Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.xml.domain.impl.Argument; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.xml.domain.impl.ResourceDescriptor; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.dto.resources.ClientResource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class WSClientHelper { private static Map<IConnection, ServerProfile> clients = new HashMap<IConnection, ServerProfile>(); public static ServerProfile getServerProfile(IConnection cli) { return clients.get(cli); } public static RestV2ConnectionJersey getREST(IProgressMonitor monitor, ANode n) throws Exception { IConnection c = null; if (n instanceof MServerProfile) c = ((MServerProfile) n).getWsClient(monitor); if (n instanceof MResource) { INode root = n.getRoot(); if (root != null && root instanceof MServerProfile) c = ((MServerProfile) root).getWsClient(monitor); } if (c != null && c instanceof ProxyConnection) { ProxyConnection proxy = (ProxyConnection) c; return proxy.getREST(monitor); } return null; } public static IConnection connect(MServerProfile msp, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Connecting to " + msp.getDisplayText()); IConnection c = new ProxyConnection(); boolean cres = c.connect(monitor, msp.getValue()); if (cres) { if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Connected"); msp.setWsClient(c); clients.put(c, msp.getValue()); return c; } else if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Not Connected"); return null; } public static boolean checkConnection(MServerProfile msp, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { monitor.subTask("Connecting to " + msp.getDisplayText()); IConnection c = new ProxyConnection(); boolean cres = c.connect(monitor, msp.getValue()); if (cres) { monitor.subTask("Connected"); msp.setWsClient(c); monitor.subTask("Trying to read folder"); ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER); rd.setUriString("/"); c.get(monitor, rd, null); } else monitor.subTask("Not Connected"); return cres; } public static void connectGetData(MServerProfile msp, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { msp.removeChildren(); WSClientHelper.listFolder(msp, connect(msp, monitor), "/", monitor, 0); } /** * This function shows how to create a folder in the root directory. * Subfolders can be created just specifying a proper Uri string i.e. * rd.setUriString("/this/is/my/new/folder"); * * @param client * @param folderLabel * @param folderName * @throws IOException */ public static List<ResourceDescriptor> listFolder(ANode parent, IConnection client, String folderUri, IProgressMonitor monitor, int depth) throws Exception { ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER); rd.setUriString(folderUri); if (depth < 1) { parent.removeChildren(); return listFolder(parent, -1, client, monitor, rd, depth); } return null; } private static List<ResourceDescriptor> listFolder(ANode parent, int index, IConnection client, IProgressMonitor monitor, ResourceDescriptor rd, int depth) throws Exception { monitor.subTask("Listing " + rd.getUriString()); depth++; List<ResourceDescriptor> children = client.list(monitor, rd); if (parent instanceof MServerProfile || (parent instanceof MResource && ((MResource) parent).getValue().getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER))) { Collections.sort(children, new Comparator<ResourceDescriptor>() { @Override public int compare(ResourceDescriptor arg0, ResourceDescriptor arg1) { if (arg0.getLabel() == arg1.getLabel()) return 0; if (arg0.getLabel() == null) return -1; if (arg1.getLabel() == null) return 1; String wsType0 = arg0.getWsType(); String wsType1 = arg1.getWsType(); if (wsType0.equals(wsType1)) return arg0.getLabel().compareToIgnoreCase(arg1.getLabel()); if (wsType0.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER)) return -1; if (wsType1.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER)) return 1; if (wsType0.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT)) return -1; if (wsType1.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT)) return 1; if (wsType0.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_DOMAIN_TOPICS)) return -1; if (wsType1.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_DOMAIN_TOPICS)) return 1; return wsType0.compareTo(wsType1); } }); } Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (ResourceDescriptor r : children) { if (!r.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_INPUT_CONTROL) && set.contains(r.getUriString())) continue; set.add(r.getUriString()); if (rd.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT) || rd.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_DOMAIN_TOPICS)) { if (SelectorDatasource.isDatasource(r)) continue; } MResource node = ResourceFactory.getResource(parent, r, index); if (depth <= 0) { if (r.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER)) { listFolder(node, client, r.getUriString(), monitor, depth); } else if (r.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT) || rd.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_DOMAIN_TOPICS)) { r = client.get(monitor, r, null); Set<String> setRU = new HashSet<String>(); List<ResourceDescriptor> children2 = r.getChildren(); for (ResourceDescriptor res : children2) { if (setRU.contains(res.getUriString())) continue; setRU.add(res.getUriString()); if (SelectorDatasource.isDatasource(res)) continue; if (res.getWsType().equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER)) listFolder(node, client, res.getUriString(), monitor, depth); else ResourceFactory.getResource(node, res, index); if (monitor.isCanceled()) return children; } } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) return children; } return children; } public static ResourceDescriptor getResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, ANode res, ResourceDescriptor rd) throws Exception { if (res instanceof AFileResource) return getResource(monitor, res, rd, ((AFileResource) res).getFile()); return getResource(monitor, res, rd, (String) null); } public static ResourceDescriptor getResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, ANode res, ResourceDescriptor rd, String file) throws Exception { File f = null; if (file != null) f = new File(file); return getResource(monitor, res, rd, f); } public static ResourceDescriptor getResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, ANode res, ResourceDescriptor rd, File f) throws Exception { MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) res.getRoot(); return sp.getWsClient(monitor).get(monitor, rd, f); } public static ResourceDescriptor getResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, IConnection cl, ResourceDescriptor rd, File f) throws Exception { return cl.get(monitor, rd, f); } public static ResourceDescriptor getReference(IProgressMonitor monitor, ANode root, ResourceDescriptor rd) throws Exception { MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) root.getRoot(); if (rd.getReferenceUri() != null) { String ref = rd.getReferenceUri(); int ldel = ref.lastIndexOf("/"); String pfolder = ref.substring(0, ldel - 1); String file = ref.substring(ldel + 1, ref.length()); ResourceDescriptor r = new ResourceDescriptor(); r.setParentFolder(pfolder); r.setName(file); r.setUriString(rd.getReferenceUri()); r.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_CONTENT_RESOURCE); return sp.getWsClient(monitor).get(monitor, r, null); } return null; } public static void saveResource(MResource res, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { saveResource(res, monitor, true); } public static ResourceDescriptor saveResource(MResource res, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean refresh) throws Exception { INode n = res.getRoot(); ResourceDescriptor rd = null; if (n != null && n instanceof MServerProfile) { MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) n; rd = res.getValue(); if (rd.getIsNew()) { rd.setUriString(getParentFolder(rd) + rd.getName()); } File file = null; if (res instanceof AFileResource) { file = ((AFileResource) res).getFile(); if (file != null) { rd.setData(Base64.encodeBase64(FileUtils.getBytes(file))); rd.setHasData(true); } else rd.setHasData(false); } else rd.setHasData(false); MReportUnit mru = res.getReportUnit(); IConnection cli = sp.getWsClient(monitor); if (cli == null) cli = connect(sp, monitor); System.out.println("saving: " + rd.getUriString() + " parent:" + rd.getParentFolder()); if (mru != null && res != mru) { String wsType = rd.getWsType(); if (wsType.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_INPUT_CONTROL) && !rd.getIsNew()) rd = cli.addOrModifyResource(monitor, rd, file); else if (res instanceof MRDataAdapterFile || res instanceof MRDataAdapter) rd = cli.addOrModifyResource(monitor, rd, file); else { if (wsType.equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_JRXML) && !rd.getIsNew() && rd.getName().equals("main_jrxml")) rd.setMainReport(true); // String turi = rd.getUriString(); ResourceDescriptor trd = cli.modifyReportUnitResource(monitor, mru.getValue(), rd, file); // if (!trd.getUriString().equals(turi)) // rd = getResource(cli, rd, null); rd = trd; } } else rd = cli.addOrModifyResource(monitor, rd, file); if (refresh && res.getParent() instanceof MResource) { // standard resource creation inside an existing MResource refreshContainer((MResource) res.getParent(), monitor); } else if (res.getParent() instanceof MServerProfile) { // resource created inside the root folder connectGetData((MServerProfile) res.getParent(), monitor); fireResourceChanged(res); } } return rd; } public static ResourceDescriptor save(IProgressMonitor monitor, MResource f) throws Exception { try { return WSClientHelper.saveResource(f, monitor, false); } catch (Exception e) { if (f.getValue().getIsNew()) { ResourceDescriptor rd = f.getValue(); MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) f.getRoot(); MReportUnit n = f.getReportUnit(); IConnection wsClient = sp.getWsClient(monitor); if (f.getParent() instanceof MFolder && !(f instanceof MReportUnit)) { ResourceDescriptor prd = ((MResource) f.getParent()).getValue(); ResourceDescriptor v = f.getValue(); v.setParentFolder(getParentFolder(prd) + prd.getName());//$NON-NLS-1$ v.setUriString(getParentFolder(v) + f.getValue().getName());//$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (!(f instanceof MReportUnit || f instanceof MRDataAdapter || f instanceof MRDataAdapterFile)) { ResourceDescriptor prd = ((MResource) f.getParent()).getValue(); ResourceDescriptor v = f.getValue(); v.setParentFolder(prd.getParentFolder() + "/" + prd.getName() + "_files");//$NON-NLS-1$ v.setUriString(v.getParentFolder() + "/" + f.getValue().getName());//$NON-NLS-1$ } try { if (n != null && !(f instanceof MReportUnit)) wsClient.delete(monitor, rd, ((MReportUnit) n).getValue()); else wsClient.delete(monitor, rd); } catch (Exception e1) { // e.printStackTrace(); } try { return WSClientHelper.saveResource(f, monitor, false); } catch (Exception e1) { f.getValue().setIsNew(false); return WSClientHelper.saveResource(f, monitor, false); } } throw e; } } private static String getParentFolder(ResourceDescriptor rd) { String pfd = rd.getParentFolder(); if (!pfd.equals("/")) pfd += "/"; return pfd; } public static void deleteResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, MResource res) throws Exception { ResourceDescriptor rd = res.getValue(); MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) res.getRoot(); if (!rd.getIsNew()) { MReportUnit n = res.getReportUnit(); IConnection wsClient = sp.getWsClient(monitor); if (n != null && !(res instanceof MReportUnit)) { ResourceDescriptor ru = wsClient.delete(monitor, rd, ((MReportUnit) n).getValue()); if (ru != null) n.setValue(ru); } else wsClient.delete(monitor, rd); } ((ANode) res.getParent()).removeChild(res); } public static void refreshResource(final MResource res, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { ResourceDescriptor rd = res.getValue(); INode n = res.getRoot(); if (n != null && n instanceof MServerProfile) { ResourceDescriptor newrd = res.getWsClient().get(monitor, rd, null); if (newrd != null) { res.setValue(newrd); if (res instanceof MFolder || res instanceof MReportUnit || (res.isSupported(Feature.INPUTCONTROLS_ORDERING) && (res instanceof IInputControlsContainer))) { res.removeChildren(); listFolder(res, -1, res.getWsClient(), monitor, newrd, 0); } } else connectGetData((MServerProfile) res.getRoot(), monitor); fireResourceChanged(res); } else { // posible problem? } } public static void refreshContainer(MResource res, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { if (res instanceof MFolder || res instanceof MReportUnit || (res.isSupported(Feature.INPUTCONTROLS_ORDERING) && (res instanceof IInputControlsContainer))) { res.removeChildren(); ResourceDescriptor rd = res.getValue(); listFolder(res, -1, res.getWsClient(), monitor, rd, 0); fireResourceChanged(res); } } public static void fireResourceChanged(final MResource res) { Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { ServerManager.getPropertyChangeSupport() .firePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(res, "MODEL", null, res)); } }); } // // public static ReportExecution runReportUnit(IProgressMonitor monitor, // MReportUnit res) throws Exception { // ResourceDescriptor rd = res.getValue(); // MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) res.getRoot(); // // ReportExecution repExec = new ReportExecution(); // // Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // // List<Argument> args = new ArrayList<Argument>(); // args.add(new Argument(Argument.RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT, // Argument.RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT_JRPRINT)); // // return sp.getWsClient(monitor).runReport(monitor, rd, parameters, args); // } public static ReportExecution runReportUnit(IProgressMonitor monitor, ReportExecution repExec, Map<String, Object> parameters) throws Exception { if (repExec.getResourceDescriptor() == null) { ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setUriString(repExec.getReportURI()); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT); repExec.setResourceDescriptor(rd); } repExec.setPrm(parameters); if (repExec.getArgs() == null) { List<Argument> args = new ArrayList<Argument>(); args.add(new Argument(Argument.RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT, Argument.RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT_JRPRINT)); repExec.setArgs(args); } return getClient(monitor, repExec.getReportURIFull()).runReport(monitor, repExec); } public static void cancelReportUnit(IProgressMonitor monitor, ReportExecution repExec) throws Exception { getClient(monitor, repExec.getReportURIFull()).cancelReport(monitor, repExec); } public static ResourceDescriptor getReportUnit(IProgressMonitor monitor, String uri) throws Exception { ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setUriString(getReportUnitUri(uri)); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT); return getClient(monitor, uri).get(monitor, rd, null); } public static String getReportUnitUri(String uri) { String[] tokens = uri.split(":"); if (tokens.length > 1) return tokens[1]; return uri; // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(uri, ":"); // String name = st.nextToken(); // return st.nextToken(); // return uri.substring(uri.indexOf(":") + 1); } public static IConnection getClient(IProgressMonitor monitor, String uri) throws Exception { MServerProfile sp = ServerManager.getServerProfile(uri); if (sp != null) return sp.getWsClient(monitor); return null; } public static MResource findSelected(IProgressMonitor monitor, ResourceDescriptor rd, MServerProfile msp) throws Exception { IConnection c = msp.getWsClient(monitor); if (ModelUtils.isEmpty(msp)) listFolder(msp, c, "/", monitor, 0); return findSelected(msp.getChildren(), monitor, rd.getUriString(), c); } public static MResource findSelected(List<INode> list, IProgressMonitor monitor, String prunit, IConnection cli) throws Exception { if (monitor.isCanceled()) return null; int maxl = 0; int pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (!(list.get(i) instanceof MResource)) continue; MResource mr = (MResource) list.get(i); String uri = mr.getValue().getUriString(); if (prunit.equals(uri)) { ANode p = mr.getParent(); int ind = p.getChildren().indexOf(mr); p.removeChild(mr); return ResourceFactory.getResource(p, cli.get(monitor, mr.getValue(), null), ind); } if (prunit.startsWith(uri) && prunit.length() >= uri.length()) { if (maxl < uri.length()) { maxl = uri.length(); pos = i; } } } if (pos >= 0) { MResource mr = (MResource) list.get(pos); String uri = mr.getValue().getUriString(); listFolder(mr, cli, uri, monitor, 0); return findSelected(mr.getChildren(), monitor, prunit, cli); } return null; } public static List<ResourceDescriptor> getDatasourceList(IProgressMonitor monitor, IConnection c, IDatasourceFilter f) throws Exception { return c.listDatasources(monitor, f); } public static MServerProfile getDatasourceListTree(IProgressMonitor monitor, MServerProfile sp, IDatasourceFilter f) throws Exception { List<ResourceDescriptor> list = getDatasourceList(monitor, sp.getWsClient(monitor), f); sp.removeChildren(); for (ResourceDescriptor r : list) addDataSource(sp, r); return sp; } private static void addDataSource(MServerProfile sp, ResourceDescriptor r) { String url = r.getUriString(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(url, "/"); String turl = "/"; ANode parent = sp; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); String sf = turl + token; if (sf.equals(url)) { ResourceFactory.getResource(parent, r, -1); break; } MResource child = null; for (INode node : parent.getChildren()) { if (node instanceof MResource) { MResource mr = (MResource) node; if (mr.getValue().getUriString().equals(sf)) { child = mr; break; } } } if (child == null) { ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setName(token); rd.setLabel(token); rd.setUriString(sf); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER); child = ResourceFactory.getResource(parent, rd, -1); child.removeChildren(); } parent = child; turl = sf + "/"; } } /** * Returns a valid {@link IConnection} associated to the specified * {@link MResource} instance. * <p> * * Usually the resource root element is an {@link MServerProfile} instance * that holds a valid connection. * * @param resource * the remote resource * @return a valid {@link IConnection} if any associated, <code>null</code> * otherwise * @throws Exception */ public static IConnection getClient(IProgressMonitor monitor, MResource resource) throws Exception { INode root = resource.getRoot(); if (root instanceof MServerProfile) return ((MServerProfile) root).getWsClient(monitor); return null; } public static final String _FILES = "_files/"; public static void findResources(IProgressMonitor monitor, AFinderUI callback) throws Exception { try { IConnection c = callback.getServerProfile().getWsClient(monitor); c.findResources(monitor, callback); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static ResourceDescriptor toResourceDescriptor(MServerProfile sp, ClientResource<?> rest) throws Exception { return sp.getWsClient((IProgressMonitor) null).toResourceDescriptor(rest); } }