Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Janrain, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.janrain.backplane2.server; import com.janrain.backplane.DateTimeUtils; import com.janrain.backplane.server.ExternalizableCore; import com.janrain.backplane2.server.dao.DAOFactory; import com.janrain.commons.supersimpledb.SimpleDBException; import com.janrain.commons.supersimpledb.message.AbstractMessage; import com.janrain.commons.supersimpledb.message.MessageField; import com.janrain.commons.util.Pair; import com.janrain.crypto.ChannelUtil; import com.janrain.oauth2.OAuth2; import com.janrain.oauth2.TokenException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import static com.janrain.oauth2.OAuth2.*; import static com.janrain.oauth2.OAuth2.OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME; import static com.janrain.oauth2.OAuth2.OAUTH2_SCOPE_PARAM_NAME; /** * @author Tom Raney, Johnny Bufu */ public class Token extends ExternalizableCore { /** * Empty default constructor for AWS to use. * Don't call directly. */ public Token() { } @Override public String getIdValue() { return get(TokenField.ID); } @Override public Set<? extends MessageField> getFields() { return EnumSet.allOf(TokenField.class); } @Override public void validate() throws SimpleDBException { super.validate(); if (getType().isPrivileged()) { AbstractMessage.validateNotBlank(TokenField.ISSUED_TO_CLIENT_ID.getFieldName(), get(TokenField.ISSUED_TO_CLIENT_ID)); AbstractMessage.validateNotBlank(TokenField.CLIENT_SOURCE_URL.getFieldName(), get(TokenField.CLIENT_SOURCE_URL)); AbstractMessage.validateNotBlank(TokenField.BACKING_GRANTS.getFieldName(), get(Token.TokenField.BACKING_GRANTS)); } else { Scope anonScope = getScope(); LinkedHashSet<String> buses = anonScope.getScopeMap().get(BackplaneMessage.Field.BUS); LinkedHashSet<String> channels = anonScope.getScopeMap().get(BackplaneMessage.Field.CHANNEL); if (buses == null || buses.size() > 1 || channels == null || channels.size() > 1) { throw new SimpleDBException( "invalid scope for anonymous token, must have exactly one bus and one channel specified: " + anonScope); } } } public GrantType getType() { try { return GrantType.valueOf(this.get(TokenField.TYPE)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid GrantType on for TokenField.Type, should have been validated on token creation: " + this.get(TokenField.TYPE)); } } public Scope getScope() { try { return new Scope(this.get(TokenField.SCOPE)); } catch (TokenException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid scope on get(), should have been validated on token creation: " + this.get(TokenField.SCOPE)); } } /** * @return the token's expiration date, or null if the token never expires */ public Date getExpirationDate() { String value = this.get(TokenField.EXPIRES); try { return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value) ? DateTimeUtils.ISO8601.get().parse(value) : null; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid ISO8601 date for TokenField.EXPIRES, should have been validated on token creation: " + value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("Error parsing token date: " + value, nfe); throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid ISO8601 date for TokenField.EXPIRES, should have been validated on token creation: " + value); } } public String getScopeString() { return get(TokenField.SCOPE); } public boolean isExpired() { Date expires = getExpirationDate(); return expires != null && new Date().getTime() > expires.getTime(); } public static boolean looksLikeOurToken(String tokenString) { GrantType grantType = GrantType.fromTokenString(tokenString); if (grantType == null) return false; String tokenNoPrefix = tokenString.substring(grantType.getTokenPrefix().length()); return tokenNoPrefix.length() == TOKEN_LENGTH; } public static @NotNull Token fromRequest(DAOFactory daoFactory, HttpServletRequest request, String tokenString, String authorizationHeader) throws TokenException { Pair<String, EnumSet<TokenSource>> tokenAndSource = extractToken(request.getQueryString(), tokenString, authorizationHeader); if (!Token.looksLikeOurToken(tokenAndSource.getLeft())) { throw new TokenException("invalid token", HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } Token token; try { token = daoFactory.getTokenDao().get(tokenAndSource.getLeft()); } catch (BackplaneServerException e) { logger.error("Error looking up token: " + tokenAndSource.getLeft(), e); throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_SERVER_ERROR, "error loading token", HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } if (token == null) { logger.warn("token not found: " + tokenAndSource.getLeft()); throw new TokenException("invalid token", HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } if (token.isExpired()) { throw new TokenException("expired token", HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } token.checkAllowedSources(tokenAndSource.getRight()); return token; } public Map<String, Object> response(final String refreshToken) { final Date expires = getExpirationDate(); return new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() { { put(OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE_PARAM_NAME, OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER); put(OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME, getIdValue()); if (expires != null) put(OAUTH2_TOKEN_RESPONSE_EXPIRES, (expires.getTime() - new Date().getTime()) / 1000); put(OAUTH2_SCOPE_PARAM_NAME, getScopeString()); if (refreshToken != null) put(OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME, refreshToken); } }; } public @NotNull List<String> getBackingGrants() { String grants = get(TokenField.BACKING_GRANTS); return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(grants) ? Arrays.asList(grants.split(GRANTS_SEPARATOR)) : new ArrayList<String>(); } public static enum TokenField implements MessageField { ID("id", true), TYPE("type", true) { @Override public void validate(String value) throws SimpleDBException { super.validate(value); try { GrantType.valueOf(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SimpleDBException("Invalid token type: " + value); } } }, EXPIRES("expires", false) { @Override public void validate(String value) throws SimpleDBException { super.validate(value); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { DateTimeUtils.ISO8601.get().parse(value); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SimpleDBException("Invalid token expiration date: " + value, e); } } }, SCOPE("scope", true) { @Override public void validate(String value) throws SimpleDBException { super.validate(value); try { new Scope(value); } catch (TokenException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid scope: " + value); } } }, ISSUED_TO_CLIENT_ID("issued_to_client", false), CLIENT_SOURCE_URL("client_source_url", false) { @Override public void validate(String value) throws SimpleDBException { super.validate(value); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { AbstractMessage.validateUrl(getFieldName(), value); } } }, BACKING_GRANTS("backing_grants", false); @Override public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } @Override public boolean isRequired() { return required; } @Override public void validate(String value) throws SimpleDBException { if (isRequired()) validateNotBlank(getFieldName(), value); } // - PRIVATE private String fieldName; private boolean required = true; private TokenField(String fieldName, boolean required) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.required = required; } } public static class Builder { public Builder(GrantType type, String scope) { this.type = type; data.put(TokenField.TYPE.getFieldName(), type.toString()); data.put(TokenField.SCOPE.getFieldName(), scope); } public Builder expires(Date expires) { data.put(TokenField.EXPIRES.getFieldName(), DateTimeUtils.ISO8601.get().format(expires)); return this; } public Builder issuedToClient(String clientId) { data.put(TokenField.ISSUED_TO_CLIENT_ID.getFieldName(), clientId); return this; } public Builder clientSourceUrl(String clientSourceUrl) { data.put(TokenField.CLIENT_SOURCE_URL.getFieldName(), clientSourceUrl); return this; } public Builder grants(List<String> grants) { data.put(TokenField.BACKING_GRANTS.getFieldName(), org.springframework.util.StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(grants, GRANTS_SEPARATOR)); return this; } public Token buildToken() throws SimpleDBException { String id = type.getTokenPrefix() + ChannelUtil.randomString(TOKEN_LENGTH); data.put(TokenField.ID.getFieldName(), id); return new Token(id, data); } // - PRIVATE private final Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final GrantType type; } // - PRIVATE private static final long serialVersionUID = -5883124096459804032L; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Token.class); private static final int TOKEN_LENGTH = 20; private static final String GRANTS_SEPARATOR = " "; private Token(String id, Map<String, String> data) throws SimpleDBException { super.init(id, data); logger.debug("created token: " + this.toString()); } private static Pair<String, EnumSet<TokenSource>> extractToken(String queryString, String requestParam, String authHeader) { String token = null; EnumSet<TokenSource> foundIn = EnumSet.noneOf(TokenSource.class); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryString)) { Map<String, String> queryParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String queryParamPair : Arrays.asList(queryString.split("&"))) { String[] nameVal = queryParamPair.split("=", 2); queryParamsMap.put(nameVal[0], nameVal.length > 1 ? nameVal[1] : null); } if (queryParamsMap.containsKey(OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME)) { token = queryParamsMap.get(OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME); foundIn.add(TokenSource.QUERYPARAM); } } if (!foundIn.contains(TokenSource.QUERYPARAM) && requestParam != null) { // query parameter will mask body requestParam extracted by spring with @RequestParameter token = requestParam; foundIn.add(TokenSource.POSTBODY); } int tokenTypeLength = OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER.length(); if (authHeader != null && authHeader.startsWith(OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER) && authHeader.length() > tokenTypeLength + 1) { token = authHeader.substring(tokenTypeLength + 1); foundIn.add(TokenSource.AUTHHEADER); } return new Pair<String, EnumSet<TokenSource>>(token, foundIn); } private void checkAllowedSources(Collection<TokenSource> tokenFoundIn) throws TokenException { if (tokenFoundIn == null || tokenFoundIn.size() > 1) { throw new TokenException("exactly one token source allowed, found in: " + tokenFoundIn, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } for (TokenSource tokenSource : tokenFoundIn) { if (!getType().getTokenAllowedSources().contains(tokenSource)) { throw new TokenException("token source not allowed: " + tokenSource, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } } } }