Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 JAXIO * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jaxio.celerio.maven.plugin.bootstrap; import com.jaxio.celerio.Brand; import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.BuildInfo; import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.Configuration; import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.Pack; import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.database.JdbcConnectivity; import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.database.Metadata; import com.jaxio.celerio.main.CelerioProducer; import com.jaxio.celerio.output.OutputResult; import com.jaxio.celerio.output.OutputResultFactory; import com.jaxio.celerio.template.pack.ClasspathTemplatePackInfoLoader; import com.jaxio.celerio.template.pack.TemplatePackInfo; import com.jaxio.celerio.util.XsdHelper; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import static; import static com.jaxio.celerio.util.PackageUtil.isPackageNameValid; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringAfter; /** * This plugin creates a default project folder layout following Maven conventions. * <p> * A Maven <div class="filename">pom.xml</div> is generated as well as default files to help you start from scratch a project. * <p> * These files represent the minimum required files to produce a project using Celerio. * * @since 3.0.0 */ @Mojo(name = "bootstrap", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.INITIALIZE, requiresProject = false) public class BootstrapMojo extends AbstractMojo { /** * Whether the bootstrap ask interactively for appName, rootPackage etc.? */ @Parameter(property = "bootstrap-maven-plugin.interactive", defaultValue = "true") protected String interactive = "true"; /** * The bootstrap pack to use by default if none is specified or if running in non-interactive mode. */ @Parameter(property = "bootstrap-maven-plugin.defaultBootstrapPackName", defaultValue = "pack-backend-jpa") protected String defaultBootstrapPackName = "pack-backend-jpa"; /** * The sql conf to use by default if none is specified or if running in non-interactive mode. */ @Parameter(property = "bootstrap-maven-plugin.defaultSqlConfName", defaultValue = "books") protected String defaultSqlConfName = "books"; private List<TemplatePackInfo> bootstrapPacksInfo; private Brand brand = new Brand(); private String rootPackage; private String appName; private String bootstrapPackName; private String sqlConfName; private String packCommand = ""; private String packCommandHelp = ""; // ------------------------------------ // cmd line params // ------------------------------------ private String paramCelerioPack = "celerioPack"; private String paramAppName = "appName"; private String paramAppRootPackage = "appRootPackage"; // driver private final String paramJdbcGroupId = "jdbcGroupId"; private final String paramJdbcArtifactId = "jdbcArtifactId"; private final String paramJdbcVersion = "jdbcVersion"; private final String paramJdbcDriver = "jdbcDriver"; // access private final String paramHibernateDialect = "hibernateDialect"; private final String paramJdbcUser = "jdbcUser"; private final String paramJdbcPassword = "jdbcPassword"; private final String paramJdbcUrl = "jdbcPassword"; private final String paramJdbcCatalog = "jdbcCatalog"; private final String paramJdbcSchema = "jdbcSchema"; private final String[] params = new String[] { paramCelerioPack, paramAppName, paramAppRootPackage, paramJdbcGroupId, paramJdbcArtifactId, paramJdbcVersion, paramJdbcDriver, paramHibernateDialect, paramJdbcUser, paramJdbcPassword, paramJdbcUrl, paramJdbcCatalog, paramJdbcSchema }; // ------------------------------ // CELERIO GLUE // ------------------------------ private ApplicationContext context; protected boolean isInteractive() { return interactive.equals("true"); } protected String getDefaultBootstrapPackName() { return defaultBootstrapPackName; } protected String getDefaultSqlConfName() { return defaultSqlConfName; } protected String getDefaultRootPackage() { return brand.getRootPackage(); } protected String getDefaultAppName() { if (bootstrapPackName != null && sqlConfName != null) { return substringAfter(bootstrapPackName, "pack-").replace('-', '_') + "_" + sqlConfName.replace('-', '_'); } return "appli"; } // ------------------------------------ // MOJO & WIZARDS // ------------------------------------ /** * Mojo entry point. */ @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { try { if (getBootstrapPacksInfo().isEmpty()) { getLog().error( "Could not find any Celerio Template Pack having a META-INF/celerio.txt file on the classpath!"); return; } celerioWelcomeBanner(); JdbcConnectivity jdbcConnectivity = null; if (useCommandLineParameters()) { jdbcConnectivity = setUpParamValuesAndReturnJdbcConnectivity(); TemplatePackInfo tpi = getBootstrapPackInfoByName(bootstrapPackName); packCommand = tpi.getCommand(); packCommandHelp = tpi.getCommandHelp(); } else { if (isInteractive()) { startInteractiveConfWizard(); } else { useDefaultConf(); } } runCelerioInBootstrapMode(jdbcConnectivity); copySqlConf(); copyCelerioXsd(); printInstructionsOnceBootstrapIsReady(); } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error(e.getMessage()); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private boolean useCommandLineParameters() { // light check return checkParamPresence(paramAppName) && checkParamPresence(paramJdbcDriver) && checkParamPresence(paramJdbcUser); } private boolean checkParamPresence(String paramName) { String v = System.getProperty(paramName); return v != null && !v.isEmpty(); } private JdbcConnectivity setUpParamValuesAndReturnJdbcConnectivity() { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap(); for (String param : params) { map.put(param, System.getProperty(param)); } rootPackage = map.get(paramAppRootPackage); appName = map.get(paramAppName); bootstrapPackName = map.get(paramCelerioPack); sqlConfName = "empty"; JdbcConnectivity jdbc = new JdbcConnectivity(); jdbc.setDriver(map.get(paramJdbcDriver)); jdbc.setDriverGroupId(map.get(paramJdbcGroupId)); jdbc.setDriverArtifactId(map.get(paramJdbcArtifactId)); jdbc.setDriverArtifactIdVersion(map.get(paramJdbcVersion)); jdbc.setHibernateDialect(map.get(paramHibernateDialect)); jdbc.setUser(map.get(paramJdbcUser)); jdbc.setPassword(map.get(paramJdbcPassword)); jdbc.setSchemaName(map.get(paramJdbcSchema)); jdbc.setCatalog(map.get(paramJdbcCatalog)); jdbc.setUrl(map.get(paramJdbcUrl)); if (jdbc.getDriver().toLowerCase().contains("oracle") || jdbc.getDriver().toLowerCase().contains("derby")) { jdbc.setSqlDelimiter("/"); } else { jdbc.setSqlDelimiter(";"); } return jdbc; } /** * Ask the user all the info we need. */ private void startInteractiveConfWizard() throws IOException { BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println(""); chooseBootstrapPack(br); chooseSampleSqlAndConf(br); enterAppName(br); enterPackageName(br); } finally { br.close(); } } // ---------------------------------------- // TEMPLATE PACKS // ---------------------------------------- private void useDefaultConf() { appName = getDefaultAppName(); rootPackage = getDefaultRootPackage() + "." + getDefaultAppName(); bootstrapPackName = getDefaultBootstrapPackName(); sqlConfName = getDefaultSqlConfName(); } /** * Interactively ask the user which pack should be used. */ private void chooseBootstrapPack(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { while (true) { printInstruction("Choose the type of application you want to generate:"); for (int i = 0; i < getBootstrapPacksInfo().size(); i++) { TemplatePackInfo templatePackInfo = getBootstrapPacksInfo().get(i); System.out.println(" " + (i + 1) + ") " + templatePackInfo.getName()); System.out.println(" " + templatePackInfo.getProjectLink()); System.out.println(" " + templatePackInfo.getDescription()); if (templatePackInfo.getDescription2() != null) { System.out.println(" " + templatePackInfo.getDescription2()); } System.out.println(""); } String choice = br.readLine(); if (isBlank(choice)) { continue; } else { try { TemplatePackInfo chosenTemplatePackInfo = getBootstrapPacksInfo() .get(Integer.parseInt(choice) - 1); bootstrapPackName = chosenTemplatePackInfo.getName(); System.out.println("OK, using: " + chosenTemplatePackInfo.getName()); packCommand = chosenTemplatePackInfo.getCommand(); packCommandHelp = chosenTemplatePackInfo.getCommandHelp(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(""); continue; } } break; } } // ---------------------------------------- // SQL CONF // ---------------------------------------- /** * Return the celerio template packs found on the classpath. */ protected List<TemplatePackInfo> getBootstrapPacksInfo() { if (bootstrapPacksInfo == null) { bootstrapPacksInfo = getCelerioApplicationContext().getBean(ClasspathTemplatePackInfoLoader.class) .resolveTopLevelPacks(); } return bootstrapPacksInfo; } private TemplatePackInfo getBootstrapPackInfoByName(String name) { for (TemplatePackInfo tpi : getBootstrapPacksInfo()) { if (tpi.getName().equals(name)) { return tpi; } } return null; } /** * Interactively ask the user which sql conf should be used. */ private void chooseSampleSqlAndConf(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { while (true) { printInstruction("Which sample SQL schema would you like to use?"); for (int i = 0; i < getSqlConfInfos().size(); i++) { System.out.println(" " + (i + 1) + ") " + getSqlConfInfos().get(i).getName()); System.out.println(" " + getSqlConfInfos().get(i).getDescription()); if (getSqlConfInfos().get(i).getDescription2() != null) { System.out.println(" " + getSqlConfInfos().get(i).getDescription2()); } System.out.println(""); } String choice = br.readLine(); if (isBlank(choice)) { continue; } else { try { sqlConfName = getSqlConfInfos().get(Integer.parseInt(choice) - 1).getName(); System.out.println("OK, using: " + sqlConfName); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(""); continue; } } break; } } /** * Scan the classpath for SQL configurations. */ protected List<SqlConfInfo> getSqlConfInfos() { List<SqlConfInfo> packInfos = newArrayList(); PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver o = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); try { Resource packInfosAsResource[] = o.getResources("classpath*:sqlconf/*/00-info.txt"); for (Resource r : packInfosAsResource) { packInfos.add(new SqlConfInfo(r)); } Collections.sort(packInfos); return packInfos; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Error while searching for SQL CONF having a sqlconf/*/00-info.txt file!", ioe); } } private void copySqlConf() throws IOException { PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver o = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); File sqlDir = new File(appName + "/src/main/sql/h2"); sqlDir.mkdirs(); // copy sql copySingleSqlFile(o, sqlDir, "01-drop.sql"); copySingleSqlFile(o, sqlDir, "02-create.sql"); copySingleSqlFile(o, sqlDir, "03-import.sql"); // copy conf. Resource xmlResource[] = o.getResources("classpath*:sqlconf/" + sqlConfName + "/celerio-maven-plugin.xml"); StringWriter xmlWriter = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(xmlResource[0].getInputStream(), xmlWriter, "UTF-8"); String xmlConf = xmlWriter.toString(); xmlConf = xmlConf.replace("${groupId}", rootPackage); // same as for archetype xmlConf = xmlConf.replace("${artifactId}", appName); // same as for archetype File xmlDir = new File(appName + "/src/main/config/celerio-maven-plugin"); xmlDir.mkdirs(); File xmlFile = new File(xmlDir, "celerio-maven-plugin.xml"); getLog().info("Copy configuration file from '" + sqlConfName + "' resources: " + xmlFile.getName()); writeStringToFile(xmlFile, xmlConf, "UTF-8"); } private void copySingleSqlFile(PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver o, File sqlDir, String filename) throws IOException { Resource sqlResource[] = o.getResources("classpath*:sqlconf/" + sqlConfName + "/" + filename); File sqlFile = new File(sqlDir, filename); getLog().info("Copy SQL file from '" + sqlConfName + "' resources: " + sqlFile.getName()); IOUtils.copy(sqlResource[0].getInputStream(), new FileOutputStream(sqlFile)); } // ---------------------------------------- // APP NAME AND PACKAGE NAME // ---------------------------------------- private void copyCelerioXsd() throws IOException { File xsdDir = new File(appName + "/src/main/config/celerio-maven-plugin"); xsdDir.mkdirs(); File celerioXsdFile = new File(xsdDir, "celerio.xsd"); File nonamespaceXsdFile = new File(xsdDir, "nonamespace.xsd"); getLog().info( "Copy Celerio configuration xsd files to " + appName + "/src/main/config/celerio-maven-plugin"); writeStringToFile(celerioXsdFile, XsdHelper.getCelerioXsdAsString(), "UTF-8"); writeStringToFile(nonamespaceXsdFile, XsdHelper.getNonamespaceXsdAsString(), "UTF-8"); } /** * Ask the user to enter the package name. */ private void enterPackageName(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { String suggestedRootPackage = getDefaultRootPackage() + "." + appName; while (true) { printInstruction("Enter the Java root package of your application: [" + suggestedRootPackage + "]"); String packageNameCandidate = br.readLine(); if (isBlank(packageNameCandidate)) { rootPackage = suggestedRootPackage; break; } else { if (isPackageNameValid(packageNameCandidate)) { rootPackage = packageNameCandidate; break; } else { System.out.println("Oops! invalid Java package name."); System.out.println(""); continue; } } } } /** * Ask the user to enter the application name. */ private void enterAppName(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { while (true) { printInstruction("Enter your application name: [" + getDefaultAppName() + "]"); String appNameCandidate = br.readLine(); if (isBlank(appNameCandidate)) { appName = getDefaultAppName(); break; } else { if (isPackageNameValid(getDefaultRootPackage() + "." + appNameCandidate)) { appName = appNameCandidate; break; } else { System.out.println("Oops! invalid application name. Keep it simple, no '-', etc..."); System.out.println(""); continue; } } } } /** * Returns the Celerio engine spring application context. */ private ApplicationContext getCelerioApplicationContext() { if (context == null) { context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext-celerio.xml"); } return context; } private BuildInfo getCelerioBuildInfo() { return getCelerioApplicationContext().getBean(BuildInfo.class); } private void runCelerioInBootstrapMode(JdbcConnectivity jdbcConnectivity) throws Exception { getLog().info("Please wait a moment..."); CelerioProducer producer = getCelerioApplicationContext().getBean(CelerioProducer.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setRootPackage(rootPackage); configuration.setApplicationName(appName); configuration.setPacks(newArrayList(new Pack(bootstrapPackName))); producer.getConfig().getCelerio().setConfiguration(configuration); if (jdbcConnectivity != null) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); metadata.setJdbcConnectivity(jdbcConnectivity); producer.getConfig().setMetadata(metadata); } producer.getConfig().setOutputResult(getOutputResult(getCelerioApplicationContext())); producer.bootstrap(); } private OutputResult getOutputResult(ApplicationContext context) { return context.getBean(OutputResultFactory.class).getOutputResult(appName, appName); } // ---------------------------------------- // COSMETIC PRINT // ---------------------------------------- private void celerioWelcomeBanner() { // // font : varsity.ftl int currentYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); getLog().info(""); getLog().info(" ______ __ _ "); getLog().info(" .' ___ | [ | (_) "); getLog().info(" / .' \\_| .---. | | .---. _ .--. __ .--. "); getLog().info(" | | / /__\\\\ | |/ /__\\\\[ `/'`\\][ |/ .'`\\ \\ "); getLog().info(" \\ `.___.'\\| \\__., | || \\__., | | | || \\__. | "); getLog().info( " `.____ .' '.__.'[___]'.__.'[___] [___]'.__.' v" + getCelerioBuildInfo().getPomVersion()); getLog().info(""); getLog().info(" Branding file: " + brand.getBrandingPath()); getLog().info(" Documentation:"); getLog().info(" (c) 2005-" + currentYear + " Jaxio,"); getLog().info(""); } private void printInstructionsOnceBootstrapIsReady() { getLog().info(""); getLog().info("============================================"); getLog().info(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("FINAL STEPS:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("1/ Optional: you can edit the generated pom.xml file to use your own database"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("2/ Execute the following commands:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("cd " + appName); System.out.println("" + packCommand); System.out.println(""); if (packCommandHelp != null && !packCommandHelp.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("3/ " + packCommandHelp); System.out.println(""); } getLog().info(""); getLog().info("============================================"); } /** * Print the passed instruction in the console. */ private void printInstruction(String instruction) { System.out.println(StringUtils.repeat("-", instruction.length())); System.out.println(instruction); System.out.println(StringUtils.repeat("-", instruction.length())); } }