Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Janrain, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.janrain.backplane2.server; import com.janrain.commons.supersimpledb.SimpleDBException; import com.janrain.commons.util.Pair; import com.janrain.oauth2.OAuth2; import com.janrain.oauth2.TokenException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * @author Tom Raney, Johnny Bufu */ public class Scope { // scope type associated with a backplane message field public enum ScopeType { NONE, // message field cannot be used as a scope key FILTER, // message field is used as a filter, allowed for anonymous token requests AUTHZ_REQ // message field can only be used with privileged, authenticated and authorized token requests } /** * @param scopeString String representation of the scope as defined in the Backplane 2.0 spec */ public Scope(String scopeString) throws TokenException { this.scopes = parseScopeString(scopeString); } public Scope(final BackplaneMessage.Field scopeField, final String value) { this.scopes = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>() { { put(scopeField, new LinkedHashSet<String>() { { add(value); } }); } }; } public Scope(Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> scopeMap) { this.scopes = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>(scopeMap); } /** * @return a copy of this scope's internal map of scope key-values */ public Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> getScopeMap() { Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> mapCopy = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>(); mapCopy.putAll(scopes); return mapCopy; } public Set<String> getScopeFieldValues(BackplaneMessage.Field field) { return scopes.get(field); } public boolean isAuthorizationRequired() { for (BackplaneMessage.Field scopeKey : scopes.keySet()) { LinkedHashSet<String> values = scopes.get(scopeKey); if (scopeKey.getScopeType() == ScopeType.AUTHZ_REQ && values != null && !values.isEmpty()) return true; } return false; } /** * @return multiple, individual scopes for which authorization is required (one value per returned Scope) */ public List<Scope> getAuthReqScopes() { List<Scope> authReqScopes = new ArrayList<Scope>(); for (BackplaneMessage.Field scopeKey : scopes.keySet()) { LinkedHashSet<String> values = scopes.get(scopeKey); if (scopeKey.getScopeType() == ScopeType.AUTHZ_REQ && values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { for (String value : values) { authReqScopes.add(new Scope(scopeKey, value)); } } } return authReqScopes; } public boolean isMessageInScope(@NotNull BackplaneMessage message) { for (BackplaneMessage.Field scopeField : scopes.keySet()) { LinkedHashSet<String> scopeValues = scopes.get(scopeField); if (scopeValues == null || !scopeValues.contains(message.get(scopeField))) return false; } return true; } public boolean containsScope(Scope testScope) { for (BackplaneMessage.Field scopeKey : testScope.scopes.keySet()) { if (scopeKey.getScopeType() == ScopeType.AUTHZ_REQ) { if (!scopes.containsKey(scopeKey) || !scopes.get(scopeKey).containsAll(testScope.scopes.get(scopeKey))) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @return String representation of the scope as defined in the Backplane 2.0 spec */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder scopeString = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> entry : scopes.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {"empty scope values for key: " + entry.getKey()); // shouldn't happen continue; } for (String scopeValue : entry.getValue()) { if (scopeString.length() > 0) scopeString.append(SEPARATOR); scopeString.append(entry.getKey().getFieldName()).append(DELIMITER).append(scopeValue); } } return scopeString.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { if (this == otherObject) return true; if (otherObject == null || getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return false; Scope scope = (Scope) otherObject; return !(scopes != null ? !scopes.equals(scope.scopes) : scope.scopes != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { return scopes != null ? scopes.hashCode() : 0; } /** * Add the scopes in the second map to the first. */ public static void addScopes(Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> first, Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> second) { for (BackplaneMessage.Field field : second.keySet()) { LinkedHashSet<String> values = first.get(field); if (values == null) { values = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); first.put(field, values); } values.addAll(second.get(field)); } } /** * Retrieve list of authorized buses * * @param scopesString a space-sparated String of buses * @return a valid list which may be empty */ public static @NotNull List<String> getScopesAsList(String scopesString) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scopesString)) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } else { return Arrays.asList(scopesString.split(SEPARATOR)); } } /** * @param field scope field * @param scopeValues space separated scope values * * @return an encoded space delimited string of scopes e.g.: " ..." */ public static String getEncodedScopesAsString(BackplaneMessage.Field field, String scopeValues) { return getEncodedScopesAsString(field, getScopesAsList(scopeValues)); } public static String getEncodedScopesAsString(BackplaneMessage.Field field, @NotNull List<String> scopeValues) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String value : scopeValues) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append(field.getFieldName()).append(DELIMITER).append(value); } return sb.toString(); } /** * @return a new Scope consisting of all scope values present in the first one, less the auth-req scope values in 'revoke' */ public static Scope revoke(@NotNull Scope scope, @NotNull Scope revoke) { Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> newScope = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>(); for (BackplaneMessage.Field scopeKey : scope.getScopeMap().keySet()) { Set<String> revokeValues = revoke.getScopeFieldValues(scopeKey); if (scopeKey.getScopeType() != ScopeType.AUTHZ_REQ || revokeValues == null || revokeValues.isEmpty()) { newScope.put(scopeKey, scope.getScopeMap().get(scopeKey)); } else { LinkedHashSet<String> newValues = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String scopeValue : scope.getScopeFieldValues(scopeKey)) { if (!revokeValues.contains(scopeValue)) { newValues.add(scopeValue); } } newScope.put(scopeKey, newValues); } } return new Scope(newScope); } /** * Combines the auth-req scope fields from the authorized scope with the filter-only scopes from the request scope. * If request scope contains auth-req scope fields, then request scope is returned * * @throws TokenException if the auth-req fields in request scope are not contained in the authorized scope */ public static Scope checkCombine(@NotNull final Scope authorized, @Nullable final Scope request) throws TokenException { if (!authorized.isAuthorizationRequired()) { throw new TokenException("invalid scope/grant: authorized scope has no auth-req fields: " + authorized); } else if (request == null) { return new Scope(authorized.getScopeMap()); } else if (!authorized.containsScope(request)) { throw new TokenException("unauthorized scope: " + request); } else if (request.isAuthorizationRequired()) { return new Scope(request.getScopeMap()); } else { // combine Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>(); Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> authorizedMap = authorized.getScopeMap(); Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> requestMap = request.getScopeMap(); for (BackplaneMessage.Field authorizedField : authorizedMap.keySet()) { if (authorizedField.getScopeType() == ScopeType.AUTHZ_REQ) { result.put(authorizedField, authorizedMap.get(authorizedField)); } } for (BackplaneMessage.Field filterField : requestMap.keySet()) { if (filterField.getScopeType() == ScopeType.FILTER) { result.put(filterField, requestMap.get(filterField)); } } return new Scope(result); } } // - PRIVATE private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Scope.class); private static final int MAX_PARAMETERS = 100; private static final String SEPARATOR = " "; private static final String DELIMITER = ":"; private static final Map<String, BackplaneMessage.Field> scopeKeys = new HashMap<String, BackplaneMessage.Field>() { { for (BackplaneMessage.Field field : EnumSet.allOf(BackplaneMessage.Field.class)) { if (field.getScopeType() != ScopeType.NONE) { put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } } }; private Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> scopes; private static Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> parseScopeString(String scopeString) throws TokenException { Map<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>> scopes = new LinkedHashMap<BackplaneMessage.Field, LinkedHashSet<String>>(); logger.debug("parsing scopeString = '" + scopeString + "' ..."); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(scopeString)) { // TODO: is there a maximum length for the scope string? for (String token : scopeString.split(Scope.SEPARATOR, Scope.MAX_PARAMETERS)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(token)) continue; Pair<BackplaneMessage.Field, String> keyValue = parseScopeToken(token); if (!scopes.containsKey(keyValue.getLeft())) { scopes.put(keyValue.getLeft(), new LinkedHashSet<String>()); } scopes.get(keyValue.getLeft()).add(keyValue.getRight()); logger.debug("added " + keyValue.getLeft() + ":" + keyValue.getRight()); } } logger.debug("parsed scopes: " + scopes); return scopes; } private static Pair<BackplaneMessage.Field, String> parseScopeToken(String token) throws TokenException { // all scope tokens need to have the ":" key/value delimiter // if they have the ":" in the value (like the source field MUST have) // we will use the first ":" as the key/value delimiter. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(token)) { throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_INVALID_SCOPE, "invalid, empty scope token: " + token); } int delimiterIndex = token.indexOf(Scope.DELIMITER); if (delimiterIndex == -1 || delimiterIndex >= token.length() - 1) { String errMsg = "Malformed scope, token: '" + token + "' not in format: '<key>" + DELIMITER + "<value>'"; logger.debug(errMsg); throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_INVALID_SCOPE, errMsg); } BackplaneMessage.Field key = scopeKeys.get(token.substring(0, delimiterIndex)); if (key == null) { throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_INVALID_SCOPE, "invalid scope key / message field in token: " + token); } String value = token.substring(delimiterIndex + 1); try { key.validate(value); } catch (SimpleDBException e) { throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_INVALID_SCOPE, "invalid scope value in token: " + token); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { throw new TokenException(OAuth2.OAUTH2_TOKEN_INVALID_SCOPE, "invalid scope value in token: " + token); } return new Pair<BackplaneMessage.Field, String>(key, value); } }