Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.javafxpert.wikibrowser; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.claimsresponse.*; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.claimssparqlresponse.Bindings; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.claimssparqlresponse.ClaimsSparqlResponse; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.claimssparqlresponse.Picture; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.claimssparqlresponse.Results; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.conceptmap.ItemRepository; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.conceptmap.ItemServiceImpl; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.locator.ItemInfoResponse; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.thumbnail.ThumbnailCache; import com.javafxpert.wikibrowser.model.traversalresponse.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Optional; /** * Created by jamesweaver on 10/13/15. */ @RestController public class WikiClaimsController { private static String WIKIDATA_ITEM_BASE = ""; private static String WIKIDATA_PROP_BASE = ""; public static String WIKIPEDIA_BASE_TEMPLATE = ""; public static String WIKIPEDIA_MOBILE_BASE_TEMPLATE = ""; private static String WIKIPEDIA_TEMPLATE = ""; public static String WIKIPEDIA_MOBILE_TEMPLATE = ""; public static String WIKIPEDIA_COMMONS_THUMBNAIL_BASE = ""; // TODO: Move to configuration file or service public static int THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 100; private static int MAX_VALS_FOR_PROP = 25; private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private final WikiBrowserProperties wikiBrowserProperties; private final ItemServiceImpl itemService; private ItemRepository itemRepository; @Autowired public WikiClaimsController(WikiBrowserProperties wikiBrowserProperties, ItemServiceImpl itemService) { this.wikiBrowserProperties = wikiBrowserProperties; this.itemService = itemService; itemRepository = itemService.getItemRepository(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/claims", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<Object> renderClaims(@RequestParam(value = "id", defaultValue = "Q7259") String itemId, @RequestParam(value = "lang") String lang) { String language = wikiBrowserProperties.computeLang(lang); ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse = callClaimsSparqlQuery(itemId, language); ClaimsResponse claimsResponse = convertSparqlResponse(claimsSparqlResponse, language, itemId); //"claimsResponse:" + claimsResponse); return Optional.ofNullable(claimsResponse).map(cr -> new ResponseEntity<>((Object) cr, HttpStatus.OK)) .orElse(new ResponseEntity<>("Wikidata query unsuccessful", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } @RequestMapping(value = "/claimsxml", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<Object> renderClaimsXml(@RequestParam(value = "id", defaultValue = "Q7259") String itemId, @RequestParam(value = "lang") String lang) { String language = wikiBrowserProperties.computeLang(lang); ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse = callClaimsSparqlQuery(itemId, language); ClaimsResponse claimsResponse = convertSparqlResponse(claimsSparqlResponse, language, itemId); return Optional.ofNullable(claimsResponse).map(cr -> new ResponseEntity<>((Object) cr, HttpStatus.OK)) .orElse(new ResponseEntity<>("Wikidata query unsuccessful", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } private ClaimsSparqlResponse callClaimsSparqlQuery(String itemId, String lang) { // Here is the SPARQL query that this method invokes (using Q42 as an example). Note that it also returns a row for Q42 /* PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX wikibase: <> PREFIX entity: <> PREFIX p: <> SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer 'None' . { BIND(entity:Q42 AS ?valUrl) . BIND("N/A" AS ?propUrl ) . BIND("identity"@en AS ?propLabel ) . } UNION { entity:Q42 ?propUrl ?valUrl . ?property ?ref ?propUrl . ?property a wikibase:Property . ?property rdfs:label ?propLabel } ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel FILTER (LANG(?valLabel) = 'en') . OPTIONAL{ ?valUrl p:P18 ?picture . } FILTER (lang(?propLabel) = 'en' ) } ORDER BY ?propLabel ?valLabel LIMIT 200 */ String wdqa = ""; String wdqb = "PREFIX rdfs: %3C "; String wdqc = "PREFIX wikibase: %3C "; String wdqd = "PREFIX entity: %3C "; String wdqe = "PREFIX p: %3C "; String wdqf = "SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture "; String wdqg = "WHERE %7B hint:Query hint:optimizer 'None' . %7B BIND(entity:"; String wdqh = ""; // Some item ID e.g. Q7259 String wdqi = " AS ?valUrl) . BIND('N/A' AS ?propUrl ) . BIND('identity'%40"; String wdqj = ""; // Some language code e.g. en String wdqk = " AS ?propLabel ) . %7D UNION %7B entity:"; String wdql = ""; // Some item ID e.g. Q7259 String wdqm = " ?propUrl ?valUrl . ?property ?ref ?propUrl . ?property a wikibase:Property . "; String wdqn = "?property rdfs:label ?propLabel %7D ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel FILTER (lang(?valLabel) = '"; String wdqo = ""; // Some language code e.g. en String wdqp = "' ) . "; String wdqq = "OPTIONAL %7B "; String wdqr = " ?valUrl p:P18 ?picture . "; String wdqs = "%7D "; String wdqt = "FILTER (lang(?propLabel) = '"; String wdqu = ""; // Some language code e.g. en String wdqv = "' ) "; String wdqw = "%7D ORDER BY ?propLabel ?valLabel LIMIT 500"; ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse = null; wdqh = itemId; wdqj = lang; wdql = itemId; wdqo = lang; wdqu = lang; String wdQuery = wdqa + wdqb + wdqc + wdqd + wdqe + wdqf + wdqg + wdqh + wdqi + wdqj + wdqk + wdql + wdqm + wdqn + wdqo + wdqp + wdqq + wdqr + wdqs + wdqt + wdqu + wdqv + wdqw; wdQuery = wdQuery.replaceAll(" ", "%20");"wdQuery: " + wdQuery); try { claimsSparqlResponse = new RestTemplate().getForObject(new URI(wdQuery), ClaimsSparqlResponse.class); //; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Caught exception when calling wikidata sparql query " + e); } return claimsSparqlResponse; } private ClaimsResponse convertSparqlResponse(ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse, String lang, String itemId) { ClaimsResponse claimsResponse = new ClaimsResponse(); claimsResponse.setLang(lang); claimsResponse.setWdItem(itemId); claimsResponse.setWdItemBase(WIKIDATA_ITEM_BASE); claimsResponse.setWdPropBase(WIKIDATA_PROP_BASE); ItemInfoResponse itemInfoResponse = null; try { String url = this.wikiBrowserProperties.getLocatorServiceUrl(itemId, lang); itemInfoResponse = new RestTemplate().getForObject(url, ItemInfoResponse.class); //; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Caught exception when calling /locator?id=" + itemId + " : " + e); } if (itemInfoResponse != null) { claimsResponse.setArticleTitle(itemInfoResponse.getArticleTitle()); claimsResponse.setArticleId(itemInfoResponse.getItemId()); // MERGE item into Neo4j graph if (claimsResponse.getArticleId() != null && claimsResponse.getArticleTitle() != null) { //"====== itemRepository.addItem: " + claimsResponse.getArticleId() + ", " + claimsResponse.getArticleTitle()); itemRepository.addItem(claimsResponse.getArticleId(), claimsResponse.getArticleTitle()); } } //TODO: Consider implementing fallback to "en" if Wikipedia article doesn't exist in requested language claimsResponse.setWpBase(String.format(WIKIPEDIA_TEMPLATE, lang)); //TODO: Consider implementing fallback to "en" if mobile Wikipedia article doesn't exist in requested language claimsResponse.setWpMobileBase(String.format(WIKIPEDIA_MOBILE_TEMPLATE, lang)); Results results = claimsSparqlResponse.getResults(); Iterator bindingsIter = results.getBindings().iterator(); String lastPropId = ""; String lastValId = ""; int valsForProp = 0; WikidataClaim wikidataClaim = null; //TODO: Consider using exception handling to make null assignment unnecessary while (bindingsIter.hasNext()) { Bindings bindings = (Bindings); //TODO: Consider renaming Bindings to Binding // There is a 1:many relationship between property IDs and related values String nextPropUrl = bindings.getPropUrl().getValue(); String nextPropId = nextPropUrl.substring(nextPropUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); String nextValUrl = bindings.getValUrl().getValue(); String nextValId = nextValUrl.substring(nextValUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Cache the picture for a thumbnail image Picture picture = bindings.getPicture(); String pictureUrl = ""; if (picture != null) { String pic = bindings.getPicture().getValue(); // Compute the URL for the thumbnail image pictureUrl = computeThumbnailFromSparqlPicture(pic, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);"pictureUrl from claims: " + pictureUrl); // Cache the thumbnail image by item ID ThumbnailCache.setThumbnailUrlById(nextValId, lang, pictureUrl); } //"lastPropId: " + lastPropId + ", nextPropId: " + nextPropId); if (!nextPropId.equals(lastPropId)) { wikidataClaim = new WikidataClaim(); wikidataClaim.setProp(new WikidataProperty(nextPropId, bindings.getPropLabel().getValue())); claimsResponse.getClaims().add(wikidataClaim); valsForProp = 0; } if (((nextPropId.equals(lastPropId) && !nextValId.equals(lastValId)) || !nextPropId.equals(lastPropId)) && valsForProp < MAX_VALS_FOR_PROP) { valsForProp++; WikidataItem wikidataItem = new WikidataItem(nextValId, bindings.getValLabel().getValue(), pictureUrl); wikidataClaim.addItem(wikidataItem); // MERGE item and relationships into Neo4j graph if (itemId != null && wikidataItem.getId() != null && wikidataClaim.getProp().getId() != null && wikidataClaim.getProp().getId().length() > 0 && wikidataClaim.getProp().getId().substring(0, 1).equalsIgnoreCase("P") && wikidataClaim.getProp().getLabel() != null) { // Write item //"++++++ itemRepository.addItem: " + wikidataItem.getId() + ", " + wikidataItem.getLabel()); itemRepository.addItem(wikidataItem.getId(), wikidataItem.getLabel()); // Write relationship //"------ itemRepository.addRelationship: " + itemId + ", " + // wikidataItem.getId() + ", " + // wikidataClaim.getProp().getId() + ", " + // wikidataClaim.getProp().getLabel()); itemRepository.addRelationship(itemId, wikidataItem.getId(), wikidataClaim.getProp().getId(), wikidataClaim.getProp().getLabel()); } } lastPropId = nextPropId; lastValId = nextValId; } return claimsResponse; } @RequestMapping(value = "/relatedclaims", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<Object> renderRelatedClaims( @RequestParam(value = "id", defaultValue = "Q7259") String itemId, @RequestParam(value = "lang") String lang) { String language = wikiBrowserProperties.computeLang(lang); ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse = callRelatedClaimsSparqlQuery(itemId, language); ClaimsResponse claimsResponse = convertRelatedClaimsSparqlResponse(claimsSparqlResponse, language, itemId); //"claimsResponse:" + claimsResponse); return Optional.ofNullable(claimsResponse).map(cr -> new ResponseEntity<>((Object) cr, HttpStatus.OK)) .orElse(new ResponseEntity<>("Wikidata related query unsuccessful", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } private ClaimsSparqlResponse callRelatedClaimsSparqlQuery(String itemId, String lang) { // Here is the SPARQL query that this method invokes (using Q42 as an example) /* PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX wikibase: <> PREFIX entity: <> PREFIX p: <> SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer 'None' . ?valUrl ?propUrl entity:Q42 . ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel . FILTER (LANG(?valLabel) = 'en') . ?property ?ref ?propUrl . ?property a wikibase:Property . ?property rdfs:label ?propLabel OPTIONAL{ ?valUrl p:P18 ?picture . } FILTER (lang(?propLabel) = 'en' ) } ORDER BY ?propLabel ?valLabel LIMIT 200 */ //TODO: Implement better way of creating the query represented by the following variables String wdqa = ""; String wdqb = "PREFIX%20rdfs:%20%3C"; String wdqc = "PREFIX%20wikibase:%20%3C"; String wdqd = "PREFIX%20entity:%20%3C"; String wdqe = "PREFIX%20p:%20%3C"; String wdqf = "SELECT%20?propUrl%20?propLabel%20?valUrl%20?valLabel%20?picture%20"; String wdqg = "WHERE%20%7B%20hint:Query%20hint:optimizer%20'None'%20.%20?valUrl%20?propUrl%20entity:"; String wdqh = ""; // Some item ID e.g. Q7259 String wdqi = "%20.%20?valUrl%20rdfs:label%20?valLabel%20.%20FILTER%20(LANG(?valLabel)%20=%20'"; String wdqj = ""; // Some language code e.g. en String wdqk = "')%20.%20?property%20?ref%20?propUrl%20.%20?property%20a%20wikibase:Property%20.%20"; String wdql = "?property%20rdfs:label%20?propLabel%20"; String wdqm = "OPTIONAL %7B "; String wdqn = " ?valUrl p:P18 ?picture . "; String wdqo = "%7D "; String wdqp = "FILTER%20(lang(?propLabel)%20=%20'"; String wdqq = ""; // Some language code e.g. en String wdqr = "'%20)%20%7D%20ORDER%20BY%20?propLabel%20?valLabel%20LIMIT%20500"; ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse = null; wdqh = itemId; wdqj = lang; wdqq = lang; String wdQuery = wdqa + wdqb + wdqc + wdqd + wdqe + wdqf + wdqg + wdqh + wdqi + wdqj + wdqk + wdql + wdqm + wdqn + wdqo + wdqp + wdqq + wdqr; wdQuery = wdQuery.replaceAll(" ", "%20");"wdQuery: " + wdQuery); try { claimsSparqlResponse = new RestTemplate().getForObject(new URI(wdQuery), ClaimsSparqlResponse.class); //; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Caught exception when calling related wikidata sparql query " + e); } return claimsSparqlResponse; } private ClaimsResponse convertRelatedClaimsSparqlResponse(ClaimsSparqlResponse claimsSparqlResponse, String lang, String itemId) { ClaimsResponse claimsResponse = new ClaimsResponse(); claimsResponse.setLang(lang); claimsResponse.setWdItem(itemId); claimsResponse.setWdItemBase(WIKIDATA_ITEM_BASE); claimsResponse.setWdPropBase(WIKIDATA_PROP_BASE); ItemInfoResponse itemInfoResponse = null; try { String url = this.wikiBrowserProperties.getLocatorServiceUrl(itemId, lang); itemInfoResponse = new RestTemplate().getForObject(url, ItemInfoResponse.class); //; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Caught exception when calling /locator?id=" + itemId + " : " + e); } if (itemInfoResponse != null) { claimsResponse.setArticleTitle(itemInfoResponse.getArticleTitle()); claimsResponse.setArticleId(itemInfoResponse.getItemId()); } //TODO: Consider implementing fallback to "en" if Wikipedia article doesn't exist in requested language claimsResponse.setWpBase(String.format(WIKIPEDIA_TEMPLATE, lang)); //TODO: Consider implementing fallback to "en" if mobile Wikipedia article doesn't exist in requested language claimsResponse.setWpMobileBase(String.format(WIKIPEDIA_MOBILE_TEMPLATE, lang)); Results results = claimsSparqlResponse.getResults(); Iterator bindingsIter = results.getBindings().iterator(); String lastPropId = ""; int valsForProp = 0; WikidataClaim wikidataClaim = null; //TODO: Consider using exception handling to make null assignment unnecessary while (bindingsIter.hasNext()) { Bindings bindings = (Bindings); //TODO: Consider renaming Bindings to Binding // There is a 1:many relationship between property IDs and related values String nextPropUrl = bindings.getPropUrl().getValue(); String nextPropId = nextPropUrl.substring(nextPropUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); String nextValUrl = bindings.getValUrl().getValue(); String nextValId = nextValUrl.substring(nextValUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Cache the picture for a thumbnail image Picture picture = bindings.getPicture(); String pictureUrl = ""; if (picture != null) { String pic = bindings.getPicture().getValue(); // Compute the URL for the thumbnail image pictureUrl = computeThumbnailFromSparqlPicture(pic, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);"pictureUrl from RELATEDclaims: " + pictureUrl); // Cache the thumbnail image by item ID ThumbnailCache.setThumbnailUrlById(nextValId, lang, pictureUrl); } //"lastPropId: " + lastPropId + ", nextPropId: " + nextPropId); if (!nextPropId.equals(lastPropId)) { wikidataClaim = new WikidataClaim(); wikidataClaim.setProp(new WikidataProperty(nextPropId, bindings.getPropLabel().getValue())); claimsResponse.getClaims().add(wikidataClaim); lastPropId = nextPropId; valsForProp = 0; } if (valsForProp < MAX_VALS_FOR_PROP) { valsForProp++; WikidataItem wikidataItem = new WikidataItem(nextValId, bindings.getValLabel().getValue(), pictureUrl); wikidataClaim.addItem(wikidataItem); } } return claimsResponse; } /** * Traverse the given item, returning the results of traversal. * TODO: Make constants for depth and limit * * @param itemId * @param propId * @param travDirectionArg "f" for forward, "r" for reverse, "u" for undirectied * @param depthStr number of levels to traverse, defaults to 200 for now * @param targetId specifies the target item when this is used for shortest path calculation * @param limitStr maximum number of items to return, defaults to 200 for now * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/traversal", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<Object> traverseItems(@RequestParam(value = "id", defaultValue = "Q1") String itemId, @RequestParam(value = "prop", defaultValue = "P793") String propId, @RequestParam(value = "direction", defaultValue = "f") String travDirectionArg, @RequestParam(value = "depth", defaultValue = "200") String depthStr, @RequestParam(value = "target", defaultValue = "") String targetId, @RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "200") String limitStr, @RequestParam(value = "lang", defaultValue = "en") String lang) { int depthDefault = 200; //TODO: Perhaps make a constant or configuration parameter int limitDefault = 200; //TODO: Perhaps make a constant or configuration parameter int depth; try { depth = new Integer(depthStr).intValue(); if (depth <= 0) { depth = depthDefault; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { depth = 1; } int limit; try { limit = new Integer(limitStr).intValue(); if (limit <= 0) { limit = limitDefault; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { limit = limitDefault; } String travDirection; if (travDirectionArg.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) { travDirection = "Reverse"; } else if (travDirectionArg.equalsIgnoreCase("u")) { travDirection = "Undirected"; } else { travDirection = "Forward"; } TraversalSparqlResponse traversalSparqlResponse = callTraversalSparqlQuery(itemId, propId, travDirection, depth, targetId, limit, lang); TraversalResponse traversalResponse = convertTraversalSparqlResponse(traversalSparqlResponse, lang); //"claimsResponse:" + claimsResponse); return Optional.ofNullable(traversalResponse).map(cr -> new ResponseEntity<>((Object) cr, HttpStatus.OK)) .orElse(new ResponseEntity<>("Wikidata traversal query unsuccessful", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } private TraversalSparqlResponse callTraversalSparqlQuery(String itemId, String propId, String travDirection, int depth, String targetId, int limit, String lang) { // Here is the SPARQL query that this method invokes (using Q1, P793 as an example) for breadth-first traversal /* PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX wikibase: <> PREFIX gas: <> SELECT ?item ?itemLabel { { SERVICE gas:service { gas:program gas:gasClass ""; gas:in wd:Q1; gas:traversalDirection "Forward"; gas:out ?item; gas:out1 ?depth; gas:maxIterations 3; gas:linkType wdt:P793 . } } SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } } LIMIT 200 */ // Here is the SPARQL query that this method invokes (using Q1, P793, as an example) for shortest path traversal /* PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX wikibase: <> PREFIX gas: <> SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?picture { { SERVICE gas:service { gas:program gas:gasClass "" ; gas:in wd:Q40475; gas:target wd:Q3811608; gas:traversalDirection "Undirected"; gas:out ?item; gas:out1 ?depth; gas:maxIterations 200; gas:linkType wdt:P161 . } } OPTIONAL{ ?item wdt:P18 ?picture . } SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } } LIMIT 200 */ String wdqa = ""; String wdqb = "PREFIX wd: %3C "; String wdqc = "PREFIX wdt: %3C "; String wdqd = "PREFIX wikibase: %3C "; String wdqe = "PREFIX gas: %3C "; String wdqf = "SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?picture %7B"; String wdqg = "%7B SERVICE gas:service %7B"; String wdqh = "gas:program gas:gasClass '';"; String wdqi = "gas:in wd:" + itemId + ";"; String wdqj = targetId.length() > 0 ? "gas:target wd:" + targetId + ";" : ""; String wdqk = "gas:traversalDirection '" + travDirection + "';"; String wdql = "gas:out ?item;"; String wdqm = "gas:out1 ?depth;"; String wdqn = "gas:maxIterations " + depth + ";"; String wdqo = "gas:linkType wdt:" + propId + " ."; String wdqp = "%7D "; String wdqq = "%7D "; String wdqr = "OPTIONAL %7B "; String wdqs = " ?item wdt:P18 ?picture ."; String wdqt = "%7D "; String wdqu = "SERVICE wikibase%3Alabel %7Bbd%3AserviceParam wikibase%3Alanguage %22" + lang + "%22 %7D "; String wdqv = "%7D "; String wdqw = "LIMIT " + limit; TraversalSparqlResponse traversalSparqlResponse = null; String wdQuery = wdqa + wdqb + wdqc + wdqd + wdqe + wdqf + wdqg + wdqh + wdqi + wdqj + wdqk + wdql + wdqm + wdqn + wdqo + wdqp + wdqq + wdqr + wdqs + wdqt + wdqu + wdqv + wdqw; wdQuery = wdQuery.replaceAll(" ", "%20");"wdQuery: " + wdQuery); try { traversalSparqlResponse = new RestTemplate().getForObject(new URI(wdQuery), TraversalSparqlResponse.class); //; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Caught exception when calling traversal wikidata sparql query " + e); } return traversalSparqlResponse; } private TraversalResponse convertTraversalSparqlResponse(TraversalSparqlResponse traversalSparqlResponse, String lang) { TraversalResponse traversalResponse = new TraversalResponse(); TraversalResultsFar results = traversalSparqlResponse.getTraversalResultsFar(); Iterator bindingsIter = results.getTraversalBindingsFarList().iterator(); while (bindingsIter.hasNext()) { TraversalBindingsFar bindings = (TraversalBindingsFar); String nextItemUrl = bindings.getItemUrlFar().getValue(); String nextItemId = nextItemUrl.substring(nextItemUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Cache the picture for a thumbnail image PictureFar pictureFar = bindings.getPictureFar(); String pictureUrl = ""; if (pictureFar != null) { String picture = bindings.getPictureFar().getValue(); // Compute the URL for the thumbnail image pictureUrl = computeThumbnailFromSparqlPicture(picture, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);"pictureUrl from traversal: " + pictureUrl); // Cache the thumbnail image by item ID ThumbnailCache.setThumbnailUrlById(nextItemId, lang, pictureUrl); } WikidataItem wikidataItem = new WikidataItem(nextItemId, bindings.getItemLabelFar().getValue(), pictureUrl); traversalResponse.addItem(wikidataItem); } return traversalResponse; } /** * Computes the URL to a thumbnail image from a SPARQL query * @param picture similar to * @return URL similar to */ private String computeThumbnailFromSparqlPicture(String picture, int thumbnailwidth) { // Input String filename = picture.substring(picture.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); String pictureUrl = WIKIPEDIA_COMMONS_THUMBNAIL_BASE + filename + "?width=" + thumbnailwidth + "px"; return pictureUrl; } }