Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2008 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved. * * * * * Copyright 2001 Johannes Lehtinen * Copyright 2002 Paul Wilkinson * Copyright 2004 Gaganis Giorgos * Copyright 2007 Syed Khadeer / Hans Aikema * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.izforge.izpack.compiler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.IXMLElement; import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.IXMLParser; import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.IXMLWriter; import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.impl.XMLParser; import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.impl.XMLWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.CompilerException; import com.izforge.izpack.api.factory.ObjectFactory; import com.izforge.izpack.api.installer.DataValidator; import com.izforge.izpack.api.installer.DataValidator.Status; import com.izforge.izpack.api.merge.Mergeable; import com.izforge.izpack.api.rules.Condition; import com.izforge.izpack.api.rules.RulesEngine; import com.izforge.izpack.api.substitutor.SubstitutionType; import com.izforge.izpack.api.substitutor.VariableSubstitutor; import; import; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.helper.AssertionHelper; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.helper.TargetFileSet; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.helper.XmlCompilerHelper; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.listener.CompilerListener; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.merge.CompilerPathResolver; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.packager.IPackager; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.resource.ResourceFinder; import com.izforge.izpack.compiler.util.CompilerClassLoader; import; import; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.ConfigFileValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.EnvironmentValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.ExecValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.JarEntryConfigValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.PlainConfigFileValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.PlainValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.RegistryValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.ZipEntryConfigFileValue; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.filters.LocationFilter; import com.izforge.izpack.core.variable.filters.RegularExpressionFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.izforge.izpack.installer.gui.IzPanel; import com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.IUnpacker; import com.izforge.izpack.merge.MergeManager; import com.izforge.izpack.panels.extendedinstall.ExtendedInstallPanel; import com.izforge.izpack.panels.install.InstallPanel; import com.izforge.izpack.panels.treepacks.PackValidator; import com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.UserInputPanel; import com.izforge.izpack.util.FileUtil; import com.izforge.izpack.util.IoHelper; import com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraintHelper; import com.izforge.izpack.util.PlatformModelMatcher; import com.izforge.izpack.util.file.DirectoryScanner; import com.izforge.izpack.util.file.FileUtils; /** * A parser for the installer xml configuration. This parses a document conforming to the * installation.dtd and populates a Compiler instance to perform the install compilation. * * @author Scott Stark * @version $Revision$ */ public class CompilerConfig extends Thread { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CompilerConfig.class.getName()); /** * Constant for checking attributes. */ private static final boolean YES = Boolean.TRUE; /** * Constant for checking attributes. */ private static final Boolean NO = Boolean.FALSE; /** * The installer packager compiler */ private Compiler compiler; /** * Installer data */ private CompilerData compilerData; /** * List of CompilerListeners which should be called at packaging */ private List<CompilerListener> compilerListeners = new ArrayList<CompilerListener>(); /** * A list of packsLang-files that were defined by the user in the resource-section The key of * this map is an packsLang-file identifier, e.g. <code>packsLang.xml_eng</code>, the values are * lists of {@link URL} pointing to the concrete packsLang-files. * * @see #mergePacksLangFiles() */ private Map<String, List<URL>> packsLangUrlMap = new HashMap<String, List<URL>>(); /** * UserInputPanel IDs for cross check whether given user input panel * referred in the installation descriptor are really defined */ private Set<String> userInputPanelIds; private String unpackerClassname = "com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.Unpacker"; private String packagerClassname = "com.izforge.izpack.compiler.packager.impl.Packager"; private CompilerPathResolver pathResolver; private VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor; private XmlCompilerHelper xmlCompilerHelper; private PropertyManager propertyManager; private IPackager packager; private ResourceFinder resourceFinder; private MergeManager mergeManager; private AssertionHelper assertionHelper; private RulesEngine rules; /** * The factory for {@link CompilerListener} instances. */ private final ObjectFactory factory; /** * The OS constraints. */ private final PlatformModelMatcher constraints; /** * The class loader. */ private final CompilerClassLoader classLoader; private static final String TEMP_DIR_ELEMENT_NAME = "tempdir"; private static final String TEMP_DIR_PREFIX_ATTRIBUTE = "prefix"; private static final String DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR_PREFIX = "IzPack"; private static final String TEMP_DIR_SUFFIX_ATTRIBUTE = "suffix"; private static final String DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR_SUFFIX = "Install"; private static final String TEMP_DIR_VARIABLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "variablename"; private static final String TEMP_DIR_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME = "TEMP_DIRECTORY"; /** * Help information. */ private final static String HELP_TAG = "help"; private static final String ISO3_ATTRIBUTE = "iso3"; private final static String SRC_ATTRIBUTE = "src"; /** * Constructor * * @param compilerData Object containing all informations found in command line */ public CompilerConfig(CompilerData compilerData, VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor, Compiler compiler, XmlCompilerHelper xmlCompilerHelper, PropertyManager propertyManager, MergeManager mergeManager, AssertionHelper assertionHelper, RulesEngine rules, CompilerPathResolver pathResolver, ResourceFinder resourceFinder, ObjectFactory factory, PlatformModelMatcher constraints, CompilerClassLoader classLoader) { this.assertionHelper = assertionHelper; this.rules = rules; this.compilerData = compilerData; this.variableSubstitutor = variableSubstitutor; this.compiler = compiler; this.xmlCompilerHelper = xmlCompilerHelper; this.propertyManager = propertyManager; this.mergeManager = mergeManager; this.pathResolver = pathResolver; this.resourceFinder = resourceFinder; this.factory = factory; this.constraints = constraints; this.classLoader = classLoader; } /** * The run() method. */ @Override public void run() { try { executeCompiler(); } catch (CompilerException ce) { logger.severe(ce.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Compiles the installation. * * @throws Exception Description of the Exception */ public void executeCompiler() throws Exception { // normalize and test: TODO: may allow failure if we require write // access File base = new File(compilerData.getBasedir()).getAbsoluteFile(); if (!base.canRead() || !base.isDirectory()) { throw new CompilerException("Invalid base directory: " + base); } // add izpack built in property propertyManager.setProperty("basedir", base.toString()); // We get the XML data tree IXMLElement data = resourceFinder.getXMLTree(); // construct compiler listeners to receive all further compiler events addCompilerListeners(data); // loads the specified packager loadPackagingInformation(data); // Read the properties and perform replacement on the rest of the tree substituteProperties(data); // We add all the information addVariables(data); addDynamicVariables(data); addDynamicInstallerRequirement(data); addConditions(data); addInfo(data); addGUIPrefs(data); addLangpacks(data); addResources(data); addNativeLibraries(data); addJars(data); addPanelJars(data); addListenerJars(data); addPanels(data); addListeners(data); addPacks(data); addInstallerRequirement(data); // merge multiple packlang.xml files mergePacksLangFiles(); // We ask the packager to create the installer compiler.createInstaller(); } /** * Sets the packager. * * @param packager the packager */ protected void setPackager(IPackager packager) { this.packager = packager; } private void addInstallerRequirement(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addInstallerRequirement", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("installerrequirements"); List<InstallerRequirement> installerrequirements = new ArrayList<InstallerRequirement>(); if (root != null) { List<IXMLElement> installerrequirementsels = root.getChildrenNamed("installerrequirement"); for (IXMLElement installerrequirement : installerrequirementsels) { InstallerRequirement basicInstallerCondition = new InstallerRequirement(); String condition = installerrequirement.getAttribute("condition"); basicInstallerCondition.setCondition(condition); String message = installerrequirement.getAttribute("message"); basicInstallerCondition.setMessage(message); installerrequirements.add(basicInstallerCondition); } } packager.addInstallerRequirements(installerrequirements); notifyCompilerListener("addInstallerRequirement", CompilerListener.END, data); } private void loadPackagingInformation(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("loadPackager", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // Initialisation // REFACTOR : Moved packager initialisation to provider IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("packaging"); IXMLElement packagerElement = null; if (root != null) { packagerElement = root.getFirstChildNamed("packager"); if (packagerElement != null) { Class<IPackager> packagerClass = classLoader .loadClass(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(packagerElement, "class"), IPackager.class); packagerClassname = packagerClass.getName(); } IXMLElement unpacker = root.getFirstChildNamed("unpacker"); if (unpacker != null) { Class<IUnpacker> unpackerClass = classLoader .loadClass(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(unpacker, "class"), IUnpacker.class); unpackerClassname = unpackerClass.getName(); } } packager = factory.create(packagerClassname, IPackager.class); if (packagerElement != null) { IXMLElement options = packagerElement.getFirstChildNamed("options"); if (options != null) { packager.addConfigurationInformation(options); } } compiler.setPackager(packager); propertyManager.addProperty("UNPACKER_CLASS", unpackerClassname); notifyCompilerListener("loadPackager", CompilerListener.END, data); } public boolean wasSuccessful() { return compiler.wasSuccessful(); } /** * Returns the GUIPrefs. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void addGUIPrefs(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addGUIPrefs", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // We get the IXMLElement & the attributes IXMLElement guiPrefsElement = data.getFirstChildNamed("guiprefs"); GUIPrefs prefs = new GUIPrefs(); if (guiPrefsElement != null) { prefs.resizable = xmlCompilerHelper.requireYesNoAttribute(guiPrefsElement, "resizable"); prefs.width = xmlCompilerHelper.requireIntAttribute(guiPrefsElement, "width"); prefs.height = xmlCompilerHelper.requireIntAttribute(guiPrefsElement, "height"); // Look and feel mappings for (IXMLElement lafNode : guiPrefsElement.getChildrenNamed("laf")) { String lafName = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(lafNode, "name"); xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(lafNode, "os"); for (IXMLElement osNode : lafNode.getChildrenNamed("os")) { String osName = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(osNode, "family"); prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.put(osName, lafName); } Map<String, String> params = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (IXMLElement parameterNode : lafNode.getChildrenNamed("param")) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(parameterNode, "name"); String value = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(parameterNode, "value"); params.put(name, value); } prefs.lookAndFeelParams.put(lafName, params); } // Load modifier for (IXMLElement ixmlElement : guiPrefsElement.getChildrenNamed("modifier")) { String key = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "key"); String value = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "value"); prefs.modifier.put(key, value); } for (String s : prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.keySet()) { String lafName = prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(s); LookAndFeels feels = LookAndFeels.lookup(lafName); List<Mergeable> mergeableList = Collections.emptyList(); switch (feels) { case KUNSTSTOFF: mergeableList = pathResolver.getMergeableFromPackageName("com/incors/plaf"); break; case LIQUID: mergeableList = pathResolver.getMergeableFromPackageName("com/birosoft/liquid/"); break; case LOOKS: mergeableList = pathResolver.getMergeableFromPackageName("com/jgoodies/looks"); break; case SUBSTANCE: mergeableList = pathResolver.getMergeableJarFromPackageName("org/pushingpixels"); mergeableList.addAll(pathResolver.getMergeableFromPackageName("nanoxml")); break; case NIMBUS: // Nimbus was included in JDK 6u10, and in JDK7 changed packages. // mergeableList = // pathResolver.getMergeableFromPackageName("com/sun/java/swing/plaf/nimbus"); break; default: assertionHelper.parseError(guiPrefsElement, "Unrecognized Look and Feel: " + lafName); } for (Mergeable mergeable : mergeableList) { mergeManager.addResourceToMerge(mergeable); } } IXMLElement splashNode = guiPrefsElement.getFirstChildNamed("splash"); if (splashNode != null) { File file = resourceFinder.findProjectResource(splashNode.getContent(), "Resource", splashNode)); packager.setSplashScreenImage(file); } } packager.setGUIPrefs(prefs); notifyCompilerListener("addGUIPrefs", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Adds jars specified by {@code <jar src=.... />}. * * @param data the XML install data * @throws CompilerException if a required attribute is not present * @throws IOException if the jar cannot be read */ protected void addJars(IXMLElement data) throws IOException { notifyCompilerListener("addJars", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); for (IXMLElement ixmlElement : data.getChildrenNamed("jar")) { String src = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "src"); // all external jars contents regardless of stage type are merged into the installer // but we keep a copy of jar entries that user want to merge into uninstaller // as "customData", where the installer will get them into uninstaller.jar at the end of // installation // note if stage is empty or null, it is the same at 'install' String stage = ixmlElement.getAttribute("stage"); URL url = resourceFinder.findProjectResource(src, "Jar file", ixmlElement); boolean uninstaller = "both".equalsIgnoreCase(stage) || "uninstall".equalsIgnoreCase(stage); compiler.addJar(url, uninstaller); } notifyCompilerListener("addJars", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Adds jars specified by {@code <panel jar=.../>;} * * @param data the XML install data * @throws IOException if the jar cannot be read */ protected void addPanelJars(IXMLElement data) throws IOException { notifyCompilerListener("addPanelJars", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement panels = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "panels"); for (IXMLElement panel : panels.getChildrenNamed("panel")) { URL url = getPanelJarURL(panel); if (url != null) { compiler.addJar(url, false); } } notifyCompilerListener("addPanelJars", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Returns the URL for a panel jar, given the panel configuration. * * @param panel the panel configuration * @return the panel jar URL, or <tt>null</tt> if there is none * @throws CompilerException if a jar is specified but cannot be found */ private URL getPanelJarURL(IXMLElement panel) throws CompilerException { return getResourceURL(panel, "jar", "Panel jar file"); } /** * Returns the URL for a listener jar, given the listener configuration. * * @param listener the listener configuration * @return the listener jar URL, or <tt>null</tt> if there is none * @throws CompilerException if a jar is specified but cannot be found */ private URL getListenerJarURL(IXMLElement listener) throws CompilerException { return getResourceURL(listener, "jar", "Listener jar file"); } /** * Helper to return a resource URL given the XML configuration and resource attribute name. * * @param element the element * @param attribute the resource attribute name * @param description a description of the resource, for error reporting purposes * @return the resource URL, or <tt>null</tt> if the attribute is not set * @throws CompilerException if an attribute value exists, but the corresponding resource cannot * be found */ private URL getResourceURL(IXMLElement element, String attribute, String description) throws CompilerException { String value = element.getAttribute(attribute); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return resourceFinder.findIzPackResource(value, description, element, false); } return null; } /** * Adds jars specified by {@code <listener jar=.../>;} * * @param data the XML install data * @throws com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.CompilerException if the jar cannot be found * @throws IOException if the jar cannot be read */ protected void addListenerJars(IXMLElement data) throws IOException { notifyCompilerListener("addListenerJars", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement listeners = data.getFirstChildNamed("listeners"); if (listeners != null) { for (IXMLElement listener : listeners.getChildrenNamed("listener")) { Stage stage = Stage.valueOf(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(listener, "stage")); if (Stage.isInInstaller(stage)) { URL url = getListenerJarURL(listener); if (url != null) { compiler.addJar(url, stage == Stage.uninstall); } } } } notifyCompilerListener("addListenerJars", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Add native libraries to the installer. * * @param data The XML data. */ protected void addNativeLibraries(IXMLElement data) throws Exception { boolean needAddOns = false; notifyCompilerListener("addNativeLibraries", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement nativesElement = data.getFirstChildNamed("natives"); if (nativesElement == null) { return; } for (IXMLElement ixmlElement : nativesElement.getChildrenNamed("native")) { String type = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "type"); String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "name"); String path = ixmlElement.getAttribute("src"); if (path == null) { path = "com/izforge/izpack/bin/native/" + type + "/" + name; } String destination = "com/izforge/izpack/bin/native/" + name; mergeManager.addResourceToMerge(path, destination); // Additionals for mark a native lib also used in the uninstaller // The lib will be copied from the installer into the uninstaller if // needed. // Therefore the lib should be in the installer also it is used only // from // the uninstaller. This is the reason why the stage wiil be only // observed // for the uninstaller. String stage = ixmlElement.getAttribute("stage"); List<OsModel> constraints = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(ixmlElement); if ("both".equalsIgnoreCase(stage) || "uninstall".equalsIgnoreCase(stage)) { List<String> contents = new ArrayList<String>(); contents.add(destination); CustomData customData = new CustomData(null, contents, constraints, CustomData.UNINSTALLER_LIB); packager.addNativeUninstallerLibrary(customData); needAddOns = true; } } if (needAddOns) { // Add the uninstaller extensions as a resource if specified IXMLElement root = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "info"); IXMLElement uninstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("uninstaller"); if (xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(uninstallInfo, "write", YES)) { // REFACTOR Change the way uninstaller are created // Do we still need it on compile time? // URL url = findIzPackResource(propertyManager.getProperty("uninstaller-ext"), // "Uninstaller extensions", root); // packager.addResource("IzPack.uninstaller-ext", url); } } notifyCompilerListener("addNativeLibraries", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Add packs and their contents to the installer. * * @param data The XML data. */ protected void addPacks(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // the actual adding is delegated to addPacksSingle to enable recursive // parsing of refpack package definitions addPacksSingle(data); compiler.checkDependencies(); compiler.checkExcludes(); notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Add packs and their contents to the installer without checking the dependencies and includes. * <p/> * Helper method to recursively add more packs from refpack XML packs definitions * * @param data The XML data * @throws CompilerException */ private void addPacksSingle(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addPacksSingle", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // Initialisation IXMLElement root = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "packs"); // at least one pack is required List<IXMLElement> packElements = root.getChildrenNamed("pack"); List<IXMLElement> refPackElements = root.getChildrenNamed("refpack"); List<IXMLElement> refPackSets = root.getChildrenNamed("refpackset"); if (packElements.isEmpty() && refPackElements.isEmpty() && refPackSets.isEmpty()) { assertionHelper.parseError(root, "<packs> requires a <pack>, <refpack> or <refpackset>"); } File baseDir = new File(compilerData.getBasedir()); for (IXMLElement packElement : packElements) { // Trivial initialisations String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(packElement, "name"); String id = packElement.getAttribute("id"); String packImgId = packElement.getAttribute("packImgId"); boolean loose = Boolean.parseBoolean(packElement.getAttribute("loose", "false")); String description = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(packElement, "description").getContent(); boolean required = xmlCompilerHelper.requireYesNoAttribute(packElement, "required"); String group = packElement.getAttribute("group"); String installGroups = packElement.getAttribute("installGroups"); String excludeGroup = packElement.getAttribute("excludeGroup"); boolean uninstall = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(packElement.getAttribute("uninstall", "yes")); long size = xmlCompilerHelper.getLong(packElement, "size", 0); String parent = packElement.getAttribute("parent"); boolean hidden = Boolean.parseBoolean(packElement.getAttribute("hidden", "false")); String conditionid = packElement.getAttribute("condition"); if (required && excludeGroup != null) { assertionHelper.parseError(packElement, "Pack, which has excludeGroup can not be required.", new Exception("Pack, which has excludeGroup can not be required.")); } PackInfo pack = new PackInfo(name, id, description, required, loose, excludeGroup, uninstall, size); pack.setOsConstraints(OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(packElement)); // TODO: pack.setParent(parent); pack.setCondition(conditionid); pack.setHidden(hidden); // unverified // if the pack belongs to an excludeGroup it's not preselected by default if (excludeGroup == null) { pack.setPreselected(xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(packElement, "preselected", YES)); } else { pack.setPreselected(xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(packElement, "preselected", NO)); } // Set the pack group if specified if (group != null) { pack.setGroup(group); } // Set the pack install groups if specified if (installGroups != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(installGroups, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String igroup = st.nextToken(); pack.addInstallGroup(igroup); } } // Set the packImgId if specified if (packImgId != null) { pack.setPackImgId(packImgId); } List<IXMLElement> parsableChildren = packElement.getChildrenNamed("parsable"); processParsableChildren(pack, parsableChildren); List<IXMLElement> executableChildren = packElement.getChildrenNamed("executable"); processExecutableChildren(pack, executableChildren); processFileChildren(baseDir, packElement, pack); processSingleFileChildren(baseDir, packElement, pack); processFileSetChildren(baseDir, packElement, pack); processUpdateCheckChildren(packElement, pack); // We get the dependencies for (IXMLElement dependsNode : packElement.getChildrenNamed("depends")) { String depName = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(dependsNode, "packname"); pack.addDependency(depName); } for (IXMLElement validator : packElement.getChildrenNamed("validator")) { Class<PackValidator> type = classLoader.loadClass(xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(validator), PackValidator.class); pack.addValidator(type.getName()); } // We add the pack packager.addPack(pack); } for (IXMLElement refPackElement : refPackElements) { // get the name of reference xml file String refFileName = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(refPackElement, "file"); String selfcontained = refPackElement.getAttribute("selfcontained"); boolean isselfcontained = Boolean.valueOf(selfcontained); // parsing ref-pack-set file IXMLElement refXMLData = this.readRefPackData(refFileName, isselfcontained);"Reading refpack from " + refFileName); // Recursively call myself to add all packs and refpacks from the reference XML addPacksSingle(refXMLData); } for (IXMLElement refPackSet : refPackSets) { // the directory to scan String dir_attr = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(refPackSet, "dir"); File dir = new File(dir_attr); if (!dir.isAbsolute()) { dir = new File(compilerData.getBasedir(), dir_attr); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) // also tests '.exists()' { assertionHelper.parseError(refPackSet, "Invalid refpackset directory 'dir': " + dir_attr); } // include pattern String includeString = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(refPackSet, "includes"); String[] includes = includeString.split(", "); // scan for refpack files DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner(); ds.setIncludes(includes); ds.setBasedir(dir); ds.setCaseSensitive(true); // loop through all found fils and handle them as normal refpack files String[] files; try { ds.scan(); files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); for (String file : files) { String refFileName = new File(dir, file).toString(); // parsing ref-pack-set file IXMLElement refXMLData = this.readRefPackData(refFileName, false); // Recursively call myself to add all packs and refpacks from the reference XML addPacksSingle(refXMLData); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException(e.getMessage()); } } notifyCompilerListener("addPacksSingle", CompilerListener.END, data); } private void processUpdateCheckChildren(IXMLElement packElement, PackInfo pack) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement updateNode : packElement.getChildrenNamed("updatecheck")) { String casesensitive = updateNode.getAttribute("casesensitive"); // get includes and excludes ArrayList<String> includesList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> excludesList = new ArrayList<String>(); // get includes and excludes for (IXMLElement ixmlElement1 : updateNode.getChildrenNamed("include")) { includesList.add(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement1, "name")); } for (IXMLElement ixmlElement : updateNode.getChildrenNamed("exclude")) { excludesList.add(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "name")); } pack.addUpdateCheck(new UpdateCheck(includesList, excludesList, casesensitive)); } } private void processFileSetChildren(File baseDir, IXMLElement packElement, PackInfo pack) throws CompilerException { for (TargetFileSet fs : readFileSets(packElement)) { try { String[][] includedFilesAndDirs = new String[][] { fs.getDirectoryScanner().getIncludedDirectories(), fs.getDirectoryScanner().getIncludedFiles() }; for (String[] filesOrDirs : includedFilesAndDirs) { if (filesOrDirs != null) { for (String filePath : filesOrDirs) { if (!filePath.isEmpty()) // not the basedir itself { File file = new File(fs.getDir(), filePath); String target = new File(fs.getTargetDir(), filePath).getPath();"Adding file: " + file + ", as target file=" + target); pack.addFile(baseDir, file, target, fs.getOsList(), fs.getOverride(), fs.getOverrideRenameTo(), fs.getBlockable(), fs.getAdditionals(), fs.getCondition()); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper.parseError(packElement, e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void processSingleFileChildren(File baseDir, IXMLElement packElement, PackInfo pack) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement singleFileNode : packElement.getChildrenNamed("singlefile")) { String src = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(singleFileNode, "src"); String target = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(singleFileNode, "target"); List<OsModel> osList = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(singleFileNode); // TODO: unverified OverrideType override = getOverrideValue(singleFileNode); String overrideRenameTo = getOverrideRenameToValue(singleFileNode); Blockable blockable = getBlockableValue(singleFileNode, osList); Map additionals = getAdditionals(singleFileNode); String condition = singleFileNode.getAttribute("condition"); File file = new File(src); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { file = new File(compilerData.getBasedir(), src); } // if the path does not exist, maybe it contains variables if (!file.exists()) { try { file = new File(variableSubstitutor.substitute(file.getAbsolutePath())); } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(singleFileNode, e.getMessage()); } // next existance checking appears in pack.addFile } try {"Adding file: " + file + ", as target file=" + target); pack.addFile(baseDir, file, target, osList, override, overrideRenameTo, blockable, additionals, condition); } catch (IOException x) { assertionHelper.parseError(singleFileNode, x.getMessage(), x); } } } private void processFileChildren(File baseDir, IXMLElement packElement, PackInfo pack) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement fileNode : packElement.getChildrenNamed("file")) { String src = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileNode, "src"); boolean unpack = Boolean.parseBoolean(fileNode.getAttribute("unpack")); TargetFileSet fs = new TargetFileSet(); try { File relsrcfile = new File(src); File abssrcfile = FileUtil.getAbsoluteFile(src, compilerData.getBasedir()); if (!abssrcfile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Source file " + relsrcfile + " not found"); } if (relsrcfile.isDirectory()) { fs.setDir(abssrcfile.getParentFile()); fs.createInclude().setName(relsrcfile.getName() + "/**"); } else { fs.setFile(abssrcfile); } fs.setTargetDir(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileNode, "targetdir")); List<OsModel> osList = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(fileNode); // TODO: unverified fs.setOsList(osList); fs.setOverride(getOverrideValue(fileNode)); fs.setOverrideRenameTo(getOverrideRenameToValue(fileNode)); fs.setBlockable(getBlockableValue(fileNode, osList)); fs.setAdditionals(getAdditionals(fileNode)); fs.setCondition(fileNode.getAttribute("condition")); String boolval = fileNode.getAttribute("casesensitive"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setCaseSensitive(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } boolval = fileNode.getAttribute("defaultexcludes"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setDefaultexcludes(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } boolval = fileNode.getAttribute("followsymlinks"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setFollowSymlinks(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } LinkedList<String> srcfiles = new LinkedList<String>(); Collections.addAll(srcfiles, fs.getDirectoryScanner().getIncludedDirectories()); Collections.addAll(srcfiles, fs.getDirectoryScanner().getIncludedFiles()); for (String filePath : srcfiles) { if (!filePath.isEmpty()) { abssrcfile = new File(fs.getDir(), filePath); if (unpack) {"Adding content from archive: " + abssrcfile); addArchiveContent(baseDir, abssrcfile, fs.getTargetDir(), fs.getOsList(), fs.getOverride(), fs.getOverrideRenameTo(), fs.getBlockable(), pack, fs.getAdditionals(), fs.getCondition()); } else { String target = fs.getTargetDir() + "/" + filePath;"Adding file: " + abssrcfile + ", as target file=" + target); pack.addFile(baseDir, abssrcfile, target, fs.getOsList(), fs.getOverride(), fs.getOverrideRenameTo(), fs.getBlockable(), fs.getAdditionals(), fs.getCondition()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void processExecutableChildren(PackInfo pack, List<IXMLElement> childrenNamed) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement executableNode : childrenNamed) { ExecutableFile executable = new ExecutableFile(); String val; // temp value String condition = executableNode.getAttribute("condition"); executable.setCondition(condition); executable.path = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(executableNode, "targetfile"); // when to execute this executable val = executableNode.getAttribute("stage", "never"); if ("postinstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL; } else if ("uninstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.UNINSTALL; } // type of this executable val = executableNode.getAttribute("type", "bin"); if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.type = ExecutableFile.JAR; executable.mainClass = executableNode.getAttribute("class"); // executable // class } // what to do if execution fails val = executableNode.getAttribute("failure", "ask"); if ("abort".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.ABORT; } else if ("warn".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.WARN; } else if ("ignore".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.IGNORE; } // whether to keep the executable after executing it val = executableNode.getAttribute("keep"); executable.keepFile = Boolean.parseBoolean(val); // get arguments for this executable IXMLElement args = executableNode.getFirstChildNamed("args"); if (null != args) { for (IXMLElement ixmlElement : args.getChildrenNamed("arg")) { executable.argList.add(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(ixmlElement, "value")); } } executable.osList = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(executableNode); // TODO: // unverified pack.addExecutable(executable); } } private void processParsableChildren(PackInfo pack, List<IXMLElement> parsableChildren) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement parsableNode : parsableChildren) { String target = parsableNode.getAttribute("targetfile"); SubstitutionType type = SubstitutionType.lookup(parsableNode.getAttribute("type", "plain")); String encoding = parsableNode.getAttribute("encoding", null); List<OsModel> osList = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(parsableNode); // TODO: unverified String condition = parsableNode.getAttribute("condition"); if (target != null) { ParsableFile parsable = new ParsableFile(target, type, encoding, osList); parsable.setCondition(condition); pack.addParsable(parsable); } // FIXME Use different type of fileset to scan already added files instead of the local // filesystem for (IXMLElement fileSetElement : parsableNode.getChildrenNamed("fileset")) { String targetdir = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileSetElement, "targetdir"); String dir_attr = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileSetElement, "dir"); File dir = new File(dir_attr); if (!dir.isAbsolute()) { dir = new File(compilerData.getBasedir(), dir_attr); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) // also tests '.exists()' { assertionHelper.parseError(fileSetElement, "Invalid directory 'dir': " + dir_attr); } String[] includedFiles = getFilesetIncludedFiles(fileSetElement); if (includedFiles != null) { for (String filePath : includedFiles) { File file = new File(dir, filePath); if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { String targetFile = new File(targetdir, filePath).getPath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); ParsableFile parsable = new ParsableFile(targetFile, type, encoding, osList); parsable.setCondition(condition); pack.addParsable(parsable); } } } } } } private String[] getFilesetIncludedFiles(IXMLElement fileSetElement) throws CompilerException { List<String> includedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); String dir_attr = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileSetElement, "dir"); File dir = new File(dir_attr); if (!dir.isAbsolute()) { dir = new File(compilerData.getBasedir(), dir_attr); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) // also tests '.exists()' { assertionHelper.parseError(fileSetElement, "Invalid directory 'dir': " + dir_attr); } boolean casesensitive = xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(fileSetElement, "casesensitive", YES); boolean defexcludes = xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(fileSetElement, "defaultexcludes", YES); // get includes and excludes List<IXMLElement> xcludesList; String[] includes = null; xcludesList = fileSetElement.getChildrenNamed("include"); if (!xcludesList.isEmpty()) { includes = new String[xcludesList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++) { IXMLElement xclude = xcludesList.get(j); includes[j] = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(xclude, "name"); } } String[] excludes = null; xcludesList = fileSetElement.getChildrenNamed("exclude"); if (!xcludesList.isEmpty()) { excludes = new String[xcludesList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++) { IXMLElement xclude = xcludesList.get(j); excludes[j] = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(xclude, "name"); } } // parse additional fileset attributes "includes" and "excludes" String[] toDo = new String[] { "includes", "excludes" }; // use the existing containers filled from include and exclude // and add the includes and excludes to it String[][] containers = new String[][] { includes, excludes }; for (int j = 0; j < toDo.length; ++j) { String inex = fileSetElement.getAttribute(toDo[j]); if (inex != null && inex.length() > 0) { // This is the same "splitting" as ant PatternSet do ... StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(inex, ", ", false); int newSize = tokenizer.countTokens(); String[] nCont = null; if (containers[j] != null && containers[j].length > 0) { // old container exist; create a new which can hold // all values // and copy the old stuff to the front newSize += containers[j].length; nCont = new String[newSize]; System.arraycopy(containers[j], 0, nCont, 0, containers[j].length); } if (nCont == null) // No container for old values created, create a new one. { nCont = new String[newSize]; } for (int k = 0; k < newSize; ++k) // Fill the new one or expand the existent container { nCont[k] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } containers[j] = nCont; } } includes = containers[0]; // push the new includes to the // local var excludes = containers[1]; // push the new excludes to the // local var // scan and add fileset DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner(); directoryScanner.setIncludes(includes); directoryScanner.setExcludes(excludes); if (defexcludes) { directoryScanner.addDefaultExcludes(); } directoryScanner.setBasedir(dir); directoryScanner.setCaseSensitive(casesensitive); try { directoryScanner.scan(); String[] files = directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles(); String[] dirs = directoryScanner.getIncludedDirectories(); // Directory scanner has done recursion, add files and // directories Collections.addAll(includedFiles, files); Collections.addAll(includedFiles, dirs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException(e.getMessage()); } return includedFiles.toArray(new String[includedFiles.size()]); } private IXMLElement readRefPackData(String refFileName, boolean isselfcontained) throws CompilerException { File refXMLFile = new File(refFileName); if (!refXMLFile.isAbsolute()) { refXMLFile = new File(compilerData.getBasedir(), refFileName); } if (!refXMLFile.canRead()) { throw new CompilerException("Invalid file: " + refXMLFile); } InputStream specin; if (isselfcontained) { if (!refXMLFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".zip")) { throw new CompilerException( "Invalid file: " + refXMLFile + ". Selfcontained files can only be of type zip."); } ZipFile zip; try { zip = new ZipFile(refXMLFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ); ZipEntry specentry = zip.getEntry("META-INF/izpack.xml"); specin = zip.getInputStream(specentry); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CompilerException("Error reading META-INF/izpack.xml in " + refXMLFile); } } else { try { specin = new FileInputStream(refXMLFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new CompilerException("FileNotFoundException exception while reading refXMLFile"); } } IXMLParser refXMLParser = new XMLParser(); // We get it IXMLElement refXMLData = refXMLParser.parse(specin, refXMLFile.getAbsolutePath()); // Now checked the loaded XML file for basic syntax // We check it if (!"installation".equalsIgnoreCase(refXMLData.getName())) { assertionHelper.parseError(refXMLData, "this is not an IzPack XML installation file"); } if (!CompilerData.VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(refXMLData, "version"))) { assertionHelper.parseError(refXMLData, "the file version is different from the compiler version"); } // Read the properties and perform replacement on the rest of the tree substituteProperties(refXMLData); // call addResources to add the referenced XML resources to this installation addResources(refXMLData); try { specin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return refXMLData; } /** * Add files in an archive to a pack * * @param archive the archive file to unpack * @param targetdir the target directory where the content of the archive will be installed * @param osList The target OS constraints. * @param override Overriding behaviour. * @param pack Pack to be packed into * @param additionals Map which contains additional data * @param condition condition that must evaluate {@code} true for the file to be installed. May * be {@code null} */ protected void addArchiveContent(File baseDir, File archive, String targetdir, List<OsModel> osList, OverrideType override, String overrideRenameTo, Blockable blockable, PackInfo pack, Map additionals, String condition) throws IOException { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(archive); ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(fin); List<String> allDirList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { ZipEntry zentry = zin.getNextEntry(); if (zentry == null) { break; } if (zentry.isDirectory()) { // add to all dir listing/empty dir needs to be handle String dName = zentry.getName().substring(0, zentry.getName().length() - 1); allDirList.add(dName); continue; } try { File temp = FileUtils.createTempFile("izpack", null); temp.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp); IoHelper.copyStream(zin, out); out.close(); String target = targetdir + "/" + zentry.getName();"Adding file " + zentry.getName() + " from archive as target file=" + target); pack.addFile(baseDir, temp, target, osList, override, overrideRenameTo, blockable, additionals, condition); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Couldn't create temporary file for " + zentry.getName() + " in archive " + archive + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } for (String dirName : allDirList) { File tmp = new File(dirName); if (!tmp.mkdirs()) { throw new CompilerException("Failed to create directory: " + tmp); } tmp.deleteOnExit(); String target = targetdir + "/" + dirName;"Adding file: " + tmp + ", as target file=" + target); pack.addFile(baseDir, tmp, target, osList, override, overrideRenameTo, blockable, additionals, condition); } fin.close(); } /** * Parse panels and their paramters, locate the panels resources and add to the Packager. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void addPanels(IXMLElement data) throws IOException { notifyCompilerListener("addPanels", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement root = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "panels"); // at least one panel is required List<IXMLElement> panels = root.getChildrenNamed("panel"); if (panels.isEmpty()) { assertionHelper.parseError(root, "<panels> requires a <panel>"); } // We process each panel markup // We need a panel counter to build unique panel dependet resource names int panelCounter = 0; for (IXMLElement panelElement : panels) { panelCounter++; // create the serialized Panel data Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setOsConstraints(OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(panelElement)); String className = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(panelElement, "classname"); // add an id String id = panelElement.getAttribute("id"); panel.setPanelId(id); String condition = panelElement.getAttribute("condition"); panel.setCondition(condition); // note - all jars must be added to the classpath prior to invoking this Class<IzPanel> type = classLoader.loadClass(className, IzPanel.class); if (type.equals(UserInputPanel.class)) { if (userInputPanelIds == null || !userInputPanelIds.contains(id)) { assertionHelper.parseError(panelElement, "Referred user input panel '" + id + "' has not been defined in resource " + UserInputPanel.SPEC_FILE_NAME); } } else if (type.equals(ExtendedInstallPanel.class)) { logger.warning(ExtendedInstallPanel.class.getSimpleName() + " is deprecated. Use " + InstallPanel.class.getSimpleName() + " instead"); } panel.setClassName(type.getName()); IXMLElement configurationElement = panelElement.getFirstChildNamed("configuration"); if (configurationElement != null) { logger.fine("Found a configuration for panel " + panel.getPanelId()); List<IXMLElement> params = configurationElement.getChildrenNamed("param"); for (IXMLElement param : params) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(param, "name"); String value = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(param, "value"); logger.fine("Adding configuration property " + name + " with value " + value); panel.addConfiguration(name, value); } } // adding validator IXMLElement validatorElement = panelElement.getFirstChildNamed(DataValidator.DATA_VALIDATOR_TAG); if (validatorElement != null) { String validator = validatorElement.getAttribute(DataValidator.DATA_VALIDATOR_CLASSNAME_TAG); if (!"".equals(validator)) { Class<DataValidator> validatorType = classLoader.loadClass(validator, DataValidator.class); panel.setValidator(validatorType.getName()); } } // adding helps List<IXMLElement> helpSpecs = panelElement.getChildrenNamed(HELP_TAG); if (helpSpecs != null) // TODO : remove this condition, getChildrenNamed always return a // list { List<Help> helps = new ArrayList<Help>(); for (IXMLElement help : helpSpecs) { String iso3 = help.getAttribute(ISO3_ATTRIBUTE); String resourceId; if (id == null) { resourceId = className + "_" + panelCounter + "_help.html_" + iso3; } else { resourceId = id + "_" + panelCounter + "_help.html_" + iso3; } helps.add(new Help(iso3, resourceId)); URL originalUrl = resourceFinder.findProjectResource(help.getAttribute(SRC_ATTRIBUTE), "Help", help); packager.addResource(resourceId, originalUrl); } panel.setHelps(helps); } // add actions addPanelActions(panelElement, panel); // insert into the packager packager.addPanel(panel); } notifyCompilerListener("addPanels", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Adds the resources. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void addResources(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addResources", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("resources"); if (root == null) { return; } // We process each res markup for (IXMLElement resNode : root.getChildrenNamed("res")) { String id = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(resNode, "id"); String src = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(resNode, "src"); // the parse attribute causes substitution to occur boolean substitute = xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(resNode, "parse", NO); // the parsexml attribute causes the xml document to be parsed boolean parsexml = xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(resNode, "parsexml", NO); String encoding = resNode.getAttribute("encoding"); if (encoding == null) { encoding = ""; } // basedir is not prepended if src is already an absolute path URL originalUrl = resourceFinder.findProjectResource(src, "Resource", resNode); URL url = originalUrl; InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { if (parsexml || (!"".equals(encoding)) || (substitute && !packager.getVariables().isEmpty())) { // make the substitutions into a temp file File parsedFile = FileUtils.createTempFile("izpp", null); parsedFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(parsedFile); os = new BufferedOutputStream(outFile); // and specify the substituted file to be added to the // packager url = parsedFile.toURI().toURL(); } if (!"".equals(encoding)) { File recodedFile = FileUtils.createTempFile("izenc", null); recodedFile.deleteOnExit(); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(originalUrl.openStream(), encoding); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(recodedFile), "UTF-8"); char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int read; while ((read = != -1) { writer.write(buffer, 0, read); } reader.close(); writer.close(); if (parsexml) { originalUrl = recodedFile.toURI().toURL(); } else { url = recodedFile.toURI().toURL(); } } if (parsexml) { IXMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); // this constructor will open the specified url (this is // why the InputStream is not handled in a similar manner // to the OutputStream) IXMLElement xml = parser.parse(originalUrl); IXMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(); if (substitute && !packager.getVariables().isEmpty()) { // if we are also performing substitutions on the file // then create an in-memory copy to pass to the // substitutor ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writer.setOutput(baos); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); } else { // otherwise write direct to the temp file writer.setOutput(os); } writer.write(xml); } // substitute variable values in the resource if parsed if (substitute) { if (packager.getVariables().isEmpty()) { // reset url to original. url = originalUrl; assertionHelper.parseWarn(resNode, "No variables defined. " + url.getPath() + " not parsed."); } else { SubstitutionType type = SubstitutionType.lookup(resNode.getAttribute("type")); // if the xml parser did not open the url // ('parsexml' was not enabled) if (null == is) { is = new BufferedInputStream(originalUrl.openStream()); } // VariableSubstitutor vs = new // VariableSubstitutorImpl(compiler.getVariables()); variableSubstitutor.substitute(is, os, type, "UTF-8"); } } } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper.parseError(resNode, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (null != os) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore as there is nothing we can realistically do // so lets at least try to close the input stream } } if (null != is) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore as there is nothing we can realistically do } } } packager.addResource(id, url); // remembering references to all added packsLang.xml files if (id.startsWith("packsLang.xml")) { List<URL> packsLangURLs; if (packsLangUrlMap.containsKey(id)) { packsLangURLs = packsLangUrlMap.get(id); } else { packsLangURLs = new ArrayList<URL>(); packsLangUrlMap.put(id, packsLangURLs); } packsLangURLs.add(url); } else if (id.startsWith(UserInputPanel.SPEC_FILE_NAME)) { // Check user input panel definitions IXMLElement xml = new XMLParser().parse(url); for (IXMLElement userPanelDef : xml.getChildrenNamed(UserInputPanel.NODE_ID)) { String userPanelId = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(userPanelDef, "id"); if (userInputPanelIds == null) { userInputPanelIds = new HashSet<String>(); } if (!userInputPanelIds.add(userPanelId)) { assertionHelper.parseError(xml, "Resource " + UserInputPanel.SPEC_FILE_NAME + ": Duplicate user input panel identifier '" + userPanelId + "'"); } } } } notifyCompilerListener("addResources", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Adds the ISO3 codes of the langpacks and associated resources. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void addLangpacks(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addLangpacks", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement root = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "locale"); // at least one langpack is required List<IXMLElement> locals = root.getChildrenNamed("langpack"); if (locals.isEmpty()) { assertionHelper.parseError(root, "<locale> requires a <langpack>"); } // We process each langpack markup for (IXMLElement localNode : locals) { String iso3 = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(localNode, "iso3"); String path; path = "com/izforge/izpack/bin/langpacks/installer/" + iso3 + ".xml"; URL iso3xmlURL = resourceFinder.findIzPackResource(path, "ISO3 file", localNode); path = "com/izforge/izpack/bin/langpacks/flags/" + iso3 + ".gif"; URL iso3FlagURL = resourceFinder.findIzPackResource(path, "ISO3 flag image", localNode); packager.addLangPack(iso3, iso3xmlURL, iso3FlagURL); } notifyCompilerListener("addLangpacks", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Builds the Info class from the XML tree. * * @param data The XML data. return The Info. * @throws Exception Description of the Exception */ protected void addInfo(IXMLElement data) throws Exception { notifyCompilerListener("addInfo", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // Initialisation IXMLElement root = xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(data, "info"); Info info = compilerData.getExternalInfo(); info.setAppName(xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(root, "appname"))); info.setAppVersion( xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(xmlCompilerHelper.requireChildNamed(root, "appversion"))); // We get the installation subpath IXMLElement subpath = root.getFirstChildNamed("appsubpath"); if (subpath != null) { info.setInstallationSubPath(xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(subpath)); } // validate and insert app URL final IXMLElement URLElem = root.getFirstChildNamed("url"); if (URLElem != null) { URL appURL = xmlCompilerHelper.requireURLContent(URLElem); info.setAppURL(appURL.toString()); } // We get the authors list IXMLElement authors = root.getFirstChildNamed("authors"); if (authors != null) { for (IXMLElement authorNode : authors.getChildrenNamed("author")) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(authorNode, "name"); String email = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(authorNode, "email"); info.addAuthor(new Info.Author(name, email)); } } // We get the java version required IXMLElement javaVersion = root.getFirstChildNamed("javaversion"); if (javaVersion != null) { info.setJavaVersion(xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(javaVersion)); } // Is a JDK required? IXMLElement jdkRequired = root.getFirstChildNamed("requiresjdk"); if (jdkRequired != null) { info.setJdkRequired("yes".equals(jdkRequired.getContent())); } // validate and insert (and require if -web kind) web dir IXMLElement webDirURL = root.getFirstChildNamed("webdir"); if (webDirURL != null) { info.setWebDirURL(xmlCompilerHelper.requireURLContent(webDirURL).toString()); } String kind = compilerData.getKind(); if (kind != null) { if (kind.equalsIgnoreCase(CompilerData.WEB) && webDirURL == null) { assertionHelper.parseError(root, "<webdir> required when \"WEB\" installer requested"); } else if (kind.equalsIgnoreCase(CompilerData.STANDARD) && webDirURL != null) { // Need a Warning? parseWarn(webDirURL, "Not creating web // installer."); info.setWebDirURL(null); } } // Pack200 support IXMLElement pack200 = root.getFirstChildNamed("pack200"); info.setPack200Compression(pack200 != null); // Privileged execution IXMLElement privileged = root.getFirstChildNamed("run-privileged"); info.setRequirePrivilegedExecution(privileged != null); if (privileged != null && privileged.hasAttribute("condition")) { info.setPrivilegedExecutionConditionID(privileged.getAttribute("condition")); } // Reboot if necessary IXMLElement reboot = root.getFirstChildNamed("rebootaction"); if (reboot != null) { String content = reboot.getContent(); if ("ignore".equalsIgnoreCase(content)) { info.setRebootAction(Info.REBOOT_ACTION_IGNORE); } else if ("notice".equalsIgnoreCase(content)) { info.setRebootAction(Info.REBOOT_ACTION_NOTICE); } else if ("ask".equalsIgnoreCase(content)) { info.setRebootAction(Info.REBOOT_ACTION_ASK); } else if ("always".equalsIgnoreCase(content)) { info.setRebootAction(Info.REBOOT_ACTION_ALWAYS); } else { throw new CompilerException("Invalid value ''" + content + "'' of element ''reboot''"); } if (reboot.hasAttribute("condition")) { info.setRebootActionConditionID(reboot.getAttribute("condition")); } } // Add the uninstaller as a resource if specified IXMLElement uninstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("uninstaller"); if (xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(uninstallInfo, "write", YES)) {"Adding uninstaller"); // REFACTOR Change the way uninstaller is created mergeManager.addResourceToMerge("com/izforge/izpack/uninstaller/"); mergeManager.addResourceToMerge("uninstaller-META-INF/"); if (privileged != null) { // default behavior for uninstaller elevation: elevate if installer has to be // elevated too info.setRequirePrivilegedExecutionUninstaller( xmlCompilerHelper.validateYesNoAttribute(privileged, "uninstaller", YES)); } if (uninstallInfo != null) { String uninstallerName = uninstallInfo.getAttribute("name"); if (uninstallerName != null && uninstallerName.length() > ".jar".length()) { info.setUninstallerName(uninstallerName); } String uninstallerPath = uninstallInfo.getAttribute("path"); if (uninstallerPath != null) { info.setUninstallerPath(uninstallerPath); } if (uninstallInfo.hasAttribute("condition")) { // there's a condition for uninstaller String uninstallerCondition = uninstallInfo.getAttribute("condition"); info.setUninstallerCondition(uninstallerCondition); } } } else {"Disable uninstaller"); info.setUninstallerPath(null); } // Add the path for the summary log file if specified IXMLElement slfPath = root.getFirstChildNamed("summarylogfilepath"); if (slfPath != null) { info.setSummaryLogFilePath(xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(slfPath)); } IXMLElement writeInstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("writeinstallationinformation"); if (writeInstallInfo != null) { String writeInstallInfoString = xmlCompilerHelper.requireContent(writeInstallInfo); info.setWriteInstallationInformation(validateYesNo(writeInstallInfoString)); } // look for an unpacker class String unpackerclass = propertyManager.getProperty("UNPACKER_CLASS"); info.setUnpackerClassName(unpackerclass); // Check if any temp directories have been specified List<IXMLElement> tempdirs = root.getChildrenNamed(TEMP_DIR_ELEMENT_NAME); if (null != tempdirs && tempdirs.size() > 0) { Set<String> tempDirAttributeNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (IXMLElement tempdir : tempdirs) { final String prefix; if (tempdir.hasAttribute(TEMP_DIR_PREFIX_ATTRIBUTE)) { prefix = tempdir.getAttribute("prefix"); } else { prefix = DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR_PREFIX; } final String suffix; if (tempdir.hasAttribute(TEMP_DIR_SUFFIX_ATTRIBUTE)) { suffix = tempdir.getAttribute(TEMP_DIR_SUFFIX_ATTRIBUTE); } else { suffix = DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR_SUFFIX; } final String variableName; if (tempdir.hasAttribute(TEMP_DIR_VARIABLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) { variableName = tempdir.getAttribute(TEMP_DIR_VARIABLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); } else { if (tempDirAttributeNames.contains(TEMP_DIR_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME)) { throw new CompilerException("Only one temporary directory may be specified without a " + TEMP_DIR_VARIABLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute. (Line: " + tempdir.getLineNr() + ")."); } variableName = TEMP_DIR_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME; } if (tempDirAttributeNames.contains(variableName)) { throw new CompilerException("Temporary directory variable names must be unique, the name " + variableName + " is used more than once. (Line: " + tempdir.getLineNr() + ")."); } tempDirAttributeNames.add(variableName); info.addTempDir(new TempDir(variableName, prefix, suffix)); } } packager.setInfo(info); notifyCompilerListener("addInfo", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Variable declaration is a fragment of the xml file. For example: * <p/> * <p/> * * <pre> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <variables> * <variable name="nom" value="value"/> * <variable name="foo" value="pippo"/> * </variables> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * </pre> * <p/> * <p/> * variable declared in this can be referred to in parsable files. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void addVariables(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addVariables", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // We get the varible list IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("variables"); if (root == null) { return; } Properties variables = packager.getVariables(); for (IXMLElement variableNode : root.getChildrenNamed("variable")) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(variableNode, "name"); String value = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(variableNode, "value"); if (variables.contains(name)) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(variableNode, "Variable '" + name + "' being overwritten"); } variables.setProperty(name, value); } notifyCompilerListener("addVariables", CompilerListener.END, data); } private int getConfigFileType(String varname, String type) throws CompilerException { int filetype = ConfigFileValue.CONFIGFILE_TYPE_OPTIONS; if (type != null) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("options")) { filetype = ConfigFileValue.CONFIGFILE_TYPE_OPTIONS; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("xml")) { filetype = ConfigFileValue.CONFIGFILE_TYPE_XML; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ini")) { filetype = ConfigFileValue.CONFIGFILE_TYPE_INI; } else { assertionHelper.parseError( "Error in definition of dynamic variable " + varname + ": Unknown entry type " + type); } } return filetype; } protected void addDynamicVariables(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addDynamicVariables", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // We get the dynamic variable list IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("dynamicvariables"); if (root == null) { return; } Map<String, List<DynamicVariable>> dynamicvariables = packager.getDynamicVariables(); for (IXMLElement var : root.getChildrenNamed("variable")) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "name"); DynamicVariable dynamicVariable = new DynamicVariableImpl(); dynamicVariable.setName(name); // Check for plain value String value = var.getAttribute("value"); if (value != null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new PlainValue(value)); } else { IXMLElement valueElement = var.getFirstChildNamed("value"); if (valueElement != null) { value = valueElement.getContent(); if (value == null) { assertionHelper.parseError("Empty value element for dynamic variable " + name); } dynamicVariable.setValue(new PlainValue(value)); } } // Check for environment variable value value = var.getAttribute("environment"); if (value != null) { if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new EnvironmentValue(value)); } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper .parseError("Ambiguous environment value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } // Check for registry value value = var.getAttribute("regkey"); if (value != null) { String regroot = var.getAttribute("regroot"); String regvalue = var.getAttribute("regvalue"); if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new RegistryValue(regroot, value, regvalue)); } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper.parseError("Ambiguous registry value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } // Check for value from plain config file value = var.getAttribute("file"); if (value != null) { String stype = var.getAttribute("type"); String filesection = var.getAttribute("section"); String filekey = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "key"); if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue( new PlainConfigFileValue(value, getConfigFileType(name, stype), filesection, filekey)); } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper.parseError("Ambiguous file value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } // Check for value from config file entry in a zip file value = var.getAttribute("zipfile"); if (value != null) { String entryname = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "entry"); String stype = var.getAttribute("type"); String filesection = var.getAttribute("section"); String filekey = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "key"); if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new ZipEntryConfigFileValue(value, entryname, getConfigFileType(name, stype), filesection, filekey)); } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper.parseError("Ambiguous file value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } // Check for value from config file entry in a jar file value = var.getAttribute("jarfile"); if (value != null) { String entryname = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "entry"); String stype = var.getAttribute("type"); String filesection = var.getAttribute("section"); String filekey = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(var, "key"); if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new JarEntryConfigValue(value, entryname, getConfigFileType(name, stype), filesection, filekey)); } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper.parseError("Ambiguous file value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } // Check for result of execution value = var.getAttribute("executable"); if (value != null) { if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { String dir = var.getAttribute("dir"); String exectype = var.getAttribute("type"); String boolval = var.getAttribute("stderr"); boolean stderr = true; if (boolval != null) { stderr = Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval); } if (value.length() <= 0) { assertionHelper.parseError("No command given in definition of dynamic variable " + name); } Vector<String> cmd = new Vector<String>(); cmd.add(value); List<IXMLElement> args = var.getChildrenNamed("arg"); if (args != null) { for (IXMLElement arg : args) { String content = arg.getContent(); if (content != null) { cmd.add(content); } } } String[] cmdarr = new String[cmd.size()]; if (exectype.equalsIgnoreCase("process") || exectype == null) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new ExecValue(cmd.toArray(cmdarr), dir, false, stderr)); } else if (exectype.equalsIgnoreCase("shell")) { dynamicVariable.setValue(new ExecValue(cmd.toArray(cmdarr), dir, true, stderr)); } else { assertionHelper.parseError( "Bad execution type " + exectype + " given for dynamic variable " + name); } } else { // unexpected combination of variable attributes assertionHelper .parseError("Ambiguous execution output value definition for dynamic variable " + name); } } if (dynamicVariable.getValue() == null) { assertionHelper.parseError("No value specified at all for dynamic variable " + name); } // Check whether dynamic variable has to be evaluated only once during installation value = var.getAttribute("checkonce"); if (value != null) { dynamicVariable.setCheckonce(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } // Check whether evaluation failures of the dynamic variable should be ignored value = var.getAttribute("ignorefailure"); if (value != null) { dynamicVariable.setIgnoreFailure(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } // Nested value filters IXMLElement filters = var.getFirstChildNamed("filters"); if (filters != null) { List<IXMLElement> filterList = filters.getChildren(); for (IXMLElement filterElement : filterList) { if (filterElement.getName().equals("regex")) { String expression = filterElement.getAttribute("regexp"); String selectexpr = filterElement.getAttribute("select"); String replaceexpr = filterElement.getAttribute("replace"); String defaultvalue = filterElement.getAttribute("defaultvalue"); String scasesensitive = filterElement.getAttribute("casesensitive"); String sglobal = filterElement.getAttribute("global"); dynamicVariable.addFilter(new RegularExpressionFilter(expression, selectexpr, replaceexpr, defaultvalue, Boolean.valueOf(scasesensitive != null ? scasesensitive : "true"), Boolean.valueOf(sglobal != null ? sglobal : "false"))); } else if (filterElement.getName().equals("location")) { String basedir = filterElement.getAttribute("basedir"); dynamicVariable.addFilter(new LocationFilter(basedir)); } } } try { dynamicVariable.validate(); } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper .parseError("Error in definition of dynamic variable " + name + ": " + e.getMessage()); } List<DynamicVariable> dynamicValues = new ArrayList<DynamicVariable>(); if (dynamicvariables.containsKey(name)) { dynamicValues = dynamicvariables.get(name); } else { dynamicvariables.put(name, dynamicValues); } String conditionid = var.getAttribute("condition"); dynamicVariable.setConditionid(conditionid); if (dynamicValues.remove(dynamicVariable)) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(var, "Dynamic Variable '" + name + "' will be overwritten"); } dynamicValues.add(dynamicVariable); } notifyCompilerListener("addDynamicVariables", CompilerListener.END, data); } protected void addDynamicInstallerRequirement(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addDynamicInstallerRequirements", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // We get the dynamic variable list IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("dynamicinstallerrequirements"); List<DynamicInstallerRequirementValidator> dynamicReq = packager.getDynamicInstallerRequirements(); if (root != null) { List<IXMLElement> installerRequirementList = root.getChildrenNamed("installerrequirement"); for (IXMLElement installerrequirement : installerRequirementList) { Status severity = Status .valueOf(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(installerrequirement, "severity")); if (severity == null || severity == Status.OK) { assertionHelper.parseError(installerrequirement, "invalid value for attribute \"severity\""); } dynamicReq.add(new DynamicInstallerRequirementValidatorImpl( xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(installerrequirement, "condition"), severity, xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(installerrequirement, "messageid"))); } } notifyCompilerListener("addDynamicInstallerRequirements", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Parse conditions and add them to the compiler. * * @param data the conditions configuration * @throws CompilerException */ protected void addConditions(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addConditions", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // We get the condition list IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("conditions"); Map<String, Condition> conditions = packager.getRules(); if (root != null) { for (IXMLElement conditionNode : root.getChildrenNamed("condition")) { try { Condition condition = rules.createCondition(conditionNode); if (condition != null) { String conditionid = condition.getId(); if (conditions.put(conditionid, condition) != null) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(conditionNode, "Condition with id '" + conditionid + "' has been overwritten"); } } else { assertionHelper.parseError(conditionNode, "Error instantiating condition"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException( "Error reading condition at line " + conditionNode.getLineNr() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } try { rules.resolveConditions(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException("Conditions check failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } notifyCompilerListener("addConditions", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Properties declaration is a fragment of the xml file. For example: * <p/> * <p/> * * <pre> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <properties> * <property name="" value="Property Laden Installer"/> * <!-- Ant styles 'location' and 'refid' are not yet supported --> * <property file="filename-relative-to-install?"/> * <property file="filename-relative-to-install?" prefix="prefix"/> * <!-- Ant style 'url' and 'resource' are not yet supported --> * <property environment="prefix"/> * </properties> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * <p/> * </pre> * <p/> * <p/> * variable declared in this can be referred to in parsable files. * * @param data The XML data. * @throws CompilerException Description of the Exception */ protected void substituteProperties(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("substituteProperties", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("properties"); if (root != null) { // add individual properties for (IXMLElement propertyNode : root.getChildrenNamed("property")) { propertyManager.execute(propertyNode); } } // temporarily remove the 'properties' branch, replace all properties in // the remaining DOM, and replace properties branch. // TODO: enhance IXMLElement with an "indexOf(IXMLElement)" method // and addChild(IXMLElement, int) so returns to the same place. if (root != null) { data.removeChild(root); } substituteAllProperties(data); if (root != null) { data.addChild(root); } notifyCompilerListener("substituteProperties", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Perform recursive substitution on all properties */ protected void substituteAllProperties(IXMLElement element) throws CompilerException { Enumeration attributes = element.enumerateAttributeNames(); while (attributes.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) attributes.nextElement(); try { String value = variableSubstitutor.substitute(element.getAttribute(name), SubstitutionType.TYPE_AT); element.setAttribute(name, value); } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(element, "Value of attribute \"" + name + "\" could not be substituted (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } String content = element.getContent(); if (content != null) { try { element.setContent(variableSubstitutor.substitute(content, SubstitutionType.TYPE_AT)); } catch (Exception e) { assertionHelper.parseWarn(element, "Embedded content could not be substituted (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildren().size(); i++) { IXMLElement child = element.getChildren().get(i); substituteAllProperties(child); } } protected OverrideType getOverrideValue(IXMLElement fileElement) throws CompilerException { String override_val = fileElement.getAttribute("override"); if (override_val == null) { return OverrideType.OVERRIDE_UPDATE; } OverrideType override = OverrideType.getOverrideTypeFromAttribute(override_val); if (override == null) { assertionHelper.parseError(fileElement, "invalid value for attribute \"override\""); } return override; } protected String getOverrideRenameToValue(IXMLElement f) throws CompilerException { String override_val = f.getAttribute("override"); String overrideRenameTo = f.getAttribute("overrideRenameTo"); if (overrideRenameTo != null && override_val == null) { assertionHelper.parseError(f, "Attribute \"overrideRenameTo\" requires attribute \"override\" to be set"); } return overrideRenameTo; } /** * Parses the blockable element value and adds automatically the OS constraint family=windows if * not already se in the given constraint list. Throws a parsing warning if the constraint list * was implicitely modified. * * @param blockableElement the blockable XML element to parse * @param osList constraint list to maintain and return * @return blockable level * @throws CompilerException */ protected Blockable getBlockableValue(IXMLElement blockableElement, List<OsModel> osList) throws CompilerException { String blockable_val = blockableElement.getAttribute("blockable"); if (blockable_val == null) { return Blockable.BLOCKABLE_NONE; } Blockable blockable = Blockable.getBlockableFromAttribute(blockable_val); if (blockable == null) { assertionHelper.parseError(blockableElement, "invalid value for attribute \"blockable\""); } if (blockable != Blockable.BLOCKABLE_NONE) { boolean found = false; for (OsModel anOsList : osList) { if ("windows".equals(anOsList.getFamily())) { found = true; } } if (!found) { // We cannot add this constraint here explicitly, because it the copied files might // be multi-platform. // Print out a warning to inform the user about this fact. // osList.add(new OsModel("windows", null, null, null)); assertionHelper.parseWarn(blockableElement, "'blockable' will apply only on Windows target systems"); } } return blockable; } protected boolean validateYesNo(String value) { boolean result; if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { result = true; } else if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { result = false; } else { result = Boolean.valueOf(value); } return result; } /** * Adds installer and uninstaller listeners. * * @param data the XML data * @throws CompilerException if listeners cannot be added */ private void addListeners(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addListeners", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); IXMLElement listeners = data.getFirstChildNamed("listeners"); if (listeners != null) { for (IXMLElement listener : listeners.getChildrenNamed("listener")) { String className = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(listener, "classname"); Stage stage = Stage.valueOf(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(listener, "stage")); if (Stage.isInInstaller(stage)) { List<OsModel> constraints = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(listener); compiler.addListener(className, stage, constraints); } } } notifyCompilerListener("addListeners", CompilerListener.END, data); } /** * Register compiler listeners to be notified during compilation. */ private void addCompilerListeners(IXMLElement data) throws CompilerException { IXMLElement listeners = data.getFirstChildNamed("listeners"); if (listeners != null) { for (IXMLElement listener : listeners.getChildrenNamed("listener")) { String className = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(listener, "classname"); Stage stage = Stage.valueOf(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(listener, "stage")); // only process specs for stage="compiler" listeners if (Stage.compiler.equals(stage)) { // check <os/> specs to see if we need to instantiate and notify this listener List<OsModel> osConstraints = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(listener); boolean matchesCurrentSystem = false; if (osConstraints.isEmpty()) { // assume listener required if no <os/> specs are present in the install // file matchesCurrentSystem = true; } else { if (constraints.matchesCurrentPlatform(osConstraints)) { matchesCurrentSystem = true; } } // instantiate an instance of the listener only if we're on a system of the // specified type if (matchesCurrentSystem) { Class<CompilerListener> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className, CompilerListener.class); CompilerListener l = factory.create(clazz, CompilerListener.class); compilerListeners.add(l); } } } } } /** * Calls all defined compile listeners notify method with the given data * * @param callerName name of the calling method as string * @param state CompileListener.BEGIN or END * @param data current install data */ private void notifyCompilerListener(String callerName, int state, IXMLElement data) { for (CompilerListener compilerListener : compilerListeners) { compilerListener.notify(callerName, state, data, packager); } } /** * Calls the reviseAdditionalDataMap method of all registered CompilerListener's. * * @param fileElement file releated XML node * @return a map with the additional attributes */ private Map getAdditionals(IXMLElement fileElement) throws CompilerException { Map retval = null; try { for (CompilerListener compilerListener : compilerListeners) { retval = compilerListener.reviseAdditionalDataMap(retval, fileElement); } } catch (CompilerException ce) { assertionHelper.parseError(fileElement, ce.getMessage()); } return (retval); } /** * A function to merge multiple packsLang-files into a single file for each identifier, e.g. two * resource files * <p/> * * <pre> * <res src="./packsLang01.xml" id="packsLang.xml"/> * <res src="./packsLang02.xml" id="packsLang.xml"/> * </pre> * <p/> * are merged into a single temp-file to act as if the user had defined: * <p/> * * <pre> * <res src="/tmp/izpp47881.tmp" id="packsLang.xml"/> * </pre> * * @throws CompilerException */ private void mergePacksLangFiles() throws CompilerException { // just one packslang file. nothing to do here if (packsLangUrlMap.size() <= 0) { return; } OutputStream os = null; try { IXMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); // loop through all packsLang resources, e.g. packsLang.xml_eng, packsLang.xml_deu, ... for (String id : packsLangUrlMap.keySet()) { URL mergedPackLangFileURL; List<URL> packsLangURLs = packsLangUrlMap.get(id); if (packsLangURLs.size() == 0) { continue; } // should not occur if (packsLangURLs.size() == 1) { // no need to merge files. just use the first URL mergedPackLangFileURL = packsLangURLs.get(0); } else { IXMLElement mergedPacksLang = null; // loop through all that belong to the given identifier for (URL packslangURL : packsLangURLs) { // parsing xml IXMLElement xml = parser.parse(packslangURL); if (mergedPacksLang == null) { // just keep the first file mergedPacksLang = xml; } else { // append data of all xml-docs into the first document List<IXMLElement> langStrings = xml.getChildrenNamed("str"); for (IXMLElement langString : langStrings) { mergedPacksLang.addChild(langString); } } } // writing merged strings to a new file File mergedPackLangFile = FileUtils.createTempFile("izpp", null); mergedPackLangFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(mergedPackLangFile); os = new BufferedOutputStream(outFile); IXMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(os); xmlWriter.write(mergedPacksLang); os.close(); os = null; // getting the URL to the new merged file mergedPackLangFileURL = mergedPackLangFile.toURI().toURL(); } packager.addResource(id, mergedPackLangFileURL); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException("Unable to merge multiple packsLang.xml files: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (null != os) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore as there is nothing we can realistically do // so lets at least try to close the input stream } } } } /** * Adds panel actions configured in an XML element to a panel. * * @param xmlPanel the panel configuration * @param panel the panel * @throws CompilerException */ private void addPanelActions(IXMLElement xmlPanel, Panel panel) throws CompilerException { IXMLElement xmlActions = xmlPanel.getFirstChildNamed(PanelAction.PANEL_ACTIONS_TAG); if (xmlActions != null) { List<IXMLElement> actionList = xmlActions.getChildrenNamed(PanelAction.PANEL_ACTION_TAG); if (actionList != null) { for (IXMLElement action : actionList) { String stage = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(action, PanelAction.PANEL_ACTION_STAGE_TAG); String actionName = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(action, PanelAction.PANEL_ACTION_CLASSNAME_TAG); Class actionType = classLoader.loadClass(actionName, PanelAction.class); List<IXMLElement> params = action.getChildrenNamed("param"); PanelActionConfiguration config = new PanelActionConfiguration(actionType.getName()); for (IXMLElement param : params) { String name = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(param, "name"); String value = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(param, "value"); logger.fine("Adding configuration property " + name + " with value " + value + " for action " + actionName); config.addProperty(name, value); } try { PanelAction.ActionStage actionStage = PanelAction.ActionStage.valueOf(stage); switch (actionStage) { case preconstruct: panel.addPreConstructionAction(config); break; case preactivate: panel.addPreActivationAction(config); break; case prevalidate: panel.addPreValidationAction(config); break; case postvalidate: panel.addPostValidationAction(config); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertionHelper.parseError(action, "Invalid value [" + stage + "] for attribute : " + PanelAction.PANEL_ACTION_STAGE_TAG); } } } else { assertionHelper.parseError(xmlActions, "<" + PanelAction.PANEL_ACTIONS_TAG + "> requires a <" + PanelAction.PANEL_ACTION_TAG + ">"); } } } private List<TargetFileSet> readFileSets(IXMLElement parent) throws CompilerException { List<TargetFileSet> fslist = new ArrayList<TargetFileSet>(); for (IXMLElement fileSetNode : parent.getChildrenNamed("fileset")) { try { fslist.add(readFileSet(fileSetNode)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException(e.getMessage()); } } return fslist; } private TargetFileSet readFileSet(IXMLElement fileSetNode) throws CompilerException { TargetFileSet fs = new TargetFileSet(); fs.setTargetDir(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileSetNode, "targetdir")); List<OsModel> osList = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(fileSetNode); // TODO: unverified fs.setOsList(osList); fs.setOverride(getOverrideValue(fileSetNode)); fs.setOverrideRenameTo(getOverrideRenameToValue(fileSetNode)); fs.setBlockable(getBlockableValue(fileSetNode, osList)); fs.setAdditionals(getAdditionals(fileSetNode)); fs.setCondition(fileSetNode.getAttribute("condition")); String dir_attr = xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(fileSetNode, "dir"); try { if (dir_attr != null) { fs.setDir(FileUtil.getAbsoluteFile(dir_attr, compilerData.getBasedir())); } dir_attr = fileSetNode.getAttribute("file"); if (dir_attr != null) { fs.setFile(FileUtil.getAbsoluteFile(dir_attr, compilerData.getBasedir())); } else { if (fs.getDir() == null) { throw new CompilerException( "At least one of both attributes, 'dir' or 'file' required in fileset"); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompilerException(e.getMessage()); } String attr = fileSetNode.getAttribute("includes"); if (attr != null) { fs.setIncludes(attr); } attr = fileSetNode.getAttribute("excludes"); if (attr != null) { fs.setExcludes(attr); } String boolval = fileSetNode.getAttribute("casesensitive"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setCaseSensitive(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } boolval = fileSetNode.getAttribute("defaultexcludes"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setDefaultexcludes(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } boolval = fileSetNode.getAttribute("followsymlinks"); if (boolval != null) { fs.setFollowSymlinks(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolval)); } readAndAddIncludes(fileSetNode, fs); readAndAddExcludes(fileSetNode, fs); return fs; } private void readAndAddIncludes(IXMLElement parent, TargetFileSet fileset) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement f : parent.getChildrenNamed("include")) { fileset.createInclude() .setName(variableSubstitutor.substitute(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(f, "name"))); } } private void readAndAddExcludes(IXMLElement parent, TargetFileSet fileset) throws CompilerException { for (IXMLElement f : parent.getChildrenNamed("exclude")) { fileset.createExclude() .setName(variableSubstitutor.substitute(xmlCompilerHelper.requireAttribute(f, "name"))); } } }