileInfoTable.C_OLDPATH; // Number of inserted lines. Not set for binary files or if no lines were inserted. public static final String C_LINES_INSERTED = FileInfoTable.C_LINES_INSERTED; // Number of deleted lines. Not set for binary files or if no lines were deleted. public static final String C_LINES_DELETED = FileInfoTable.C_LINES_DELETED; // Whether the file is an image. public static final String C_ISIMAGE = FileInfoTable.C_ISIMAGE; // --- Columns (Changes table) --- // The legacy numeric ID of the change (used in the web address) public static final String C_COMMIT_NUMBER = Changes.C_COMMIT_NUMBER; public static final int ITEM_LIST = UriType.FileChangesList.ordinal(); public static final int ITEM_ID = UriType.FileChangesID.ordinal(); public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(DatabaseFactory.BASE_URI + TABLE); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = DatabaseFactory.BASE_MIME_LIST + TABLE; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = DatabaseFactory.BASE_MIME_ITEM + TABLE; // Sort by condition for querying results. public static final String SORT_BY = FileInfoTable.SORT_BY; public static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[] { FileInfoTable.TABLE + ".rowid AS _id", Changes.TABLE + "." + Changes.C_CHANGE_ID, Changes.TABLE + "." + Changes.C_COMMIT_NUMBER, C_PATCH_SET_NUMBER, C_FILE_NAME, FileInfoTable.TABLE + "." + FileInfoTable.C_STATUS, C_ISBINARY, C_OLDPATH, C_ISIMAGE, C_LINES_INSERTED, C_LINES_DELETED }; private static FileChanges mInstance = null; private MyObserver mObserver; public static FileChanges getInstance() { if (mInstance == null) mInstance = new FileChanges(); return mInstance; } @Override public void create(String TAG, SQLiteDatabase db) { // This is not a real table (do nothing) } public static void addURIMatches(UriMatcher _urim) { _urim.addURI(DatabaseFactory.AUTHORITY, TABLE, ITEM_LIST); _urim.addURI(DatabaseFactory.AUTHORITY, TABLE + "/#", ITEM_ID); } /** * Get details on what files changed in a change * @param context Context for database access * @param changeid The Change-Id of the change to get the file changes for * @return A CursorLoader */ public static CursorLoader getFileChanges(Context context, String changeid) { return new CursorLoader(context, CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, FileInfoTable.TABLE + "." + C_CHANGE_ID + " = ? AND " + FileInfoTable.TABLE + "." + C_CHANGE_ID + " = " + Changes.TABLE + "." + Changes.C_CHANGE_ID, new String[] { changeid }, SORT_BY); } /** * Get details for the files which we can show diff details for in the DiffViewer * @param context Context for database access * @param changeNumber The number of the change to get the file changes for * @return A CursorLoader */ public static CursorLoader getDiffableFiles(Context context, Integer changeNumber) { String[] PROJECTION = new String[] { FileInfoTable.TABLE + ".rowid AS _id", C_FILE_NAME, C_ISBINARY, C_COMMIT_NUMBER, C_PATCH_SET_NUMBER, FileInfoTable.TABLE + "." + C_STATUS, C_LINES_INSERTED, C_LINES_DELETED }; return new CursorLoader(context, CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, Changes.TABLE + "." + C_COMMIT_NUMBER + " = ? AND " + FileInfoTable.TABLE + "." + C_CHANGE_ID + " = " + Changes.TABLE + "." + Changes.C_CHANGE_ID + " AND (" + C_ISBINARY + " = 0 OR " + C_ISIMAGE + " = 1)", new String[] { String.valueOf(changeNumber) }, SORT_BY); } @Override protected void registerContentObserver(Context context) { mObserver = new MyObserver(new Handler(), context, CONTENT_URI); context.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(FileInfoTable.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver); context.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(Changes.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver); } @Override protected void unRegisterContentObserver(Context context) { context.getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mObserver); } }