Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.ui.util.UIUtils; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.util.CastorHelper; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.util.FileUtils; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRXmlUtils; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ServerManager { public static final String PREF_TAG = "serverprofiles"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String SERVERPROFILE = "SERVERPROFILE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( JaspersoftStudioPlugin.getInstance()); private static HashMap<MServerProfile, String> serverProfiles; private static List<MServerProfile> getServerProfiles() { if (serverProfiles == null) { serverProfiles = new HashMap<MServerProfile, String>(); loadServerProfiles(new MServers(null)); } return new ArrayList<MServerProfile>(serverProfiles.keySet()); } /** * Save an element on the server file storage. * * @param serverProfile * the element to save */ private static void saveIntoStrage(MServerProfile serverProfile, String fileName) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(serverProfile.toXML()))); // Write the parsed document to an xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); File storage = ConfigurationManager.getStorage(PREF_TAG); File destination = new File(storage, fileName); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(destination); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(stream); transformer.transform(source, result); stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static List<ServerProfile> getServerList() { getServerProfiles(); List<ServerProfile> servers = new ArrayList<ServerProfile>(); for (MServerProfile ms : serverProfiles.keySet()) servers.add(ms.getValue()); return servers; } public static String[] getServers() { List<ServerProfile> serverList = getServerList(); String[] res = new String[serverList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) res[i] = serverList.get(i).getName(); return res; } public static PropertyChangeSupport getPropertyChangeSupport() { return propertyChangeSupport; } public static boolean isUniqueName(MServerProfile sprofile, String name) { if (sprofile.getParent() != null && sprofile.getValue().getName().equals(name)) return true; for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { if (sp.getValue().getName().equals(name)) return false; } return true; } public static void addServerProfile(MServerProfile adapter) { if (!serverProfiles.containsKey(adapter)) { ServerNameProvider nameProvider = new ServerNameProvider(); String resourceName = nameProvider.getFileName(null); serverProfiles.put(adapter, resourceName); saveIntoStrage(adapter, resourceName); propertyChangeSupport .firePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(adapter, SERVERPROFILE, null, adapter)); } } public static void removeServerProfile(MServerProfile adapter) { if (serverProfiles.containsKey(adapter)) { String fileName = serverProfiles.remove(adapter); ConfigurationManager.removeStoregeResource(PREF_TAG, fileName); ((ANode) adapter.getParent()).removeChild(adapter); propertyChangeSupport .firePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(adapter, SERVERPROFILE, null, adapter)); } } public static void saveServerProfile(MServerProfile adapter) { if (serverProfiles.containsKey(adapter)) { // It's an edit, remove the old configuration file and save the new // one String path = serverProfiles.get(adapter); ConfigurationManager.removeStoregeResource(PREF_TAG, path); saveIntoStrage(adapter, path); propertyChangeSupport .firePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(adapter, SERVERPROFILE, null, adapter)); } } public static void loadServerProfilesCopy(MServers root) { if (serverProfiles.isEmpty()) loadServerProfiles(root); for (MServerProfile msp : serverProfiles.keySet()) { MServerProfile newServerProfile = new MServerProfile(root, msp.getValue()); newServerProfile.setWsClient(msp.getWsClient()); new MDummy(newServerProfile); } } public static void loadServerProfiles(MServers root) { root.removeChildren(); if (serverProfiles == null) serverProfiles = new HashMap<MServerProfile, String>(); serverProfiles.clear(); // Convert the old configuration ConfigurationManager.convertPropertyToStorage(PREF_TAG, PREF_TAG, new ServerNameProvider()); // Read the configuration from the file storage File[] storageContent = ConfigurationManager.getStorageContent(PREF_TAG); for (File storageElement : storageContent) { try { InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(storageElement); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8"); InputSource is = new InputSource(reader); is.setEncoding("UTF-8"); Document document = JRXmlUtils.parse(is); Node serverNode = document.getDocumentElement(); if (serverNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { try { ServerProfile sprof = (ServerProfile), MServerProfile.MAPPINGFILE); MServerProfile sp = new MServerProfile(root, sprof); new MDummy(sp); serverProfiles.put(sp, storageElement.getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showError(e); } } } public static MServerProfile getServerProfile(String key) { int ind = key.indexOf(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (ind > 0) { String[] tokens = key.split(":"); // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key, ":"); String name = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(tokens[0])); // String path = tokens[1]; if (tokens.length > 2) { String urls = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(tokens[2])); String[] urlt = urls.split("\n"); String url = urlt[0]; String user = null; if (urlt.length > 1) user = urlt[1]; if (urlt.length >= 2) user = urlt[1]; String organization = null; if (urlt.length >= 3) organization = urlt[2]; for (MServerProfile sp : serverProfiles.keySet()) { ServerProfile serv = sp.getValue(); if (serv.getName().equals(name) && url != null && serv.getUrl().equals(url)) { if (user == null) return sp; if (serv.getUser().equals(user) && (organization == null || (serv.getOrganisation() != null && serv.getOrganisation().equals(organization)))) return sp; } } } } return null; } public static IConnection getServer(String url, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { if (sp.getValue().getUrl().equals(url)) return sp.getWsClient(monitor); } return null; } public static IConnection getServer(String url, String user, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { MServerProfile msp = getServerByUrl(url, user); if (msp != null) return msp.getWsClient(monitor); return null; } public static MServerProfile getServerByUrl(String url) { for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { if (sp.getValue().getUrl().equals(url)) return sp; } return null; } public static MServerProfile getServerByUrl(String url, String user) { MServerProfile res = null; for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { ServerProfile v = sp.getValue(); if (v.getUrl().equals(url)) { res = sp; if (user != null) { if (v.isUseSSO()) { if (user.equals(v.getSsoUuid())) return sp; } else { String u = v.getUser() + (!Misc.isNullOrEmpty(v.getOrganisation()) ? "|" + v.getOrganisation() : ""); if (u.equals(user)) return sp; } } else return sp; } } return res; } public static int getServerIndexByUrl(String url) { int i = 0; for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { if (sp.getValue().getUrl().equals(url)) return i; i++; } return -1; } public static int getServerIndexByUrl(String url, String user) { int i = 0; int j = -1; for (MServerProfile sp : getServerProfiles()) { ServerProfile v = sp.getValue(); if (v.getUrl().equals(url)) { j = i; if (user != null) { String u = v.getUser() + (!Misc.isNullOrEmpty(v.getOrganisation()) ? "|" + v.getOrganisation() : ""); if (u.equals(user)) return j; } else return j; } i++; } return j; } public static String getKey(MResource res) { return getKey(res, res.getValue().getUriString(), null); } public static String getKey(MResource res, String uri, String option) { INode n = res.getRoot(); if (n != null && n instanceof MServerProfile) { MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) n; ServerProfile serv = sp.getValue(); String srvurl = serv.getUrl(); srvurl += "\n" + serv.getUser(); if (!Misc.isNullOrEmpty(serv.getOrganisation())) srvurl += "\n" + serv.getOrganisation(); else srvurl += "\n"; if (!Misc.isNullOrEmpty(option)) srvurl += "\n" + option; return Base64.encodeBase64String(serv.getName().getBytes()) + ":" + uri + ":" //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ + Base64.encodeBase64String(srvurl.getBytes()); } return null; } public static String getVersion(ANode node) { INode n = node.getRoot(); if (n != null && n instanceof MServerProfile) { MServerProfile server = (MServerProfile) n; ServerProfile srvrd = server.getValue(); return srvrd.getJrVersion(); } return JRXmlWriterHelper.LAST_VERSION; } /** * Tries to create a copy of the specified {@link MServerProfile} instance. * <p> * Re-use the {@link ServerProfile} information of the original node. Can be * used for example as input when creating a new treeviewer for repository * exploring. * * @param original * the {@link MServerProfile} instance to copy * @return a copy of the original {@link MServerProfile} instance */ public static MServerProfile getMServerProfileCopy(MServerProfile original) { ServerProfile spFound = null; for (ServerProfile sp : getServerList()) { if (sp.equals(original.getValue())) { spFound = sp; break; } } if (spFound == null) return null; MServerProfile newServerProfile = new MServerProfile(new MRoot(null, null), spFound); newServerProfile.setWsClient(original.getWsClient()); return newServerProfile; } public static MServerProfile getServerProfile(JasperDesign jd, JasperReportsConfiguration jConfig, IProgressMonitor monitor) { final MRoot root = new MRoot(null, null); root.setJasperConfiguration(jConfig); MServerProfile sp = null; List<ServerProfile> servers = getServerList(); for (ServerProfile s : servers) { sp = new MServerProfile(root, s); sp.setJasperConfiguration(jConfig); new MDummy(sp); } String[] prop = JRSEditorContributor.getServerURL(jd, (IFile) jConfig.get(FileUtils.KEY_FILE), monitor); if (prop != null && !Misc.isNullOrEmpty(prop[0])) { for (INode n : root.getChildren()) { if (n instanceof MServerProfile) { MServerProfile msp = (MServerProfile) n; ServerProfile serv = msp.getValue(); if (serv.getUrl().equals(prop[0])) { sp = msp; if (Misc.isNullOrEmpty(prop[1])) break; String usr = serv.getUser(); if (!Misc.isNullOrEmpty(serv.getOrganisation())) usr += "|" + serv.getOrganisation(); if (usr.equals(prop[1])) break; } } } } return sp; } public static void selectIfExists(final IProgressMonitor monitor, MResource mres) { MServerProfile sp = (MServerProfile) mres.getRoot(); sp = getServerByUrl(sp.getValue().getUrl()); selectIfExists(monitor, sp, mres); } public static void selectIfExists(final IProgressMonitor monitor, MServerProfile sp, MResource mres) { if (mres.getParent() instanceof MServerProfile) { try { WSClientHelper.connectGetData(sp, monitor); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(sp, SERVERPROFILE, null, sp)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { final String puri = ((MResource) mres.getParent()).getValue().getUriString(); final String uri = mres.getValue().getUriString(); if (ModelUtils.isEmpty(sp)) try { WSClientHelper.connectGetData(sp, monitor); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } new ModelVisitor<MResource>(sp) { @Override public boolean visit(INode n) { if (n instanceof MResource) { MResource r = (MResource) n; if (r.getValue().getUriString().equals(puri)) { for (INode cn : r.getChildren()) if (cn instanceof MResource && ((MResource) cn).getValue().getUriString().equals(uri)) doRefresh((MResource) cn, monitor); doRefresh(r, monitor); } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) stop(); return true; } private void doRefresh(MResource r, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { WSClientHelper.refreshResource(r, monitor); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } stop(); } }; } } }