Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003 Systems Union Holdings Ltd. All rights reserved. * Systems Union Proprietary / Confidential. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.ixcode.framework.model.lookup; import com.ixcode.framework.model.IModelAdapter; import com.ixcode.framework.model.binding.BindingUrlFormatter; import com.ixcode.framework.model.binding.ModelXPathResolver; import; import; import com.ixcode.framework.model.query.IPagedQuery; import com.ixcode.framework.model.query.IServerQuery; import com.ixcode.framework.model.query.IServerQueryParameters; import com.ixcode.framework.model.query.PagedQuery; import com.ixcode.framework.web.request.RequestHandler; import com.ixcode.framework.web.servlet.ServletExceptionWrapper; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Class or Interface description. * * @author Jim Barritt * @version $Revision: 1.12 $ * $Id:,v 1.12 2004/09/17 10:58:09 rdjbarri Exp $ */ public class LookupHandler { public static String formatLookupRequestParameter(int lookupId) { return PARAM_INVOKE_LOOKUP + "-" + lookupId; } /** * Cleans out the session ready for some new lookups to be defined. */ public static void initialseLookupContext(HttpSession session) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("<initialseLookupContext> : Created a new lookup context"); } session.removeAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT); session.setAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT, new LookupContext()); } public static LookupContext getLookupContext(HttpSession session) { if (session.getAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT) == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not locate attribute '" + SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT + "' in session"); } return (LookupContext) session.getAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT); } public static int getLookupIdParameter(HttpServletRequest request) { return Integer.parseInt(RequestHandler.getParameter(request, PARAM_LOOKUP_ID)); } public static boolean hasLookupIdParameter(HttpServletRequest request) { return RequestHandler.hasParameter(request, PARAM_LOOKUP_ID); } /** * If you dont choose to provide a server query parameters, one will be created for you which is a * standard lookup one containing the lookup information which should give you most of the context * you need. * * Unfortunately PR now uses the server query parameters to pass some of its context - this should really be refactored * so that it passes its context via the LookupInfo.getLookupParameters. */ public static IPagedQuery createPagedQuery(Lookup lookup, int serverPageSize, int displayPageSize) throws ServletException { Class serverQueryClass = lookup.getLookupInfo().getQueryClass(); IServerQueryParameters serverQueryParameters = lookup.getLookupInfo().getQueryParameters(); if (serverQueryParameters == null) { serverQueryParameters = new LookupServerQueryParameters(lookup); } return instantiateQuery(serverQueryClass, serverQueryParameters, serverPageSize, displayPageSize); } private static IPagedQuery instantiateQuery(Class serverQueryClass, IServerQueryParameters serverQueryParameters, int serverPageSize, int displayPageSize) throws ServletException { try { IServerQuery serverQuery = (IServerQuery) serverQueryClass.newInstance(); return new PagedQuery(serverQuery, serverPageSize, displayPageSize, serverQueryParameters); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ServletExceptionWrapper(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ServletExceptionWrapper(e); } } public static void handleLookupSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, List currentPage, String lookupModelXPath, Lookup lookup) throws ServletException, IOException { LookupInfo lookupInfo = lookup.getLookupInfo(); ModelXPathResolver resolver = new ModelXPathResolver(currentPage); Object sourceModel = lookup.getSourceModel(); Object lookupModel = resolver.getModel(lookupModelXPath); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("<handleLookupSubmission> : Handling lookup submission for selected model " + lookupModelXPath + ", selected model is " + lookupModel); } mapLookupValuesBackToSourceModel(request, lookup.getSourceFormContext(), lookupInfo, lookupModel, sourceModel, lookup.getSourceModelXPath()); setLookupCompleted(request); } public static void setLookupCompleted(HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute(REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_COMPLETED, Boolean.TRUE); } public static boolean isLookupCompleted(ServletRequest request) { boolean result = false; if (RequestHandler.hasAttribute(request, REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_COMPLETED)) { result = true; } return result; } public static void setLookupCancelled(HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute(REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_CANCELLED, Boolean.TRUE); } public static boolean isLookupCancelled(ServletRequest request) { boolean result = false; if (RequestHandler.hasAttribute(request, REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_CANCELLED)) { result = true; } return result; } public static List getLookupValueMappings(ServletRequest request) { return (List) RequestHandler.getAttribute(request, REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_VALUE_MAPPINGS); } /** * Does 2 things : * <p/> * 1) actually populates the source model with values from the lookup result model. * <p/> * 2) creates a list of lookup value mappings which can later be used to generate stuff like javascript * to allow us to populate the forms on the client without doing a round trip to the server. * * @todo No record of the ValidationResults is made!! allthough we assume that they are valid. */ private static void mapLookupValuesBackToSourceModel(HttpServletRequest request, String sourceFormContext, LookupInfo lookupInfo, Object lookupModel, Object sourceModel, String sourceModelXPath) throws ServletException, IOException { Locale locale = RequestHandler.getLocale(request); List propertyMappings = lookupInfo.getPropertyMappingInfos(); List valueMappings = new ArrayList(); IModelAdapter sourceAdapter = RequestHandler.getModelAdapter(request, sourceModel); IModelAdapter lookupAdapter = RequestHandler.getModelAdapter(request, lookupModel); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "<mapLookupValuesBackToSourceModel> : Found sourceAdapter " + sourceAdapter + ", lookupAdapter " + lookupAdapter + " count of property mappings is " + propertyMappings.size()); } if (lookupInfo.hasLookupAssociation()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("<mapLookupValuesBackToSourceModel> : Populating Lookup association '" + lookupInfo.getLookupAssociationName() + "' with model " + lookupModel); } sourceAdapter.setAssociatedModel(sourceModel, lookupInfo.getLookupAssociationName(), lookupModel, locale); } for (Iterator itr = propertyMappings.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { LookupPropertyMappingInfo mapping = (LookupPropertyMappingInfo); String sourcePropertyName = mapping.getSourcePropertyName(); Object loookupValue = null; try { loookupValue = lookupAdapter.getPropertyValue(lookupModel, mapping.getLookupPropertyName()); if (mapping.getLookupPropertyName() != null) { loookupValue = lookupAdapter.getPropertyValue(lookupModel, mapping.getLookupPropertyName()); String propertyBindingUrl = BindingUrlFormatter.createPropertyBindingUrl(sourceFormContext, sourceModelXPath, sourcePropertyName); String lookupStringValue = lookupAdapter.getPropertyValueAsString(lookupModel, mapping.getLookupPropertyName(), locale); valueMappings.add(new LookupValueMapping(propertyBindingUrl, lookupStringValue)); } else { loookupValue = lookupModel; } } catch (IOException e) { // @todo - sort out exceptions - give the model adapter its own exceptions throw new ServletExceptionWrapper(e); } sourceAdapter.setPropertyValue(sourceModel, sourcePropertyName, loookupValue, locale); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("<mapLookupValuesBackToSourceModel> : Set Value '" + loookupValue + "' fom lookup property '" + mapping.getLookupPropertyName() + "' back to source property '" + mapping.getSourcePropertyName() + "'"); } } request.setAttribute(REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_VALUE_MAPPINGS, valueMappings); } public static boolean isLookupSubmission(HttpServletRequest request) { String command = request.getParameter(PARAM_LOOKUP_COMMAND); return (command != null) && (command.length() > 0); } public static boolean isLookupInvokedRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { return request.getParameter(PARAM_INVOKE_LOOKUP) != null; } public static String getSelectedItemParameter(HttpServletRequest request) { return RequestHandler.getParameter(request, PARAM_SELECTED_ITEM); } public static final String REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_COMPLETED = "com.systemsunion.webflow.lookup.COMPLETED"; public static final String REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_CANCELLED = "com.systemsunion.webflow.lookup.CANCELLED"; public static final String REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_VALUE_MAPPINGS = "com.systemsunion.webflow.loookup.VALUE_MAPPINGS"; public static final String REQUEST_ATTR_LOOKUP_ID = "com.systemsunion.webflow.loookup.LOOKUP_ID"; private static final String SESSION_ATTR_LOOKUP_CONTEXT = "com.systemsunion.webflow.lookup.CONTEXT"; public static final String PARAM_SELECTED_ITEM = "selected-item"; public static final String PARAM_LOOKUP_COMMAND = "lookup-command"; public static final String COMMAND_SUBMIT = "submit"; public static final String PARAM_LOOKUP_ID = "lookup-id"; public static final String PARAM_INVOKE_LOOKUP = "invoke-lookup"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LookupHandler.class); }