Java tutorial
package com.jamfsoftware.jss.healthcheck; /*- * #%L * HealthCheckUtility * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 JAMF Software, LLC * %% * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * #L% */ import*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.jdom2.*; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import com.jamfsoftware.jss.healthcheck.controller.ConfigurationController; import com.jamfsoftware.jss.healthcheck.controller.HTTPController; import com.jamfsoftware.jss.healthcheck.controller.SystemCommandController; import com.jamfsoftware.jss.healthcheck.util.JSONBuilder; /** *, Written December 2015, Jacob Schultz * This class is responsible for making all of the API calls and then building a JSON String to be output or used by the interface. * It will also get information from the JSS Health Check page and the JSS Summary * Must provide a JSS URL, Username and Password * */ public class HealthCheck { //This String array represents all of the API objects that will be hit during the Health Check. private static final String[] APIObjects = { "computers", "mobiledevices", "users", "activationcode", "computercheckin", "ldapservers", "gsxconnection", "vppaccounts", "computergroups", "mobiledevicegroups", "usergroups", "managedpreferenceprofiles", "printers", "computerextensionattributes", "mobiledeviceextensionattributes", "computerconfigurations", "scripts", "policies", "summarydata", "smtpserver" }; private DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); //Class level variables used for calculations and storing the JSON generated. private int numberOfComputers; private int numberOfMobileDevices; private int numberOfUsers; private JSONBuilder outputJSON; private JSSSummary summary; private String isCloudJSS = ""; //New Health Check object. Set the number of devices/users for later calculations. //Create the JSON, and perform all of the API calls. public HealthCheck(String url, String username, String password) { //Check if there is a slash on the end of the URL if ((url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) == url.length()) { url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1); } //Start the API Checks and build the JSON. System.out.println("Getting JSS Summary.."); JSSConnectionTest test = new JSSConnectionTest(url, username, password); this.summary = new JSSSummary(getJSSSummary(url, username, password, test.getJSSVersion())); getJSSHealthCheckPage(url, username, password); this.isCloudJSS = Boolean.toString(test.isCloudJSS()); this.numberOfComputers = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "computers"); this.numberOfMobileDevices = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "mobiledevices"); this.numberOfUsers = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "users"); this.outputJSON = new JSONBuilder(); this.outputJSON.updateTotals(Integer.toString(this.numberOfComputers), Integer.toString(this.numberOfMobileDevices), Integer.toString(this.numberOfUsers), url); this.outputJSON.addComma(); //Check to make sure a MySQL user was provided, if not, don't perform System Checks. SystemChecks(this.outputJSON); //Add the body of the JSON. this.outputJSON.addObject("checkdata"); //Call the methods that loops through the API Objects APIChecks(url, username, password); } //Blank Constructor to access object methods. public HealthCheck() { } //Use this constructor for OS's without a GUI. public HealthCheck(boolean headless, String url, String username, String password) { System.out.println("Performing Health Check, Please Wait..."); System.out.println("Getting the JSS Summary"); JSSConnectionTest test = new JSSConnectionTest(url, username, password); this.isCloudJSS = Boolean.toString(test.isCloudJSS()); this.summary = new JSSSummary(getJSSSummary(url, username, password, test.getJSSVersion())); this.numberOfComputers = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "computers"); this.numberOfMobileDevices = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "mobiledevices"); this.numberOfUsers = checkAPILength(url, username, password, "users"); this.outputJSON = new JSONBuilder(); this.outputJSON.updateTotals(Integer.toString(this.numberOfComputers), Integer.toString(this.numberOfMobileDevices), Integer.toString(this.numberOfUsers), url); this.outputJSON.addComma(); System.out.println("Running System and Database Checks"); SystemChecks(this.outputJSON); this.outputJSON.addObject("checkdata"); APIChecks(url, username, password); } /** * Loop through all of the API Objects and perform checks * @param url JSS URL * @param username JSS Username * @param password JSS Password */ public void APIChecks(String url, String username, String password) { //Loops through the API Objects and informs the user what is currently being checked. for (String Object : APIObjects) { System.out.println("Hitting API Object: " + Object); APIObject(Object, url, username, password, this.outputJSON); } //Close the JSON. this.outputJSON.closeFinalObject(); this.outputJSON.closeJSON(); } /** * Peform all of the system checks, and add them to the JSON string. * @param json the JSON string. */ public void SystemChecks(JSONBuilder json) { json.addObject("system"); //make a new system command controller object to handle the system commands. SystemCommandController commands = new SystemCommandController(); json.addElement("os", this.summary.getOperatingSystem()); json.addElement("iscloudjss", this.isCloudJSS); json.addElement("javaversion", this.summary.getJavaVersion()); json.addElement("javavendor", this.summary.getJavaVendor()); json.addElement("webapp_dir", this.summary.getWebAppDir()); json.addElement("clustering", this.summary.getIsClustered()); json.addElement("mysql_version", this.summary.getMySQLVersion().trim()); ArrayList<String[]> large_tables = this.summary.getLargeMySQLTables(); json.addArrayObject("largeSQLtables"); for (int i = 0; i < large_tables.size(); i++) { String[] table = large_tables.get(i); json.openArrayObject(); json.addElement("table_name", table[0]); json.addFinalElement("table_size", table[1] + " MB"); json.closeObject(); } if (large_tables.size() > 0) { json.removeComma(); } json.closeArrayObject(); json.addElement("database_size", Double.toString(this.summary.getDatabaseSize())); json.addElement("proc_cores", Integer.toString(commands.getProcCores())); json.addElement("free_memory", Long.toString(commands.getFreeMem())); json.addElement("max_memory", Long.toString(commands.getMaxMemory())); json.addElement("memory_currently_in_use", Long.toString(commands.getMemoryInUse())); json.addElement("total_space", Long.toString(commands.getSpaceDetails()[0])); json.addElement("free_space", Long.toString(commands.getSpaceDetails()[1])); json.addElement("usable_space", Long.toString(commands.getSpaceDetails()[2])); //Close Object json.removeComma(); json.closeObject(); } /** * This method POSTs to the JSS Summary page, with all options enabled. * @return The entire JSS summary result from the post. */ public String getJSSSummary(String url, String username, String password, double version) { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); try { if (version >= 9.93) { return api.doGet(url + "/summary.html?2=on&3=on&4=on&6=on&5=on&9=on&7=on&313=on&24=on&350=on&600=on&22=on&26=on&23=on&24=on&25=on&28=on&27=on&312=on&53=on&54=on&54=on&255=on&24=on&51=on&65=on&80=on&136=on&135=on&133=on&134=on&137=on&221=on&166=on&390=on&72=on&141=on&124=on&125=on&158=on&252=on&163=on&310=on&381=on&500=on&90=on&91=on&92=on&96=on&95=on&94=on&93=on&74=on&75=on&76=on&82=on&81=on&122=on&118=on&119=on&73=on&117=on&123=on&83=on&11=on&77=on&171=on&128=on&86=on&131=on&314=on&169=on&87=on&41=on&42=on&43=on&360=on&44=on&45=on&tableRowCounts=on&tableSize=on&action=Create&safari_autofill_target=&FIELD_JAMF_NATION_USERNAME=&fakeUsername=&fakePassword=&FIELD_JAMF_NATION_PASSWORD=&username=" + username + "&password=" + password); } else { return api.doGet(url + "/summary.html?2=on&3=off&4=on&6=on&5=on&9=on&7=on&313=on&24=on&350=on&22=on&26=on&23=on&24=on&25=on&28=on&27=on&312=on&53=on&54=on&54=on&255=on&24=on&51=on&65=on&80=on&136=on&135=on&133=on&134=on&137=on&221=on&166=on&72=on&141=on&124=on&125=on&158=on&252=on&163=on&310=on&381=on&90=on&91=on&92=on&96=on&95=on&94=on&93=on&74=on&75=on&76=on&82=on&81=on&122=on&118=on&119=on&73=on&117=on&123=on&83=on&11=on&77=on&171=on&128=on&86=on&131=on&314=on&169=on&87=on&41=on&42=on&43=on&360=on&44=on&45=on&tableRowCounts=on&tableSize=on&Action=Create&username=" + username + "&password=" + password); } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * This method POSTs to the JSS Health Check page and checks for any errors. * If there are errors, print them to the console. */ public void getJSSHealthCheckPage(String url, String username, String password) { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); try { System.out.println("Getting JSS healthCheck.html data..."); String result = api.doGet(url + "/healthCheck.html?username=" + username + "&password=" + password); if (result.equals("[]")) { System.out.println("No JSS healthCheck.html page errors detected."); } else if (result.contains("DBConnectionError")) { System.out.println("An error occurred while testing the database connection. (JSS Error)"); } else if (result.contains("SetupAssistant")) { System.out.println("The JSS Setup Assistant was detected. (JSS Warning)"); } else if (result.contains("DBConnectionConfigError")) { System.out.println( "A configuration error occurred while attempting to connect to the database. (JSS Error)"); } else if (result.contains("Initializing")) { System.out.println("The JSS web application is initializing. (JSS Warning)"); } else if (result.contains("ChildNodeStartUpError")) { System.out.println( "An instance of the JSS web application in a clustered environment failed to start. (JSS Error)"); } else if (result.contains("InitializationError")) { System.out.println( "A fatal error occurred and prevented the JSS web application from starting (JSS Error)"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get JSS healthCheck.html data."); } } /** * Hit a given API Object, parse the XML returned, then add the results * to the JSON String. Also handles parsing of the JSS Summary. * @param Object An API Object as a String * @param url JSS URL * @param username JSS Username * @param password JSS Password * @param jsonString The running JSON String */ public void APIObject(String Object, String url, String username, String password, JSONBuilder jsonString) { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); //Create XML Object Parser SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); //Build the JSON try { //Send an API GET and store the returned String. String result = ""; //Create a new XML element. Document doc = null; //If it's not the Summary Object, build the XML doc from the result of the API call. if (!Object.equals("summarydata")) { try { result = replaceSpecChars(api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/" + Object)); doc = ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes("UTF-8"))); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to parse XML document for object: " + Object); } //Add the JSS Summary items to the JSON } else { System.out.println("Parsing JSS Summary.."); //Do all of the summary checks jsonString.addObject("password_strength"); String[] password_info = this.summary.getPasswordInformation(); jsonString.addElement("uppercase?", password_info[0]); jsonString.addElement("lowercase?", password_info[1]); jsonString.addElement("number?", password_info[2]); jsonString.addFinalElement("spec_chars?", password_info[3]); jsonString.closeObject(); String[] change_info = this.summary.getChangeManagementInfo(); jsonString.addObject("changemanagment"); jsonString.addElement("isusinglogfile", change_info[0]); jsonString.addFinalElement("logpath", change_info[1]); jsonString.closeObject(); String[] tomcat_info = this.summary.getTomcatCert(); jsonString.addObject("tomcat"); jsonString.addElement("ssl_cert_issuer", tomcat_info[0]); jsonString.addFinalElement("cert_expires", tomcat_info[1]); jsonString.closeObject(); jsonString.addObject("logflushing"); jsonString.addFinalElement("log_flush_time", this.summary.getLogFlushingInfo()); jsonString.closeObject(); String[] push_cert_info = this.summary.getPushCertInfo(); jsonString.addObject("push_cert_expirations"); jsonString.addElement("mdm_push_cert", push_cert_info[0]); jsonString.addFinalElement("push_proxy", push_cert_info[1]); jsonString.closeObject(); jsonString.addObject("loginlogouthooks"); jsonString.addFinalElement("is_configured", this.summary.loginLogoutHooksEnabled().toString()); jsonString.closeObject(); try { String[] device_table_counts = this.summary.getTableRowCounts().split(","); jsonString.addObject("device_row_counts"); jsonString.addElement("computers", device_table_counts[0]); jsonString.addElement("computers_denormalized", device_table_counts[1]); jsonString.addElement("mobile_devices", device_table_counts[2]); jsonString.addFinalElement("mobile_devices_denormalized", device_table_counts[3]); jsonString.closeObject(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to parse table row counts from the JSS Summary."); } } if (Object.equals("activationcode")) { List<Element> activationcode = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.addObject("activationcode"); jsonString.addElement("expires", this.summary.getActivationCodeExpiration()); jsonString.addFinalElement("code", activationcode.get(1).getValue()); jsonString.closeObject(); } else if (Object.equals("computercheckin")) { List<Element> computercheckin = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.addObject("computercheckin"); jsonString.addFinalElement("frequency", computercheckin.get(0).getValue()); jsonString.closeObject(); //Get all of the LDAP servers and parse each one. Can take awhile if a lot of LDAP servers. } else if (Object.equals("ldapservers")) { List<Element> ldapservers = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); //Get all of the computer group IDS ArrayList<String> ldap_servers = parseMultipleObjects(ldapservers); jsonString.addArrayObject("ldapservers"); for (int l = 0; l < ldap_servers.size(); l++) { String ldap_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/ldapservers/id/" + ldap_servers.get(l)); Document account_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(ldap_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> serv = account_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addElement("id", serv.get(0).getContent().get(0).getValue()); jsonString.addElement("name", serv.get(0).getContent().get(1).getValue()); jsonString.addElement("type", serv.get(0).getContent().get(3).getValue()); jsonString.addFinalElement("address", serv.get(0).getContent().get(2).getValue()); jsonString.closeObject(); } if (ldap_servers.size() > 0) { //Remove a comma from the last element jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); } else if (Object.equals("gsxconnection")) { List<Element> gsxconnection = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.addObject("gsxconnection"); if (gsxconnection.get(0).getValue().equals("true")) { jsonString.addElement("status", "enabled"); jsonString.addFinalElement("uri", gsxconnection.get(5).getValue()); } else { jsonString.addFinalElement("status", "disabled"); } jsonString.closeObject(); } else if (Object.equals("managedpreferenceprofiles")) { List<Element> managedpreferenceprofiles = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.addObject("managedpreferenceprofiles"); if (!(managedpreferenceprofiles.get(0).getValue().equals("0"))) { jsonString.addFinalElement("status", "enabled"); } else { jsonString.addFinalElement("status", "disabled"); } jsonString.closeObject(); //Method to parse the group info, since they all follow the same format. //Gets all of the groups by ID, then parses each one. Can take awhile if the JSS contains a lot of groups. } else if (Object.equals("computergroups") || Object.equals("mobiledevicegroups") || Object.equals("usergroups")) { parseGroupObjects(Object, url, username, password, jsonString); } else //Looping through the VPP Accounts and checking the token expire date. Can take awhile if a lot of VPP accounts. if (Object.equals("vppaccounts")) { List<Element> vpp_accounts = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); //Get all of the vpp_account IDS ArrayList<String> vpp_account_ids = parseMultipleObjects(vpp_accounts); //Get the current date Date date = new Date(); jsonString.addArrayObject("vppaccounts"); //Loop through all of the IDS and get individual account information for (int a = 0; a < vpp_account_ids.size(); a++) { String account_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/vppaccounts/id/" + vpp_account_ids.get(a)); Document account_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(account_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> acc = account_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); //Get the exp date String exp_date = acc.get(5).getContent().get(0).getValue(); jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addElement("id", acc.get(0).getContent().get(0).getValue()); jsonString.addElement("name", acc.get(1).getContent().get(0).getValue()); jsonString.addFinalElement("days_until_expire", Long.toString(calculateDays(dateFormat.format(date), exp_date))); jsonString.closeObject(); } if (vpp_accounts.size() > 1) { jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); //Get each script by ID and then parse each one //Can take a while if the JSS contains a lot of scripts. } else if (Object.equals("scripts")) { List<Element> scripts = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); ArrayList<String> script_ids = parseMultipleObjects(scripts); ArrayList<String> scripts_needing_update = new ArrayList<>(); //Get all of the scripts jsonString.addArrayObject("scripts_needing_update"); for (int s = 0; s < script_ids.size(); s++) { String script_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/scripts/id/" + script_ids.get(s)); Document script_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(script_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> script = script_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); //Get the script name and the actual content of the script String script_name = ""; if (script.size() > 0) { script_name = script.get(1).getContent().get(0).getValue(); } String script_code = ""; //Check to make the script actually has contents if (script.size() >= 10) { if (script.get(9).getContent().size() > 0) { script_code = script.get(9).getContent().get(0).getValue(); } } //Check for the old binary location, if it is present, add it to an arraylist. if (script_code.toLowerCase().contains("/usr/sbin/jamf") || script_code.toLowerCase().contains("rm -rf") || script_code.toLowerCase().contains("jamf recon")) { scripts_needing_update.add(script_name); } } //Check if there are any scripts that use the old location if (scripts_needing_update.size() > 0) { for (int s = 0; s < scripts_needing_update.size(); s++) { jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addFinalElement("name", scripts_needing_update.get(s)); jsonString.closeObject(); } jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); //Get each printer by ID and then parse each one individually. //Can take a while if a lot of printers are present. } else if (Object.equals("printers")) { List<Element> printers = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); ArrayList<String> printer_ids = parseMultipleObjects(printers); jsonString.addArrayObject("printer_warnings"); int xerox_count = 0; for (int p = 0; p < printer_ids.size(); p++) { String printer_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/printers/id/" + printer_ids.get(p)); Document printer_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(printer_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> printer = printer_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); if (printer.get(6).getContent().size() != 0) { String printer_model = printer.get(6).getContent().get(0).getValue(); //Warn of large Xerox drivers. if (printer_model.toLowerCase().contains("xerox")) { xerox_count++; jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addFinalElement("model", printer_model); jsonString.closeObject(); } } } if (xerox_count > 0) { jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); //Check the count of several JSS items. } else if (Object.equals("computerextensionattributes")) { parseObjectCount(Object, url, username, password, jsonString); } else if (Object.equals("mobiledeviceextensionattributes")) { parseObjectCount(Object, url, username, password, jsonString); } else if (Object.equals("computerconfigurations")) { parseObjectCount(Object, url, username, password, jsonString); } else if (Object.equals("networksegments")) { parseObjectCount(Object, url, username, password, jsonString); //Get every policy by ID and then parse each one. //Can take a while if a lot of policies are present. } else if (Object.equals("policies")) { List<Element> policies = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); ArrayList<String> policy_ids = parseMultipleObjects(policies); jsonString.addArrayObject("policies_with_issues"); int issue_policy_count = 0; for (int p = 0; p < policy_ids.size(); p++) { String policy_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/policies/id/" + policy_ids.get(p)); Document policy_info_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(policy_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> policy = policy_info_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); //A policy that ongoing and updates inventory AND is triggered on a checkin if ((policy.get(9).getContent().get(0).getValue().equals("true")) && (policy.get(0).getContent().get(11).getValue().equals("Ongoing") && policy.get(0).getContent().get(4).getValue().equals("true"))) { jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addElement("name", policy.get(0).getContent().get(1).getValue()); jsonString.addElement("ongoing", Boolean.toString(policy.get(9).getContent().get(0).getValue().equals("true") && policy.get(0).getContent().get(11).getValue().equals("Ongoing"))); jsonString.addFinalElement("checkin_trigger", Boolean.toString(policy.get(0).getContent().get(4).getValue().equals("true"))); jsonString.closeObject(); issue_policy_count++; } } if (issue_policy_count > 0) { jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); //List the SMTP Server. } else if (Object.equals("smtpserver")) { List<Element> smtp_server = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); jsonString.addObject("smtpserver"); if (smtp_server.get(10).getContent().size() > 0) { jsonString.addElement("server", smtp_server.get(1).getContent().get(0).getValue()); jsonString.addFinalElement("sender_email", smtp_server.get(10).getContent().get(0).getValue()); } jsonString.closeFinalObject(); } //Catch all API Call errors and print the error. } catch (Exception e) { //Should still close JSON objects if (Object.equals("activationcode") || Object.equals("computercheckin") || Object.equals("gsxconnection") || Object.equals("managedpreferenceprofiles")) { jsonString.closeObject(); } else if (Object.equals("ldapservers") || Object.equals("vppaccounts") || Object.equals("printers") || Object.equals("scripts") || Object.equals("policies")) { jsonString.closeArrayObject(); } else if (Object.equals("smtpserver")) { jsonString.closeFinalObject(); } System.out.println("Error making API call: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } //System.out.println(jsonString.returnJSON()); } /** * This method parses the ID out of an XML Object when multiple items * are returned from the API. (Like a list of Computer IDS). * @param object The XML Doc returned from the JSS * @return An array list of IDs */ public ArrayList<String> parseMultipleObjects(List<Element> object) { ArrayList<String> list_of_ids = new ArrayList<String>(); //Starts at one because the first returned item is the size of the xml object for (int i = 1; i < object.size(); i++) { Element account = object.get(i); //Get the ID of the object, which is the first returned in the XML String id = account.getContent().get(0).getValue(); //Add to list of IDS list_of_ids.add(id); } return list_of_ids; } /** * Checks the length of an object in the JSS via the API. * @param url JSS URL. * @param username JSS Username. * @param password JSS Password. * @param object JSS API Object. * @return size of the API Object. */ public int checkAPILength(String url, String username, String password, String object) { try { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); String result = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/" + object); Document doc = ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> returned = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); return returned.size() - 1; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error making API Call: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * Method that counts the elements in a JSS and writes to the JSON string. */ public void parseObjectCount(String Object, String url, String username, String password, JSONBuilder jsonString) { try { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); String result = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/" + Object); Document doc = ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> objects = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); int count = parseMultipleObjects(objects).size(); jsonString.addObject(Object); jsonString.addFinalElement("count", Integer.toString(count)); jsonString.closeObject(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.print(e); } } //This method gets all Computer, Mobile or Smart Groups by ID, then tallies the Criteria and Nested counts. Adds problem groups to JSON. /** * This method gets all of the Computer, Mobile or User Smart Groups * by ID, then tallies the Criteria and Nested counts. * Adds problem groups to the JSON String. */ public void parseGroupObjects(String Object, String url, String username, String password, JSONBuilder jsonString) { ConfigurationController con = new ConfigurationController(true); try { HTTPController api = new HTTPController(username, password); SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); String result = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/" + Object); Document doc = ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> groups = doc.getRootElement().getChildren(); //Get all of the computer group IDS ArrayList<String> group_ids = parseMultipleObjects(groups); jsonString.addArrayObject(Object); int problems_added = 0; for (int c = 0; c < group_ids.size(); c++) { String group_info = api.doGet(url + "/JSSResource/" + Object + "/id/" + group_ids.get(c)); Document account_as_xml = ByteArrayInputStream(group_info.getBytes("UTF-8"))); List<Element> group = account_as_xml.getRootElement().getChildren(); String name = group.get(1).getContent().get(0).getValue(); int nested_groups_count = 0; int crit_count = 0; //Criteria has a different XML index value in each object for some reason. if (Object.equals("computergroups")) { crit_count = Integer.parseInt(group.get(4).getContent().get(0).getValue()); } else if (Object.equals("mobiledevicegroups")) { crit_count = Integer.parseInt(group.get(3).getContent().get(0).getValue()); } else { crit_count = Integer.parseInt(group.get(5).getContent().get(0).getValue()); } //Loop through all of the Crit and check for nested groups. for (int cri = 1; cri < group.get(4).getContent().size(); cri++) { String value = group.get(4).getContent().get(1).getValue(); if (value.contains("Computer Group") || value.contains("Mobile Device Group") || value.contains("User Group")) { nested_groups_count++; } } //Should only add problem groups if (nested_groups_count != 0 || crit_count > Integer .parseInt(con.getValue("configurations,smart_groups", "criteria_count")[0])) { jsonString.openArrayObject(); jsonString.addElement("id", group.get(0).getContent().get(0).getValue()); jsonString.addElement("name", name); jsonString.addElement("nested_groups_count", Integer.toString(nested_groups_count)); jsonString.addFinalElement("criteria_count", Integer.toString(crit_count)); jsonString.closeObject(); problems_added++; } } if (problems_added > 0) { //Need to remove the comma off of the final object in the group object jsonString.removeComma(); } jsonString.closeArrayObject(); //Print an error making the the group api call. } catch (Exception e) { jsonString.closeArrayObject(); e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error with group: " + e); } } //Below two methods used for date calculations public static long calculateDays(String startDate, String endDate) { Date sDate = new Date(startDate); Date eDate = new Date(endDate); Calendar cal3 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal3.setTime(sDate); Calendar cal4 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal4.setTime(eDate); return daysBetween(cal3, cal4); } public static long daysBetween(Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate) { Calendar date = (Calendar) startDate.clone(); long daysBetween = 0; while (date.before(endDate)) { date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); daysBetween++; } return daysBetween; } //Return output JSON as a string to be parsed. public String getJSONAsString() { return this.outputJSON.returnJSON(); } String replaceSpecChars(String input) { String cleaned = input; if (input.contains("&")) { cleaned = input.replaceAll("&", "&"); } if (input.contains("#")) { cleaned = input.replaceAll("#", "#"); } if (input.contains(":")) { cleaned = input.replaceAll("&", ":"); } if (input.contains(";")) { cleaned = input.replaceAll("&", ";"); } return cleaned; } }