Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, the following license terms apply: * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.builder.jdt.JDTUtils; import net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.ui.util.UIUtils; import; import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.ui.INewWizard; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Wizard to create the data adapter plugin project * * @author Orlandin Marco * */ public class NewDataAdapterWizard extends Wizard implements INewWizard { /** * Folder where the velocity templates are placed */ private static final String TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX = "com/jaspersoft/studio/custom/adapter/resources/"; /** * Velocity template for the activator of the plugin */ private static final String ACTIVATOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Activator.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the data adapter factory */ private static final String FACTORY_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Factory.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the data adapter descriptor */ private static final String DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Descriptor.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the data adapter editor */ private static final String EDITOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Editor.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the controls inside the editor */ private static final String COMPOSITE_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Composite.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the controls inside the editor with the custom jar */ private static final String EMPTY_COMPOSITE_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "EmptyComposite.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the adapter fields provider */ private static final String PROVIDER_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "FieldsProvider.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the adapter wizard editor */ private static final String WIZARD_EDITOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "WizardEditor.vm"; /** * Velocity template for the plugin.xml file */ private static final String PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = TEMPLATES_LOCATION_PREFIX + "Plugin.vm"; /** * Location of the dummy data adapter library */ private static final String LIB_LOCATION = "/resources/lib/DummyDataAdapter.jar"; /** * Type of the dummy data adapter */ private static final String DATA_ADAPTER_TYPE = "DummyDataAdapter"; /** * Type of the implementations of the dummy data adapter */ private static final String DATA_ADAPTER_IMPL_TYPE = DATA_ADAPTER_TYPE + "Impl"; /** * Type of the dummy data adapter service */ private static final String DATA_ADAPTER_SERVICE_TYPE = "DummyDataAdapterService"; /** * Type of the dummy data adapter service factory */ private static final String DATA_ADAPTER_SERVICE_FACTORY_TYPE = "DummyDataAdapterServiceFactory"; /** * Package to add to the templates to use the dummy data adapter */ private static final String DATA_ADAPTER_PACKAGE = "com.jaspersoft.adapter.*"; /** * Page to provide informations to the new plugin project */ private DataAdapterInformationPage page1; /** * Page to specify a custom data adapter jar */ private CustomJarInformationPage page2; /** * Page to specify any number of jars to add to the project */ private AdditionalJarsPage page3; /** * The velocity engine */ private VelocityEngine ve = VelocityUtils.getConfiguredVelocityEngine(); /** * Wizard constructor. */ public NewDataAdapterWizard() { super(); setWindowTitle("New Data Adapter Wizard"); setNeedsProgressMonitor(true); } @Override public void init(IWorkbench workbench, IStructuredSelection selection) { page1 = new DataAdapterInformationPage(); page1.setWizard(this); page2 = new CustomJarInformationPage(); page2.setWizard(this); page3 = new AdditionalJarsPage(); addPage(page1); addPage(page2); addPage(page3); } /** * Given a list package names generate an equal number of import strings to import everything inside that packages * * @param packagesName * a not null list of package * @return the code to import the content of the packages */ private String getImportStrings(List<String> packagesName) { HashSet<String> generatedPackages = new HashSet<String>(); String result = ""; for (String packageName : packagesName) { String newPackage = "import " + packageName; if (packageName.endsWith(".*")) newPackage += ";"; else newPackage += ".*;"; if (!generatedPackages.contains(newPackage)) { result += newPackage + "\n"; generatedPackages.add(newPackage); } } return result; } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the Activator class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getActivatorClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("pluginId", adapterInfo.getPluginId()); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(ACTIVATOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter factory class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getFactoryClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("factoryName", adapterInfo.getFactoryClassName()); functionContext.put("descriptorName", adapterInfo.getDescriptorClassName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterFamiliarName", adapterInfo.getAdapterName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterDescription", adapterInfo.getAdapterDescription()); functionContext.put("image", AdapterInfo.getIconImage(adapterInfo.getIconName())); functionContext.put("isCustomJar", String.valueOf(page1.isUsingCustomJar()).toLowerCase()); List<String> requiredAdapterPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); functionContext.put("dataAdapterType", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getClassName()); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterImplType", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterImplementation().getClassName()); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterImplementation().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterService", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterService().getClassName()); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterService().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("additionalImports", getImportStrings(requiredAdapterPackages)); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(FACTORY_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter descriptor class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getDescriptorClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("descriptorName", adapterInfo.getDescriptorClassName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterEditor", adapterInfo.getEditorClassName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterFieldsProvider", adapterInfo.getFieldsProviderClassName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterWizardEditorComposite", adapterInfo.getWizardEditorCompositeClassName()); functionContext.put("image", AdapterInfo.getIconImage(adapterInfo.getIconName())); List<String> requiredAdapterPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); functionContext.put("dataAdapterType", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getClassName()); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterImplType", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterImplementation().getClassName()); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterImplementation().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("additionalImports", getImportStrings(requiredAdapterPackages)); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter editor class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getEditorClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterEditor", adapterInfo.getEditorClassName()); functionContext.put("adapterComposite", adapterInfo.getCompositeClassName()); functionContext.put("descriptorName", adapterInfo.getDescriptorClassName()); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(EDITOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter composite class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getCompositeClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("adapterComposite", adapterInfo.getCompositeClassName()); functionContext.put("descriptorName", adapterInfo.getDescriptorClassName()); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); if (page1.isUsingCustomJar()) { if (page2.createDynamicControls()) { DynamicCompositeHelper compositeBuilder = new DynamicCompositeHelper(new File(page2.getJarPath()), adapterInfo); return compositeBuilder.getCompositeClass(); } else { functionContext.put("dynamicControls", String.valueOf(page2.createDynamicControls()).toLowerCase()); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(EMPTY_COMPOSITE_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); } } else { functionContext.put("dataAdapterType", adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getClassName()); List<String> requiredAdapterPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); requiredAdapterPackages.add(adapterInfo.getDataAdapterInterface().getPackageName()); functionContext.put("additionalImports", getImportStrings(requiredAdapterPackages)); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(COMPOSITE_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); } return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter fields provider class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getFieldsProviderClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterFieldsProvider", adapterInfo.getFieldsProviderClassName()); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(PROVIDER_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the data adapter wizard editor class * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a .java file */ private String getWizardEditorClass(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("packageName", adapterInfo.getPackageName()); functionContext.put("dataAdapterWizardEditorComposite", adapterInfo.getWizardEditorCompositeClassName()); functionContext.put("image", AdapterInfo.getIconImage(adapterInfo.getIconName())); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(WIZARD_EDITOR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Uses the velocity engine and the template to generate the content of the plugin file * * @param adapterInfo * information to put the parameter inside the template * @return a textual representation of a plugin.xml file */ private String getPlugin(AdapterInfo adapterInfo) { VelocityContext functionContext = new VelocityContext(); functionContext.put("adapterFactory", adapterInfo.getFactoryOnPluginName()); Template functionTemplate = ve.getTemplate(PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); StringWriter fsw = new StringWriter(); functionTemplate.merge(functionContext, fsw); return fsw.toString(); } /** * Add the adapter icon image to the project if it is available. It also resized to a size less or equal to 16x16 * * @param adapterInfo * The pluigin information * @param project * the project * @param monitor * a monitor to add the file */ private void saveImageIntoProject(AdapterInfo adapterInfo, IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (adapterInfo.getIconData() != null && adapterInfo.getIconName() != null) { ImageData imgData = adapterInfo.getIconData(); Image loadedImage = null; // Resize the image if it is too big int width = imgData.width; int height = imgData.height; if (width > 16) { int scaleFactor = width / 16; width = width / scaleFactor; height = height / scaleFactor; } if (height > 16) { int scaleFactor = height / 16; width = width / scaleFactor; height = height / scaleFactor; } if (width != imgData.width || height != imgData.height) { Image biggerImage = new Image(null, imgData); loadedImage = ImageUtils.resize(biggerImage, width, height); biggerImage.dispose(); } else { loadedImage = new Image(null, imgData); } try { File tmpDir = net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.util.FileUtils.createTempDir(); // String tempImagePath = System.getProperty("")+"" + adapterInfo.getIconName(); File tempImage = new File(tmpDir, adapterInfo.getIconName()); if (tempImage.exists()) { tempImage.delete(); } // Save the new image ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader(); = new ImageData[] { loadedImage.getImageData() };, getImageFormatFromExtension(FilenameUtils.getExtension(tempImage.getName()))); InputStream pin = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempImage.getAbsolutePath())); PluginHelper.createFile(adapterInfo.getIconName(), project.getFolder("images"), pin, monitor); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } loadedImage.dispose(); } } /** * Return the SWT image type of an image using it's extension * * @param extension * textual extension of the image without the . * @return the swt type of the extension if it is recognized, otherwise SWT.IMAGE_JPEG */ private int getImageFormatFromExtension(String extension) { if (extension.equals("jpeg") || extension.equals("jpg")) return SWT.IMAGE_JPEG; if (extension.equals("bmp")) return SWT.IMAGE_BMP; if (extension.equals("gif")) return SWT.IMAGE_GIF; if (extension.equals("png")) return SWT.IMAGE_PNG; if (extension.equals("ico")) return SWT.IMAGE_ICO; return SWT.IMAGE_JPEG; } /** * Get a folder where to put a .java file starting from the standard src folder. The subfolders are determinate by the * package of the file and if not found are created * * @param packageName * the package of the file * @param project * the project * @return the folder where the java file can be placed */ private IFolder getSourceFolder(String packageName, IProject project) { IFolder src = project.getFolder("src"); try { if (!src.exists()) { src.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } String[] packageFragments = packageName.split("\\."); for (String packageFragment : packageFragments) { src = src.getFolder(packageFragment); if (!src.exists()) { src.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return src; } /** * Set inside the adapter info the information of the dummy data adapter * * @param info * an adapter info */ private void setDummyAdapterData(AdapterInfo info) { info.setDataAdapterInterface(new Pair(DATA_ADAPTER_PACKAGE, DATA_ADAPTER_TYPE)); info.setDataAdapterImplementation(new Pair(DATA_ADAPTER_PACKAGE, DATA_ADAPTER_IMPL_TYPE)); info.setDataAdapterService(new Pair(DATA_ADAPTER_PACKAGE, DATA_ADAPTER_SERVICE_TYPE)); info.setDataAdapterServiceFactory(new Pair(DATA_ADAPTER_PACKAGE, DATA_ADAPTER_SERVICE_FACTORY_TYPE)); } /** * Extract a button field from the dialog with a precise name. The field is extracted trough reflection, because the * method was created to extract the buttons from the dialog and there are no way to get them. Other than this, since * this dialog is build from the eclipse platform, there is no easy way to override it * * @param fieldName * the name of the field to get, must be have type swt button * @param container * the dialog from where the field must be extracted * @return the button if it can be extracted or null if something goes wrong */ private Button getButton(String fieldName, WizardDialog container) { try { Field field = WizardDialog.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName); field.setAccessible(true); Button button = (Button) field.get(container); return button; } catch (Throwable e) { String errorMessage = "Error getting button {0} on the custom adapter dialog"; JaspersoftStudioPlugin.getInstance() .logError(MessageFormat.format(errorMessage, new Object[] { fieldName }), e); } return null; } /** * Disable all the dialog button if they are found */ private void disableButtons() { if (getContainer() instanceof WizardDialog) { WizardDialog container = (WizardDialog) getContainer(); Button currentButton = getButton("finishButton", container); if (currentButton != null) currentButton.setEnabled(false); currentButton = getButton("backButton", container); if (currentButton != null) currentButton.setEnabled(false); currentButton = getButton("nextButton", container); if (currentButton != null) currentButton.setEnabled(false); currentButton = getButton("cancelButton", container); if (currentButton != null) currentButton.setEnabled(false); } } @Override public boolean performFinish() { // Some operation are executed in some ui thread and we don't wont // that the user can press the dialog buttons another time after the first one disableButtons(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); monitor.setTaskName("Crating project"); try { ArrayList<String> src = new ArrayList<String>(); src.add("src"); ArrayList<String> requiredBundles = new ArrayList<String>(); requiredBundles.add("org.eclipse.ui"); requiredBundles.add("org.eclipse.core.runtime"); requiredBundles.add(""); requiredBundles.add(""); AdapterInfo info = page1.getAdapterInfo(); List<File> libFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); if (page1.isUsingCustomJar()) { libFiles.add(new File(page2.getJarPath())); page2.setCustomAdapterInfo(info); List<String> additionalJars = page3.getValues(); for (String jarPath : additionalJars) { libFiles.add(new File(jarPath)); } } else { libFiles.add(new File(JaspersoftStudioPlugin.getInstance().getFileLocation(LIB_LOCATION))); setDummyAdapterData(info); } IProject pluginProject = PluginHelper.createPluginProject(info, src, requiredBundles, libFiles, monitor); if (pluginProject != null) { PluginHelper.createFile(AdapterInfo.getActivatorClassName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getActivatorClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(info.getFactoryFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getFactoryClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(info.getDescriptorFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getDescriptorClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(info.getEditorFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getEditorClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(info.getFieldsProviderFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getFieldsProviderClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(info.getWizardEditorCompositeFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getWizardEditorClass(info), monitor); PluginHelper.createFile(AdapterInfo.getPluginName(), pluginProject, getPlugin(info), monitor); saveImageIntoProject(info, pluginProject, monitor); IFile compositeFile = PluginHelper.createFile(info.getCompositeFileName(), getSourceFolder(info.getPackageName(), pluginProject), getCompositeClass(info), monitor); // Organize the imports if (page1.isUsingCustomJar() && page2.createDynamicControls()) JDTUtils.organizeImport(JavaCore.createCompilationUnitFrom(compositeFile)); } } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showError(e); } monitor.done(); return true; } /** * Can finish only if page1 is complete and, if the user is using a custom jar as data adapter, when all the * informations about the data adapter are provided */ @Override public boolean canFinish() { if (page1.isUsingCustomJar()) { return page1.isPageComplete() && page2.isPageComplete(); } else { return page1.isPageComplete(); } } }