Java tutorial
/** * RankCapes Bukkit Plugin * * Copyright (c) 2013 Jacob Rhoda. * Released under the MIT license * */ package com.jadarstudios.rankcapes.bukkit; import com.jadarstudios.rankcapes.bukkit.CapePackValidator.InvalidCapePackException; import com.jadarstudios.rankcapes.bukkit.command.MyCapeCommand; import com.jadarstudios.rankcapes.bukkit.database.PlayerCape; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.mcstats.MetricsLite; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; public class RankCapesBukkit extends JavaPlugin { public static final String CAPE_PERMISSION_BASE = "rankcapes.cape.use."; public static final String PLUGIN_CHANNEL = "rankcapes"; private static RankCapesBukkit INSTANCE; private String capePackName = ""; private byte[] capePack = null; private List<String> availableCapes; public static RankCapesBukkit instance() { return INSTANCE; } @Override public void onEnable() { INSTANCE = this; // initializes the availableCapes list. this.availableCapes = new ArrayList<String>(); // makes the plugin data folder if necessary. this.getDataFolder().mkdir(); this.setupConfig(); // sets up the plugin metrics/stats ( this.setupMetrics(); // registers the packet channels with bukkit. this.registerChannels(); this.setupDatabase(); this.getCommand("mycape").setExecutor(new MyCapeCommand(this)); // this.getCommand("testpacket").setExecutor(new CommandTestPacket(this)); try { this.loadCapePack(); } catch (IOException e) { this.getLogger().severe("Cape Pack not found! It is either an invalid ZIP file or does not exist!"); this.disable(); return; } try { this.validatePack(this.capePack); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().severe("Error while validating Cape Pack! The file may be corrupt."); e.printStackTrace(); this.disable(); return; } catch (InvalidCapePackException e) { getLogger().severe("Error while validating Cape Pack!"); e.printStackTrace(); this.disable(); return; } catch (ParseException e) { getLogger().severe("Error while validating Cape Pack!"); e.printStackTrace(); this.disable(); return; } // registers the player event hander. this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(PlayerEventHandler.INSTANCE, this); PluginPacketHandler packetHandler = PluginPacketHandler.INSTANCE; for (Player p : packetHandler.getPlayersServing()) { packetHandler.sendCapePack(p); packetHandler.sendAvailableCapes(p); } } /** * Called when the plugin is disabled. */ @Override public void onDisable() { Bukkit.getMessenger().unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(this, PLUGIN_CHANNEL); this.capePack = null; this.availableCapes = null; } /** * Loads in the plugin config. */ private void setupConfig() { // makes default config file if its not already there. this.saveDefaultConfig(); this.capePackName = this.getConfig().getString("cape-pack"); } /** * Sets up plugin metrics ( */ private void setupMetrics() { try { MetricsLite metrics = new MetricsLite(this); metrics.start(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ignored) { } } /** * Sets up the plugin database. */ private void setupDatabase() { try { // finds if database exists. this.getDatabase().find(PlayerCape.class).findRowCount(); } catch (PersistenceException ex) { getLogger().info( "Installing database for " + this.getDescription().getName() + " due to first time usage"); this.installDDL(); } } /** * Registers the plugin channels to communicate with the client. */ private void registerChannels() { // 'get' the packet handler ordinal to initialize it. PluginPacketHandler.INSTANCE.ordinal(); // outgoing channel Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, PLUGIN_CHANNEL); // incoming channel. Bukkit.getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(this, PLUGIN_CHANNEL, PluginPacketHandler.INSTANCE); } /** * Reads the cape pack into the capePack byte array to be sent to the * client. */ private void loadCapePack() throws IOException { // location of the cape pack. File file = new File(this.getDataFolder() + File.separator + this.capePackName); if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getName() + " is a directory, not a file."); } // copies default to the plugin folder if (!file.exists()) { this.saveResource("", false); } this.getLogger().info("Loading cape pack: " + file.getName()); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); // read cape pack from the RankCapes folder. try { this.capePack = new byte[(int) file.length()];; } finally { fis.close(); } } /** * Validates a cape pack and returns true if it is valid. * * @param pack to validate */ private void validatePack(byte[] pack) throws IOException, InvalidCapePackException, ParseException { boolean foundMetadata = false; if (pack == null) { throw new InvalidCapePackException("The cape pack was null"); } if (!CapePackValidator.isZipFile(pack)) { throw new InvalidCapePackException("The cape pack is not a ZIP file."); } ZipInputStream zipIn = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pack)); ZipEntry entry; // reads the zip and finds the files. if the pack config file is not found, return false. while ((entry = zipIn.getNextEntry()) != null) // if the zip contains a file names "pack.mcmeta" { if (entry.getName().equals("pack.mcmeta")) { foundMetadata = true; try { this.parseMetadata(zipIn); } finally { zipIn.close(); } break; } } if (!foundMetadata) { throw new InvalidCapePackException("The Cape Pack metadata was not found."); } } /** * Parses cape pack metadata. * * @param input zip input stream of the cape pack. */ private void parseMetadata(ZipInputStream input) throws InvalidCapePackException, IOException, ParseException { Object root = JSONValue.parseWithException(new InputStreamReader(input)); JSONObject object = (JSONObject) root; CapePackValidator.validatePack(object); for (Object key : object.keySet()) { if (key instanceof String) { this.availableCapes.add((String) key); } } } /** * Gets all the capes that are available to be used. * * @return list of all capes. */ public List<String> getAvailableCapes() { return this.availableCapes; } /** * Gets the cape pack in bytes. * * @return cape pack byte array. */ public byte[] getCapePack() { return this.capePack; } /** * Gets player's cape from plugin database. * * @param player the player of whose cape to return * * @return the database entry of the given player's cape */ public PlayerCape getPlayerCape(Player player) { return this.getDatabase().find(PlayerCape.class).where().ieq("playerName", player.getName()).findUnique(); } /** * Sets the player cape in the database. * * @param cape the database entry */ public void setPlayerCape(PlayerCape cape) { this.getDatabase().save(cape); } /** * Removes a player's cape from the database. * * @param player the player of whose cape to delete * * @return if the cape was deleted */ public boolean deletePlayerCape(Player player) { PlayerCape cape = this.getPlayerCape(player); if (cape != null) { this.getDatabase().delete(cape); return true; } return false; } /** * Gets all the classes used to get data from the database. * * @return list of classes for a table. */ @Override public List<Class<?>> getDatabaseClasses() { List<Class<?>> list = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); list.add(PlayerCape.class); return list; } /** * Disables the plugin. Also logs a message. */ public void disable() { getLogger().info("Disabling!"); this.getServer().getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this); } }